National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 250 Saw Blade

Chapter 251 Saw Blade

Even though only one victim was identified, or rather, one victim was identified, everyone's emotions were already high.

In several groups, there were obviously more people talking.

In the "Hui Zhang Group" that Jiang Yuan was dragged into, someone started chatting happily:

Trace inspection Li Rui: [I feel like I see hope. Now that the source of the body has been determined, we can search for the traces of the activities on the day of the disappearance. 】

Zhang Mingyuan, the current surveyor: [Don’t be so optimistic. It has been three years and four months since he disappeared. Only my family members can remember a little bit. If I ask people around me, they can’t remember anything. 】

Detective Fu Quanxian: [Didn’t you actively look for someone when you disappeared? Normal people, if someone around them disappears and is questioned, they will definitely remember it. 】

Current survey Zhang Mingyuan: [When she disappeared, her parents were not around and went to the countryside. The victim had no job and was squatting at home. Well, it is called flexible employment nowadays, so he had no colleagues. Four days after his disappearance, his parents called the police after being unable to get through many times. 】

Forensic doctor Niu Lihuang: [(ω) The victim suffered from cervical spondylosis and lumbar disc herniation, all of which are occupational diseases caused by working at a desk, but he ended up without a job? 】

Now check Zhang Mingyuan: [I guess you play games. 】

Forensic doctor Niu Lihuang: [Fuck, the forensic doctor can’t do it anymore. How can we judge the life and career scenarios? 】

Zhang Mingyuan, who is now investigating: [Fortunately, I found the victim's jewelry. Jiang Yuan is still very good. Otherwise, it is not certain whether the victim can be found this time. 】

Detective Fu Quanxian: [Now, are there any clues about the motorcycle? Or is the thread broken? 】

Current investigator Zhang Mingyuan: [Still searching, and it cannot be limited to the victim’s living area. This person’s living area is very narrow. 】

A group of people chatted, going from optimism to pessimism, and soon stopped talking.

Jiang Yuan also frowned. He had imagined the identity of the victim, but he had no firm idea.

However, his initial thought was that the victim was a white-collar worker or a civil servant, at least someone who worked at a desk in an office. Who would have thought that a girl in her twenties, playing games seriously, could be so sick?

After finishing browsing the phone, Jiang Yuan came back to his senses, sighed secretly, and looked at the corpse again.

Based on his original thinking, if he found the location of the body or the place where the crime occurred, the probability of finding the murderer would be very high.

Taking the backlog of murder cases alone, a lot of evidence has been obtained now.

However, if you can’t find it, you can’t find it. Especially during the period of finding the victim's home, if there are new clues, the murderer may be identified directly, but if not, the value of this clue will be greatly reduced.

The criminal police are still working hard in the local area. By checking the motorcycle, checking the situation of the missing person, checking the victim's interpersonal relationship, etc., they may be able to find some clues.

But from Jiang Yuan's perspective, the best evidence is always the corpse itself.

The "King of Evidence" illustrates the wealth of information provided by corpses, but it is just too difficult to obtain.

However, compared with the first three corpses, the fourth corpse seems to have more to say - this is purely a feeling of Jiang Yuan. If he had to describe it, the fourth corpse seemed messier and more carelessly handled.

From a time perspective, the death time of the fourth corpse was also relatively long. Jiang Yuan judged it to be 4 years ago.

It is equivalent to saying that this victim was killed by the murderer earlier.

Not handled well enough?

Or did something unexpected happen during the processing?

Jiang Yuan looked for clues carefully with anticipation in his heart.

In fact, it is normal for the murderer to encounter some unexpected situations during the process of dismembering the body.

When pigs are slaughtered during the Chinese New Year in rural areas, the butcher hired, who has been killing pigs his whole life, cannot say that he will not have a little accident.

What's more, the murderer is under great psychological pressure, and the operating location is often not very comfortable, with limited sight lines, so it is normal for unexpected situations to occur. Some murderers even learned to wear latex gloves, and the gloves ended up being cut into the bodies.

Jiang Yuan did not find any particularly useful evidence from the first three corpses, but looking at the appearance of the fourth corpse, Jiang Yuan hoped to gain something.

He did not inspect the corpse in order, but followed his heart and took out large pieces of bones to look through first.

At this glance, it lasted more than an hour.

During this period, other forensic doctors also came to look at the bones, but they all focused on different points, paying attention and judging in different directions.

Jiang Yuan watched silently, and couldn't help but stop when he saw the cut radius and humerus.

What attracted him this time was the cross section of the bone.

The bones were cut with a saw, nothing new about that. Many corpse-dismembering monsters like to use saws, including Wang Guoshan, who dismembered corpses in the reservoir.

Compared with those who use axes, machetes and the like to dismember corpses, using saws to dismember corpses consumes less energy, the number of corpses divided into more pieces, and the average weight of each piece is smaller.

Jiang Yuan has seen many corpses that were dismembered with saws, but as for corpse source No. 4, its cross-section has changed.

What kind of changes?

Jiang Yuan took out several pieces of sternum and ribs respectively, and compared them with the humerus and radius. At this time, he could find that the cross section of the former was flatter and smoother, while the latter not only had serious cutting marks, but also obvious saw jumping marks.

In addition, the step marks on the humerus and radius are obvious, 4 mm from the cross section, and 4 mm in length. The sternum and ribs appear flatter and clearer.

All this points to one problem: the murderer changed his saw.

Regardless of whether he cut the sternum first or the arm first, he changed the saw.

Maybe a saw is broken, maybe the saw blade is broken, maybe he feels that the saw he is using is not powerful, no matter what the reason is, in short, the murderer changed the saw during the process of using the saw to dismember the body, at least it was Saw blade replaced.

But whether it was changing the saw or the saw blade, it further revealed an answer: the murderer completed the dismemberment at a fixed location.

The reason for this inference is that the murderer must have used a high-power saw, most likely a chain saw.

The size and weight of a chain saw are not small, it must be about 10 kilograms, and its saw blade should be called a saw chain, which is similar to a bicycle chain and weighs several kilograms.

Jiang Yuan felt that a normal corpse-dismembering monster would not carry two chain saws, or one chain saw and another chain.

If the corpse-dismembering monster has a phobia of chain breaks, wouldn't it be more reasonable and appropriate to directly replace the chain saw with a saw chain based on his rigor?

This thing is often used to saw wood and trees, and it is made of special steel. It can be sharpened and reused after hundreds of cuts, and it is not so easy to break and damage.

Buy a new one online and put it on. After splitting two people, maybe you can return it to the boss.

Therefore, a more reasonable explanation for changing the saw or saw blade on corpse source No. 4 is that the murderer dismembered the body on his own territory.

This way, if you encounter a problem, you can replace the saw or saw blade smoothly and easily.

If so, it overturns another hypothesis, that is, the murderer deliberately carried saws and other crime tools to commit crimes far away from his place of residence or work.

In other words, the murderer’s place of residence or work should be near the crime scene.

That is, near the residence of Feng Xiaoyan, deceased No. 3!

Jiang Yuan figured this out and immediately called Huang Qiangmin.

Huang Qiangmin on the other side didn't rest either. After listening to Jiang Yuan's reasoning with great anticipation, he was slightly silent.

"Is there a problem?" Jiang Yuan felt something was wrong.

"We have already scanned Fang Jinxiang's motorcycle, and no suspects have been identified." Huang Qiangmin sighed.

Jiang Yuan was a little surprised: "Did it sweep so fast? Then... around Fang Jinxiang? A rural area relatively close to Feng Xiaoyan?"

"It's possible. But there aren't as many motorcycles here as in Zifeng Town." Huang Qiangmin paused and said, "Maybe they come from other towns twenty or thirty kilometers away?"

"It's a little far. Besides, carrying a chain saw on a motorcycle is enough. Two chain saws, or one chain saw and two chains? It's too tiring."

"That's true." Huang Qiangmin paused for a while and said, "It's possible that Feng Xiaoyan could move, but it's really unlikely that she would be alone for dozens of kilometers."

Huang Qiangmin said, denying himself.

"So, the probability that the murderer is in Fang Jinxiang or in the surrounding area is really high. It's a pity that the source of the other corpses can't be found. Otherwise..." Huang Qiangmin was a little annoyed, and then said: "This dismemberment tool is We have been paying attention to one piece, but we have found nothing. Well, your discovery is still very valuable. I will report it to Director Xu, and we still need to strengthen the search and investigation here."

Jiang Yuan responded and hung up the phone, feeling a little tired.

It is said that the scope has been reduced, but a radius of ten kilometers or a radius of fifteen kilometers is not small. If you have enough time, then you can investigate carefully bit by bit, and the possibility of harvesting is very high.

However, the investigation is the most time-consuming.

I went to bed at 5 o'clock in the morning yesterday and woke up at 7 or 8 o'clock in the morning. I couldn't fall asleep or code. I waited until 10 o'clock to fall asleep again. When I woke up, it was dinner time. I feel like my life is a bit muddled...

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