National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 296 Current case

The construction site of the Binhu Spring Greening Landscape Project.

Inside the blue color steel plate, an acrylic board bridge is built directly into the color steel room from the door.

When Jiang Yuan saw this Banqiao, he knew that the Changyang City Criminal Police Detachment was bound to win.

Normally, Banqiao just needs to be put up from the door to the body. Moreover, these are temporary measures. When the evidence collection is almost completed, Banqiao will be taken away.

In fact, the units that can use Banqiao are all very particular units. What's more, it's made of transparent acrylic.

For example, the Ningtai County Bureau's Banqiao is made of steel plates, and its quantity is small, so they are usually not taken along during field surveys. It's too heavy and it's troublesome to lift. Sometimes, if your colleagues don't cooperate, your efforts to lift it will be in vain.

If it is a small scene, everyone will enter the scene directly on foot. These things will only be used due to reasons such as too much blood on the ground.

10 years ago, metal bridges would have been useless, and it was often difficult to avoid being trampled on site.

For the Changyang City Criminal Police Detachment, the situation was actually similar. Hundreds of Banqiao were arranged to form a road. It was definitely under the leadership of the leaders that the investigators would do this. Otherwise, even if they propose to their girlfriend, they will not waste their time and energy like this.

Yu Wenshu was written at the starting point of Banqiao. He is the person in charge of the scene, and his work is quite heavy.

There is no requirement for the level of the person in charge of the case in the backlog of homicide cases, but there is in current cases.

Seeing Jiang Yuan coming, Yu Shishu, who was directing, softened his expression. He smiled, took two steps, and asked, "Is the road easy to walk? You're not speeding, right?"

"Probably not taken." Jiang Yuandao.

Yu Wenshu: "It's okay if you take the photo. Come back to me and I'll help you get rid of it. Well, this is the scene. There are footprints on the ground and blood stains in the room on the second floor. I immediately thought of you. However, the body has been transported gone."

Jiang Yuan nodded as he listened, and first looked at the footprints Yu Wenshu mentioned...

In front of him, there were probably thousands of footprints...

This is a construction site. Not only is the ground not hardened, but there is also a lot of floating soil. If electrostatic equipment is used, it is estimated that more footprints can be locked.

Jiang Yuan's heart was untroubled, and he had no intention of starting the case from his footprints.

After collecting these tracks, 30 cows were exhausted.

"Let's go see the body first." Jiang Xuan wanted to find the murderer's footprints from inside the room, and then look at the direction of the footprints.

However, if the footprints are found from inside the room, the footprints outside will not be of much significance. They can at most point to an escape direction. In other respects, what is provided inside and outside the room is likely to be similar.

Of course, Jiang Yuan didn't need to elaborate on these words, and walked to the scene on Banqiao.

Yu Wenshu followed him directly.

Huang Qiangmin is under pressure from ranking in the combat power rankings, and so is Yu Wenshu.

The criminal police detachment of a dignified provincial capital city is at the bottom of the rankings, which is almost unacceptable. Not only can we not stay behind, we must also strive to be first.

Shannan Province is a provincial capital with a blood-sucking model. It not only has advantages in economic, cultural and educational policies, but also has requirements in terms of public security and health.

If the relevant person in charge cannot do this, it is actually very simple. Leaders of brother units in other prefecture-level cities, whoever ranks first, and whoever can rank first continuously, may be transferred to the provincial capital to take over. It's up to you to do this.

Changyang City is in very good shape this year. As far as the criminal police detachment is concerned, it is rare to maintain a record of solving all current murder cases. But if today's case cannot be solved, Yu Wenshu will be under greater pressure.

The body is on the second floor of the Caigang House.

As the main structure, the color steel room is thirty or forty meters away from the construction site gate. There are six rooms downstairs and six rooms upstairs, but they are all relatively large, in the form of a large office.

The room at the scene of the incident is similar. There is a desk in the middle and a large safe in the corner. The body looks like in the photo. It was on the desk. It was hit on the head with a pure instrument to death. The so-called blood stains... are here on the desk. of a small beach.


It formed slowly, so by the time the murderer left, there was no blood on his feet.

Jiang Yuan silently glanced at Yu Wenshu. The blood stains and footprints he mentioned seemed a bit unreliable.

"The evidence is slightly weak, but the current case should be easier to solve than the backlog." Yu Wenshu's reasoning still makes sense.

Jiang Yuan asked: "There is no surveillance and no witnesses?"

The performance is definitely not expressionless, suppressing emotions forcibly.

Therefore, most people's alibi were hidden during the interrogation process by the criminal police. This is one of the reasons why criminal inquiries must be made in person rather than over the phone.

The false sense of security that comes with being on the phone is exactly what you should not have in an inquiry.

Several migrant workers with no special background should not be able to escape the interrogation of the criminal police as long as their daughters do not live in kennels - these people at the construction site must be key suspects, and they will not be let go after just a few questions. Passed.

Jiang Yuan looked around again and asked: "You didn't find the murder weapon either?"

"No, the murder weapon is probably a rod-shaped object such as a steel bar that was inspected at the construction site and was taken away." Yu Wenshu said a little helplessly: "We are making a list now to see the people who have disputes with the construction site, former employees There are some, but the number of people is a bit too large, and the list is not complete. If someone from outside committed robbery and murder, this case would be more difficult to detect."

If there is a direct relationship, the case will be easier. This type of robbery is easy to solve, and it is a case that is solved through interpersonal relationships.

But if not, the workload of the case will be relatively large.

If we take the interpersonal route, the workload will be multiplied by 10 for each additional layer of interpersonal relationships.

For example, some cases involving moles often take a long time to detect. It's not that the detection is difficult, but it takes a long time to find the mole and then check the mole's network.

Jiang Yuan first confirmed the situation outside the scene and almost understood what Yu Wenshu was thinking.

Now, the best evidence is the scene and the body.

As for fingerprints and footprints, it’s not that there are none, but there are too many and it’s impossible to determine which ones are useful.

"Then let me take a look at the scene first." Jiang Yuan said, "Has this area been scanned?"

"Only the most basic ones were taken." Yu Wenshu replied.

Jiang Yuan went straight to the core: "Nothing?"

"No." Yu Wenshu shook his head slightly.

In a real criminal case, the scene is not scanned in detail. It is also hierarchical.

Normally, you would scan the obvious ones first, such as bloody handprints and footprints, extract the blood stains and take away the corpse, etc. Secondly, scan for those with signs. For example, door handles, corpse necks, window frames, stiff toilet paper, etc.

If the above two can scan the murderer's information, then the task of investigating is basically completed, and no further scanning will be carried out.

For example, there may be fingerprints on the victim's sweater, but if there are bloody fingerprints, there is no need to try to remove these fingerprints.

Even when there is too much information at the scene, some evidence will not be taken out at all. For example, the bed sheet stained with sweat, and the on-site investigation that sweeps away the entire bed sheet is often the most scolded.

As of now, there are fingerprints and DNA everywhere at the scene, but there is no DNA that is obviously the murderer's.

"Me or two of us haven't helped yet." Yu Wenshu felt that it was almost done, so he went out to call someone, and then left the scene.

After a while, two police officers came over with boxes and other equipment.

"Brother Jiang, we finally meet. I am He Guohua, the trace inspector from Shuidong District." The first person to come in was He Guohua, who was called Jiang Shen and Jiang Ye in the group.

He Guohua is in his thirties, has a mustache on his chin, wears glasses, is slightly chubby, and has a very white face.

Jiang Yuan was also stunned before he matched himself with He Guohua in the group.

"Just call me Jiang Yuan." Jiang Yuan was still polite in person. He originally wanted to take out a cigarette, but considering that he was at the scene, he didn't.


"This is Xiao Bo, Wang Bo, my apprentice." He Guohua introduced the young man who followed him, carrying two boxes in his hands.

Wang Bo also looks like a talented person. Needless to say, those who have been admitted to the Changyang City Criminal Police Detachment in the past few years are all guys who want to come and fight with dimensionality reduction. But after entering the unit, even if the dimensionality is really reduced, they will not show anything. .

Jiang Yuan asked: "Have you used a survey light to illuminate it here?"

"I took pictures and took some fingerprints, but they don't feel good." He Guohua answered directly. Wang Bo looked at it curiously.

Jiang Yuan said "yes" and stood in the middle of the room, entering a state of contemplation.

He was trying to reconstruct the crime scene.

Any on-site investigation actually requires the reconstruction of the crime scene, but it is not as direct and complete as blood stain analysis.

For Jiang Yuan, the combination of LV4's crime scene investigation and LV5's bloodstain analysis can still yield something useful even if there is very little bloodstain at the scene.

--Go to check

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