National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 217 Blood Curtain Cave

The third child died in his own house.

This is a centrally located apartment. The area is not large, more than 100 square meters, but half of it is empty, and the decoration is very luxurious, like the American luxury apartments seen on TV.

The third child's body was lying on the hollow floor, next to the body of his current boyfriend.

Blood flowed down from the hollow floor, not only along the stairs, but also from the gap between the hollow railings on the front of the hollow floor.

It can be imagined that during the short period of time when blood was abundant, this luxury apartment in the city center was like a water curtain hole made of blood. The waterfall composed of blood flowed down from the empty space, dividing the room into parts. For two.

Even now, there is still thick blood, dripping from the hollow layer, or simply drawing from top to bottom.

"Your family asked you to buy a haunted house?" Shou Xiankan is Fatty's master and knows the situation in his family.

The fat man said "Yes" and said: "They think that since I often come into contact with corpses, it doesn't matter if I live in a haunted house. And I am young and energetic. If I live there for a while, the haunted house will become better. Maybe it will be better when I sell it. It can still be sold at the price of a normal house...I firmly disagree, so let’s forget it.”

"Not every haunted house is like this." Shouxiankan looked at the blood-colored water curtain cave and asked at the same time: "Why don't you agree?"

"Because I can't afford the haunted house." After the fat man finished speaking, he asked, "Where do we start?"

Shouxiankan looked at Jiang Yuan and said, "Let's follow Forensic Doctor Jiang."

This is the jurisdiction of Qianjin District, Qinghe City, and the criminal police brigade of Qianjin District is responsible for this. The captain was none other than Lei Xin, whom Jiang Yuan had met before.

Lei Xin had cooperated with Jiang Yuan before for burning corpses and killing people. Therefore, after confirming the identity of the deceased and knowing that Jiang Yuan was doing related work, he made the call as soon as possible.

Now, the technicians in the forward area are sweeping the perimeter. The hollow floors on the second floor, especially the corpses, are all left untouched, waiting for Jiang Yuan to come and deal with them.

Jiang Yuan dressed up and went upstairs with Wu Jun.

In front of the two people, transparent acrylic footstools were laid out one after another to avoid disturbing the scene as much as possible, especially to avoid repeated stepping on bleeding footprints.

The four of them lined up in a row and walked slowly upstairs.

Two male corpses, naked and covered in blood, lay in a pool of blood.

Thinking of meeting one of them yesterday, Pang Xiankan's throat became even more itchy.

"The bloody footprints must be carefully photographed." Jiang Yuan took a quick look and then made arrangements.

Although Wu Jun is the master, he now wisely abdicates his position and takes the initiative to pick up the camera and start taking pictures.

At the death scene, the most important thing is of course the corpse, but the corpse is not necessarily relied on to break the corpse.

Other information surrounding the body can sometimes make it easier to solve a case.

For Jiang Yuan, the lake was full of bloodstains from the scene, and it could bring too much information. He had reconstructed the crime scene so many times. With this kind of skill base, the efficiency of obtaining and organizing information on the spot is too high.

Just like the simplest fingerprint scanning, no on-site inspection can see everything inch by inch.

Scan a large area for fingerprints, or use an on-site inspection light to shine it on, and you can see a lot of fingerprints.

But it is mainly used outdoors. There are fingerprints everywhere in the room, and you have to decide which fingerprints belong to the victim and which fingerprints are useful.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for a spot checker to bring home hundreds of fingerprints without scolding him for trace inspection.

A more common method is for on-site investigators to analyze the origin of the case based on the situation at the scene, guess the direction of the case, and then conduct inspections where the criminal may have left fingerprints.

Just like what Jiang Yuan did yesterday. The most likely place for a thief to leave fingerprints is near the door lock, because he has to take off his gloves to work and then wipe the fingerprints, which is very easy to make mistakes. As for indoors, the thief is wearing gloves again, so looking for fingerprints is pointless.

Therefore, if the murderer's execution process can be determined by reconstructing the crime scene, the collection of evidence will be simpler and more complete.

However, at today's crime scene, Jiang Yuan felt that this trick was not necessary.

He looked over one bloody footprint after another, and he quickly had an idea in his mind.

"The murderer is 25 years old, which can be magnified to about 28 years old. The actual height... should be around 170 and weighs 140 kilograms..." Jiang Yuan found two bloody footprints with good conditions, observed them carefully for a while, and directly gave them Come to a conclusion.

The most famous on-site surveyor in Qinghe City is Chen Wenming, but he did not come this time.

As Chen Wenming's subordinate, Fatty Xianjin had seen Chen Wenming make footprints, but compared with Jiang Yuan's approach, he just felt that Jiang Yuan was possessed by a god.

Anyone who is a technician knows that for some indicators, if you want to give them a wider and simpler one, or if you want to give them a narrower one, you need to consider many factors. is very difficult.

Jiang Yuan dared to give such a series of conclusions with certainty, and Pang Kan was a little worried for him.

Wu Jun, on the other hand, was used to Jiang Yuan's common words for drawing conclusions and asked, "What does actual height mean?"

"This is the most distinctive feature of this shoe print." Jiang Yuan's hand blurred in the air twice and said, "Look at the second half of the shoe print, it feels a little sluggish."

"What is this?" Wu Jun asked.

Fat Kan followed the footprint expert and blurted out: "A small horse and a big cart?"

Jiang Yuan glanced at him and said: "We usually say that small feet wear big shoes, but it means the same thing."

It is relatively easy to wear big shoes with small feet. There are many distinguishing points. In addition to the drag mentioned by Jiang Yuan, there may also be a heavy heel, or virtual pressure on both sides, as well as changes in the center of gravity of the thumb, little finger, etc.

All in all, it is very easy for small feet to wear big shoes. Anyone who reads some books, learns some trace inspection knowledge, or goes to prison to study for three to five years should understand the relevant knowledge. In contrast, if you want to hide shoe prints, there are simpler ways, such as...

"Then this person is a bit stupid. Is he an amateur?" Pang Kan has learned to express the key points in one sentence.

Jiang Yuan shook his head at this time and said: "This person is a little different."


Jiang Yuandao: "Look at the outer edge of the shoe print... this person should be wearing height-increasing shoes, and he has small feet wearing big shoes. I think they should be a complete set."

Wu Jun nodded, recorded it, and said: "Looking at the corpse, there were many stabs with a lot of force, which was unnecessary. It was probably a love killing..."

"Yuan Yutang is probably bisexual. There is also the possibility of a love rival."

"Homosexuals can also have male rivals."

"makes sense."

"However, killing two men by one person, even if you have the key, is very difficult to come in and kill them while they are sleeping." Jiang Yuan stared at the pool of blood on the ground for a while, and then said: "The one who killed Yuan Yutang By that time, he had already woken up. The pool of blood here has been washed many times with water. There may be residual blood from the murderer. Please wipe more test materials back."

The blood that has been specially rinsed can only cover up traces but cannot eliminate the presence of DNA. If you want to clean it thoroughly, you have to use some uniquely formulated detergents.

Fatty and Thin now agreed, and they all leaned over and started wiping.

Jiang Yuan continued to stare around for a while, and then said: "The hygiene of the apartment here should be cleaned by someone. I will ask someone later if there are any missing towels in the bathroom."

"You suspected that the murderer was injured and bandaged it with a towel?"

"Yes, look for pillows, sheets and the like. It's possible that he dripped blood somewhere and took one or two items on the spot." Jiang Yuan said and started looking for it himself.

He tried to see if he could find incomplete blood stains, which must have been left by the murderer.

Jiang Yuan felt a little relaxed when he reached this point.

The eucalyptus in front of me gave people the feeling that the element of passionate killing was relatively high.

As for killing with passion, it would be better if it is fatal with one blow. This kind of person stabs someone in person with a knife, and the first stab does not kill him. Later, he stabs him to death under the resistance of the other party, and does not let go of his anger, but stabs him with more than a dozen knives. It is very difficult. It's hard not to leave evidence.

In this case, if you want to evade the crackdown and hide the facts of the crime, you must either prolong the discovery of the body so that the biological evidence at the scene will naturally deteriorate. Either dump the body and deep clean the scene.

However, cleaning the scene itself is a technical job, and there is a risk of discovery when discarding the body. The second scene created may not go undiscovered.

From a criminal investigation perspective, passion murder cases are generally not very difficult.

Participants in passion killings are often reckless. That's why it's called passion. If it doesn't get carried away and the atmosphere reaches the level of murder, normal people with normal thinking will never resort to killing people.

After searching around and finding no incomplete blood stains, Jiang Yuan was not discouraged. He stood up and concluded: "At present, we can check first to see if any of Yuan Yutang's male lovers or love rivals wear height-increasing shoes and large shoes at the same time." A man who measures shoes." Jiang Yuan made an estimate and said, "After increasing his height, this man should be about 180 centimeters tall and his shoe size is 44."

Wu Jun shouted through the railing: "Captain Huang..."

Huang Qiangmin ran over and asked, "Do you have any clues?"

Jiang Yuan then restated the judgments made by several people just now to Huang Qiangmin.

Huang Qiangmin muttered a few words and immediately said: "I will ask Wu Junhao to come over and arrest people now."

Jiang Yuan then remembered yesterday's thief and asked quickly: "Has the thief been caught?"

"Caught, we're under interrogation. He's an old thief, he's a little bit over the top." Huang Qiangmin said, taking out his cell phone and going to work on his own. "

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