National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 283 Destination

Dawan Village, Shahe Town is located to the west of Changyang City.

Similar to other towns in Changyang City, the pillar industries of Shahe Town have long been converted to real estate and processing industries. Dawan Village has also built factories, dormitories, and rows of self-built houses. .

"The floating population is between 40,000 and 50,000, and there are several vegetable markets." Standing at the scene of the incident, the director of the Shahe Town Police Station introduced, "Eleven years is too long. Eleven years ago, this place was just... When factories started to be built, half of the people who worked in the factories were local young people. Now, locals are not willing to go to factories, and the vegetable sellers are not locals anymore.”

"What do the locals do?" Liu Jinghui asked.

"Be a landlord, open a supermarket, run a restaurant, set up a mahjong parlor, etc." The director of the police station said with a bit of envy, "Those who build their own houses were not in charge before, and those who have dozens of houses in a family are all Yes, a room costs two to three hundred yuan a month. If you do the math, your income is higher than mine."

"Two to three hundred yuan for a room is quite cheap, compared to one or two thousand yuan for a room in the city." Wang Chuanxing took the exam from out of town. Hearing about the rent in the town, he felt that it was quite affordable.

Jiang Yuandao: "We will charge water and electricity bills. It's 100 yuan a month, or more, 150, or 200, so the rent will be four to five hundred."

"The rent is 200 and the water and electricity bill is 200. That's too harsh." Wang Chuanxing was speechless.

"In the 200 yuan utility bill, you can include sanitation fees, management fees, and a shared network cable. Just use a separate mobile phone number to get a broadband for the rooms on the first floor. Tenants are generally happy , because it costs dozens of yuan to pull the network cable alone, which is very troublesome, and the self-built house does not have a property certificate, so it is difficult for them to pull it." Jiang Yuan described in detail.

The so-called Rome was not built in a day, and the Romans naturally did not start entrusting their houses to intermediary companies on the first day. For example, Comrade Jiang Fuzhen also learned to be a landlord when he was demolished for the first time.

When people in Jiangcun first rented houses, they rented them to workers from nearby factories.

Wang Chuanxing also knew Jiang Yuan's identity, and when he thought about it, his eyes couldn't help but squint.

Liu Jinghui coughed twice and brought the topic back: "In short, there is a very large floating population in Dawan Village. It is unnecessary to conduct a general investigation now."

Wei Zhenguo, who had been following Jiang Yuan, also participated at this time: "Isn't the taxi abandoned 5 kilometers away? Theoretically, from Dawan Village to the abandonment point and the surrounding areas, it may be the murderer's destination... However, this way Can’t find it?”

Liu Jinghui shook his head and said: "Judging from the method of committing the crime, the fact that the DNA left behind has never been matched, the fact that the murderer has no record of being arrested again, and the investigation of people released from prison during the current case, I think, The murderer is most likely not a repeat offender, but may even be a first-time offender.”

Liu Jinghui pointed forward and said: "For a first-time offender, the first scene where the body is located is more likely to be the destination of the two people. The second scene where the vehicle is located, I think is purely for abandoning the car. Moreover, in the wilderness , and there is no suitable hiding place nearby.”

Liu Jinghui made a concluding statement: "It's better to kill someone in a familiar place."

In fact, this is also the development of the times.

With the popularity of cameras, or changes in society. Personal residences have become modern people’s favorite place to kill.

To put it in a more comfortable way: as long as you leave home and don’t go to other people’s homes, your probability of being killed will be greatly reduced!

It is equivalent to saying: stay at home and die easily!

Wei Zhenguo said with some confusion: "If this is their destination and they want to avoid being discovered... they are going to abandon the car anyway, why don't they move the body away?"

"This further shows that they are novices. I think they didn't think it through, or the corpse is too disgusting?" Liu Jinghui said: "In fact, robbery is robbery, not necessarily murder. If a murder occurs during the robbery, normal robbery The criminals either did not deal with the scene, or simply drove away in a vehicle, fled further away, then changed cars or took public transportation. Abandoned 5 kilometers away..."

Liu Jinghui shook his head: "It can only be said to be a panic choice. He drove away in a panic. After driving a few kilometers, he felt that he was too far away from his destination, so he abandoned the car and ran away. Then, he probably fled.

. "

"How can such a case be solved?" The director of the local police station was dumbfounded.

Today's cases are much more straightforward. Moreover, the twists and turns in many cases are just the twists and turns of the criminal himself. To the police, it is just a matter of taking off his pants and farting, or exposing his butt for the first time.

Liu Jinghui had seen a lot of butts. He pondered at this moment and said, "The household registration information at the time was probably incomplete."

"That's for sure."

"The air ticket must be under real name. What about the train ticket?"

"Perhaps we can all take buses or train tickets here...I don't know if I can check the train tickets from eleven years ago." Wang Chuanxing listened to Liu Jinghui's words and felt that all the work was going to accumulate on him, so he hurriedly made a phone call first. Vaccination.

Wei Zhenguo said: "If we could find a way to draw up a list and list the people who moved within a period of time after the incident, this case would be simple."

Tang Jia asked: "Didn't the task force do this at the time?"

"The task force at that time never had a clear judgment on the suspect's residence and the destination of the taxi." Liu Jinghui shook his head: "Furthermore, they are not sure whether the murderer has escaped."

Jiang Yuan nodded slowly. In fact, from the evidence he saw, he was not sure where the murderer lived or the destination of the taxi.

This part of the content is not supported by the evidence, it is Liu Jinghui's reasoning.

In an ordinary task force, even if someone can give the same reasoning, but they do not have enough trust and status, they will not be seriously considered.

Liu Jinghui looked at Jiang Yuan and asked, "Jiang Yuan, what do you think?"

"The blood footprints left at the scene are very clear. I can screen the footprints. However, there was only one blood footprint left at the scene... which actually duplicates the DNA." What Jiang Yuan said is also one of the pain points of footprintology. A few decades ago, it was possible for footprint science to follow the path of fingerprint science, but after the advent of DNA technology, identification methods including fingerprints were downgraded.

In fact, Liu Jinghui just wanted to confirm Jiang Yuan's thoughts. Seeing that he had no suggestions on the direction of investigation, he said: "Now, if these clues are all, then I think it is not easy to detect forward. It is better to lure the snake out of the hole and think of a way to solve it." This murderer hooked up..."

Not only Jiang Yuan, but also everyone present frowned.

It's not that they don't believe what he said, but it seems that several people have only heard this sentence not long ago.

It seems that Liu Jinghui said something similar when Jiang Yuan first called him over because of the case of burning bone fragments.

Or, exactly the same?

Everyone calmed down for a moment.

Jiang Yuan's and others' cell phones did not ring.

Wei Zhenguo looked at Jiang Yuan and then said to Liu Jinghui: "Liu Chu, what are your methods?"

Liu Jinghui said "Yes" and said: "I think the murderer should still be very concerned about the case here. We can announce that the case has been reopened and new clues have been found, and then, using the new clues, we can hook the two people out." .”

"What new clues?" Wei Zhenguo asked curiously.

"Well... First of all, I want to say something. I think the most likely composition of the murderer is a husband and wife, or a boyfriend and girlfriend. There is a very small probability that there are three people, two of whom are husband and wife." Liu Jinghui's expression With a little bit of struggle, his reasoning has always been wild and unconstrained, but there are not many opportunities in such a good detection environment.

Liu Jinghui expressed his judgment very seriously, and then said: "We can say that the murderer had a concubine. Some time before the crime, he may have had some trouble with the concubine. We can even say that the concubine had a child... In this way Come on, the murderer who pays attention to the situation here must be in a state of chaos. As long as there is a change... there is a change, it will be easily discovered."

"Maybe one of them will report the other person directly?" Tang Jia quickly thought of one possibility.

Liu Jinghui nodded and added: "Of course, we can't count on this, but I think this will definitely attract the murderer's attention to this case, and maybe some flaws will be revealed."

"That's it, I'm afraid it's not enough." Jiang Yuan looked a little disappointed.

Tang Jia immediately switched sides and said, "Yes.

Ah, maybe the murderer has already been divorced and gone out after eleven years, and maybe he can’t even find a job..."

"Then add a reward and raise the reward. Maybe the divorced wife will report her ex-husband." Wang Chuanxing hammered his left palm with his right hand.

"Then send yourself to prison?" Tang Jia used his intelligence to despise Wang Chuanxing.

"Uh, that's right... 300,000 yuan is not worth an indefinite period." Wang Chuanxing lowered his head silently.

Wei Zhenguo saw that the expressions of several people were a little solemn, so he couldn't help but smile and said: "At least, our progress has surpassed that of the task force. We can also do what the task force couldn't do at the beginning. If it doesn't work, we will put it in Dawan Village , or nearby villages, or even the entire Shahe Town, make a list, find people who left after the incident, list as many people as possible, and then do DNA..."

"Similar investigations were conducted in the later period." Liu Jinghui emphasized: "If we want to find the murderer through investigation, we can't match the task force at that time. Moreover, didn't Jiang Yuan propose that the murderer was lame?"

"Then just look for the lame person. There shouldn't be many in Shahe Town." Wang Chuanxing felt that his IQ had regained the high ground.

Liu Jinghui sighed: "I keep talking about the destination of the taxi. I don't know if you have noticed. In fact, I think the criminal's destination is indeed near Shahe Town. But it does not mean that the criminal must live in Shahe Town forever, or even Not necessarily renting in Shahe Town, maybe just visiting relatives or friends or coming to live with relatives?"

When he said this, Wang Chuanxing, who had just felt a little eyebrow-raising, suddenly turned black.

As a young man who was admitted to the Changyang City Bureau through his own efforts, Wang Chuanxing was quite confident in the criminal police team.

However, the backlog of murder cases is indeed a bit over the top.

"Then what should we do now?" Wang Chuanxing looked at the others.

"If the judgment of lameness is correct..." Liu Jinghui looked at Jiang Yuan, then at the factory not far away, licked his lips, and said, "Then let's investigate secretly first."

This is completely different from the investigation direction Liu Jinghui mentioned before. Wang Chuanxing couldn't help but ask: "Why?"

"Because if the murderer is not a local, the person who knows the murderer's lameness information is probably a relative or old friend of the murderer. In short, he is a person with a certain social relationship. A high-profile investigation may make the insider worried. ..." Liu Jinghui said this, "Of course, the core point is still lameness..."

"The left leg is short and the right leg is long. I have experience with knives." Jiang Yuan gave an affirmative reply.

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