National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 244 Ready to try

Chapter 245 Ready to try

Whether it is a case of dismemberment, burning of corpses, or bones, wherever forensic anthropology is used, finding the source of the corpse is the key to solving the case.

That is, the key question of "who is he" is the basis for solving such cases.

Ordinary grassroots forensic doctors, just like doctors in grassroots hospitals, basically rely on instruments and equipment to make identifications.

Of course, high-end forensic doctors don't just start boiling water right away.

Normally, run through DNA and try to pick out fingerprints. If there are none, look for special marks such as fingerprints or medical marks such as steel plates and nails.

If there is a forensic doctor who can impart relevant experience, it is generally believed that the most effective identification is for ordinary people to get steel nails in a regular surgery hospital.

Steel nails cause little damage and are highly concealable. After someone is killed, forensic doctors can easily find the marks by looking for them. However, the murderer is easy to ignore because of the lack of equipment and the separation of flesh and blood.

The problems of steel plates and prostheses are the same. They are less concealable and the surgery required is relatively large.

The concealment of tattoos or scars is even worse. If the murderer was more serious, he would probably cut them out individually. Furthermore, none of them can be used for forward searches.

Dental records are very useful in the United States, but the results are average in China. This is because there is no unified database and forward search is impossible.

Therefore, in China, dental records can be used for confirmation, but it is still difficult to find a person through their teeth and determine who they are.

On the other hand, the steel plate on the head is usually numbered and is not easy to find. If you are lucky, it can withstand a blunt weapon attack from the killer.

The risk is that the head can easily be taken away entirely, just like the first scattered corpse found. The skull cannot be found no matter how hard you look for it. It is most likely that the murderer handled it alone.

——The dismemberers always like to deal with the heads alone, and some of them are often buried in their own homes, like a kind of evil obsession common to both the East and the West.

Generally speaking, grassroots forensic doctors mainly use these three tools in identifying the source of corpses.

If you want to add another trick, it is the things around the corpse.

The clothes the deceased wore and the objects he used are still the garbage dumped with the deceased now.

Judging by the standards of current cases, the value of these garbage is very small.

But for the backlog, small and pitiful information is also information.

The first thing Jiang Yuan pulled out were some packaging bags and beverage bottles.

Wang Lan said: "Let me mark the time."

"Okay." Jiang Yuan gave Wang Lan the garbage heap that was easy to label.

At the same time, he also separated some organic matter and put aside some things that could still be distinguished, such as fish bones, pig bones, etc.

In theory, if there are uncooked bones, it is possible to extract DNA. As for its use, it depends on the situation. At the very least, DNA is one-to-one evidence and is highly accurate, so it is still very valuable.

In addition to these non-degradable garbage and some wet garbage, some textiles and paper were also additionally separated by Jiang Yuan.

These things can also be used to prove the origin of the body. It’s not necessarily about time, maybe it’s about place.

If you can determine which pieces of clothing or which trash can the paper came from, it will be easier to find the missing or dead people around you.

Of course, the premise of all these is that garbage and corpses come in one wave.

If not...

Then we can only continue to analyze the corpse. Forensic Anthropology yyds!

The forensic doctors gathered around would usually do tasks similar to Jiang Yuan's, but seeing that Jiang Yuan did it quickly and well, and the classification was very clear, just like a veteran who had been sorting garbage all year round, everyone naturally I started assisting.

Anyway, it’s just a matter of sorting garbage, and no one wants to take this job.

As for how to analyze garbage specifically, everyone has their own opinions.

In fact, most forensic doctors have some specialties other than corpses.

For example, most medical examiners have some fashion sensibilities. Because you have to write a report, and in the report, you have to describe the corpse's clothing in detail.

Among the people who died in that jurisdiction, in addition to working people in simple clothes, there were also working people in fashionable clothes. Some dark round neck shawl, sleeveless waist, hooded butt-covering skirt or something like that.

As long as enough fashionistas die, even the straightest forensic doctor can become a fashionista.

It is conceivable that the forensic doctors in Paris and Milan must have strong opinions on fashion.

If I do this for long enough, I might be able to write something like a fashion death test.

Forensic cows are very good at analyzing paper.

The word "good" is not quite accurate. A more accurate description would be that he is particularly familiar with paper types and preparations.

Forensic cattle are particularly familiar with household paper, that is, paper towels, tissue paper, facial tissue, and toilet paper.

This is mainly because he once worked in an area where public security was weak and the industrial structure was particularly biased towards the offline entertainment industry. He fished tissues from wastebaskets all year round to check for sperm spots and the like.

There are many products made. Whether it is tissue paper according to GB/T 20808-2011 or toilet paper according to GB/T 20810-2018, you can tell at a glance.

Common materials, such as virgin wood pulp, virgin pulp, pure wood pulp and mixed pulp, or more special bamboo pulp, are also easy to distinguish.

For some common brands, cattle forensic scientists can distinguish quite a few by touching and smelling them.

Of course, as an inevitable derivative knowledge, cattle forensic medicine can also distinguish considerable information based on the taste of rice green liquid.

For example, the smell of heather or chestnut flowers that is popular among people is superficial from a forensic perspective.

Not to mention that these two kinds of flowers are not common. If you mention it, it is as if you haven't mentioned it. The reality is that the taste of rice green liquid is different for different people in different states.

For example, the tasteless ones are those with damaged prostate function.

The taste is particularly strong, maybe it’s been a long time since I’ve made it.

The fishy smell may be caused by inflammation.

A musky or fishy smell is also common and is most likely a dietary issue.

To use common items to describe its smell, French perfume is probably more appropriate, especially when the concentration is high. Many French perfumes have similar taste types.

At this moment, Forensic Niu took the initiative to stand in front of the pile of paper.

Everyone has been working as forensic doctors locally for many years, and they are familiar with each other to a certain extent. Some forensic doctors are good at certain things, and they will ask for advice when needed.

Naturally, no one will compete with Niu Forensic Doctor for paper rights.

What caught Jiang Yuan's attention the most were a few small jewelry.

It is not very valuable jewelry. Looking at the material, it is most likely made of copper, glass, or colored glaze. It consists of a pair of earrings, a necklace and a ring.

Based on Jiang Yuan's experience in rummaging through garbage, the consumption patterns of this wave of garbage owners tend to be conservative.

For example, the fish bones we eat are hairtail bones, and the clothes we wear are mainly made of chemical fiber and cotton. Judging from the packaging bags of snacks and drinks, the prices are not very high, and many of them are from unknown small brands. Factory products.

In this case, a set of discarded accessories is a bit out of the ordinary.

Of course, it may have nothing to do with the case, but Jiang Yuan still paid more attention to it. After a brief inspection, they were packed in evidence bags.

Several forensic scientists were at the scene and spent several hours sorting about two tons of garbage.

The excavation on the other side also progressed rapidly, and the mine was re-excavated by nearly 10 meters.

The light conditions at this time were already very poor. Everyone hurriedly transported the items that they thought were useful to the top of the mine, which almost ended the day's excavation.

The mine has already been dug quite deep, and it would be too dangerous to excavate during the night shift.

Xu Taining was in control of the situation at the scene. Jiang Yuan went to report it and said, "I'm going to Qinghe City in the evening to see the condition of the corpse."

Xu Taining nodded with appreciation.

He was standing on the roof of the mine today, looking at the work below. After all, no matter how complicated the surrounding search is, the goal is to get clues in the end.

The corpse is currently the "evidence" that can bring the most clues.

Jiang Yuan's work attitude and ability also fell in Xu Taining's eyes.

Compared with other forensic doctors he has worked with, Xu Taining sees more advantages and stronger physical strength, which can be said to be rare excellence.

Of course, Xu Taining would not say these words. He just nodded warmly and said, "You should also pay attention to your health and don't get exhausted."

"Yes." Jiang Yuan didn't know if he heard it, so he got permission and immediately followed the car down the mountain.

It also takes two hours from Zifeng Town to Qinghe City.

After taking a nap on the road, I went to the funeral parlor in Qinghe City. After getting off the car, I felt like I was in another world for a while.

The sound of the excavator disappeared, the ubiquitous hum of voices disappeared, and the anxiety seemed to be soothed by the tranquility of the funeral home.

On the tip of the nose, there is the smell of mountains and fields with a slight smoky smell, as well as the fresh scent of pine trees and the burnt smell of yellow paper.

The family members of the deceased were marching quietly in the distance. They each used different customs to pay homage to the deceased, but silence and silence were the universal standards.

Jiang Yuan suddenly felt comfortable all over, as if he was bathing in a hot spring, and all the fatigue in his body was being eliminated.

"Let's go, finish watching the body early, and go back to rest early." Forensic Doctor Niu jumped out of the car.

He was exhausted today, so he followed Jiang Yuan out, not so much to watch the autopsy as to be sent here to rest.

Because of Xu Taining, forensic experts from the provincial department have come to Qinghe City to help. No one, including the forensic doctor Ru Niu, had any intention of doing the autopsy in person.

Jiang Yuan has LV3 in Forensic Anthropology and is also a provincial expert. He felt that it would be helpful, so he insisted on coming over to take a look.

Anatomy room.

The smell filled the nasal cavity, and the ventilation fan turned desperately to no avail.

The first two corpses were already placed on the autopsy table.

The scattered limbs were put together as much as possible, but they still looked like broken toys.

However, stomach acid easily rises when thinking about what they were like when they were alive.

Jiang Yuan changed into his white coat and entered. His eyes first fell on the waxed corpse.

Waxed corpses usually only appear in water or moist soil. If the soil is too dry, a mummified body will form.

Both are preserved corpses, and they seem to have more flesh and blood than the final white bones.

But when you actually see the corpse, you will feel that the skeletal corpse is more friendly.

In fact, waxed corpses or mummified corpses are suitable for wrapping in cloth strips.

Corpse wax, as the name suggests, is when the body parts become wax-like.

The main change is the fat tissue of the corpse. Start with the limbs, face and buttocks.

However, compared with the wax figures in wax museums, corpse wax is often gray-white and has a much higher horror index.

From another perspective, after seeing the corpse wax and then looking at the wax figures in the wax museum, the horror index reaches a new high.

"Forensic Doctor Zhai." Forensic Doctor Niu first greeted the forensic experts from the provincial department.

Forensic Doctor Zhai is a little old man with a skinny face and a dull look in his eyes.

He can be regarded as the provincial version of Wang Lan and an upgraded version of Wang Lan. However, unlike Wang Lan, who travels around the city as a municipal bureau forensic examiner, forensic examiner Zhai actually does more paper work, that is, reviewing forensic reports from various places, injury identification and other written work.

Only for particularly big cases will Zhai be brought over for forensic investigation.

When he saw Jiang Yuan and Niu Forensic Doctor, he didn't say anything and just let them see by themselves.

Jiang Yuan was not polite, so he started checking it from top to bottom.

The broken bones of the corpse all have anastomosis points, indicating that there is no missing bone.

In the few places where knives were used, Forensic Doctor Zhai handled them cleanly and neatly.

Forensic Niu looked at it for a while and then lost interest.

Seeing the dissected corpse and its overwhelming strength, he would rather read the autopsy report.

Jiang Yuan's emotions were similar to his, but he was eager to try.

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