National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 1007 Yes, yes, yes

"Dad, let me introduce to you, this is Jiang Yuan, the policeman who is in charge of investigating the Xiao Ming case. His main job is a forensic doctor, and he is also good at fingerprints, blood stains, and footprints. He can judge the person who left the footprints after seeing a footprint. Who is he, how old he is, what his height and weight are. The blood stain analysis he performed is... an important technology to find the murderer of his brother. "

The second half of Zhang Xiaoya's introduction to Jiang Yuan to her father Zhang Zaiyang was a little exaggerated, mainly because she didn't know much about Jiang Yuan's skills. But the way she introduced it was most suitable for laypeople to understand.

But Zhang Zaiyang actually didn't listen carefully to Zhang Xiaoya's introduction. He already knew what he needed to know.

Zhang Zaiyang, Zhang's father, stood up and shook hands with Jiang Yuan. He covered his left hand with his right hand, patted Jiang Yuan's palm gently and said softly and deeply: "Thank you. Thank you."

Zhang Xiaoya's eyes turned red instantly.

She herself is at the end of middle age, but she rarely sees her father showing his emotions like this.

Just as I was thinking about it, I heard Jiang Yuan's gentle response: "My condolences."

"Thank you. Thank you." Father Zhang's ability to speak without a script, which he had practiced for many years, seemed to have disappeared, leaving only pure emotional reactions.

Then, Zhang Xiaoya saw his father's tears welling up, like beads of sweat, flowing down.

Father Zhang let go of Jiang Yuan's hand with his left hand and wiped his tears with his palm, but it was of no use and more tears gurgled out.

He simply ignored it and let the tears flow down, with a bright smile on his face.

Next to her, Zhang's mother, who had been holding back her emotions, burst into tears.

Zhang Xiaoya was stunned. In her memory, even in the days when her younger brother passed away, her father and mother maintained the most basic emotional stability and dealt with various things calmly.

Now that I think about it, where is there so much peace and emotional stability.

Emotional breakdown is not exclusive to modern people, it's just that the older generation is used to hiding in the dark and breaking down.

Zhang Xiaoya, who always upholds the image of a big woman in the company, looked at her father and mother who specially put on make-up before going out. She couldn't control her emotions at all, so much so that she cried all over her make-up. She became very emotional for a while. Hot tears burst out, washing away her makeup.

"It's a good thing not to cry anymore. It's a good thing that the school is redressed and redressed!" Zhang Xiaoya persuaded with tears.

Unexpectedly, her words made her mother collapse and cry: "Xiao Ming, my son... my son! Xiao Ming! Xiao Ming!!"

She was shaking all over and could no longer stand. Her daughter hugged her and carried her to a chair. She was still shaking and crying.

At this time, Zhang Zaiyang, Zhang's father, calmed down. He took Jiang Yuan's hand, sat down at the tea table, smiled at Jiang Yuan, and said, "Just kidding."

"It's okay." Jiang Yuan could only scratch his head.

"If you are a forensic doctor, you will often come into contact with grieving family members." Zhang Zaiyang chatted casually: "Will it be like us?"

Jiang Yuan thought about it, but said: "I actually rarely have contact with family members. Generally speaking, after I solve a case, the subsequent case handling procedures are completed with the help of colleagues, and I rarely participate. Unless there is a need to solve the case, I rarely have direct contact with family members.”

Whether you are a forensic doctor or a criminal police officer, you will actually come into contact with emotionally unstable family members. But on the other hand, if they are unwilling to do this work, senior forensic doctors and criminal police can always assign similar tasks to junior newcomers.

Jiang Yuan's time as a newcomer was too short, and he didn't come into contact with many similar family members.

Zhang Zaiyang didn't expect such an answer. He was stunned for a moment, then took the towel from his granddaughter and wiped his face vigorously, wiping away all the makeup and tear stains he put on in the morning, revealing a slightly old face. Zaixiao smiled and said: "Unexpectedly, we finally used our privileges."

Jiang Yuan shook his head and said: "For this case, I came here with more than 20 people from the department's special case backlog team. Also here was Liu Jinghui, the fourth-level senior police chief of our Shannan Provincial Department. He is in our province It contains the title of King of Reasoning, and four gangsters were once arrested with just a piece of paper."

Jiang Yuan paused for a moment, then continued: "In order to meet our needs and to deal with this case, the Zhengguang Bureau mobilized all police officers from all over the world. A total of thousands of people gave up their vacations, and the police cars on duty had to travel hundreds of kilometers a day. ”

"The previous task force, as well as the police officers who collected clues from all parties, have repeatedly investigated this case dozens of times in the past two decades, and the records left behind can accurately describe Zhang Xiaoming's whereabouts in the days before his death. In addition, , as well as thousands of film negatives, various video tapes and other physical evidence, which are still new and available after more than 20 years.”

"In order to collect evidence, our police officers slept in the open and traveled all over the country. The National Security Detachment's special affairs department also allows our ordinary police officers to take flights within 2,000 kilometers, including the funds spent by the Zhengguang Bureau, which is ten years of ordinary people's lives. Money that I will never make in my lifetime. But..."

"But..." Jiang Yuan said this, looked at Zhang Zaiyang, and said: "We are doing this not only because the Zhang family has privileges, but we also really want to solve the case. Especially after knowing Zhang Xiaoming's The cause of death is that when it comes to spies lurking in the capital, everyone is really attentive. That kind of situation cannot be exchanged for privileges. "

Zhang Zaiyang was dumbfounded as he listened.

He is over 70 years old this year. The sum of the good things he has heard can fill a library and can be classified strictly.

However, on this emotional afternoon, Zhang Zaiyang's heart was filled with Jiang Yuan's words, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

Zhang Xiaoya's daughter Tang Youyou came over, sat on the tea table obediently, and began to make tea for her grandfather and Jiang Yuan.

This is a girl about 20 years old, with sufficient collagen on her face. She looks calm, but her eyes can't help looking at Jiang Yuan.

Tang Youyou has never seen such a special side of her godlike grandfather.

And the before and after of the Jianmenyuan case is no secret in this room. The Zhang family who know the inside story can judge how difficult it is to handle this case.

It is precisely because they know the difficulty and the difficulty of getting justice that the Zhang family's emotions are so difficult to tense.

Before today, Tang Youyou thought that Jiang Yuan was a policeman with superb intelligence, excellent skills, strong leadership, and firm will. She never thought that after meeting, Jiang Yuan could flatter so much, so outstanding, powerful and firm.

Grandpa Zhang Zaiyang finally recovered at this time, and nodded to Jiang Yuan with a flushed face, and then said to Tang Youyou: "Youyou, you should learn more from Jiang Yuan. What is a sincere heart? This is a sincere heart."

The little baby fat that Tang Youyou had left trembled: "Ah, right, right."

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