National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 1004 AF lacks fresh water

"Here, I should have it. Otherwise, I should have caught Zhang Xiaoming and asked him instead of killing him directly."

Liu Jinghui used simple reasoning to solve a complex problem first.

Qi Changye nodded unconsciously: "It makes sense. If you really can't find it, you should light a fire and burn that room down."

At this time, Qi Changye felt the benefits of the reasoning king. It would be difficult to falsify this 20-year-old case with evidence, but an effective reasoning can directly solve this problem.

There was no pride at all on Liu Jinghui's face. Such reasoning was too easy for him. After a few words about the case, Liu Jinghui said with a slightly more solemn expression: "The key question now is whether you have uncovered the information." Net, are there any relevant findings?”

Qi Changye hesitated for a moment and said: "I have actually sent people to investigate, but nothing has been found yet. Logically speaking...well, it should not have been solved. Otherwise, the case involving the Zhang family and Jianmenyuan, There’s always some feedback.”

"In other words, this spy network is still operating?"

"That...that's not necessarily the case." Qi Changye paused for a moment and then said: "We don't need to think of this kind of spy network as too mysterious. There are too few spy networks that have been running for 20 years without being discovered. Of course, we heard But under normal circumstances, if an intelligence team survives for 20 years, it is most likely because it is in the incubation period and has not yet been activated.”

"You mean, Zhang Xiaoming discovered an espionage team that is in the latent period?"

"This possibility is actually very low, since it is in the incubation period... But, who knows, there may be some coincidence." Qi Changye spread his hands: "Now, isn't it said that reality is more outrageous than fiction? This is especially true in the case of espionage, because it is unlucky A lot of big guys have been arrested.”

Qi Changye usually doesn't talk so much, but today he was asked to provide information. Qi Changye paused for a moment and then said: "There is also another possibility. What Zhang Xiaoming discovered may be espionage that is currently operating or has just begun to lurk. After the other party's intelligence officers found out, they dealt with the problem and switched the intelligence team from active to latent, or re-hidden, or simply withdrew. "

"If it were withdrawn, wouldn't this case end here?" Huang Qiangmin couldn't help but say.

Qi Changye said helplessly: "There are indeed many headless cases. But on the bright side, the general spy network is mainly composed of local people who instigate rebellion, so there are still very few withdrawals. Most cases of re-lurking. "

"It's been 20 years and you still haven't withdrawn it?"

"It can only be said that it is possible. But it is not necessary. The rebel instigators are valuable assets if they stay in the local area. If they are withdrawn, they can only be maintained and become a negative asset."

"This way..." Liu Jinghui pondered.

Qi Changye continued: "A general spy network, if it is very advanced, will have one or two intelligence officers from its own side, but more often there will be none at all. Most of these intelligence officers are doing liaison work. With diplomatic status...there is no possibility of high-value intelligence in this case.”

Our own side sends intelligence officers to perform latent missions in foreign countries. This is a very advanced spy network, just like the police dispatching undercover agents in criminal organizations. Such huge risks must have corresponding benefits, and ordinary criminal organizations can Is it worth the risk of a police officer? And can the police make greater profits by going undercover?

Similarly, if he sends his own carefully trained intelligence officers out, will he definitely be able to harvest more intelligence? Furthermore, if this intelligence officer is caught, more information will be leaked than gained.

Therefore, even the intelligence network Qi Changye came into contact with was mostly composed of local members who instigated rebellion.

"In this case, we need to reorganize the work that Zhang Xiaoming did before his death. I remember that someone seemed to have done work in this area." Liu Jinghui picked up the phone and asked someone to find information.

After a while, Wang Chuanxing came in with something.

The previous task force had already determined the trajectory of Zhang Xiaoming's actions in the three days before his death based on the testimonies of all parties and visits to the surrounding area.

Looking at the dense time in the notebook, it can be said that this set of trajectory charts is very solid.

It just doesn't work.

That's what criminal investigation is like, if you can't solve the case, it's all in vain.

There is a one-to-one correspondence between the bitterness of criminal investigation and the sweetness of the agency.

Jiang Yuan took the trajectory map over and looked through it slowly.

Liu Jinghui and Qi Changye were still discussing the case and began to carry physical evidence over.

"Have you found the newspaper?" Jiang Yuan read Zhang Xiaoming's movement track, but he also had no idea. The solution was still to ask for more information.

Qi Changye stopped his conversation with Liu Jinghui, took a sip of water, and said, "They are looking through the records in several newspapers. Now they mainly want to confirm the names of the people who published GG. Back then, when GG was published, there was no real-name system. You could just pay for it. He didn’t ask for an ID card or anything, and I don’t know how many names the suspect used.”

"Even if it is not the specified time, it should be published on the specified page of the specified newspaper with an eye-catching logo, so that it can function as a password." Jiang Yuan reminded casually.

"Jiang Yuan is knowledgeable." Qi Changye sat up, looked at Jiang Yuan, and said with a smile: "We also searched in this way. We have found two newspapers now, but not all of them. They are also checking the other one. Translation, but because the code book is incomplete, the translated content is not comprehensive. "

"Send over what you found first. I can help you take a look." Jiang Yuan used his usual explanation and said: "Since I did the cryptography expert's case last time, I have also read some cryptography stuff here. ”

Qi Changye looked at Jiang Yuan suspiciously without any surprise: "Have you studied cryptography?"

"The level is okay."

"Hmm... Okay, I'll ask someone to send you the picture?" Qi Changye thought to himself, no matter how high your level of cryptography is, can it be higher than the level of our company's cryptography experts? However, this case obviously cannot be solved simply by relying on passwords, and Qi Changye will not hide the evidence.

After a while, Qi Changye brought over a rugged notebook, showed the pictures inside to Jiang Yuan, and said: "We have found out now that the suspect often publishes in two newspapers, "China Television" and "Democracy and Democracy" "Legal System", with GG in the middle, no more than 30 characters, the date is uncertain, and the names of the people who registered are all "Liu Guan Zhang".

"Three Kingdoms." Jiang Yuan said while looking at the GG in the newspaper scanned from the three-proof notebook.

I only saw the GG in the middle of the first page: There are currently two bulls, three years old, green, with bright fur, in good health. Due to production changes, we need to sell them. If you are interested, please call BP number: 126***

Jiang Yuan pointed to the BP number and asked Qi Changye: "Is this BP number fake?"

"It should be fake. The numbers in each GG are different. I haven't had time to check it carefully." Qi Changye had only taken over for a short time.

Jiang Yuan nodded and continued to turn over the GGs one by one, taking notes from time to time.

Qi Changye waited beside him for a while, then his attention gradually shifted and he continued to talk with Liu Jinghui.

Soon, calls from all parties began to come in, and Qi Changye became even more busy. He had to open a separate office and start working on site.

This job was obviously not easy. Soon, Qi Changye began to feel anxious, and his voice began to get louder and louder.

Jiang Yuan and Liu Jinghui discussed in low voices, and their voices began to get quieter and quieter.

Finally, when Qi Changye's voice started to rise, Jiang Yuan waved him over.

"I've discovered something here." Jiang Yuandao.

"From where? Password?" Qi Changye was even more surprised. He hadn't seen Jiang Yuan go out, and the only new evidence was the password book.

"Yes." Jiang Yuan answered happily.

Qi Changye said incomprehensibly: "Did you translate the code? The code book we collected is only part of it."

It's not that he doesn't believe it, he just thinks it's unreasonable. With an incomplete codebook, it is naturally difficult to completely translate the code. Moreover, if Jiang Yuan can handle these things, wouldn't his own experts produce results earlier?

Jiang Yuan didn't need to explain so much, he just waved his hand and said: "The password extracted by the suspect is not entirely correct, but what we should consider is why he extracted the password."


Jiang Yuan opened his notebook and said: "I think the suspect cannot remember so many passwords. Li Dianzhong has a low level of education and probably has no interest in memorizing passwords, so he excerpted some of the passwords. From the excerpted It can be seen from the password that he excerpted some uncommon words and phrases, as well as some numbers and letters, probably for the convenience of query. "

When Jiang Yuan said this, he emphasized: "In other words, he did not extract some passwords that Li Dianzhong was already familiar with. In this regard, I sorted it out and found that there are some high-frequency words that can make reasonable guesses."

"Midway?" Qi Changye quickly remembered this famous code story from World War II.

"That's right." Jiang Yuan drew a line in front of him with his hand: "Three, represents the mimeograph factory."

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