National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 114 Jianyuan Family Courtyard

Qinghe City.

Jianyuan family home.

Behind the two six-storey small western-style buildings is a winding path thousands of meters deep.

Several villas are nestled among them, all of which are large and unrestrained houses.

Huang Qiangmin sat in the front row of the battery car, turned around and whispered: "These are all villas built by Jianyuan himself. The small western-style building in front is a dormitory for the technical backbone of the unit, and the villa in the back is for experts and general managers. Those who stay here, CEO Jianyuan and his family also live here."

"Where's the property?" Jiang Yuan glanced at the young man driving a battery car in front of him. If there are young men in the property, it means the quality is good.

"Jianyuan's own property company. They have also developed real estate in the city."

"Then the surveillance here should be very complete."

Huang Qiangmin shook his head slightly and said, "Jianyuan's boss doesn't like installing surveillance cameras in the community."

Jiang Yuan and Wu Jun looked at each other speechlessly.

Burglary is actually not easy to detect. The burglary and murder case that Jiang Yuan just committed in Longli County was essentially a burglary case.

Jianyuan's boss deliberately sought out connections in the hope of controlling the spread of information, which only made the case more difficult. Not to mention anything else, the investigation was carried out in a big way, and they were eliminated first.

The battery car walked for several minutes, fully embodying the concept of deep and winding paths.

Moreover, unlike ordinary commercial villa communities, the villas in Jianyuan's self-built community are widely separated, and the width of the roads is also higher than the average. Trees, bamboos and shrubs are used as barriers between each villa. Put up some low walls to maximize privacy.

However, the total area is still not large.

Moreover, it seems that the occupancy rate of the villa is only half.

"Are they not full? I see that many villas are empty?" Jiang Yuan asked the young man driving the car directly this time.

"Yes, the villas here have no property rights and can only be lived in. Some people don't like it so much that they move outside after living there for a while. The company usually keeps it for a period of time, and then takes it back if they don't want to live in it yet. , we will allocate them next time." The driver paused and said, "Many residents here move out after living there for a few years."

It's still like a dormitory, but the conditions are better, and it's more suitable for elderly workers with families.

Thinking about it more carefully, it shows that Jianyuan's remuneration to senior workers should be quite good. Otherwise, everyone would be willing to live in the villa here.

"If you don't have property rights, you have to move out even if you leave your job, right?" Jiang Yuan asked again.


“Is the turnover rate high?”

"I can't tell you that." The driver was quite clever.

Jiang Yuan smiled. Judging from the community, the top management of Jianyuan's core circle is quite interesting.

Jiang Yuan continued to observe.

From what he saw, it would still take a certain amount of time for normal people to walk in such a community. It would take ten minutes or a quarter of an hour to walk to the door of the villa.

But if you ignore these natural and semi-natural barriers and choose to walk in a straight line, if you drag a parkour boy over, you might be able to leave the community in two or three minutes.

The only things that can really block here are the low walls.

Bushes or bamboo forests can block the view, but they cannot block people.

Of course, it is possible that your clothes will be stained, or even your clothes will be torn, or your skin will be scratched. On the other hand, the items you carry should not be too heavy or too heavy.

Jiang Yuan came to the innermost mansion with all kinds of chaotic thoughts.

When we entered, we saw twenty or thirty people sitting in the courtyard.

There were old and young, men and women, some were wearing suits and shirts talking to others, while others were holding computers and mobile phones to entertain themselves alone.

The person gathered in the middle like a star holding the moon should be Yuan Jiansheng. Someone reminded him that when he saw Huang Qiangmin, Jiang Yuan and others, he immediately stood up to say hello.

"Hello, Mr. Yuan." Huang Qiangmin looked neither humble nor overbearing.

He came wearing a police uniform. It can only be said that he tried to control the spread of the news and facilitate the listing of key companies in the city. Huang Qiangmin would not give in if he gave in again.

"Captain Huang, thank you for your hard work." Yuan Jiansheng looked like a boss, but spoke very modestly: "I feel relieved when I see you coming. I have asked my family to move out of the room. You Let’s see, what else do you need from me?”

Huang Qiangmin looked at Jiang Yuan.

"This is Police Officer Jiang Yuanjiang, right?" Yuan Jiansheng shook hands with Jiang Yuan again, shook his hand twice, and said: "I heard from my friends that you are the ceiling of our criminal investigation field in Qinghe City. For this case, please please."

Dozens of people at the scene looked at Jiang Yuan instantly.

Jiang Yuan was still a little unaccustomed to it. Generally, people would not take the initiative to shake hands with forensic doctors.

This boss has something.

And it sounds nice.

Jiang Yuan even felt slightly embarrassed and said, "Some results won't reach the ceiling or anything."

"This is the consensus of everyone. For example, the director of Qinghe Bureau, now talking about it, they all say that Officer Jiang is a miracle in the police industry... The ceiling is said by a friend of the provincial department. Cases that others cannot do, you can get them It's just like playing..." Yuan Jiansheng praised Jiang Yuan while showing off his deep and wide connections.

Jiang Yuan was even more surprised. He had never met the director of the Qinghe Bureau face to face, and the provincial department didn't even know who he was talking about.

At the same time, Yuan Jiansheng did not leave behind Huang Qiangmin and Wu Jun. He turned around and spoke a few words to the two of them, making them smile.

He is a very good talker and once made a man pay millions for himself with just three sentences. If the listing is successful this time, he will make one hundred thousand men and one hundred thousand women blush, with a charming voice and a soft body.

"Let's go to the site first. Have you brought the survey equipment?" Jiang Yuan asked Huang Qiangmin.

"Put it all inside the door." Huang Qiangmin said, and then said: "There are two technicians from the Qinghe Municipal Bureau inside to help you cooperate."

Jiang Yuan looked at the people around him and knew that these people might be Yuan Jiansheng's suspects, otherwise they would not be gathered in the yard and their work would not be done.

The boss of a company that was about to go public had his study stolen. He first thought it was an acquaintance nearby who committed the crime. There was nothing wrong with him at all.

For Jiang Yuan, he did the same thing.

"Let me take a picture for everyone." Before entering the door, Jiang Yuan turned around again, took out his mobile phone, and took a few pictures.

Some people didn't even try to hide. Of course, more people know that hiding is useless.

Jiang Yuan was also just in case, in case someone had to leave due to some emergency or something, and the list was changed at that time.

It's not like this has never happened before

As the boss, Yuan Jiansheng has no problem ordering 30 people to come over.

But it is actually very difficult to keep an eye on 30 people. When someone speaks privately, leaves quietly, and greets each other, it is very likely that they will be missed from the list.

Wu Jun followed Jiang Yuan into the mansion.

When you open the door, you see a beautiful screen wall, with more than a dozen boxes and two surveyors placed here.

Two on-site investigators from the Qinghe Municipal Bureau, one is thin and the other is fat, the thin one is about 50 years old, and they have a relationship with Jiang Yuan, the fat one is in his early 20s, slightly older than Jiang Yuan, obviously a master and an apprentice The rhythm is similar to the combination of Jiang Yuan and Wu Jun.

Everyone met each other and exchanged greetings.

In the past half year or so, Jiang Yuan's reputation in Qinghe City has long been established. The case of corpses buried in the reservoir not long ago passed, and the Qinghe City Bureau presided over the case.

Therefore, although they have not chatted in private, the surveyors from the Qinghe Municipal Bureau are still very familiar with Jiang Yuan.

The two people were sent by the city bureau to cooperate with Jiang Yuan. They were not competitive at all. Instead, they looked like they were on a business trip.

Jiang Yuan checked the survey box and other items again, then carried a box in each hand and went directly to the study.

Passing by the living room in the middle, you can see two double spiral staircases, from bottom to top, under the bright sunshine, which is very majestic.

"This is called a house." The fat man in his 20s looked envious, and turned to ask: "Master, have you seen this kind of house before?"

"I've seen it before. It's also a European style building with four floors and several thousand square meters. Four people died in one breath. Blood flowed down the stairs on the second floor, and a bloody staircase came out..." The thin man talked about ancient times leisurely and contentedly.

The little fat man shook his chin three times, feeling all envious.

Shou Xiankan looked at Wu Jun again and joked: "You rarely come to the scene of the undead. I know Jiang Yuan, but you go to other scenes more."

"It's about the same for me." Wu Jun said calmly: "Sometimes when I collect the body, I also check the scene to see if there is little or no bleeding, and then take the body away, that is, In that case, wearing a Guan Erye, or a Bodhisattva, or a cross or something, will all be useful..."

The first half was okay, but in the second half I was stunned again by Fatty Now Kankan.

"What will happen if I don't wear it?" Xiaopang asked now.

"It's nothing like that. I just have nightmares occasionally. For example, I dream about waking up from a pool of blood. Sometimes I feel like my mouth is covered in blood and my whole body is sticky. The scariest thing is getting up and realizing that I'm surrounded by blood. They are all corpses, and some have been cut open. When you look at the faces, they are often people you know... It won't be the same if you wear Mr. Guan." Wu Jun's tone was brisk.

Fatty Xiankan swallowed and touched his chest unconsciously.

Jiang Yuan couldn't help but touch his pocket. Before he came, he gave the master half a bag of Chinese food, and the master stuffed a second master into it, carved from bamboo.

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