National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 1016: Collaboration

"Next..." Jiang Yuan was amused by Qiao Shengli's question and said with his head down: "The next one is probably Qingshi City. Since we are here, there must be some backlogs that need to be cleared."

"Don't you only pick the most difficult cases?" Qiao Shengli asked with a little curiosity.

Jiang Yuan smiled and said, "We can't let the cases compete with each other. No one knows which case is the most difficult. Some cases are solved only because the investigators chose the right direction. Some cases are solved because the investigators chose the wrong direction, so the more they solve the case, the harder it becomes."

"So choosing the right direction is the most important?"

"Maybe. Not necessarily." Jiang Yuan looked at Qiao Shengli and said, "It's a bit similar to your scientific research. Which one is more important, direction or practice?"

Qiao Shengli suddenly realized, "So, you are the kind of person who can get a top journal no matter what rubbish direction your supervisor gives you?"

"That's not the case." Jiang Yuan didn't need to be humble at this time, nor did he feel that he needed to bear emotional intelligence, so he said easily, "Some directions are too rubbish, and it's a waste of time, so you still need to correct the direction yourself."

Qiao Shengli understood, and looked up at Jiang Yuan again, her eyes full of envy: "I wish I had your ability. Sometimes I also want to help my supervisor change the research direction..."

"Professor Su?"

"Don't tell the professor." Qiao Shengli shook Jiang Yuan's arm.

"Professor Su has given you the Taihe project?" Jiang Yuan has been a criminal policeman for several years, and in this world, the most suspicious people are definitely criminal policemen.

Qiao Shengli blushed, but she still hugged Jiang Yuan tightly and explained to him: "The professor himself doesn't do many experiments, whether it's a general project or a horizontal project. As for me, if I can definitely get the Taihe project, I'm ready to turn the whole direction here."

There are not many projects that can be done in the Department of Biology. In fact, there is no need for the Taihe project. As long as there are a few dozen kilometers of bidding sections, Qiao Shengli feels that she can write a good article.

Of course, if you want to write your own doctoral thesis, it is not appropriate to stop at a superficial level. The length of the project is definitely the longer the better.

Jiang Yuan didn't want to interfere with the internal ecology of Su Lei's project team, so he just said: "The Taihe project is confirmed, but this project can only be you cooperating with me in the end, not us cooperating with you."

"Of course." Qiao Shengli looked up at Jiang Yuan, her emotions gradually rising. Jiang Yuan's opinion was not difficult at all, which was equivalent to not setting a threshold. In comparison, the funding and scale of this project were quite high.


In the evening.

The suspect Xu Juan finally gave up resistance and confessed everything.

This was her first time to kill someone, and she had no experience, nor was she a professional. The strategies she imagined in her mind were one thing to think about, but when she really said them out, she would only be laughed at.

Whether it was the method of killing, the reason for killing, the reason for abandoning the body, etc., Xu Juan always had something to say, but it was neither legal nor believed, and the police could sometimes be very fierce during interrogations.

After Xu Juan cried twice, she gathered her hair under the eyes of the prosecutor and told her story again.

She hoped to maintain her dignity as much as possible, but in the face of a criminal case, with the details of the dismemberment, and with the prosecutor asking questions such as "What did you use for the first cut? Where did you cut it?" and "Where did you use the scissors after picking them up", the so-called dignity disappeared.

When the interrogation reached this point, the members of the special task force were relieved.

The carefree old detectives had almost all gone home at this time. The young detectives were not careless, but they were left behind to finish the work, so they could only continue to work.

Jiang Yuan was invited to the director's office.

Compared with Fang Gang, the head of the criminal police detachment, the director's rank was much higher, which fully demonstrated his importance to Jiang Yuan.

After hearing a lot of good words and drinking a large pot of good tea, the director did not let him go. He actually looked at his watch and smiled: "You must be hungry. I prepared hot pot for us. I heard that Jiang Yuan likes hot pot, right?"

"I really like it." Jiang Yuan didn't know how he got such a reputation. It just happened that in this kind of matter, the police were not very knowledgeable, did not investigate, did not say, and did not collect evidence.

The director nodded to the side, and Fang Gang immediately went out to notify, and soon, a hot pot was sent in.

Several people sat around the coffee table in the director's office and cooked hot pot.

Huang Qiangmin looked around worriedly and said, "The hot pot smells strong, don't let the calligraphy and paintings in the room get damaged."

"I wrote and painted the calligraphy and paintings myself, it's good that they are damaged, I haven't hung up yet." The director seemed to be tickled and laughed out loud.

Huang Qiangmin hurriedly cooperated.

The director came to his senses at this time, waved his hand, and said, "These are just trifling skills of mine. When I was young, I didn't know what to do, so I learned these things. I regret it now. If I had learned some fingerprint identification technology, wouldn't I be more capable of doing things?"

Huang Qiangmin thought to himself, you finally talked about this topic, and hurriedly said, "Actually, if there is anything else that Qingshi City Bureau needs our help, you can just give us a direct order."

"Try this beef slice. This is the beef that was killed in the afternoon. The meat was cut and delivered immediately." The director first introduced the beef on the table, and then said to Huang Qiangmin: "We have no funds."

"Huh?" Huang Qiangmin opened his mouth wide when he got this answer.

"Have a piece of beef." The director sighed and laughed: "In fact, you should have thought that our Shannan Province is not rich, and the funds are so limited. Now it is the end of the year. We are clearing up the backlog of cases and setting up the Taihe Working Group. The detection rate of current cases is also so high. The funds are always insufficient."

Huang Qiangmin was stunned, poked his chopsticks into the hot pot, picked out a green vegetable, put it on the plate, and said: "I thought this day would come, but I didn't expect it to come so soon."

"Isn't it." The director smiled and said: "Social stability requires the crackdown on criminal crimes, and economic development also requires social stability as a foundation. However, we have increased the crackdown rate of criminal crimes from 90% to 95%, and raised the life The detection rate of the case has increased from 99% to 100%, and this degree of improvement may not be so important. "

Huang Qiangmin certainly cannot admit this, and immediately said: "You can't say that. The harm caused by criminal crimes is certain. Compared with the cost of handling a case, it is definitely valuable to protect the people. Moreover, a large number of high-value cases have been solved, which not only means that a large number of extremely vicious, or high-tech criminals, or professional criminals have been arrested and cleared out of society, but also means that the environment around ordinary people has been greatly improved. It is extremely beneficial to promote fair transactions and a legal society..."

"Political Commissar Huang has something." The director laughed.

Fang Gang next to him immediately cooperated and said: "We should learn from Political Commissar Huang."

The director waited for the laughter, and then said: "Let's talk about ourselves. This year, our Shannan Province's criminal investigation system can be said to have made remarkable achievements. This is really due to the help of Jiang Yuan and Ningtai County Bureau, but this year's funds were determined last year..."

He said here, and he didn't continue.

The level of Qingshi City Bureau is equivalent to that of Qinghe City Bureau, while Ningtai County Bureau is a big section lower than Qinghe City Bureau. Huang Qiangmin is not the top leader yet, so Huang Qiangmin has always followed the rhythm of the other director.

But at this point, Huang Qiangmin felt that he could not continue to follow, especially after eating a bite of green vegetables, Huang Qiangmin felt his appetite came up, so he grinned and said: "There are also people who eat the food of the next year."

Just when he felt that the output was smooth, the cheerful director almost choked to death on a mouthful of beef: "Your words... Hey, don't be so aggressive."

Huang Qiangmin smiled lightly.

"How about we do some inter-provincial exchange cases?" The director proposed an idea at this time: "Qingshi City borders Liangzhou, and they must have some surplus funds this year."

Huang Qiangmin shook his head: "These days, even landlords don't have surplus food."

The director said: "It's okay to eat the grain of the next year."

Huang Qiangmin looked at the director's sincere eyes and asked: "What case? Is it difficult?"

"It's difficult." The director put down his chopsticks and said more seriously: "Fighting against abduction. The theft and robbery of children, we just merged the cases. At present, there are five cases in the two provinces, and another one was attempted. They all targeted children under five years old, and the crime scenes were all in towns and villages."

This kind of case can indeed alarm the municipal bureau, and it is a type that must be taken seriously for investigation.

Huang Qiangmin looked at the director: "Is there no clue for such a case?"

With clues, plus resource investment, the case should have a greater probability of being solved. And now that they have come to Jiang Yuan for help, they are probably encountering greater difficulties.

The director took a bite of the meat and ate it, saying, "Anyway, if you have any requests, you can raise them, and I will help you raise them with Liangzhou. Let's work together to try to get these five children back."

"Catching people is not necessarily difficult, but finding children is not easy." Huang Qiangmin said and looked at Jiang Yuan.

Jiang Yuan scooped up several pieces of beef and put them in the bowl to dry. He looked up at the director and Huang Qiangmin and said, "Since we are here, let's do it."

As for Qiao Shengli and others, he couldn't take care of her now.

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