National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 223 Document Inspection

monitoring room.

Huang Qiangmin was smoking a cigarette while watching Lei Xin interrogate the prisoners, and he commented without stopping:

"Those who conduct preliminary trials are very impressive."

"This kid is lucky."

"There is something else to say here."

Then, I heard Bai Yuequn casually pick out the eldest and second son of the Yuan family.

Huang Qiangmin was stunned and almost jumped up.

Is this the eucalyptus coming back to him?

Moreover, the Yuan family went from being victims of burglaries to suspects of planning murders?

Huang Qiangmin was like a harpoon jumping up and down in the melon field. He was happily eating melons when he raised his eyes and saw an eleven or twelve-year-old boy with a silver ring around his neck and a steel fork in his hand...

Huang Qiangmin covered his heart, took a breath, looked at Jiang Yuan, and said, "This is trouble."

Jiang Yuan was now confident and said: "If there is love, let's break it up. What does it matter?"

"Instructing others to kill people is the most troublesome kind of crime. Basically, you can only use oral confession to solve the crime." Huang Qiangmin's mind was full of lawsuits. He looked at the police around him and said: "And it involves two of Yuan Jiansheng's Needless to say, my son is also involved in the inheritance issue of Jianyuan Company. Hey, trouble begets trouble."

What Huang Qiangmin didn't say is that this is not just a matter of pure investigation and detection, but also involves other issues.

Jianyuan Company is a large taxpayer in Qinghe City, especially a leader among private enterprises. It has been rooted in Qinghe City for 20 years. It is really not something that Huang Qiangmin, the criminal police captain of a remote county bureau, can touch.

It's okay to break the eucalyptus, but for other related issues, to be honest, Huang Qiangmin is not qualified to contact them.

"I'll report it to the superiors." Huang Qiangmin, a water crocodile, was a little confused when he encountered such a salty incident.

For Qinghe City, the soon-to-be-listed Jianyuan Company is at its most prosperous time. Everyone wants to stand under the fruit trees and have a full meal during the harvest season. Who would have thought that fruit trees are competing for fertilizer to such an extent? .

Jiang Yuan continued to listen to the interrogation, but his thoughts quickly turned from conviction to the issue of the behind-the-scenes instructions.

Judging from the information they know so far, Yuan Yuming, the eldest son of the Yuan family, and Yuan Yulang, the second eldest son, are both suspects.

Moreover, unlike killing someone with your own hands, which requires time and ability, instructing others to kill is much less difficult.

As Huang Qiangmin said, to instruct others, words are often enough. Therefore, oral confessions are basically the only way to solve the case. Without oral confessions, it is difficult to prove.

The interest relationship is also a route, but it only applies to the situation where the interest is paid first. The eldest and second eldest brother of the Yuan family, in this matter, probably paid more in information fees.

The promise they made to Bai Yuequn can be paid slowly over the next few years.

However, this person did not expect that after Bai Yuequn's alibi was broken, his emotions were in a state of collapse and he did not care about the next few years.

Not long after, Bai Yuequn brought over his camera.

Huang Qiangmin took it directly to the Picture Investigation Squadron, and the Picture Investigation technician inserted the camera directly into the data forensic analyzer.

Bai Yuequn thought there was no use in setting a password for the camera. In fact, the current police forensics all use this kind of equipment to directly copy the data, automatically list it, produce an analysis report, and then operate it directly on a computer or PDA.

Several recent photos were quickly released.

Sure enough, there were scenes of the third child, Yuan Yutang, doing high-intensity sports, birthday celebrations, and photos of people being tied up.

At the end, there was a single note. Bai Yuequn took several pictures in succession, which were very clear:

WeChat: 14556679

Needless to say, Huang Qiangmin had a computer technician here and immediately put the WeChat ID into the system to check.

Today's network security has interfaces that are directly linked to chat software such as WeChat and Alipay. The authorized police officers can see the chat records by inserting the number.

Telecom fraud is rampant now, and Internet security uses similar methods to find scammers.

The WeChat ID used to contact Bai Yuequn is obviously also newly registered.

All the contacts were Bai Yuequn. After he added him as a friend, he sent him a bunch of pictures.

The picture detective police immediately collected all the pictures.

As I slid along like this, I saw several WeChat reminders to Bai Yuequn and the location report to Yuan Yutang.

The police officers recorded the time separately.

Although there are many people who know Yuan Yutang's whereabouts, they still have to send someone to follow him or find a way to find out through some means.

For example, Bai Yuequn himself was not very clear about Yuan Yutang's state at that time.

Starting from here, we may be able to investigate something.

After the last report of Yuan Yutang's location and Bai Yuequn's plan was carried out, no more information was sent from the WeChat account.

After reading the pictures, several picture detective policemen fell into deep thought.

Or called autism.

Using images to find the murderer is a route that is particularly in line with ordinary people's thinking.

But for the detective police, choosing any plan or route to track down the murderer means a lot of time cost and energy investment.

Just like looking for thieves through cameras, there are always people who lose their mobile phones and go to the police to see the surveillance video. Most of the time, the police or detectives just don't bother to look.

Because the police look at the image and can't really see the thief's face, it's over. First of all, he had to confirm that the crime actually existed, that is, the thief had indeed stolen the mobile phone. It was best to have clear surveillance footage to capture it.

This means that if the thief knew better and blocked it a little, the main nearby camera would not be able to capture the action.

Of course, the owner has often been identified at this time and shouts "It's him", but for the police, this is obviously not enough.

Secondly, the existence of security is confirmed, and the thief must be tracked down.

If you don't want to stay on guard, it's best to follow the surveillance route and look for the thief's residence or means of transportation. If the thief lives in a village in the city, or there is a section in the middle that is not monitored, or if he does not ride in a vehicle with a clear license plate, the road will be considered blocked.

Finally, if someone is caught, if the estimated value of the phone is not worth 3,000 yuan or 5,000 yuan, it will basically not meet the standard for prosecution...

Of course, the fate in front of us must be investigated.

But which tracing plan to choose is always a frustrating point for the picture detective.

Jiang Yuan came over at this time and said, "Can you copy the photo of the note to my mailbox?"

"Oh, no problem." The picture detective policeman responded quickly, and gave it to Jiang Yuan to operate on the spot, and asked: "Do you want to ask the literary inspection to take a look? It's just a few words, I'm afraid it's a bit difficult."

When it comes to documents, the word count is less and the word count is less.

The number of words is large, so naturally one has the opinion that the number is too large.

For example, in the photo in front of you, "WeChat: 14556679" has only two characters, a symbol and a string of numbers. When ordinary people compare it, most of them consider it from the gestures of the characters.

What Jiang Yuan paid most attention to was the Arabic numerals.

Arabic numerals seem simple, especially when compared with Chinese characters. There seem to be very few points that can be identified. However, with the development of modern literary inspection, Arabic numerals can actually provide a lot of information.

Modern people write less and less frequently, especially in some economic documents. There are few words that can be identified. Instead, there are some numbers that appear very frequently.

Moreover, not only Chinese criminal investigation experts have to study Arabic numerals, but also criminal investigation experts from other countries, as long as it involves document inspection, they always have to study Arabic numerals.

A large amount of research and the participation of experts from various countries have resulted in a lot of theories and ready-made techniques for document inspection of Arabic numerals.

For example, the drawing of a circle is the most basic form of digital symbols. From a morphological point of view, 0689 is a fully closed circle, and 235 has a semi-closed circle. In terms of the direction of the pen movement of the circle, 2358 is clockwise, and 0 and 6 are counterclockwise.

Then, just by examining the drawing methods of circles, we can discover the characteristics of some people's brushstrokes.

In addition, such as 14679, their starting and ending, whether they extend beyond the ruled line, the inclination angle of different numbers, etc. are also identification points.

When encountering this kind of string of numbers, the intervals between the numbers, the way the words are connected, the high and low relationships between the numbers, etc. are also identification items.

All in all, it doesn't matter if there are few words, there are plenty of solutions.

Jiang Yuan then sent a message to Huang Qiangmin: "Team Huang, I want some handwritten materials from Jianyuan Company for document inspection and comparison."

Huang Qiangmin: "Who can I ask to do the document inspection?"

Jiang Yuan: "I can do it. Let me do it myself first."

Huang Qiangmin: \u003cFriendly smiling expression\u003e

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