National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 1001 Second Question

The fact that Li Dianzhong was murdered did not ease the mood of the crowd.

On the contrary, when Jiang Yuan said this conclusion, even though everyone was prepared, they still felt nervous.

This was equivalent to opening another new case.

If it was suicide, it could be said that it was suicide out of fear of punishment, or other similar explanations. But if it was murder, it was almost certain that there was a mastermind behind it.

Without any professional judgment, ordinary people could see that this was murder to silence the witness.

But opening a new case, and it was a backlog case from 20 years ago, was too difficult. It was too difficult to start.

"Since it was confirmed to be murder, let's continue investigating." Director You drank tea, his voice was not loud, but everyone heard it with a firm feeling.

"Then let's continue." Tao Lu looked at Jiang Yuan.

At this point in the case, he could only rely on Jiang Yuan.

In fact, the case has not started yet, and the actual difficulty is still uncertain, but handling backlog cases is like sailing in the desert. If you really encounter a simple backlog case, it may be that you just happened to take the right road, not that the case is really simple.

There may be roads in the desert, or there may really be no roads. But no matter there are roads or not, you'd better have a team of camels and an old guide.

Jiang Yuan nodded without hesitation and said, "First, take Li Dianzhong's photo to Wang Futing to see, don't tell him who he is, well, take a few more people's photos, let him identify them. If he recognizes them, ask for details. In addition, send someone to visit the people around Li Dianzhong, relatives, friends, colleagues, etc., to see if there is any information."

"Yes." Shen Yaowei quickly agreed and went to distribute the tasks.

Seeing this, Director You nodded and asked, "Wang Futing, is he the insider you caught before, the accomplice of the murder case?"

"Yes, it's him." Jiang Yuan said.

"Well, this person is a breakthrough, we can ask him first." Director You looked like he was waiting, then turned to Jiang Yuan and asked, "Have you shown him the photo before?"

"Yes, but he didn't recognize him." Tao Lu explained, "We showed him the group photo, as well as some photos of workshops, teams and different offices. There were several photos of the suspect Li Dianzhong, but Wang Futing didn't recognize him. He should have seen a single photo, because the factory has thousands of employees, and it has been laid off and split. Many of the photos we found were taken several years later, or even more than ten years later."

Jiang Yuan was not as cautious as Tao Lu, and said straightforwardly, "There are too many people, and Wang Futing's memory is not so reliable. He didn't look carefully enough."

Recognizing people by looking at photos is not reliable enough. Just like a friend from more than 20 years ago, it's not strange to recognize him, and it's not strange not to recognize him.

Of course, some people are very good at recognizing people, but some people are not good at this. In modern society, there are not a few people who claim to be face-blind. Some people cannot even remember colleagues wearing different clothes or makeup. If time is added, it will be even more difficult.

It is not impossible to ask Wang Futing to recognize Li Dianzhong, who was only a temporary casemate, but it cannot be forced.

Director You nodded and said, "Then ask now, I will wait and see."

He obviously wants a definite answer. In a way, he also needs evidence. Eyewitness evidence, even if it is evidence from eyewitnesses 20 years ago, is at least a kind of evidence.

Tao Lu understood Director You's thoughts very well, so he urged everyone to work.

Looking back, Tao Lu added, as if chatting, "The factory was already in trouble at the time, and no longer recruited workers. If they needed young people to work, they would first recruit temporary workers, then use the quota of contract workers to support temporary workers, and then use the quota of regular workers to support non-staff workers. But when it came to distributing money and benefits, these people could not be on the list. Non-staff workers like Li Dianzhong were not that close to the people in the unit. It might have been easier to find his photo back then, but it is not easy to find it now."

"Didn't they say that the flying claw he learned was quite difficult? Are you willing to be a non-staff worker?" Director You suddenly connected it to the previous evidence.

"He is still learning the flying claw, and he probably hasn't mastered it completely." Jiang Yuan said.

Tao Lu smiled and said, "There is a job, part-time burglary, which was not outstanding in the 1990s."

Many thieves start to steal because they can't find a job and have no skills. But some thieves may have had jobs before, but because of petty or major thefts, they were fired from their jobs and had to concentrate on being thieves.

From a neutral point of view, Li Dianzhong may have had a period of confusion back then.

A group of people followed Li Dianzhong's identity and began to dig deeper.

Compared with the investigation at the beginning of the case, this investigation was much simpler and smoother.

The previous investigations were all following the tracks of the previous task force, and almost no useful clues were found. The things that could be investigated had been investigated repeatedly by the previous criminal police.

But the Li Dianzhong case was different. Although it was a follow-up to the Jianmenyuan case, the case itself was treated as an abnormal death, that is, a suicide case, so it was basically closed without any effective investigation.

Now, following the Li Dianzhong line again, the amount of clues obtained is completely different.

When Wang Chuanxing returned, Liu Jinghui and Jiang Yuan had two tables of information piled up in front of them.

Liu Jinghui read through them one by one as usual.

This is how reasoning works. You need sufficient information to make a good inference. Of course, everyone expects you to make reasonable inferences with thin information, but Liu Jinghui will not challenge this difficulty easily.

Because reasoning still has a certain probability, any failure for any reason is a failure, and the consequences are so serious, so it is the case with complete information that takes Liu Jinghui more time.

"Let's check it along the interpersonal relationship first." Jiang Yuan took a rough look at the information, first gave an investigation direction, and looked at Tao Lu.

Tao Lu nodded: "Okay."

There is nothing to say about this. In the era without mobile phones and surveillance, visits and interpersonal relationships were originally one of the main investigation directions of criminal police.

If it is a current case, this type of case should also investigate the direction of funds to see if the suspect has any large amount of funds flowing. Going further, you can also find special information to understand the situation of the suspect.

There is no such thing for backlog cases. Inquiring about interpersonal relationships can also understand the identity and background of the suspect, which is very suitable as an initial investigation.

Several cars of criminal police were dispatched in the dark night. They had to drive all night and try to find the relevant personnel tomorrow morning to save as much time as possible.

The rest was still mainly based on online investigation.

After all the orders were issued, Tao Lu looked at the dark sky outside and smiled to Director You: "It's almost time to rest today, do you want to take a break?"

"Just find an office and a camp bed for me." Director You said.

Tao Lu opened his mouth and thought, there is time to find a camp bed and make the bed, and you are home.

However, thinking about the case, Tao Lu stood at attention: "Yes"

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