National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 290: Hiring people

"Xiang Geng, please show us how to use this monitoring system."

The third uncle led his dog, strolling around the monitoring room like a middle-aged playboy.

His string of butterflies covered with snow and soil also stepped on his little feet, as proudly as if it was worth two cents.

Xiang Geng is a thin young man with yellowish fingers and a faint smell of tobacco, which is unpleasant.

When his third uncle called him, Xiang Geng smiled, sat in front of the monitoring desk, and said: "Because the overall system is not ready yet, I will switch to look at our monitoring range for everyone."

He pressed the buttons 1, 2, 3, and 4 and fiddled with the joystick to show the scene in front of the house in Jiangcun Community.

Several middle-aged village men who came with us all looked solemn and said in a deep voice, "You can't mess around in the community anymore."

The third uncle smiled and said, "It's okay. Xiang Geng is one of our own. He is the son of the fourth sister's husband's brother, and he is the nephew of the fourth sister."

Everyone nodded "Oh..." and their expressions relaxed a little.

The third uncle continued, "Xiang Geng, with our system, any inappropriate videos of our own people will be deleted in the future. Not only us, but other people in the village will also be treated the same, okay?"

The third uncle looked at everyone.

Everyone nodded.

Xiang Geng smiled bitterly, "This is not easy. It is very troublesome to delete videos in this system. Moreover, if everyone deletes the videos, the videos will be useless."

He didn't dare take on this task. It’s too tiring not to talk, and it’s too easy to get into trouble.

The third uncle frowned, "Then everything we do in the yard will be recorded."

Xiang Geng remained silent and nodded.

"Can any of you delete the video?" The third uncle looked at the other five people.

The other five people looked at each other and shook their heads. Deleting a video is one thing, deleting it all is another. Delete it when you encounter it... It seems that these people live in the community, so just turn off the surveillance.

Xiang Geng said: "Uncle, before you installed the surveillance system, you never thought that you would be photographed."

The third uncle frowned: "How can I possibly understand such a high-tech thing?"

Xiang Geng suddenly didn’t know what to say.

After all, Jiang Yuan was from Jiangcun. He coughed twice and said, "Well, third uncle, what are you mainly worried about?"

The third uncle frowned when he was asked, looked to both sides, and then whispered, "Our village committee election is about to be held..."

"Let me make a suggestion." Jiang Yuan said decisively: "Let's change the monitoring direction of this system. It's very simple. In this square in the center of the community, right next to the activity center, turn all the surveillance cameras and I'll re- Adjust adjust..."

Jiang Yuan spoke and started operating the system directly.

Some cameras are restricted, and some cannot be restricted, so their heads are pointed here. Jiang Yuan recorded the number and asked the workers to dismantle them directly.

Xiang Geng was a little surprised at first and didn't even quite understand what Jiang Yuan was doing.

When he understood it, Xiang Geng was shocked. His third uncle dared to say that this system was created by Jiang Yuan. He thought he was just spending money to supervise the work, but he didn't expect it to be literal.

For Xiang Geng and others who just know how to use it, Jiang Yuan's operation is like a TV repairman coming in when they are using the remote control to adjust TV programs.

What everyone is doing is basically two things.

Jiang Yuan was almost done, so he explained the scope of the safe zone to Uncle San and others while doing it.

The third uncle understood, and immediately nodded with satisfaction, "Yes, that's what it means, we can't attack our own people, it's too dangerous..."

Jiang Yuan smiled and said: "I'll have people draw a green line with paint later. The part outside the green line is where there are cameras. The part inside the line is called the green zone, or the parliamentary zone. You guys are discussing elections and so on. Things will not be photographed, so that you can...well, prevent unfair competition. "

"Hey, yes, that's what it means. Parliamentary circle." The third uncle was immediately satisfied and nodded to the others.

Xiang Geng finally understood and said with a smile, "Uncle, it's your turn this year."

"It's hard to say. It doesn't matter whether it's my turn or not. I just plan to be more active this year." The third uncle said with a smile, and then said, "

Xiang Geng, just follow Jiang Yuan and learn from him. He arranged this system and he has a good brain. "

"Okay." Xiang Geng nodded quickly.

He understood from Jiang Yuan's operation just now that he was a real expert in monitoring systems.

Furthermore, Jiang Yuan was from Jiangcun and was originally the authority dog ​​in the village. Although Xiang Geng was considered a half relative, he was not from Jiangcun after all.

"From now on, the six of us will work in three shifts, with two people in each shift, monitoring and patrolling." Xiang Geng not only introduced the situation to his third uncle and others, but also explained the situation to his colleagues.

This is considered the basic function of the "Jiangcun Security Monitoring Room". Jiang Fuzhen heard this and said again: "You have all done surveillance before. This is why we recruited you in the first batch. After that, we will also recruit a few people in the village, and then we will recruit some more." People come in."

Jiang Fuzhen looked at the other people and said: "Security, in the final analysis, requires the courage to fight. The security work in our village protects the safety of everyone in the village. This must not be taken lightly... "

Everyone present nodded. Everyone is really rich and really needs a sense of security.

The next day, the video surveillance installation company sent people over and made new adjustments to the density and range of the cameras.

After the third uncle and others were satisfied, the second uncle and other older generation Jiangcun people came to the monitoring room again, reviewed and watched the operation of the monitoring equipment, and encouraged the six security personnel again.

Afterwards, people from Jiangcun gathered intensively to visit and watch.

After all this subsided, another three or four days passed.

Jiang Yuan and Jiang Fuzhen were elected as members of the security team with high votes in another village election. Together with their third uncle, the three of them are responsible for managing and maintaining the security work in the village such as the monitoring room.

The "Jiangcun Security Monitoring Room" is now on the right track.

To celebrate, Jiang Yuan specially took a few people to re-screen the new surveillance in the past week.

A case where an object is found missing – returned.

Two cases of electric vehicle theft were discovered - even if Jiangcun people had installed a monitoring system, and even the county had installed a monitoring system, the thieves who make a living by stealing would not be able to stop immediately.

How can I live my life if my hands stop and my mouth stops.

Jiang Yuan was sitting in the "Jiangcun Security Monitoring Room" and put the heads of the two suspects involved in two electric vehicle thefts on the public screen.

"What should we do now?" Xiang Geng smelled a flower that Jiang Yuan had just thrown to him and looked at the screen curiously.

He graduated from an ordinary school, but when it was time to work, he joined a certain Golden Shield company. Later, he worked as an image security guard for a period of time - working as a security guard for a building under development and watching surveillance cameras part-time.

After staying in the monitoring room for a long time, Xiang Geng was considered self-taught. He happened to hear that Jiangcun people had set up a new security company, so he ran over immediately.

He knew a little bit about surveillance, but he didn't really know how to use surveillance to arrest people.

Jiang Yuan smiled and asked, "What do you think?"

"Face recognition" Xiang Geng looked at the faces on the public screen and tried to say.

Jiang Yuan smiled and said, "It's more difficult. For such a small case, you basically don't have to think about it."

"Then... look for fingerprints." Xiang Geng still knows a little bit.

"It's okay, but the thief in the video is wearing gloves," Jiang Yuandao said.

"Uh... then follow the surveillance and look for things they touched when they were not wearing gloves." Xiang Geng thought.

Jiang Yuan smiled and said, "You can try it."

With that said, Jiang Yuan sent the two photos he had just taken on the public screen to the "Ningtai Robbery Group".

Xiang Geng and others were very interested in mobilizing surveillance and tracking the whereabouts of the two Xiaolei thieves.

Jiang Yuan himself asked in the group:

"Which hero knows these two thieves? Let's take them in. Our Jiangcun Property Management Bureau caught them stealing electric cars. We have complete surveillance, video, and the owner of the crime. The electric cars have invoices."

Soon, responses from several people came.

South Second Ring Road [I'll find someone to ask. 】

Team 6 Li Jing [Don’t ask, I know the one on the left. Brother Jiang sent me the video. I am now

Go pick someone up. 】

Money-invading Xiao Wang: [I've taken care of the one on the right. I'm familiar with the one in Jiangcun. Brother Jiang, the electric car is worth over 3,000 and has not been used for long. 】

There are more than 7,000 electric vehicles in Ningtai Jiangyuan, all of which are about one or two years old. 】

Money-invading Xiao Wang: [I’m just superficial. How could Jiangcun’s electric car only cost 3,000 yuan? 】

South Second Ring Road [Envy, I haven’t seen the thieves for more than half a month, let alone, I still miss them. 】

Team 6 Li Jing [There will be fewer in the future, so just catch them and cherish them. 】

Wei Zhenguo, Team 6: [When I entered the industry, my master said that catching thieves is a lifetime task. Some places may not have murder cases, and some places may not have arson cases, but there cannot be no thieves. Unexpectedly, catching the thief really took a lifetime. ] Jiang Yuan pursed his lips and smiled, sent the video, then put away his phone and looked at Xiang Geng and others.

They followed the surveillance cameras to look for someone, and they had already fainted from looking for them.

"Okay, both thieves have their owners. Someone will go and catch them later. When the police come to ask you for the original data, you can give it to them." Jiang Yuan didn't mean to see the joke, and just said: "You guys You can continue to follow the surveillance. If you can find fingerprints, that would be even better."

Xiang Geng understood this and immediately nodded and said, "Don't worry, we will practice hard."

"Okay, then I'll go back first." Jiang Yuan stood up and took two steps, then remembered the tradition of Jiangcun, and said: "After the two cases just solved, everyone will have a bonus of 1,000 yuan. This will be the case from now on. If there is If the case is found through surveillance and the thief is caught, the thief will receive a bonus of 500 yuan."

Xiang Geng's eyes immediately lit up, "Then I won't be polite. If I catch the thief again, I will send it to you."

"Okay, just send it to me." Jiang Yuan noticed that Xiang Geng was very motivated, but he was a little worried and asked, "Are you short of money?"

"It's not that it's lacking, it's just that there are many places to use it." Xiang Geng said sheepishly. -H1...Jiang Yuan frowned, "Are you married or are you dating a girlfriend? It costs a lot of money."

"It's not that... I'm not married yet." Xiang Geng hesitated for a moment and whispered: "My girlfriend actually doesn't have much expenses. It's just that the three of us sometimes like to compare with each other. We have to buy three copies of everything. Otherwise I won’t be happy."

Jiang Yuan was silent for a few seconds and said: "If you need money, come to me directly. You are not allowed to bring your girlfriends into the monitoring room, not even a few."

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