National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 997 Advantages

"Old Cui, this shit stick... is a character."

Tao Lu sent Old Cui and others out, then looked at Old Cui's back and said, "That said, Old Cui has some intuition. It's a bit like the sixth sense."

"Very amazing, right?" Liu Jinghui asked.

"I don't know if it's amazing, but we have indeed encountered it several times." Tao Lu mainly explained it to Song Tiancheng, and the leaders of the branch also received a wave of strange knowledge.

"Actually, it's not surprising. Some cases and people have a lot of coincidences." Song Tiancheng said a useless word "looking down from a high place".

Liu Jinghui is a foreigner from Beijing, and said with a smile: "Speaking of amazing people, I have really seen quite a few, and some of them are really good. Including intuition, some people are more sensitive than others."

Tao Lu laughed and said, "We are policemen, and talking about this becomes superstition."

Liu Jinghui thought to himself, as if Beijing does not practice superstition. Changing the subject, Liu Jinghui followed the pattern that people in Beijing like and said, "This thing can also be explained by science. Some metaphysical ones are high-dimensional projections and the influence of dark matter, some are closer to reality, such as the influence of magnetic fields, like pigeons, and some more basic versions are empirical models, or special physiological structures, such as wild boars looking for truffles."

After he said this, Tao Lu nodded in agreement. In his opinion, Cui Qishan should belong to the last type.

"If Lao Cui can turn out the body of the kite, it will be really interesting." Tao Lu said interesting words, but his expression did not find it interesting at all.

This case is so troublesome! If another insider dies, it will really become a dead trouble!

Liu Jinghui comforted him: "Not that bad, it's a case from more than 20 years ago, where can we find the body."

A faint sigh came from behind: "Don't worry. Even if Captain Cui turns out the body of the kite, we don't recognize it."

The person who spoke was Xiao Si, who was sitting in the corner, flipping through old files and documents. Cui Qishan didn't want to take him out, so he left him to work in Jiang Yuan's group. Anyway, he didn't feel bad about losing him. If Jiang Yuan dared to second him, Cui Qishan would dare to send him out.

Tao Lu felt uncomfortable as if he had constipation.

The discomfort was because Xiao Si was right.

Yes, until now, the police and the suspects didn't know what Yaozi looked like, nor did they have his fingerprints and DNA. Wang Futing had seen Yaozi, but he didn't look at him carefully, nor was he very good at remembering people's appearance. After all these years, Wang Futing couldn't tell what Yaozi looked like.

In fact, it doesn't matter what he looks like. It's only because of Jiang Yuan's skull restoration that there is a basis for discussing appearance. Otherwise, whether Yaozi is dead or alive has nothing to do with his appearance. This is without considering the increasingly popular plastic surgery technology and the makeup technology that can be used.

Thinking of all the possibilities, Jiang Yuan couldn't help shaking his head and went back to look at the files silently.

He didn't object to Tao Lu's strategy. If he was lucky, he could still defeat the master with random punches. In fact, most criminal investigation cases don't need to be handled with care. Just a random punch can basically solve them.

The technological revolution in the 21st century has been so powerful that people who don't understand technology can just tinker with it and feel that everything is just that, and even look at everything as a makeshift team.

However, the stage has been set up anyway. Just go up and sing and dance for a few people, and maybe it will be done.

It's like many cases nowadays, the word "solved" seems barren. They just scan it with the police communication and get the results directly. The real test for criminal police has become civilized law enforcement, evidence compliance and other issues.

The case of Jianmenyuan is just the opposite.

It is a backlog of murder cases, and because the deceased Zhang Xiaoming has a special identity, he is the grandson of the Zhang family, which makes the case basically full of resources on the one hand, and on the other hand, its investigation direction is limited.

Everything involving politics is annoying, especially criminal cases, which are mainly about pursuing the truth, but what truth can there be in politics? Politics is just about taking sides.

If Zhang Xiaoming's death was really related to political reasons, even Jiang Yuan would find it difficult to investigate.

To be precise, investigating political cases requires more accurate investigation.

Admittedly, Jiang Yuan can ask Zhang Xiaoming's sister Zhang Xiaoya to provide a lot of relevant information. Given Jiang Yuan's current status, Zhang Xiaoya is likely to be willing to do so. The question is, without accurate investigation in the early stage, what information should Zhang Xiaoya provide?

How can Zhang Xiaoya judge which information is worth telling and which is not?

If it is an ordinary criminal case, the police actually ask you to tell everything. In the interrogation room or inquiry room, the police will ask very detailed questions, which are completely different from ordinary people's chats. This is even more true in terms of breadth. As for what is useful and what is useless in the case,

Moreover, in a situation like the Zhang family and with Zhang Xiaoya’s identity, she knows a lot of information, but is it appropriate to say it all?

She may be willing to say some things, but others are unwilling to listen.

On the other hand, many political information is subjective in nature, and many of them are gathered from gossip, or to put it more euphemistically, from the information aggregation and re-analysis of stakeholders.

Should this subjective information be said? How true is it if it is said?

But what else can we say if we don't talk about these subjective news? For example, was Zhang Xiaoming's death caused by the enemies of the Zhang family? Who are the enemies of the Zhang family? There is no objective answer to this question.

So, even if Zhang Xiaoya is needed to answer some questions in the end, Jiang Yuan must know what the questions are.

These can only be answered from the files.

This one read took a whole day.

The next day, I got up and continued to read.

Criminal science and technology is essentially a kind of technology. It is a bit frivolous to say that solving a case is like doing a test, but the basic process is like this.

Jiang Yuan picked up the files, hoping to get more known conditions, or, hoping to find a way to solve the problem from the existing conditions.

These two things are done together. From time to time, Jiang Yuan also has to receive briefings delivered by others. In it is their general description of the files they have read.

This allows Jiang Yuan to have a general understanding of the overall picture of the case. If he is interested, he can also read it in depth.

At the same time, more information was sent over, especially newly taken photos, which were sent in large quantities, and from time to time, newly restored films were sent over.

Jiang Yuan watched like this for two days. At noon that day, without any sign or reminder, Jiang Yuan set his sights on a close-up photo of oil mud.

The oil mud came from the nail crevices of the deceased, which was not too strange. The victim Zhang Xiaoming's work unit before his death had a self-built mimeograph factory, which was responsible for printing some propaganda documents in the factory, and was also a place Zhang Xiaoming often went to.

In addition, the printing quality of mimeographed materials at that time was unstable. Even if you did not go to the mimeograph factory and only touched mimeographed products, you would occasionally get such oil mud in your nails.

However, it is still very rare that only the nail crevices are stuffed, while the rest of the hands are clean.

Jiang Yuan flipped through the photos of the scene and looked at them, and then found Wang Futing's confession and read it carefully.

If the current investigation has any advantages over 20 years ago, Wang Futing is the most important part. After all, he was an eyewitness in this case, although his effect and ability were limited...

As for the murder process, although the time was extremely short, the police officer in charge of the interrogation still dutifully conducted very detailed inquiries.

Jiang Yuan quickly found the process of physical contact between the murderer and the victim.

At the moment when Zhang Xiaoming fell to the ground, he should have briefly touched the murderer, at least in Wang Futing's opinion, he touched the murderer.

In this way, if the source of the sludge was indeed transferred from the murderer, then the murderer is likely to be a colleague.

This can also explain many problems, such as why they killed each other as soon as they met, and why the murderer could not be screened out in the busy Jianmen Courtyard.

However, just this little sludge is not enough.

Jiang Yuan thought about it, called Wang Chuanxing again, and said: "Do a statistics to see which people who worked with Zhang Xiaoming later became successful... Well, do this statistics later and see how many people who used to work in the Housing and Construction Courtyard later became successful!"

To be honest, this method of directly finding the beneficiaries is also an advantage that was not available back then.

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