National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 286 The owner of the slaughterhouse.

Liu Jinghui is not the kind of policeman who likes to engage in crowd tactics. However, the manpower of the Changyang City Criminal Police Detachment was used to the extent of one hundred and fifty.

Liu Jinghui made a special call to Yu Wenshu to explain the situation to show that he was not wasting resources.

Yu Wenshu didn't care, and even said in a comprehensive manner: "It's nothing to use more than a hundred people to make a backlog of murder cases. Hahaha, as long as the case can be solved, if you use a thousand people, I will find a way to recruit them for you." . You can use it with confidence, I frowned, and I will punish myself with three drinks next time I eat."

Liu Jinghui laughed in amusement and chatted for a few more words before hanging up the phone.

Yu Wenshu's words made it very clear, if you can use people, you have to solve the case. If we can solve the case, we can use more people.

So what if the case cannot be solved?

This is partly why Liu Jinghui doesn't like to engage in human sea tactics.

It's too much responsibility. When so many people have put in so much work, it is impossible to talk about romance and happiness.

The problem is that Liu Jinghui's reasoning is not always successful, especially when the cooperation in all aspects is not perfect. His reasoning that penetrates the essence is often dragged away silently without having time to verify.

Although Liu Jinghui has done several big cases, such cases often have core commanders, and he can usually only play the role of a consultant.

The same is true for most senior police chiefs in provincial departments. When they get to the local level, of course they can make a lot of suggestions, but it is still the local criminal police who are in charge of whether they should be implemented or not.

As a cadre of a provincial department, he sounds very senior and respected, but he himself cannot manage personnel or money, and it is easy to encounter obstacles if he just wants to do things.

Most of the time, the person in charge of each place just said something nice. Once the case progresses to waters he doesn't like, or the resources used exceed his psychological endurance, what he said before will not count.

But this time, Yu Wenshu really delegated power.

But it wasn't really given to Liu Jinghui.

Liu Jinghui couldn't help but look at Jiang Yuan. This guy unexpectedly conquered the captain of the Changyang City Criminal Police Detachment with his case work.

Thinking about it, the cases Jiang Yuan has done basically have irrefutable evidence without waiting for follow-up.

Most of these murder cases do not even require a confession from the suspect, and can be solved with zero confession.

Such Jiang Yuan was naturally easily recognized by the criminal police captains.

In contrast, Liu Jinghui's reasoning is often a bit vague. Especially if it cannot be demonstrated, the prosecutor may even ask for supplementary investigation.

"There will be nothing to do today. Jiang Yuan, go and have a good rest and see if there is any good news tomorrow." Liu Jinghui was envious and took care of Jiang Yuan.

The backlog of murder cases is endless, and there are even more piles of lists to fill out. However, Liu Jinghui did not ask Jiang Yuan to do it.

Wang Yuan glanced at the various documents in front of Liu Jinghui and said with emotional intelligence: "We have been running around all afternoon. I will help you write some reports."

"This..." Liu Jinghui was worried that Jiang Yuan wouldn't be able to write, so he hesitated.

Jiang Yuan sat next to him, took a report, looked at it twice, and then started writing.

After writing it, give it to Liu Jinghui and get another copy.

Liu Jinghui looked at it a little surprised.

Surprisingly good.

Liu Jinghui looked at Jiang Yuan strangely: "Have you ever practiced this?"

"Well... I dabbled a little bit while studying." What can Jiang Yuan say? Can he say that he has picked up a lv4 official document writing skill? Can you say that your official document writing skills are inferior to others?

Jiang Yuan couldn't say, but Liu Jinghui read it over and over again.

He felt that Jiang Yuan's writing was so good that even if he wanted to find some mistakes or omissions, he couldn't.

Official documents are very plain things, especially ordinary official documents, which are nothing fancy. There are ready-made templates, so just follow them.

However, official documents can really become decisions, form decisions, and become evidence. If you think this kind of thing is not elegant, you are too young.

The so-called truth is found in the ordinary. This kind of thing that truly embodies the power of words is not an old civil servant who has experienced torture.

, is difficult to write well.

The police at the grassroots level are generally very rough in their writing.

Those who can write well will be in higher-level municipal bureaus or provincial offices. This is considered a necessary skill in both places.

Police officers like Wang Chuanxing and Tang Jia, who are highly educated, willing to learn, and have the conditions to learn, are good at handling official documents.

As for Jiang Yuan, it's not that Liu Jinghui is discriminating against him. If he studies well, why would he pass the county bureau exam? That's not right. This guy is from Jiangcun and has passed the exam and returned home.

Liu Jinghui took a breath and asked Jiang Yuan: "You are a little dabbler, to what extent?"

Jiang Yuan didn't hide it. He thought about it and said, "That's the extent of my current investigation."

He has crime scene investigation level 4. Now that he has done more, his level can increase slightly. I have never practiced official document writing, but I picked it up and it was level 4, which is basically on a horizontal line.

Liu Jinghui took a deep breath, grabbed a handful of reports and threw them to Jiang Yuan, saying, "Let's do it and see."

Jiang Yuan smiled: "I can't write all kinds of things, and I can't write some things."

Jiang Yuan said that he was picking and choosing, taking one of the six reports, thinking about it, and leaving another one, and said: "I will write these two first, and I will tell you if I have any questions."

"Okay." When Liu Jinghui saw this, he felt a little relieved. Finally, he was not really a monster who dabbled in everything... Liu Jinghui then thought: Could this be a high-level application in official document writing, to shirk the blame in person?

And it’s still the kind that doesn’t give standards?

If there is no standard, it can be applied flexibly. Flexible application means power...

The power of grassroots civil servants flows under the pen tips.

Liu Jinghui then couldn't help but think that Jiang Yuan wrote official documents so well and took the initiative to write official documents. This is equivalent to applying for power and gaining power. Now he seems to have found a reason to shirk responsibility...

Jiang Yuan quickly went back to rest.

He helped Liu Jinghui write official documents mainly because he had a lot of work. On the other hand, he also occasionally used his skills to understand the situation inside and outside the task force.

After being satisfied, Jiang Yuan was no longer interested.

He still preferred to spend his time on the case.

A deep sleep all night.

When he woke up, Jiang Yuan was still in the guest house, dazed for a while.

The conditions of the hotels I have stayed in recently seem to be a bit poor. If those who died every time were various chairman of the board, living conditions would probably be much better.

Breakfast is Dawan Village’s characteristic tofu pudding, served in a big basin, with added water, steamed buns and side dishes. Everything is free to eat, but there are only a few types.

The taste is okay, it is edible but not very delicious.

Liu Jinghui moved his base camp to the local police station.

In fact, the police station has a lot of business, especially the police station in a big town or village. Dozens of people are busy every day, and half of the corridor is occupied. It is impossible not to be annoyed.

But Liu Jinghui can't control that much anymore. There is a lot of news from the police officers on the business trip, which means that the arrest and interrogation process will probably begin here. By then, the basic configuration must be in place, otherwise the chain of evidence will be destroyed. question.

The police station cooperated without embarrassment, and towards noon, important news began to come back.

"The owner of the slaughterhouse has been found. According to colleagues at the front, this guy should know something. We are now trying to persuade him to come back and take the afternoon flight." Sitting in the small office provided by the police station, Liu Jinghui suppressed his excitement.

The backlog of cases 11 years ago is already in a breakthrough state. If the owner of the slaughterhouse really has a problem, the case will basically be solved.

Even if the murderer cannot be caught for a while, for a long-standing murder case, it is perfect to be able to pursue and escape.

"No resistance?" Jiang Yuan asked.

"The language is a bit confrontational. We should think about it now. Let's ask questions again when we enter the interrogation room." Even if the suspect is shaken, the risk of questioning or interrogating outside is still very high. Under normal circumstances, it is still Bring it back and ask again.

As far as the domestic torture mechanism is concerned, normal people will not resist too fiercely when they arrive in the interrogation room. As long as the interrogators can clearly explain the pros and cons to him, and let him understand that the domestic judicial system is different from that of the United States, it will be fine.

It is impossible that after a lawyer comes in to help him speak, most people who have not very serious problems will explain it.

As for those who don't confess, it will only make the interrogators excited, because this situation often means a very serious problem, and if you are not careful, it will involve a murder case.

Those who really like to talk about interrogation techniques and add weight to the interrogation are all from the previous pre-trial model. Especially when excavation cases are regarded as performance, the interrogation mode will change.

There are no pre-trials anymore. If the slaughterhouse owner didn't kill people, most of them would figure it out after sitting down on a plane.

"However, it is unlikely that the escort will put pressure on the suspect during the transportation. Not only must they not put pressure on the suspect, but they must constantly comfort the suspect and tell him that it's okay, it's okay. Just make it clear when the time comes...

A piece of trivia: the moment when a police officer smiles the most is not when he gets married, but when he is escorting a suspect.


The slaughterhouse owner was sent directly to the Changyang Municipal Bureau’s case handling center.

When he was invited to the interrogation chair and put on handcuffs, especially the restraints, the somewhat wealthy slaughterhouse owner became visibly flustered.

"Aren't you just asking questions? Why do you still have to wear handcuffs and whatnot..." The owner of the slaughterhouse twisted and the chains made a clattering sound.

"Just treat the restraint belt as a seat belt." Liu Jinghui answered him, and then, looking at the expression of the slaughterhouse owner, he said straight to the point: "Do you know what we want from you?"

"Debt?" the slaughterhouse owner said cautiously.

"We are the police." Liu Jinghui emphasized, and then said: "Do you remember the backlog of cases from 11 years ago?"

"Where are you the police?" the slaughterhouse owner asked.

"I'm Liu Jinghui from the Provincial Department." Liu Jinghui showed his ID.

The owner of the slaughterhouse looked at it carefully, stayed for a few seconds, and then said: "Remember, the taxi driver died. You don't think I killed him, do you?"

"If you make it clear, you won't."

"Well... okay. You can say it." The slaughterhouse owner sighed.

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