National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 270 Secret

The conference room gradually became quiet.

Several members of the elite group looked at Jiang Yuan in a daze for a while, and then turned their attention to Wan Baoming.

Bee was clearly wondering: What does this guy mean by not talking now?

The total time Wan Bao Ming spent meeting Jiang Yuan only lasted for a few Japanese movies, and I still watched them without skipping a beat.

That way, how could he know what Jiang Yuan was doing.

Therefore, Wan Baoming set his sights on Wei Zhenguo.

Wei Zhenguo had been waiting for the result with his feet raised, but now he had to sit up, hesitated, and whispered: "Wait a minute, Jiang Yuan may have thought of something."

Wei Zhenguo and Jiang Yuan are actually familiar enough.

From his understanding, Jiang Yuan was definitely not just thinking about something, he was probably getting closer to the murderer in his mind.

However, he cannot say this to others. There is nothing wrong with the words themselves, but this kind of speculation is too provocative.

This is also a problem that is very easy to encounter in the process of backlogging. The work that you spend time and energy to complete is actually something that others cannot complete, and it is something that cannot be completed with all your efforts.

Especially when other people are doing this work, their conditions are better, their tasks are simpler, and their resources are more abundant. This kind of coverage of abilities and this kind of imbalance in comparison is difficult for people to accept. .

Relatively speaking, everyone would feel better if they saw Jiang Yuan working so hard and thinking so hard.

But Jiang Yuan couldn't pretend every time just to make everyone feel good.

Moreover, once this pretense is penetrated, the backlash will be huge.

There was a strange silence in the conference room.

Fortunately it didn't last long.

Jiang Yuan took a breath and broke the silence:

"They are all very calm blood stains."

Wan Baoming couldn't wait any longer. Hearing the sound, he quickly asked: "How do you describe the calm blood stains?"

"Look at these bloodstains." Jiang Yuan pointed, and the police officer skillfully enlarged the picture on the projector.

Jiang Yuan thanked him and then said: "They are basically round blood drops with a slight tail. They are also very small tails and very fat blood drops."

Everyone looked and nodded. Someone with more knowledge would ask: "It means that the victim is either stationary or walking very slowly and lightly. Is the injury serious?"

"No, I was stabbed, and it was in the abdomen, so the body's functions were basically unaffected. Moreover, just after being stabbed, it must have been the time when adrenaline was secreted like crazy. Many people can't feel the pain. It's so calm. The blood drops are abnormal."

Wan Baoming understood instantly and said: "Should she move quickly, resist, or hide?"

"That's about it. It shouldn't be so calm." Jiang Yuandao.

At this time, Tang Jia, who was nestling behind, whispered: "Suicide?"

Jiang Yuan glanced at Tang Jia and shook his head slightly: "It's not quite consistent either. First of all, the murder weapon can't be found, so someone must have taken it away. Secondly, if you use a knife to commit suicide in China, you are more likely to cut your wrists and stab your abdomen. It's very possible that he can't stab himself to death. Well... the victim doesn't have a medical background."

"No." The criminal policeman who made the introduction said firmly:

"We have actually considered this direction, but this girl majored in Chinese language and literature, and no one in her family studied medicine or had access to anatomy. Her social circle also favored classmates from the same college. According to her classmates Description: She is a very quiet girl. @·Correct first release~~”

"In addition, the cause of her death was that the murder weapon nicked an artery. According to the forensic doctor's explanation, it is not easy to accurately hit the location. By the way, you are also a forensic doctor..."

Jiang Yuan nodded and said, "You continue."

"Furthermore, the piercing posture did not look like it was pierced by herself. In addition, the victim did not have suicidal tendencies. Judging from the shopping records, on the day of her death, she also shopped online and went to pick up express delivery." The detective said: "That's all."

Jiang Yuan nodded again and said: "That's very comprehensive. Let's put aside the suspicion of suicide for now."

Many people frowned.

“I re-describe.

Check out the scene. "Jiang Yuan stood up directly and came to the bottom of the screen.

He stood back slightly, then covered his abdomen with his right hand, gestured with his left hand, and said: "Here, the criminal stabbed the victim. Judging from the position of the stab, I think the criminal's purpose was not to The victim’s life.”

"The victim was injured and jammed part of the blade with his right hand. At this time, blood began to flow out but not much. He only injured the right side of his pants."

"The victim walked a few steps, walking very slowly. He should have started to feel pain. At this time, the victim should have stopped and stood very relaxed. It is speculated that the victim was talking to the criminal, not in a coercive or threatening state. ."

"At this point, it can be inferred that the criminal and the victim should be relatively familiar, or very familiar. Then..."

Jiang Yuan paused, leaned slightly, and said: "The blood stains here prove that the victim's body tilted to a certain extent. I think the criminal helped the victim onto the bed at this time. So, this paragraph There was no blood dripping down because the blood flowed to the criminal. Moreover, during the process, the victim did not struggle, otherwise, there would have been blood droplets thrown out."

"After being stabbed, you are still willing to be supported? So, it is actually a very trusting relationship?" Wan Baoming also understood.

Jiang Yuan was noncommittal and continued to describe objectively: "The victim was lying flat on the bed. There was a stream of blood on the right side of his abdomen, and a pool of blood formed on the bed. The area around the bed was kept clean and tidy. This can also prove that the victim committed suicide, because if she had committed suicide at this time, After pulling out the murder weapon, if you want to throw it away, there should be blood stains left."

Wan Baoming said understandingly: "The murderer left with the murder weapon at this time."

Tang Jia listened with rapt attention at this time, and took the initiative to stand up and said: "The criminal and the victim have a very trusting relationship, but they are not in the interpersonal network we are investigating. The victim has a secret lover?"

The criminal police officer in charge of the case frowned and said: "From what we know, the victim is a very well-behaved girl. She has no bad habits, does not go to nightclubs, does not use luxury goods, and her daily consumption is at an average level. She rents a house The house is also very cheap, right next to the school, mainly because the tutor has a project nearby. Furthermore, this girl is only 25 years old and doesn’t even have a boyfriend, so she has a secret lover?”

Tang Jiadao: "I'm already 25 years old. If I get older, I won't be able to be a secret lover. @*~~"

The detective was helpless and said: "We checked everyone in her address book, including contacts on various communication software, and there is no sign that she has a boyfriend or lover..."

"They say they are secret lovers." Tang Jia looked at Jiang Yuan and said: "If the criminal is a man with social status and status, then a girl like Ruan Sijing is very likely to agree to the secret love." Contact each other, and use it to cover up the other party’s existence..."

"What are you trying to do?" the straight-faced detective asked directly.

Tang Jia tilted his head and thought for a while, then said: "If the other party is a prince, there will be many obstacles. Hiding one's identity can only be said to be one of the obstacles."

"What are you trying to do?" the straight-faced policeman asked again: "There is no money, no gifts, no sense of ceremony, and no daily help. The girl rented the rental house herself, and the conditions are so bad? Are you just paying back the prince?"

Tang Jia glanced at him and said calmly: "Money, gifts and sense of ceremony are ordinary people's compensation for the princess. Sharing joys and sorrows with the prince and helping each other in the most difficult moments is the romance of a princess."

The straight man was stunned: "Is that so?"

Wanbaoming clicked twice, looked at Jiang Yuan, and said, "Forensic Doctor Jiang, what do you think?"

Jiang Yuan said slowly: "It is indeed possible. I think we can start from two aspects. On the one hand, ask the relatives and friends around the victim to see how she gets along with the people around her. It may not be a lover, maybe a relative. , or. Another one, in terms of the relationship between men and women..."

Jiang Yuan was a little stuck for a while.

Tang Jia then said: "You can start with their contact information. If the victim, Sijing, is a graduate student, her English should be good. Maybe she can use foreign social software? For example, burn after reading, such as Quora, that is The foreign version of Zhihu is also like tder.”

"What is tder.

What? asked the straight-steel detective.

Tang Jia looked wary: "Why do you ask this alone?"

"You have explained the rest. Burn after reading and Zhihu."

Tang Jia was silent for a few seconds and said: "Tder recommends 4 people every day through geography. Both parties can chat after adding friends. If one party deletes the friend, the conversation between the two will disappear..."

The straight man detective was surprised: "Is this still possible? How can we investigate this?"

Wan Baoming also said: "It's really convenient to have sex like this."

"But how to check? There are so many foreign software."

"Where is Ruan Sijing's mobile phone? If these software are installed, you should be able to see it. If you delete it, you should be able to find the records."

The criminal police officers in the conference room opened their minds and started making plans one after another. @*~~

The straight-faced policeman couldn't help but pour cold water on him and said: "The phone must have been searched carefully, and the deleted software must be recorded. If there is that kind of weird software, I will have an impression..."

"You have to keep in touch. Even if you are a secret lover, you still have to talk and make an appointment."

The straight-faced policeman hesitated for a moment, then sighed and said, "There may be a second mobile phone. We haven't written this in the external files, and only a few people have mentioned it."

When criminal policemen are working on major cases, they have the habit of hiding small details. Sometimes they are too late to describe them, or they are not included in the files. Sometimes it is intentional.

Some people did not believe in evil and ran to extract evidence and try to find possible software.

But here in the conference room, the issue of the direction of investigation is still being discussed.

Tang Jia asked again: "Where's the surveillance? Didn't the surveillance find it?"

Gangzhi said: "No. We watched a lot of videos at that time, but we didn't consider the issue of secret lovers at that time. We were more interested in finding people with interests, so that we could take into account the girls' original work, study, and environment. …”

"Aren't you alone with boys?" someone asked.

"Is being alone a lover's relationship?" Gangzhi police asked.

This immediately confused the person.

After a while, someone reorganized their thoughts and started to ask: "There are no hotel records, and there are no abortion records in the hospital. No gifts or transfers? Is this a transparent lover? It's too exaggerated..."

This is actually against the theory of secret lovers.

Jiang Yuan also fell into deep thought.

Tang Jia looked at Jiang Yuan and said: "There are not many things that can make people die calmly. Love is one of them. Moreover, only this kind of sweet love, once it is announced, will be envied by everyone, is it worth it?" Girls live and die together."

A group of grown men in the conference room didn't know what to say.

Jiang Yuan coughed twice and said: "I think we can change our thinking. Well... the victim assumed that he had a secret lover, and the two communicated through foreign software to avoid appearing in public places and avoid appearing in hotel records... The two of them should have dinner together, right? Otherwise, how can we go on a date?"

A group of people in the conference room looked over.

Although if you want to have sex, you can go on a date without eating, but normally, even a prince and princess would dine out.

Jiang Yuandao: "I suggest this. Send a few people to go to the high-end restaurants in the city. There are not many high-end restaurants in Changyang City. See if anyone remembers them. As for the prince, even if you don't need to give gifts to Women, at least have to eat something good."

Jiang Yuan still remembered the takeaway dried abalone he ordered yesterday. From a restaurant's point of view, customers like him are quite rare and will definitely leave an impression.

Then, Jiang Yuan looked at Wan Baoming and said, "I think the DNA test materials can be re-checked, especially in the bathroom. If the murderer and the victim were lovers, DNA and fingerprints would be all over the floor."

Wanbaoming was fine, except that his head felt itchy, as if his brain had grown.

This case seems to be solved again.

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