National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 264: Full of flaws

The next day.

Shunling Township.

Maybe it’s because it’s in the outer suburbs of Changyang City, maybe it’s because the average income is higher, maybe it’s because the natural environment is better, but driving through the slightly chaotic junction of towns and villages, the core area of ​​Shunling Township turns out to be a bit peaceful and beautiful. .

The slightly turbid Manshui River passes through the city from the upper reaches, bringing abundant water vapor and wind.

The arch bridges across the river include antique stone bridges and concrete bridges that can carry heavy-duty vehicles, splitting Shunling Township into two parts.

Part of it is the continuous tranquility of beautiful rural life, and part of it is the intense and noisy chaotic logistics parks and industrial areas.

Most young people live in the factory area, and occasionally come to hang out in the old city. They are mainly men and women who are in love.

A little deeper into the fabric of the township, that is, the residential areas and living areas, you will see a large number of buildings from the last century.

Shunling Township did not carry out large-scale demolition, but adopted the model of building new areas. Nowadays, the re-expansion of new districts also uses the model of new districts. Time in the old town seems to be fixed.

The government has put a lot of effort into improving the appearance of the city. From an outsider's perspective, you can see the beautiful exterior walls and streets, which also attract some leisure crowds, but the number is not large and the average age is relatively older. .

Seeing Jiang Yuan looking at the outsiders, Wang Chuanxing, who was in the same car, explained sensitively: "Three years ago there were not so many tourists. It can be said that there were basically no tourists. The outsiders were all merchants, drivers, or factory workers. .The current farmhouses were only built in the past two years, and they all go to the surrounding fishing gardens..."

"Has the victim been involved in any of this?" Wei Zhenguo asked: "For example, demolition plans, renting or selling houses, decorating B\u0026Bs, etc. Have you checked?"

This is about economic factors.

According to Wei Zhenguo's understanding, the situation encountered by the deceased was very similar to the model of a mafia society. However, to commit murder, either the benefits are huge, or the murderer is extremely arrogant, which is somewhat inconsistent.

Wang Chuanxing also knew what Wei Zhenguo meant, so he said: "After asking people around me, there are no such financial disputes. I have never heard of them. Some people in the logistics park here engage in theft and robbery, and at most they are small groups."

Wan Baoming said more directly: "Because of this case, all the groups here have been screened, several have been imprisoned, and the interrogation has been very careful. There are no clues."

"Go directly to the scene and watch." Jiang Yuan urged him slightly when he heard this.

After yesterday's review and thinking, he already had some ideas. He felt that he already knew almost everything about the past work of Wang Chuanxing's task force.

One advantage of cases that occur in provincial capitals is that all levels responsible for the cases have high quality. For example, photography in Ningtai County is done on a part-time basis, but in Changyang City, full-time criminal photography technicians take pictures very well, both overall and in detail.

This lays a good foundation for seeking help in cases.

Like now, if Jiang Yuan wants to use blood stain analysis or footprints, he mainly relies on these photos.

If the photos are taken well and the whole scene is taken, Jiang Yuan's confidence will be stronger. _o_m

He arrived at the scene to compare it with the scene in the photo.

Wang Chuanxing and Wan Baoming are inseparable. They are both here to keep company today.

The car stopped at the street entrance, and a group of people got into the alley and walked for about ten minutes to the crime scene.

The small courtyard where the deceased once lived has been completely abandoned.

A big lock was hung in front of the door, and grass grew on the wall, but no one paid attention to it.

The houses of the previous neighbors were almost the same. Mu Zhiyang ran to find people who had moved there shortly after the incident.

None of them found it strange.

It is not unusual for neighbors who live next to a crime scene to be unwilling to continue living in their old house. In big cities, many people may not have a choice. Not to mention that the house next door is a haunted house. In order to save hundreds of thousands of dollars, many people live in a haunted house.

Houses in towns and villages are not valuable, and buying a new one often costs tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands. Some people can even move to live with their children.

Wang Chuanxing uses hydraulic pressure directly.

Chapter 264: Full of flaws

pliers, cut the lock, and opened the door.

When the door opened, a few pieces of yellow paper floated out, blown by the wind.

Mu Zhiyang couldn't help but put his arms around his shoulders.


The door of the old house is shaking.

The gray-black wooden door had some paint peeling off and was a little deformed, but there was no trace of blood.

"The scene has been cleaned." Wei Zhenguo looked back and forth.

Wang Chuanxing said "Yes" and added: "We asked them to stay on site as much as possible, but it probably took too long."

The work of the task force has basically stopped, and the family members can probably feel it.

Jiang Yuan took out his tablet and pulled out the photos. While looking at them, he verified them with the surrounding environment.

After going around in a circle, Jiang Yuan returned to the door, found a photo with a corpse, looked around, and said, "I want to pose for a photo alone."

"Xiao Mu, come on." Wei Zhenguo ordered his apprentice without any burden at all.

Mu Zhiyang sighed: "I just washed the police pants last week."

As he spoke, Mu Zhiyang glanced at the position on the picture and lay down quickly.

Jiang Yuan compared the photos again and helped Mu Zhiyang correct his posture.

Mu Zhiyang moved on the ground like an insect.

After the arrangement was completed, Jiang Yuan stood up, took a photo, and then said: "Hold up a little, you are a little taller than the corpse."

Mu Zhiyang then curled up a little.

Jiang Yuan said to Wei Zhenguo again: "Captain Wei, stand here, bend down and touch to see where you can touch Mu Zhiyang."

Wei Zhenguo looked at the location pointed by Jiang Yuan and knew it was the location where half of the bloody footprints were left that day, so he suppressed his curiosity and followed the instructions.

Wei Zhenguo was a little over 1.7 meters tall, of standard height. He bent down and reached out from the side, just enough to touch Mu Zhiyang's chin.

"How do you say this?" Wei Zhenguo stood up and asked.

Wang Chuanxing and Wan Baoming also looked over curiously.

Jiang Yuan looked at the positions of Mu Zhiyang and Wei Zhenguo for a while, then looked at Wan Baoming and said, "I don't think this case was a random crime."

"It can be seen that you have already had an idea. There is a problem with the footprints." Wan Baoming had expected it. However, the fact that he committed a crime at random was a matter of understanding. At this time, he was just waiting to hear Jiang Yuan's description.

Jiang Yuan nodded and said: "Judging from the blood stains, this footprint is the most unnecessary."

Jiang Yuan circled the positions of Mu Zhiyang and Wei Zhenguo with his hands, and said: "It takes time to form a pool of blood. If the murderer doesn't plunge the knife into the victim's chest, draw the knife and leave, he will not leave bloody footprints. .This is the first point."

"Maybe I'm just looking for belongings." Wang Chuanxing probably discussed similar topics in the task force.

"Are these belongings carried by an old man who lives alone?" Wei Zhenguo retorted after hearing this.

"Maybe it's a key, or a watch, a necklace, or an accessory such as a pocket watch." Wang Chuanxing has an established answer here, and it makes sense.

Jiang Yuan shook his head secretly.

Just as Jiang Yuan originally imagined, the bloodstain analysis and footprint identification level of the Changyang City Criminal Police Team is about 400 to 500%. They have a certain ability to analyze and judge, but in the end they are unable to make big problems.

In today's era, bloodstain analysis at level 5 + footprint identification at level 3 is equivalent to a record of 800 points, a pure slump.

If Jiang Yuan is given a crime scene, he has a high probability of solving the case in a short time, just like what the criminal investigation masters did decades ago.

Bloodstains + footprints were the standard configuration for technical criminal investigation masters 40 years ago.

Now it's about spot survey + photo investigation + fingerprint + DNA. Speaking of which, today's criminal investigators are definitely more efficient and effective in solving crimes, but they always have different adaptability to different cases.

In some cases, when there are enough clues, no matter which series the master is, there is a way to break through and solve the case. This is also the norm in most cases.

But in some cases, it is necessary to talk about palatability.

Like the case at hand, another hope for a breakthrough should be forensic medicine. But Jiang Yuan has also read the forensic report, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Chapter 264: Full of flaws

What clues can be provided.

At this time, Jiang Yuan was like a student who had just scored 800 points on a question, swiping his hand and saying:

"I have another idea about what the murderer was doing when he stepped into a pool of blood and bent over."

"I think he was trying his nose or carotid artery to see if the victim was dead."

"Stepping into a pool of blood means that the murderer waited at the scene for a while. I think he waited for at least a minute. For a murderer, this time must be very valuable. First update"

"It is not appropriate to search for property, not to mention that the murderer can use a knife to coerce him to take away the property. Even if he kills first and takes the property later, there is no need to wait. Even if the victim has a little ability to resist at this time, so what. Victim The person is a thin old man. After being stabbed, he can be searched without waiting for his death. It would be easier if two people committed the crime."

Wang Chuanxing's eyes widened when he heard it. Although it was not such a surprising theory, Jiang Yuan's analysis to this extent was still slightly beyond his expectation.

Jiang Yuan couldn't help but think of Liu Jinghui at this time. He made his inference based on blood stain analysis, but he didn't know how Liu Jinghui would make his inference if he got an evidence report with 400 points.

"Let's stop here for the purposeful speculation. Let me talk about the footprints themselves." Jiang Yuan flipped through his phone and said: "I see that you also found several footprint experts and gave judgments. Let me summarize, starting from 40 There are people between the ages of 65 and 65..."

Jiang Yuan paused and said: "The footprints at the scene are chaotic, and there are only half bloody footprints. There are indeed many variables in the analysis. I prefer to be older. 55 to 65 years old, you can even relax a little more."

This time, without waiting for Wang Chuanxing to express his opinion again, Jiang Yuan said again: "Let's talk about the blood stains next. I think this one is more important."

Jiang Yuan quickly found a few photos, then half-crouched in front of the door and said, "Let's not talk about other parts. Judging from the photos taken, the most important point is that there are gaps in the splash patterns here. …”

Jiang Yuan placed a circle around the crack of the door. He stood a little further in front and said: "Based on the forensic autopsy report, I believe that the murderer was standing where I was at that time, and his waist and legs were spattered with blood, which is equivalent to being thrown away. That's why the door crack was formed. A small amount of white space."

Wang Chuanxing carefully looked at the pictures on Jiang Yuan's phone and the location of the crack in the door, but found nothing.

This is the difficulty level of the third small question, which is the penultimate big question. It can be challenged at 400 or 500 points, but it usually takes 600 points to solve it.

This case is somewhat special. The Changyang City Criminal Police Detachment probably has not assembled the most suitable investigation team. It is normal that the blood stain analysis was not done well.

Today's criminal police team has very few people who are good at bloodstain analysis.

What's more, the blood stains in this case were relatively small, and many on-site investigators probably did not consider this aspect.

Wan Baoming asked calmly: "If the murderer's position is indeed like this, it means that after the victim opened the door, the murderer took two steps in. This social distance is a bit close."

Jiang Yuan nodded slowly: "So, the murderer is probably an acquaintance. Moreover, considering that his clothes and shoes are stained with blood, it is very inconvenient to take public transportation. There is a high possibility that he lives nearby."

A gust of wind blew from behind, causing several people to get goosebumps.

Wang Chuanxing got excited and asked: "What about the sound of reading the meter? If it is a nearby resident, people who see him will not recognize him at a glance."

"The meters of other houses were not read, which means that the victim was probably the first one to be asked to open the door. Based on this calculation, the murderer probably only shouted a few times when he called to read the meters." Jiang Yuan paused and said: "I can't explain the witness testimony for now, but I think we should first follow the clues of blood stains and footprints to investigate."

Wan Baoming said at this time: "You can put aside the witness statements for now. These are all neighbors. Before the police arrived, they had been gathered at the scene for a long time. There were many cases of mutual influence or hints, not to mention the witnesses of this case. They are all elderly people, and the case happened during nap time..."

Wang Chuanxing was a little unconvinced and didn't know how to refute for a while.

Jiang Yuan said: "Don't worry about it for now, I suggest you do it.

Chapter 264: Full of flaws

Make a list of nearby residents, and then find out who is not at the scene after the police arrive, and we will visit them. "

Wan Baoming couldn't help but nod: "The murderer has to return to his residence, change and dispose of the bloody clothes, the murder weapon, and maybe take a shower, but he can't arrive at the scene in a short time. Essence\\/Bookstore first update"

"I saw the list of people who made the transcript yesterday. I'll look for it." Wang Zhong finally found something he could do and took out his notebook to start working on it.

Wang Chuanxing looked at the actions of several people, feeling uncomfortable, and asked in a low voice: "What... what if we interview the murderer?"

"Then let's arrest him." Wei Zhenguo nodded.

To be honest, six people are indeed a little too low to catch a murderer, but four strong young men in their twenties, plus two middle-aged men, trying to hold down an old man who is probably in his 60s does not seem that dangerous. .

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