National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 1014: Visit

Boom, boom, boom.

"Hello. Is anyone there? We are the police. From the criminal police team."

The police outside the door heard no movement. After the doorbell rang, they began to knock on the door.

Xu Juan took off her shoes and walked barefoot to the door. Thinking of yesterday's experience, she simply didn't look at the peephole and sat down slowly against the wall next to the door.

She now has some experience in dealing with the police, and she is not as panicked as she was yesterday.

Boom boom.

"Sun Youqiang. We are the police. Please open the door."

"Is Sun Youqiang here? Is this Sun Youqiang's house?"

"Hello, police!"

The police were also very polite but kept knocking on the door.

Xu Juan's eyelids twitched. These police officers were looking for her husband by name.

Xu Juan couldn't think of any reason to find her husband, but she still ignored it. At worst, it was just a waste of time. Could the police forcefully open the door without evidence? If there was evidence, we should have rushed in long ago.

On the contrary, Xu Juan sat on the ground and began to reflect on his work these days.

She has no regrets about killing her husband. In fact, she has thought about it in her mind before, but she just thought about it and didn't think she could really do such a thing until her husband That slap hit him on the face.

Under Sun Youqiang's force, Xu Juan felt that his dignity had been lost. Even if he apologized afterwards, Xu Juan no longer believed him.

It is said on the Internet that domestic violence can only happen once or countless times. Xu Juan knew this through her husband's drinking. This is the so-called person who refuses to change despite repeated admonitions.

In addition, Sun Youqiang was unwilling to leave the house, and after the quarrel, he actually fell asleep.

Xu Juan felt that sleeping in the same bed with him would be a bit disgusting.

Might as well kill for comfort.

However, she didn't expect that she would have to do so many things after killing people.

Fortunately, she was smart and divided her husband's body immediately. Otherwise, the smell of the body would have been unpleasant and would have been easily smelled by the police at the door.

It's also good to kill people at home. If you need any detergent, you can buy it online. If you pay a little more, you can get it delivered the next day or the same day. If necessary, you can also ask a takeaway guy to buy it for you.

In addition, Xu Juan felt that his plan to abandon the corpse was also quite good. The old suitcase had not been used for a long time. After cleaning it, there were no traces left. No purchase record will be left.

It’s just that the suitcase is a bit too small to fit Sun Youqiang’s whole body into it. This loser can’t make any money during the day, but he’s full of drinks at night…

Fortunately, we still have a campervan at home, so it’s not too strenuous to drag our legs to the river. The camper was something she bought in the first year of marriage. At that time, Sun Youqiang was willing to spend some time with her, and their relationship was going well.

Thinking of this, Xu Juan suddenly felt a little emotional. No wonder many women asked adulterers for help when they killed their husbands. This is really a heavy job. Next time, I should cheat first so that I can have helpers.

"Why are you here?"

Outside the door, a woman's voice suddenly came.

Xu Juan turned over strangely, moved close to the door, and listened quietly.

The policeman at the door deliberately lowered his voice, but because of the quiet environment, he could still barely hear it: "We screened the men in the nearby community based on their age. The man in this family did not answer the phone. After checking, we found that his mobile phone signal had been lost in the past few days. It’s also gone, so what about you?”

"Our police dogs came here because of the smell." The female police officer at the door said, paused, and said: "What does the man who didn't answer the phone look like?"

"Uh... let me look for it."

"Didn't you see it?" the policewoman was surprised.

The policeman who knocked on the door was a little embarrassed: "I made too many calls yesterday... That... looks a bit similar? The file photo is a bit thinner..."


The elevator door rang again.

Several police officers came out quickly, but were restrained for two seconds by a group of colleagues and dogs.

"What clues did you find?" Li Li, the policewoman leading the police dog, asked directly.

The policemen who had just come out of the elevator hesitated for a moment before one of them said: "There was a stall owner at a breakfast shop who felt that the head in the sketch looked very similar to one of his regular customers. We found him through the payment records."

The three groups of people looked at each other and realized that this house was extremely suspicious.

Li Li lowered her head and touched Da Zhuang's head, but she took two steps back with him and whispered: "Call for support."

The popular anti-theft doors in China are still not easy to remove. It is best to have professional equipment or personnel.

Li Li made a suggestion, and the detective who came earlier already nodded.

At this time, the security door in front of everyone opened with a creak.

Xu Juan was barefoot and looked at the group of policemen outside the door with a slumped face and said, "Come in."

Contrary to what she expected, the police officers rushed forward without hesitation, and Li Li also rushed forward immediately.

Li Li was the only policewoman present, so it was more appropriate for her to handle the handcuffs.

Xu Juan was handcuffed obediently, and then watched the police swarm into her kitchen and bedroom.

The police officers who entered the bedroom were all shocked by the mattress that had been torn into pieces.

At this time, Xu Juan suddenly felt that by dismantling the entire mattress, he was indeed invading the army.

But the effect was good. At least the fabrics had been cleaned repeatedly. If the police hadn't arrived so quickly, she would have taken the time to throw them away in the afternoon.

"Why did you dismantle the bed?" The police who came in did not see obvious blood stains in the bedroom, but for such a strange thing as dismantling the bed, on-site questioning was still necessary.

Xu Juan snorted and didn't answer.

At this time, Da Zhuang screamed "woo woo".

Li Li comforted it gently, and then followed Da Zhuang to the window.

Under Da Zhuang's guidance, Li Li easily discovered the blood stains on the hem of the heavy curtains.

"Blood." Li Li shouted and took a photo.

Xu Juan's expression was a little tense. She knew that the room had not been tidied up yet, but she really missed the curtains.

It was also the room from the previous two days. The smell of blood was so strong that she couldn't even find such a small place. In addition, Xu Juan subconsciously did not prepare to wash the curtains. They were too big and too thick. The most important thing was that if they were removed now, there would be no way to cover the bedroom.

"Xu Juan, where is your husband Sun Youqiang?" The police officer leading the team decided to take advantage of the suspect's restless time to ask something.

This time, Xu Juan hesitated for a moment, then spoke slowly and said: "He hit me, so I took the knife from the kitchen and said that if he dared to hit me again, I would fight him to the death. He didn't believe in evil, so he still hit me. I closed my eyes and swung the knife, and hit the neck just in time, and he bled a lot..."

The half-truth and half-falsehood in this passage are plan B that Xu Juan had prepared previously.

A few days ago, Xu Juan felt that she couldn't use this plan anymore, but she didn't expect to use it anyway.

If you can't avoid this disaster, just use self-defense as a defense. Xu Juan didn't know much about the law, but she knew that saying this would definitely be beneficial to her.

The policeman who asked the question didn't hesitate and just asked: "What happens after you kill someone?"

"I just... got him away."

"What do you mean, get it out?"

"Just chopped it up."

"Dismember the body?"


"Who helped you dismember the body?"

"No one helps."

"Did you dismember the body by yourself?"


"How did you take the body out?"

"I packed half of it in boxes and wrapped the rest and shipped it out in a camper van."

"Where's the camper?"

Xu Juan answered questions and answers, hoping that the case would develop as he imagined.

The police officer who made the inquiry was basically satisfied when he asked about the camper under camera. From the police's perspective, the entire chain of evidence has become more complete.

As for what Xu Juan said, the police didn't care at all.

This is a book written by an old friend and an old author. The quality and updates are guaranteed. It tells the story of traveling to the United States in 1879 and how he became a godfather after being sold as a pig.

Some of the Hongmen incision ceremonies inside are quite interesting. Those who are interested can go and take a look.

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