National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 238 Everything is down to the smallest detail

Chapter 239 Everything is down to the smallest detail

Jiang Yuan and others arrived early, found a small restaurant, and set up a dirty table, where they could put out teacups, drink tea and blow on the air conditioner while waiting for the arrangements ahead.

Looking from his position, Xu Taining's white shirt was particularly conspicuous a few hundred meters away.

There are never fewer vehicles on both sides of the road.

Most of the vehicles and police officers who come for reinforcements will wait for a few dozen minutes at most before getting assigned tasks. They will take a map or find a guide on the spot to go to their destination.

However, as more and more vehicles, police officers and local personnel arrived, the roads were inevitably congested.

Later, people parked on the side of the road and there were no tables to sit on. They simply sat on the ground on both sides of the road, or found a place like the bed of a pickup truck to chat while scrolling through their mobile phones.

The merchants in Zifeng Town quickly demonstrated their business acumen that was no less than that of first-tier cities.

Everyone carried tables, chairs, benches, wooden stools, wooden bars, anything that looked like they could sit on from the store, and sold their own products together.

The police officers who were walking along were also hungry, holding instant noodles, bread or spicy sticks on the spot to fill their stomachs until the chefs and owners of various restaurants became excited.

At the same time, support from the Mining Bureau and the geological team also poured in.

Although Zifeng Mountain is a big mountain, it is different from Wulong Mountain in that it is a pure land.

Both the geological team and the coal miners have decades of experience measuring their surroundings with their feet. Farmers, workers, etc. who live here all year round also know a lot about Zifeng Mountain.

This is still the decline of coal mines. If we put it in the 1980s and 1990s when coal mining was the most prosperous, there would be no inaccessible places within a hundred miles of Zifeng Town.

Tens of thousands of people live and work here, walking through the top and bottom of the mountain day and night, giving birth here during the week and relaxing here on the weekend.

The most difficult mountainous area to climb happens to be the location of two large coal mines and one small coal mine.

The part in the middle of the mountain is the busiest section of the coal mine. This is where the ore washing plant and the coal dump are located. Transport vehicles from many nearby provinces gather here, pulling goods non-stop during the day and night.

At night, the lights of the large trucks waiting for coal were like a dragon of light, coiling among the bare mountains, illuminating the main peak of Zifeng Mountain as if it was a penis-insertion technique.

It won’t stop even on New Year’s Eve.

The coal here will bring warmth to countless people.

Zifeng Town at the southern foot of the mountain, where everyone is, is home to small industrial factories such as coal machinery factories, machinery factories, repair shops, transportation brigades, agricultural machinery factories, fertilizer plants, etc., as well as mining bureaus, hospitals, schools and governments. location.

Most of the families' homes of coal mines are concentrated here. There are specialized shopping malls, food markets, movie theaters and other commercial sectors, supporting the lives of tens of thousands of people.

There is also no space at the less lively northern foot of Zifeng Mountain. Due to historical reasons, there are a large number of small coal mines concentrated there. Most of them are organized by townships and towns and are township enterprises established under local laws. Some small coal mines are affiliated to production teams or communes.

The workers in the small coal mines in Beilu are mainly local farmers. They rely on mules and horses for transportation and pickaxes for excavation. The environment is harsh and production and relationships are more complicated.

The current main search direction is Well No. 1 at the southern foot of the mountain. Its full name is Well No. 1 of the Zifeng Mining Bureau. It sounds like a mine, but it is actually a coal mine.

Well No. 1 is the coal mine with the longest mining history and the best mining conditions in Zifeng Mountain. Before the resources were exhausted, the coal mine had more than 3,000 employees, and there were thousands of people actually working.

With so many people using the advanced machinery that state-owned enterprises could purchase at that time, they have been mining for decades. You can imagine the complexity of the tunnels.

If you really want to check all the inclined wells, the manpower and material resources consumed will be beyond the support of the provincial government.

However, unless Liu Jinghui's head was hot, he probably would not enter these abandoned mine tunnels. The situation there is really unpredictable, and it's like risking your own life to investigate.

Xu Taining's goal was not to risk hundreds of people being buried alive just to save one person.

Therefore, his arrangements were concentrated at various intersections, cave entrances, mountain villages, ditches, temples and other places.

His trouble is that he is not sure of Liu Jinghui's goal and direction. Therefore, he cannot just investigate Well No. 1. He also has to arrange many people to go to Well No. 2, Tuanjie Coal Mine, Miaogou Coal Mine, and even the small town in Beilu. Coal kiln search.

The good thing is that all the coal mines in Zifeng Mountain have ceased production. The roads that were once bustling and busy have been returned to the ownership of the mountains and forests. Experienced policemen or prospectors can easily find traces of people passing by.

Liu Jinghui and two other police officers, a total of three people, would not disappear on purpose even if they thought about it.

In turn, this is another pressure. With so many people going up the mountain now, if they can't find any trace of Liu Jinghui, it will be difficult to find him later.

However, Xu Taining must be very good at this level of on-site searches.

Jiang Yuan, Huang Qiangmin and others waited for almost three hours before their names were finally called.

When Xu Taining approached, several people waited for another ten minutes before they came to Xu Taining.

The first-level senior police sergeant wearing a white shirt looked a little tired at this time, his Chinese-character face was slightly slumped, and his lips even showed signs of being chapped.

Jiang Yuan suddenly thought that he must not dare to drink water. Don't waste time going to the toilet.

If it were another leader, the normal search operation would probably be arranged in the form of meetings and assigned to different middle-level cadres.

Xu Taining personally arranged everything down to the smallest detail.

This is naturally much more tiring.

"Jiang Yuan." Xu Taining didn't know Huang Qiangmin, so he just waved and asked, "Who is your captain?"

"Xu Chu, I am Huang Qiangmin, the captain of the Ningtai County Criminal Police Brigade." Huang Qiangmin took the initiative to come forward and say hello. He is about the same age as Xu Taining, but his status is much lower.

Xu Taining smiled and said: "Yes, the captain is here in person. Thank you for your hard work. Well, how many of you are there in total?"

"There should be 28 people, but there are actually 28 people." Huang Qiangmin put his feet together and answered very formally.

The one he brought out this time was the Second Squadron. The No. 1 and No. 2 Squadrons in Ningtai County used to have endless cases every day. In the past two months, there have been fewer cases and the team's laxity has greatly increased.

For Huang Qiangmin, this trip to support is also an opportunity to exercise.

"Yes, a platoon has arrived, and you have brought police dogs, right?"

"Yes." Huang Qiangmin also called Heizi from Longli County to come over. Because the provincial department had unified dispatch tasks, all the dog time was saved this time.

Xu Taining looked at Jiang Yuan again and said, "In my impression, Jiang Yuan's on-site investigation ability is quite good."

"Yes." It was Jiang Yuan who answered this time, without any extra modesty.

"We will start the search from the location of Sanqing Temple. There are also local activities here, so the situation is more complicated..." Xu Taining arranged a few words and signaled Jiang Yuan and others to start working.

Huang Qiangmin agreed, took Jiang Yuan and the dog to the pickup truck, and started driving according to the signs on the roadside.

The road signs on both sides of the road were rearranged by Xu Taining today.

There are not many forked roads on the mountain. As long as the road signs are clear, you can find them without a guide, which is convenient for everyone.

However, ordinary searchers would never expect such details.

Most commanders are just anxious and angry. Not everyone has good organizational skills. There are even fewer excellent ones.

Sanqing Temple is actually on the side peak.

The car has to drive to the middle of the mountain, then take a branch road, go down the mountain to Miaogou, and then climb up.

Miaogou is also a huge ravine. It used to be home to an entire village, but they all moved to Zifeng Town for the development of coal mines.

One side of Miaogou is the main peak of Zifeng Mountain, and the other side is the side peak where Sanqing Temple is located.

The height of the side peaks is also not low, and the dimensions are a lot smaller. If the coal mine had not been discovered, this place could have been developed as a tourist attraction.

Now there is no potential for development. Looking down from the Sanqing Temple, it is all an open-pit coal mine. Although it has been backfilled, it is still riddled with holes.

"I thought they would arrange an important job for us." Li Li took Da Zhuang out of the car, and Da Zhuang's feet were swaying.

The winding mountain road is a nightmare for car riders, but now it seems that it is probably a hell of a ride for dogs.

"This temple seems to be still maintained, which can be considered an important job." Huang Qiangmin corrected Li Li's point of view and said: "We are nothing special."

"We don't have it, Jiangyuan does. And we also bring police dogs." Li Li emphasized: "If you don't look at the dog, look at the river."

Jiang Yuan didn't know whether Li Li was praising him or hurting him.

However, it gets dark early in the mountains. Looking at Li Li now, she can't see her face clearly, but she can clearly see her figure. Jiang Yuan's tone is very calm: "Let's see the scene first."

"Da Zhuang may need to rest for a while." Li Li hugged Da Zhuang to her chest distressedly. It’s hard for anyone who gets motion sickness, let alone a dog.

Jiang Yuan nodded and began to remove the power supply, inspection lights and other items from the car.

Half of them had just returned from alms with the Great Wall Cannon. Ningtai County was originally equipped with things like large mobile power supplies, but due to their old age, not only the battery capacity was low, but also the performance in all aspects could not keep up with the requirements.

Things like survey lights are for illumination, but the power of such items is getting bigger and bigger. Needless to say, the greater the power, the better it is.

After a while, Liu Wenkai, the captain of the second squadron, arrived at the scene with his men.

The cars they rode were all old cars from the Second Squadron. The main ones were a Skoda, an Iveco, and two Wuling Hongguangs.

The old road in the coal mine had long been filled with potholes, and it was extremely difficult for several vehicles to walk on it. One team member imitated his strong behavior and vomited when he went up the mountain.

"Go farther away and vomit, don't destroy the scene." Huang Qiangmin shouted first, then sighed: "So air conditioning is also a combatant, and having a good car will also help us protect the scene."

Squadron leader Liu Wenkai looked at the wild scenery around him and agreed: "There are so many uses for a good car. When I was young, I took my girlfriend to mountains like this. I didn't have money to buy a house at that time, so I just wanted to do it in the mountains." What did you order, but it turned out that the car I borrowed was an A-class car, and my girlfriend has long legs... ugh..."

Huang Qiangmin picked him up with his eyes and said slowly: "I'm talking about the Great Wall Cannon."

Liu Wenkai said with a playful smile: "I'm also talking about guns."

Wang Zhong took out a survey box from Ivekoli, went to Jiang Yuan's side, helped him skillfully, and asked, "What are we looking for?"

"I don't know. Let's look at the footprints first."

"Footprints...what are you looking at?" There were quite a few footprints around. Some are loose soil in corridors and rooms, some are wet mud in the yard, and some are composed of incense ash.

There are very few people coming to the Sanqing Temple here, and the temple Zhu also lives in the town. He only comes here every now and then to collect the merit boxes, put some incense, burn some yellow paper, and clean the place.

In this way, the footprints in the temple happened to have been formed in the past few days.

Jiang Yuan looked at it and said, "Let's first look at how most of the footprints were formed. The routes they took and the way they traveled. See if there are any special or exceptional ones."

After a pause, Jiang Yuan added: "It would be better if we could directly find traces of the struggle, or blood stains or the like."

"Understood." Wang Zhong felt that he had learned a lot again, and he raised the survey light with satisfaction to illuminate Jiang Yuan.

The two walked back and forth several times, but Jiang Yuan remained silent.

What he just said is simple, but in actual practice, it is not that easy.

There are not many footprints left, and the clarity is not high. It is still necessary to judge the behavior pattern. It's not that it can't be done, but in terms of difficulty, this is very high. In fact, it is more suitable for use on bloody footprints.

Among the various footprints at crime scenes, bloody footprints are always the most valuable.

On the other hand, they are not sure what condition Liu Jinghui is in now.

Based on simple reasoning analysis, Liu Jinghui actually has a relatively high possibility of coming to Sanqing Temple. After all, it is the commanding height of Side Peak. As long as he comes to Side Peak, he is likely to go up here.

And Liu Jinghui has stayed in the Zifengshan Coal Mine for such a long time. It can be said that it is normal to come to the side peak to have a look.

In addition to the special nature of the temple, there are temple blessings coming and going from time to time, so maybe you can see something and know something.

However, if Liu Jinghui simply went inside and took a look, or even burned incense like an ordinary pilgrim, Jiang Yuan's current method of looking at the footprints would not be able to tell.

He basically assumed that Liu Jinghui was conducting activities similar to exploration or reconnaissance in Sanqing Temple.

More importantly, Liu Jinghui may have never been here.

This is what a casting-net search is all about. Unless he happens to encounter someone, Ren Jiangyuan will not be able to display all his abilities.

The criminal policemen of the Second Squadron spontaneously dispersed and started looking around with Sanqing Temple as the center.

At about the same time, Da Zhuang also woke up from his continuous motion sickness.

Li Li took out a black leather shoe from the evidence bag, sniffed the inside and sole of the leather shoe for Da Zhuang, and then put it out to let him find the source of the smell.

Huang Qiangmin also turned his attention.

When searching a large area, even Jiang Yuan probably couldn't compare with Da Zhuang.

Da Zhuang lowered his head to search for the source of the smell, and kept wandering around. Finally he returned to the black leather shoes, then left and came back again.

This was a sign that the police dog had not made a breakthrough. Li Li changed several places one after another in order to succeed.

Li Li and Da Zhuang continue to try.

Huang Qiangmin returned his attention to Jiang Yuan, as if he had never lost confidence in him.

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