National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 230 The cage is empty

The performance of the police officers in Qinghe City was similar to that of Wei Zhenguo.

When they heard that the monkey was lost, they smiled. When they heard that a monkey was worth 150,000, they howled.

Like a monkey.

However, although the case value was high, it was still a theft case, and the people who came over were still police from the district bureau.

A total of 4 people, including Cao Keyang, the trace inspector invited from the Municipal Bureau.

Cao Keyang came over on his own initiative.

A few days ago, Cao Keyang was deeply regretful that he did not get involved in the case of Jianyuan Company because he was working on other cases outside.

This time, as soon as the district detective called, he ran over immediately.

The main case-handling force of the Qinghe Municipal Bureau is transferred to the districts and counties. However, the difference between the district bureau and the county bureau is that there are relatively few technical positions including trace inspection and forensic medicine, and most of the time they are used by the city bureau.

Anyway, the technical staff of the municipal bureau also have to go to the countryside. They can be used by anyone, and it is more convenient for the district bureau to use them. And save money.

Cao Keyang arrived at Qinghe College, saw Jiang Yuan, and immediately asked: "Will someone die?"

The word "hui" is more eye-catching.

Cao Keyang's idea is quite simple. The Jianyuan Company case that Jiang Yuan worked on a few days ago didn't just start with a theft case. Two people died in one breath, the son of the chairman of Jianyuan Company, and his boyfriend.

If Jianyuan Company is the peak of Qinghe's private economy, then the peak of academic circles is Qinghe College.

Although it is only a junior college, Qinghe College has a history of more than 50 years, and the principal has a high administrative level.

As a logical trace inspector, Cao Keyang subconsciously speculated that Jiang Yuan was foreseeable and very reasonable.

For example, it is very reasonable for Jianyuan Company to die on the eve of its listing.

It can be naturally inferred that it is not surprising that someone died in Qinghe College.

Cao Keyang's eyes were a little too expectant, making Jiang Yuan laugh and shake his head.

It's just four monkeys lost, it has nothing to do with dead people.

A valuable monkey is still a monkey.

But in Cao Keyang's view, this smile was too intriguing.

"I understand, everything speaks for itself with evidence." Cao Keyang said.

This is certainly true.

Although Jiang Yuan looked at Cao Keyang's expression and felt that something was wrong, he still said normally: "Anyway, let's see the scene first."

Cao Keyang repeatedly promised to follow other police officers into the emergency medical building.

Jiang Yuan borrowed a white coat and followed him in.

All the monkeys in Qinghe College are kept in one room. The iron cage is now empty. Judging from the condition of the lock, it should have been cut directly with hydraulic pliers.

Cao Keyang snapped two photos. In this case, it is usually proven that an outsider committed the crime. Insiders generally won't use a hydraulic clamp to cheat, but they will be easily seen.

Of course, this is a general situation.

The monkey house was fairly clean. Cao Keyang looked around and found a camera, so he asked outside the door: "Do you still have the video?"

"It's broken." The person in charge of the monkey house was a young teacher, who was a little dazed at the moment.

"When did it break?"

"It has been broken for a year or two. I have reported it but it has not been repaired." The young teacher answered.

The monkey house is only a small space, and the camera is shining on it, which makes it somewhat uncomfortable. It is understandable that the enthusiasm for maintenance is not high.

Jiang Yuan looked down at the ground again.

Some of the tables and chairs had been moved, and there were some traces of being rubbed around on the floor, which made it look quite messy.

Because it is an indoor environment, the footprints left on the ground are not shaped.

There are a few half-foot soles, which may have stepped on food that fell to the ground, leaving a little pattern mark, but the information that can be given is very little.

Cao Keyang looked back at Jiang Yuan, and when he saw that he didn't express anything, he said to the criminal police who came with him: "You guys go check the surveillance. I'll scan my fingerprints here to see if there are any breakthroughs."

When a trace examiner talks to a colleague like this, it is equivalent to a man saying to a woman, "Wait a minute while I take a pill."

No need to be ashamed, because you are used to it.

However, it is not something to be proud of.

But, it’s just another ordinary day.


The police officers are also actively taking notes.

The person who was questioned the longest was the teacher in charge of the monkey house, who was also the one who made the report.

His attitude was very cooperative and he answered all questions. When the transcript was finished, he asked: "When will the monkey be found again?"

"It's hard to talk about this." The criminal policeman was also in a dilemma. How could he guarantee such a thing as solving the case?

The teacher in the monkey house looked at him blankly and said, "This is my graduation thesis."

"Hey, aren't you a teacher?"

"I'm studying for a Ph.D. at Agricultural University, and I'm working." Teacher Houshe muttered, "It's been three years."

“What’s the relationship between monkeys and your graduation thesis?”

The monkey house teacher said: "My graduation thesis is related to the breeding of rhesus monkeys..."

The criminal policeman made a few notes in his notebook and said, "You work at Qinghe University, study for a Ph.D. from the Agricultural University, and then use a public monkey to write your graduation thesis?"

Teacher Houshe thought for a while and said, "That's more or less the case."

"You intellectuals are still capable of doing this." The detective clicked his tongue twice, reopened the transcript and said, "Then, have you offended anyone in your PhD studies..."


"What about other aspects? Have you offended anyone?"

Teacher Houshe said angrily: "No! I am a scientific researcher, how can I offend others?"

The detective emphasized: "Under normal circumstances, people outside will not come to steal your monkey with hydraulic pliers. Think carefully, have you had any conflicts with others recently, have you encountered any strange people or strange things? , say strange things?”

"Why do you have to chase me and ask?" The monkey house teacher said dissatisfied: "This is obviously to steal monkeys for the sake of stealing monkeys."

The criminal police officer looked at the monkey house teacher seriously and said: "Monkey, we will definitely pursue this line. But for your line, don't we have to ask you to know it? You say you know, leave us alone. How to investigate!"

The tone here was a little more serious, and the monkey house teacher couldn't hold it in any longer. He could only lower his head and think, and after thinking for a while, he said: "You must tell me what's the matter. Recently, there have been a few calls to buy monkeys." , the price offered is quite high. But I, a monkey, have my own tasks, so I definitely can’t sell it to them..."

The criminal policeman was there frantically taking notes.

Jiang Yuan looked around the scene, focusing on taking photos of the footprints on the ground. He also found a trace of fiber on a corner of the table, carefully took it out in the evidence bag, and quietly left the scene.

The fiber may have been left by a student or teacher at the school, or it may have been left by a thief. Jiang Yuan judged with his naked eye that the most relevant possibility to the case was that the thief used a bag similar to a sack to hold the monkey, and the bag was hung on the table. corners, leaving a little fiber.

If this was a murder case, these fiber materials would have been used as a line to trace.

But since it was a theft, it would be good if it could be used as evidence in the end. If you follow the clues directly, the trouble will be slightly higher, and it will only be considered if other clues have no results.

After leaving the scene, Jiang Yuan followed Wei Zhenguo to watch the surveillance.

The scene of a burglary is the same as the scene of a murder. If you want to scan it in detail, you still have to go there for several hours. Moreover, my back aches and my legs cramp, which consumes three to five kilograms of supplies.

Today's case is not Jiang Yuan's case. Looking into other cases, he does not have the power to sweep the scene.

Jiang Yuan was not interested in sweeping the scene.

Manpower has its limits. If you encounter a case, you must do it. If you don't say it, you will be exhausted and you will offend others.

Even if Cao Keyang has an excellent attitude, he may not be happy to be instructed by Jiang Yuan.

Qinghe College's surveillance is widely distributed, and a special surveillance room is arranged.

Zeng Zhuohu and several students followed Jiang Yuan curiously and mixed in together.

The management of Qinghe College itself was just like that. When there were too many people, they simply ignored it and only gave them a machine to see.

The criminal police officer in charge did not sit down, but asked a staff member to come over and search for surveillance videos one by one.

At this time, Qinghe College's numerous surveillance systems showed their advantages. Because there are too many surveillance videos and too few people watching the videos, the people watching them are extremely tired.

The criminal police officer is not a professional map detective. He can hardly find the key locations. It is even more difficult to follow the key locations to find the next key locations.

The thieves can be found in several surveillance videos. They appear to be a man and a woman dragging two suitcases, but their faces cannot be seen clearly and their identities cannot be confirmed. The most difficult thing is that the surveillance finally followed him, but then lost him again.

A few students were the first to become bored. One of the girls came close to Jiang Yuan and said in a soft voice: "Do you usually watch the surveillance cameras like this?"

"Absolutely. Watching surveillance is boring." Jiang Yuan recalled the work of the detectives and felt deeply about it.

Even though picture detective is a prominent science in the criminal department nowadays and is often called big data, at the operational level, this thing can only be called big eyes and so on...

Regarding the monitoring model of Qinghe College, I saw that the monitoring room was well built. As a result, half of the monitoring was in real time. Only news photos were taken. It was beautiful when publicized. The stored monitoring time was also short, and there was a loop recording mechanism. Imperfect situation…

Again, if one or two people die in Qinghe College, these surveillances will be valuable.

If you just lose the monkey, these surveillances will be the blindness of the detective.

Naturally, the female student next to him didn't understand Jiang Yuan's emotion, so she got closer and whispered: "Actually, if there are more equipment, we can also help look at it..."

"Actually, there's no need." Jiang Yuan changed his mind at this moment, coughed twice, and said, "Just look at the courtyard wall. If there is no exit video, it can only be from the courtyard wall."

"It's not easy to climb over the wall. Four monkeys look quite heavy." The detective in charge said.

"One weighs almost 10 kilograms." Zeng Zhuohu explained in front of him.

"The suitcase is a bit heavy. It's okay to push it, but it will be more tiring to climb over the wall, right?" The criminal police officer in charge pointed to the screenshot of the previous video.

The two thieves were pushing two boxes, one large and one small. They were not very light after all.

If you go over the wall, the suitcase will be a problem.

"Maybe he got out of the hole in the wall." The person who spoke this time was obviously older.

Someone looked over unexpectedly and immediately stood up straight and shouted: "Principal."

"Principal Heng." Zeng Zhuohu also said hello.

Heng Wenxuan, the principal of Qinghe College, nodded with a smile, and then greeted the police specifically, saying: "Thank you for your hard work. I heard you were discussing the case just now, and I couldn't help but want to say something. Well, the school's courtyard wall has Holes have been dug out in several places, which are actually accessible.”

"Then call it from the surveillance camera and take a look." The criminal police officer in charge said immediately.

The staff in the monitoring room said in embarrassment: "The monitoring over there broke down once it was installed. It has not been installed anymore recently."

"Hmm..." The detective frowned.

"There is surveillance in the small restaurant opposite the cave." The principal said with a smile, "It's right at the entrance of the cave."

Due to the lack of medicines, I went through a complete fever process. My personal experience was from being afraid of cold, to being afraid of heat, to sweating, the whole process. I felt awake the whole time, but now I think I'm probably drowsy. Overall, it's okay. After the burn, the tooth didn't hurt that much. It just felt like a dull pain. Then I had a headache that was similar to a cold for two days. I'm in good condition today and the swelling has subsided. I heard that the lockdown has been lifted. I'll try again tomorrow. Try going to the hospital...

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