National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 267: Do more cases

"I'll go dig, you can help me take a look." Wang Chuanxing drove for two hours, borrowed an auxiliary police officer from the local police station, and returned to Qi Yongbin's house to dig the dry well.

He is the kind of person who has a very good brain and thinks a lot, but he has never gotten many opportunities. Because in provincial capital cities, there are many young people like him who rely on themselves.

This time, Wang Chuanxing was worried about finding someone else to share the possible credit, and he didn't even want to find someone to be seconded, so he borrowed an auxiliary police officer and came over with Tie Zhu without saying what he was doing.

The borrowed auxiliary police officer was in his 30s and didn't care what he was doing. Wang Chuanxing asked him to be the guard. He found a shaded position, sat down and played with his mobile phone.

Wang Chuanxing dug deeper into the dry well, and the more he dug, the more he felt guilty.

He came a little too quickly and didn't prepare anything. He just brought a big shovel and a flashlight, thinking they would be enough. _o_m Unexpectedly, it was good to look down from the well. The real well was so depressing. As we kept digging down, we were getting further and further away from the wellhead. Not to mention the light getting worse, I still felt a little bit intimidated.

This kind of well is really convenient for burying corpses.

The underground well has a self-purification function, and rich microorganisms will decompose the corpse in a shorter time.

Burying corpses underground can also easily cover the smell and prevent wild animals from digging them up, which is the main reason why corpses buried in the wild are discovered.

In addition, a piece of trivia that is relatively unknown to modern people is that if the body is buried below two meters, it will basically not be dug out by other wild animals, and the smell will not escape.

This is actually a tradition in the funeral industry. The law of the beautiful country stipulates that corpses must be buried below six feet. In ancient Chinese etiquette, the minimum depth is also 6 feet, which is suitable for sixth-rank officials. Higher-level officials can bury deeper, but they cannot bury shallower. Yes.

Another piece of trivia that few modern people know is that digging holes is very tiring. A group of five rows of young people, each with a shovel, digs a hole. If the target is 2 meters deep, then until all five people are exhausted, the hole dug out will only be enough to bury one person.

In other words, if five friends who are playing black together decide to kill one of them due to a losing streak or other reasons, it is best to ask him to participate in digging the hole first, especially the last thirty centimeters, which are usually very hard and difficult to dig. If we kill people, it is very likely that everyone will dig to a depth of 1.5 meters, and they will be exhausted at a depth of 1.6 meters. In the end, it is likely that it fell short due to insufficient depth.

Burying is simple. When backfilling the newly dug soil, it doesn't matter whether it takes four or five people. Even three people and two people can complete the corresponding workload. It is equivalent to saying that as long as five people dig a pit, it will be no problem to bury three people.

The final core problem is that the extra soil is difficult to deal with. In ancient times, people would take the opportunity to make grave mounds, which was convenient for marking the location of the remains of their ancestors.

Burying corpses will become a burden. If the local soil is hard, the amount of extra soil will be very large, and it will be difficult to clean it by just splashing it. This is the main reason why Qi Yongbin has difficulty burying things in his own courtyard.

Dry wells are simple. Just put people or things in them and pour soil if you want to cover them up. Even if you pour two meters of soil, if it is soil that has been prepared, it can be done easily by one person.

If you are afraid that the soil is too new, add water. Add a few buckets of water and it will not be visible.

Wang Chuanxing didn't know how deep he should dig, and he was afraid that he wouldn't dig deep enough, so he had to adjust the position of the flashlight from time to time.

At this time, he regretted not bringing two more people down with him.

Even if you can't use it underground, you can help shine a light.

Just as he was thinking about it, the shovel made a thud.

Wang Chuanxing immediately stepped aside, and then looked over with a faint light, and sure enough he saw a long-handled dagger.

"Old Li, Old Li." Wang Chuanxing shouted a few words, then turned on the flashlight again, took out his mobile phone, and took two photos.

When Lao Li arrived, Wang Chuanxing asked him to turn on the law enforcement recorder and slowly took out the long-handled dagger.

After it was completely taken out, you could see the blood groove on the dagger. Wang Chuanxing lowered his head and thought, could this be the reason why blood spattered on the murderer?

Next to the dagger, the bloody clothes were actually exposed. Wang Chuanxing looked at the clothes more carefully. After the whole process was completed, more than an hour passed.


Chapter 267: Do more cases

"Pull me up." Wang Chuanxing put the things directly into an evidence box and climbed up the well on his back.

In the yard, the sun is shining and the breeze is blowing.

The itching all over Wang Chuanxing's body seemed to have been blown away. _o_m

However, Wang Chuanxing couldn't care about so much at this moment. He took out his mobile phone as quickly as possible, just like the superior reported:

"I found the bloody clothes and the dagger, and took pictures of the whole process... Yes, the blood clothes haven't been cleaned yet, so I should be able to bring out the things.

"Yes, it's in the yard of the suspect's home. Yes, Jiang Yuan analyzed it. He thought that the suspect didn't have much time to deal with the murder weapon and bloody clothes, so he judged that they should have been buried near his home. He highly suspected that they were from the victim's home. Yards, especially dry wells, should be given priority.”

"Well... when Director Wan informed me, I didn't think much about it, because it was Director Wan who made the call, so I came directly..."

After Wang Chuanxing finished the phone call, a thin line of sweat broke out on his forehead.

He was too nervous.

On the one hand, Wang Chuanxing wanted to take as much credit as possible, on the other hand, he did not dare to offend Director Wan and Jiang Yuan, because they definitely had more information in their hands to prove his inferences, and maybe even There are phone recordings and even paper records.

At the same time, Wang Chuanxing did not dare to offend his direct leaders. I have to explain clearly to others that I am not acting on my own initiative, nor am I forgetting my old mother after having a new bride.

The auxiliary policeman next to him was much older than Wang Chuanxing. From his appearance, he could guess a little bit. After Wang Chuanxing's call was finished, the auxiliary police officer joked: "You guys who graduated from college must have 2 pounds of brain growth in your 20 pounds of brains. It's very laborious."

"In a 20-pound head, only two pounds of brain grow?" Wang Chuanxing was amused.

"As a police officer, it's good for you to have a thicker skull." The auxiliary police officer smiled, not envious of Wang Chuanxing's bright future, nor did he care about the evidence he brought.

The auxiliary police officers are provided with five insurances and one housing fund, and they feel dignified when they go out in uniform. It is also convenient for them to occasionally do small things. Although they occasionally encounter some disgusting people, as long as they stay within the jurisdiction, they are happy more often than they are upset.

As for what Wang Chuanxing pursues, at least for now, he no longer pursues it.

Changyang City Criminal Police Detachment.

In the large conference room.

Those who were working on ppts and those who had already written on the whiteboard were in a state of chaos.

The murderer has been caught. The ppt and whiteboard of the criminal investigation department focus on fixed evidence, namely blood clothes, murder weapons and confessions.

In this case, the witnesses have become unimportant.

Normally, when you can't find the bloody clothes or the murder weapon, it is also a normal operation to use ppt to make a guess. If you guess correctly, you can write a special book about it. If you don't guess correctly, you can publish another ppt to judge the reasons.

There is only one problem with this method, that is, the murder weapon and bloody clothes cannot be found immediately!

If the conclusion is immediately available, then the current reasoning will be immediately judged and compared.

It was obvious that no one among the elite police officers in the conference room had deduced the correct location. Otherwise, just send someone to search the murderer's house.

Wan Baoming watched with cold eyes, looking at the familiar and unfamiliar scenes, and couldn't help but sigh: "The extremely gorgeous decoration and painstaking decoration still end up like a fortress on the beach. It's really sad."

"It doesn't cost much to write a ppt." Wei Zhenguo also looked at the chaotic scene and shook his head.

"If the ppt is not well written, it will consume the leadership's recognition." Wan Baoming said: "This is the highest level of cost consumption.

“What the hell is leadership approval?”

"It depends on the level of the leader who comes, the time of coming, and the frequency of coming."

Just as he was talking, two policemen in white shirts and several policemen in regular uniforms came in. The one walking at the back was Wang Chuanxing, with his chest raised and his head raised, his eyes straight, looking quite heroic.

Regular uniforms are police uniforms that look good but are not often worn and are often worn in movies and TV series. For police officers who have duties and work, wearing regular uniforms to work is equivalent to wearing a suit to work. The level of pretense is greater than the actual ability.

Therefore, low-level police officers wear uniforms every day.

Chapter 267: Do more cases

If you dress diligently and wash your pants several times, they are considered clean and tidy.

However, leaders who sit in offices are different. They only wear duty uniforms on a very rare occasion when they appear on site, and their daily clothes are regular uniforms.

Just like now.

"It's Captain Yu." Wan Baoming reminded Jiang Yuan. Error-free updates

Jiang Yuan had had more contact with Yu Wenshu when he was working on the case of Tan Yong, the man who imprisoned a woman by digging a basement in the community.

However, the protagonist that time, at least in the investigation stage, was mainly Liu Jinghui.

Jiang Yuan and others all sat upright.

Yu Wenshu entered the conference room and looked around, but he came straight to Jiangyuan.

"Captain Yu." Jiang Yuan and others stood up one after another.

"Sit, sit, sit." Yu Wenshu took Jiang Yuan's arm and sat down directly next to him. Then he smiled and said, "I didn't expect that after seeing each other for a few days, Dr. Jiang would be even more powerful."

"It's also good luck." Jiang Yuan said modestly.

"This is not luck. When you were looking for trace evidence last time, I told you that there were clues, and now they are really clues. I didn't expect that you are doing even better now." Yu Wenshu praised again and again, and waved. Said: "Wang Chuanxing is also coming over, sit here with me, and let's take a photo together."

The photographer trotted over quickly.

Yu Wenshu has Jiang Yuan on the left and Wang Chuanxing on the right. It took several photos of his face before he was satisfied.

Yu Wenshu continued: "Jiang Yuan strategized and won the battle thousands of miles away. Wang Chuanxing has good execution, meticulous and patient, and it is very rare to recover the murder weapon and bloody clothes in the first time. It is really amazing to have such young people in the police system. People are happy…”

Jiang Yuan smiled.

Wang Chuanxing wanted to be serious, but his smile immediately changed.

Yu Wenshu said to Jiang Yuanshu again: "You just solved the case through fingerprints a few days ago, and I felt something different. Unexpectedly, in just a few days, you solved the 513 case. Didn't you You know, this case has been reported internally as a random crime. Fortunately, I didn’t have time to sign, otherwise..."

Yu Wenshu looked at the young people in the conference room who were furiously revising the ppt, and deliberately whispered: "Someone wanted to postpone the meeting, but I denied it, just to see how fast they could revise it."

People around him laughed softly.

There are not just one or two people who want to see the jokes of the elite group.

Yu Wenshu smiled and said a few more words before going to his seat.

In the conference room, with the arrival of several leaders, the meeting officially began.

Jiang Yuan coincided with the meeting, so he sat next to him and listened quietly.

Yu Wenshu coughed twice, took the microphone, and said: "Not long ago, Wang Chuanxing, the criminal policeman of our Changyang City Criminal Police Detachment, who is also the resident criminal policeman on the 513 case, dug up bloody clothes in the dry well of the suspect's house. and the murder weapon. Rapid DNA testing proved that the blood stains were left by the victim in this case..."

"Although the case is not over yet, the investigation phase has basically come to an end here."

"I have some summary about the 513 case, and I will talk about it with you now."

"First of all, there are some problems in the decision-making of the direction of the case. Our vision was biased because of the frequent thefts and robberies nearby... I still remember that Lao Li said before that the case should be considered more comprehensively. At that time, It was suggested that we should make a detailed record of everyone in the area. We have not adopted this suggestion. This is problematic..."

"Secondly, we still have big shortcomings in the use of technical weapons. Looking at Jiangyuan Forensic Medicine, I heard people say that this time they mainly used blood stain analysis and footprint identification to firmly solve the case. This is what the technicians did when I was young. The technology used, as a result, is now being used by young people like Jiang Yuan..."

"Don't look at the old technology, you can't do the new technology, even less." Yu Wenshu nodded his hands and started reading, saying: "When I first worked on a case with Jiang Yuan, I said, our detachment's micro-volume The physical evidence laboratories... all report more or less testing capabilities and rich detection methods, but they don't talk about the on-site investigation and the ability to extract trace physical evidence at the scene. They don't mention it to our criminal police.

Chapter 267: Do more cases

I don’t understand either... In the end, Jiang Yuan did the on-site investigation and took trace evidence..."

While Yu Wenshu was speaking in front of him, Jiang Yuan still listened quietly. When he said this, Jiang Yuan couldn't help but sit up, and gradually started to feel outrageous.

What Yu Wenshu said just now seemed to be a real conversation between two people.

"Captain Yu has a photographic memory." A female voice whispered in his ear.

Jiang Yuan turned his head in surprise and saw a policewoman in regular uniform sitting on the right side at some unknown moment.

The policewoman put her hat on her legs. Her legs were put together and were not as wide as the hat. The upper body is slender and straight, holding up the regular clothes beautifully.

Seeing such an oval-faced girl in the territory of a group of stinky men is really like seeing a white swan among a bunch of ugly ducks.

Jiang Yuan smiled politely.

"Forensic Doctor Jiang, I am Tang Jia from the Third Criminal Investigation Brigade, a colleague of Wang Chuanxing. If you need help here in Changyang City, you can come to me at any time." After Tang Jia finished speaking, he gave a nice smile and changed to sitting upright. .

At this time, Yu Wenshu's speech was coming to an end, and he directly named Jiang Yuan and said: "Forensic Doctor Jiang, please tell us a few words, you can talk about the 513 case, you can also talk about the next plan. "

"Oh, okay." Jiang Yuan was not afraid of the stage. Under the eyes of everyone, he stood up and said: "As for the 513 case, my main investigation idea is to use blood stain analysis to reconstruct the scene. Although the blood stains are relatively small, the reconstruction At the scene, there is actually no strict requirement for the amount of blood stains..."

After saying a few simple sentences, Jiang Yuan added: "As for the next plan, I still want to select a few cases where blood stain analysis and footprints can be used, and do more cases to try to gain something."

As soon as he said this, Yu Wenshu took the lead in applauding.

The crowd applauded vigorously.

At this time, if Jiang Yuan talks a lot about trace physical evidence, everyone might just listen to him. But he had just used bloodstain analysis and footprints to solve such a difficult case, and now he said that he would imitate the gourd, so the gourd boys and grandfathers naturally encouraged him.

At this time, everyone subconsciously had the concept that as long as Jiang Yuan was given a case that included blood stain analysis and footprints, he could solve it.

Speaking of which, the existing intranet does not provide direct search, and it is estimated that manual search is required.

But no matter how troublesome manual screening is, it is not as troublesome as solving a case.

If Jiang Yuan could really solve two more similar cases, everyone would still be warm under their coats even if they were sleeping in the garage.

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Chapter 267: Do more cases

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