National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 259 Please

Chapter 260 Please

"Team Huang... do you remember the last time we met?" Wan Baoming walked a little further, holding the phone in his hand, his head hanging lower than his shoulders, and his waist hanging down.

It's not easy being a deputy director, and there aren't many things he can take away from him, but Huang Qiangmin has a pretty big appetite.

There was clearly a hint of sparkle in Wan Baoming's eyes.

It's not easy to do something.

Jiang Yuan could not see Comrade Wan Baoming's eyes and expression. He was sitting on the other side of his study room, almost 20 meters away from Wan Baoming's chosen corner. He couldn't even hear Wan Baoming's words clearly.

Of course, Jiang Yuan had no interest in listening to him argue with Huang Qiangmin.

He opened the computer himself, put in the fingerprint that Wanbaoming brought, and processed it briefly with Photoshop first.

Having been doing fingerprints for a long time, Jiang Yuan was able to make some judgments of his own before matching them with the software. Whether the fingerprints can be compared and how close the matching fingerprints are are all predictable.

Generally speaking, fingerprints that are too incomplete may match any kind of ghosts and monsters without first processing them with image software.

Of course, it is possible to match the correct fingerprint, but for technical people, it is meaningless to play this kind of probability game. Those LV2 level trace inspectors may only use this method to cover ultra-difficult fingerprints. task, but for Jiang Yuan, he has transcended this level.

He must be at least level 2 now, and even those two at the back will have to beat everyone.

I have done a lot of difficult fingerprints and always succeeded. This kind of experience is valuable in itself. Just like an ordinary person who has been in the position of president for a long time, he can gradually figure out a little bit of experience.

The fingerprints that Wan Baoming brought over this time were a bit too incomplete. Based on Jiang Yuan's experience, if you throw them into the fingerprint software for matching now, the answers you get will be almost random.

This is not surprising. If the difficulty had not exceeded the level of LV3, why would Wanbaoming be so humble?

After Wan Baoming and Huang Qiangmin talked for a few minutes, Wan Baoming came over with his mobile phone and whispered: "Jiang Yuan, your Huang Qiangmin's phone number."

"Okay." Jiang Yuan took the phone.

"Jiang Yuan, how was your rest? Are you tired?" Huang Qiangmin asked with a smile on the phone.

"It's not bad. I've been building the wall all day today, so I'm a little sweaty." Jiang Yuandao.

"It's good to sweat. I feel good after sweating." Huang Qiangmin laughed and said: "Wan Baoming gave you another fingerprint? Follow the stick. Is the fingerprint he took this time difficult? "

"High. The probability of making it directly is not high." Jiang Yuandao.

"Oh, can you win in the competition? Can you win in the competition?"

"Then it depends on whether there are fingerprints in Curry." Jiang Yuan paused and said: "Even if there are fingerprints in Curry, it still depends on the quality of Curry's fingerprints..."

"If you give me a number, how sure are you that it can be done?"

"Six." Jiang Yuan looked at Wan Baoming and didn't hide it too much.

Based on keyword analysis alone, Jiang Yuan felt that Wanbaoming must have sought help from fingerprint experts from ministries and commissions.

But to be honest, fingerprint experts in ministries and commissions may not necessarily have LV4 level. There are powerful experts, there must be those who are above LV4 level, and maybe there are also LV5 bosses.

But experts also want to talk about probability and investment.

Can Wanbaoming hire a fingerprint expert who is strong enough and require him to devote himself to it?

It's probably difficult.

The greater possibility is that the other party helps to check, fails to win in a short period of time, and then gives up.

After all, experts from ministries and commissions are very busy. There are more than 30 provinces like Shannan across the country, and even experts may not be able to produce one extremely difficult fingerprint in a week.

This is just like during the fingerprint battle. Normal experts at the Shannan Provincial Department level will look at about 100,000 fingerprints during the whole battle for 15 days. It would be good if they can compare with a few.

The intensity and importance of battles are completely different from daily help.

Jiang Yuan only said to Huang Qiangmin: "There is little hope that this fingerprint can be done normally in the province."

Huang Qiangmin understood it and said happily: "Okay, then you give the phone to Wan Baoming, and I will ask him to pay for the last fingerprint."

Jiang Yuan smiled: "It only took more than two hours to put on the fingerprints."

"Others have told me this, it depends on the computing power." Huang Qiangmin said confidently: "Give your phone to Wan Baoming, don't feel bad for him, there are many rich places in Changyang City, you can leak a little bit between your fingers , enough for our small county to struggle for 10 years."

Jiang Yuan laughed and returned the phone to Wan Baoming.

Wanbao Mingzhen took it over and solemnly placed it in his ear, saying: "Captain Huang, my little Wan..."

Wan Baoming continued walking to the corner while talking.

Jiang Yuan sat back in front of the computer. Before the host started roaring, Jiang Yuan could vaguely hear some mysterious keywords:


"It's really sad."

"Yellow Team~"

"Please give me a hand..."

After a long time, Wan Baoming sent the phone with a hot back cover to Jiang Yuan.

Jiang Yuan: "Hey. Team Huang."

Huang Qiangmin: "Let's take a look at it. I'll ask them to send two people over to give us training. In addition, let's borrow some of their old equipment and so on. I still have the opening. You can see it later. Whatever you want, tell me what you want."

Jiang Yuan said a little embarrassedly: "Okay."

"Okay, turn on the speakerphone." Huang Qiangmin said.

Jiang Yuan then took off his cell phone and turned on the speaker phone.

Huang Qiangmin's voice came out: "Jiang Yuan, you have to do a good job with Director Wan's tasks. You still have two days of vacation, so don't take it now. Go to work again. Once you finish it, you are here Hugh. The Changyang Criminal Division Center has helped us with many cases before. You should cherish the opportunity to cooperate this time..."

"Yes." Jiang Yuan responded politely.

"Director Wan, I'll leave Jiang Yuan to you. Young people are immature and if they don't do well, please bear with me. If you have any questions, just come to me directly and I'll criticize him..." Huang Qiangmin chattered. He ended the call nagging.

Wan Baoming put away his cell phone and sighed: "You, the yellow team, are not as easy to talk to as before."

Jiang Yuan just smiled and said nothing.

Borrowing someone else's big green cow to plow the land is probably not the same as borrowing a cat to catch mice.

When the mouse moved, the computer whined.

In terms of image rendering, no matter how high the configuration of the computer, the sound is the same. This is just like that, right?

"Director Wan, can you please introduce the case?" Jiang Yuan took this time to ask Wan Baoming.

"This is a case at the Maixin Electronics Factory last year. A female worker was pushed down on the roof of the building. At first, she thought she was committing suicide. Later, an eyewitness said that she saw two people on the roof of the building, and there were The pushing action..." Wan Baoming described the scene, and then focused on the evidence:

"The early dispatch of the police was actually a bit problematic, because at first I thought it was a suicide, so the on-site protection was not very good. The factory security guards and workers all ran to the roof of the building."

"Secondly, there are only eyewitnesses and there is a lack of surveillance video. Because everyone is wearing work clothes, it is not easy to judge the murderer."

"The third thing is that the workers in the factory are not very familiar with each other. This Maixin factory adopts a hiring and recruiting model. It means signing a large OEM order and recruiting a group of workers to do it. Once it’s almost done, we’ll fire it and wait until there’s a big order next time before hiring people. Therefore, it’s not easy to solve the case based on social connections.”

Jiang Yuan listened to Wan Baoming's introduction and couldn't help but ask: "Then the only evidence is the fingerprints on the clothes?"

Wan Baoming sighed: "The problem now is that the fingerprints on the clothes have become evidence in the opposite direction. Several suspects that the criminal police focused on questioning have been eliminated by the fingerprint evidence on the clothes..."

Jiang Yuan couldn't help but smile when he heard this, and asked again: "Then everyone in the factory should have their fingerprints taken?"

"Yes. When something went wrong, the factory was immediately closed, and all entrances and exits were under video surveillance."

Jiang Yuan couldn't help but nodded. In this way, the problem of the fingerprint database was actually solved.

From the perspective of a fingerprint examiner, this is a perfect environment for fingerprint comparison. You only need to make fingerprints and you can do the comparison.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yuan frowned again and said: "The core problem is to match fingerprints. We really couldn't match last year's case. Matching one person at a time can always be done..."

Wan Baoming couldn't help but smile, and quickly covered it up, saying: "I just said that the factory belongs to Maixin. You may not know much about it. At that time, the factory received a large order and was at full workload. There are 10 workers in the factory area. Nearly 30,000 people.”

Jiang Yuan suddenly realized.

For a large factory with tens of thousands of people, it is definitely unrealistic to compare fingerprints one by one, especially when the fingerprints are in such poor condition.

"What did you use to extract fingerprints? 502?" Jiang Yuan looked at the fingerprints and gradually entered the state of fingerprint comparison.

Wan Baoming understood Jiang Yuan's hidden meaning and smiled bitterly: "Yes, 502 Xunxian."

Similar to ninhydrin fumigation, the 502 glue fumigation method is also a method of revealing sweat latent fingerprints after applying chemical reagents.

Similarly, all similar solutions actually have a layer of problems that people seldom talk about, and they are prone to defects in operation.

Criminals leave fingerprints accidentally, but if the fingerprints are damaged and incompletely displayed, they will definitely not give another copy.

Just like the fingerprint in front of me, it was so damaged that the fingerprint inspection had to be difficult to match. Usually I have to complain about fingerprint extraction. Usually the ones who get scolded are also the current surveyors.

Jiang Yuan used image software to slightly adjust the fingerprints, and gradually came up with an idea.

Feeling energetic, he was too lazy to pay attention to Wanbaoming and said, "If you don't play like a dog, I will tell you the results."

"Okay." Wan Baoming responded before he finally came to his senses: "Should I wait here?"

"Then... if you have something to do, go ahead and do it." Jiang Yuan naturally didn't care.

Wan Baoming said hurriedly: "That's not what I meant, I meant... uh, will the results be available today?"

"It's possible. The main thing now is to process the image. This fingerprint is taken from cotton clothes. Cotton, a natural fiber, is spirally twisted. The cross section of the fiber is like a waist, and it is easy to get lint. This is caused by sweat. The main reason why fingerprints are not expressive enough..." Jiang Yuan explained to Wanbao Minglue.

Wan Baoming looked at Jiang Yuan and said: "I have also done a trace inspection, and I understand the truth, but..."

Jiang Yuan was silent for a while, and then said: "If you are bored, why don't you go back to Changyang City and send the people and things that Team Huang wants to him? Send them to him and come back. I almost have them here. It worked out.”

He has now processed nearly half of the images, and the clarity of the images he consciously processed is acceptable. Considering that Changyang City has collected the fingerprints of everyone in the factory, it means that the library for comparison is complete, and the possibility of matching is very high. Greatly increased.

In fact, if the fingerprint cannot be compared in this case, the matter itself will be very meaningful and valuable.

Therefore, the answer given by Jiang Yuan is very certain.

Wan Baoming felt that Jiang Yuan was a bit crazy, but looking at Jiang Yuan's expression, he didn't notice the madness.

"Okay. I'll go back first and report to the leader. I'll come back and wait for your good news." Wan Baoming restrained all his emotions.

His philosophy is that as long as you can make something, I will obey you.

With this thinking model, Wan Baoming's own abilities were average, but he was recognized by many criminal investigation experts, and then became the deputy director of the Changyang Criminal Investigation Center.

Within the Criminal Division Center, Wan Baoming is also a relatively recognized leader. It is also because he is a kind of person who respects technology more.

As long as Jiang Yuan can make things, Wan Baoming can accept the combination of Jiang Yuan and Huang Qiangmin.

But if it doesn't work, then Wan Baoming will have to talk to Huang Qiangmin and Jiang Yuan.

After leaving the house and getting in the car, Wan Baoming even started talking to the group in advance:

Daily depression: [He took the backlog of murder cases from last year and found Jiang Yuan. It’s a very difficult fingerprint. Unexpectedly, Jiang Yuan responded immediately. Now he’s going to move bricks and change fingerprints...]

South Expedition Bei Zhan: [I’ve only heard of moving bricks for 30 days and going to the club on the 31st. What the hell is moving bricks to change fingerprints? 】

Daily depression: [Team Huang made some conditions, I have to prepare some resources for him. You can't let people work for nothing. No, what the hell are you doing carrying bricks to the club? "

Southern Expedition and Northern War: [Moving bricks is so tiring, if it wasn’t for going to the club, it would be a tearjerker. 】

Daily depression: [What if there is no number 31? 】

Southern Expedition and Northern War: [You are moving bricks, not robbing banks. It will take you two months to save enough money? 】

Daily depression: [It makes sense...]

Fighting in the South and North: [What conditions did the Yellow Team set? Do you still have to prepare resources? 】

Daily depression: [A few technicians, a few pieces of equipment, and the technicians brought an on-site survey vehicle over. 】

Fighting in the south and in the north: [So good? Got a new car again?

I was scrolling through my cell phone in the car and couldn't help but sit up, frowning and typing:

Daily depression: [No, who are you @War in the South and North]

Fighting in the north and south: [I... am just a man who has traveled extensively, accumulated some experience and is willing to share it. 】

Ningtai County Criminal Police Brigade.

Sitting in the office, Liu Wenkai, who was bored, took a long breath, raised his head again, and said to the squadron instructor: "Let's also find two backlogged cases and start a tough battle."

"Looking for the blame? Are you done with the case in hand?" the instructor sneered.

Liu Wenkai chuckled and said in a low voice: "I heard from the gossip that our team is expected to have a few new temporary workers, some of whom are technical."

"So good?" The instructor was very surprised: "We have no organization for a long time, where did we get the people we deceived?"

"The criminal police team from Changyang City came here for support. Probably."

"Reverse secondment?"

"I guess. Do you want it?" Liu Wenkai said calmly: "If you want people, don't you have to have a project?"

"Okay, okay, open the backlog, open the backlog." The instructor said twice. For a squadron that is busy every day, there is nothing more comfortable than adding more manpower.

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