National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 307: Saving Youth


Yu Wenshu arrived late and saw that the crime scene was already a scene of workers getting off work.

The policemen carrying their equipment and walking back, taking off their collars to relax, and checking their cell phones while waiting for the elevator were all from their own detachment.

At that time, Yu Wenshu's expression was a little ugly. As a leader, I am indeed late, but you can't just leave work like this.

Yu Wenshu's eyes quickly scanned the police numbers of the people next to him, and his photographic memory allowed him to easily memorize the police numbers of these guys.

The police officer, who was preparing to leave work, was horrified. Everyone is a criminal policeman. With one look at a bad guy, you can guess almost exactly what the bad guy is thinking. The same goes for reading Yu Wen's book. Of course, this does not mean that the leader is a bad person, although it does not mean that the leader is a good person. , but all in all, all the comrades in the criminal police are good at judging people.

Yu Wenshu has been the captain of the criminal police detachment for such a long time. He is really shaking his butt. Everyone knows whether he drank milk again last night.

His eyes glanced at everyone's sirens, and his purpose was obvious.

Some of the older ones hesitated and said: "Yuzhi, the case has been solved. We are going to pack the equipment."

"Broken? Why didn't I know?" Yu Wenshu glanced over and remembered this guy's alarm signal very accurately.

"It's basically been solved. It's... that, it was solved by Jiang Yuanjiang's forensic doctor. I heard that the suspect is already being identified. I'll probably call you soon..." The older detective explained continuously.

Just as he was talking, Yu Wenshu's cell phone rang.

"Hey. Okay, I'm here. Do you know anything about it? Okay, okay, okay, okay. I'll be here in a few steps."

Yu Wenshu said, the eyebrows on his face spread, he nodded to the criminal policeman whose police number had just been recorded, and walked forward.

The older detective looked at Yu Wenshu's back with a collapsed expression, sighed, and said, "It's over, now I'm remembered."

"Just remember it if you are remembered. Doesn't that make it clear?" The young detective next to him didn't quite understand.

The older detective said helplessly: "You think he is a god, he just forcibly recorded our police number..."

"Isn't that a god? If I could remember numbers at a glance, I would have entered Tsinghua University."

"Naive. Team Yu can remember numbers, but he can't remember things."

"What...what do you mean?"

The older detective said in a cautious tone: "It means that Yu Zhi remembered our police number, but in a few days, he may not remember why he remembered our police number. But for Yu Zhi, whenever the police number is remembered, Yes, it’s definitely not a good thing, so we’re miserable.”

"Ah...then...that can't be like this. If you behave well, he won't remember it?"

"Behave well and he will remember the name..." The scene.

Under the explanation of Captain Ma, Yu Wenshu looked at the crime scene carefully. He was full of relief and couldn't help but patted Jiang Yuan and said: "This case was well done. If it weren't for your judgment of the time of death, , the victim’s husband is in trouble.”

"The case is not over yet." Jiang Yuan was modest.

"Just do the rest slowly. Now that there is so much DNA evidence and electronic data, it won't be too difficult to match the deceased's interpersonal relationship." After Yu Wenshu learned about the case, he talked with others The judgment is similar. The first guess is that it was a love killing.

The deceased was from an ordinary middle-class family and was in his 40s. He had no enemies to speak of and no conflicts of interest to speak of. In this case, a deliberate murder would most likely be a murder of love.

A middle-aged woman's extramarital affair must be accompanied by sex. Even if Tang Jia's imaginary ifi could not find anything, the deceased's own mobile phone might be able to find clues. If that doesn't work, check the room opening records, daily itinerary, etc.

In this era where electronic footprints are everywhere, it is possible to have an affair without being discovered by your husband, but the possibility of not being discovered by the police is almost zero.

Yu Wenshu even felt that he did not need any additional instructions.

. Ma Jiyang is also a very mature criminal police captain, and checking these is just like playing.

I think back then, when Ma Jiyang was investigating his wife, in order to avoid violating discipline, he didn't even use these advanced technologies. He just wore casual clothes and spent a day and night to find out the time, place and people. Finally, he left home with peace of mind.

Yu Wenshu came in a hurry, didn't stay long, and then withdrew with the large army.

Of course he won't find it troublesome. The greatest happiness is that the case is progressing smoothly. Yu Wenshu is not willing to sit on the scene, give orders, and then stay up all night.

As a person gets older, what he hopes most is that there will be no cases. If there is a case, he hopes that it can be solved quickly. If it is particularly difficult to solve, he hopes that Jiang Yuan will be there...

"Where are Jiang Yuan going next? I'll have someone take you off." Yu Wenshu said with great concern: "Go back and have a good rest. We should be able to catch the suspect tomorrow."

Ma Jiyang listened without blinking. It is common sense for the detective in charge of homicide cases not to sleep, so there is nothing to say.

Jiang Yuan shook his head: "I want to see the body."

"Oh? Why...oh, you are a forensic doctor." Yu Wenshu patted his head and smiled: "Tell me, my memory is not good now. I used to recite "The Great Learning" and mentioned "Yao, Shun led the world with benevolence, and he could recite it immediately, and the people followed him, well, they can recite it now, hahahaha..."

"Yu Zhi's memory is really good." Others were a little too lazy to praise Yu Wenshu's bad memory, but Ma Jiyang was still very aware of being a cadre.

"Send two people to see Jiang Yuan off, and they have been following him all the way in the past few days." Yu Wenshu ordered Ma Jiyang again, and said: "Look for someone younger and with good physical fitness. Jiang Yuan is engaged in technology. He has been there twice. I met the murderer at the crime scene. He's very evil. Don't make any more problems. The last time I met the guy who could parkour, it scared my blood pressure."

This is actually Huang Qiangmin's request for Yu Wenshu.

In the past, Huang Qiangmin sent someone to follow Jiang Yuan to Changyang City, but Yu Wen had been renting books for a long time, and it was inconvenient for Ningtai County to send someone again.

On the one hand, Ningtai County itself is short of manpower, and it would be uncomfortable to send out three people at once. On the other hand, the emotions of dispatched personnel must also be taken into consideration. Short-term protection work is OK, but long-term business trip protection is more difficult.

The case was progressing smoothly, and Ma Jiyang didn't need too much police force at this time, so he easily assigned two people to Jiang Yuan.

Jiang Yuan was not polite either. It's getting dark outside, and it's always good to have two people by your side when you go to a funeral home to dissect a body.

funeral parlor.

The funeral parlor in Changyang City still looks lifeless and is larger than the one in Ningtai County, but the atmosphere when you walk in is the same. Especially in the evening, it feels like Ah Piao from Ningtai is working in Changyang.

The two young police officers were a little bold, but not that bold. They followed Jiang Yuan into the autopsy room and breathed a sigh of relief. Then they saw a corpse lying on its back with the sternum opened.

"I..." The youngest one had the least experience. He turned around and came out of the anatomy room. He paused again when he thought that there was a funeral parlor outside.

Ye Tianhe came earlier and cooperated with his colleagues. At this time, the body was red during the autopsy. He showed a sad smile and said kindly: "Don't vomit on the ground, or you can do some hygiene."

Jiang Yuan also put on a friendly expression and said, "I'm here to help."

Ye Tianhe was actually a little uncomfortable in his heart, but he stretched out his hand to avoid hitting the smiling person, and looked at Jiang Yuan not to ridicule him. He adjusted his mood and said: "I just looked at the hyoid bone. It's not broken, but the neck muscles are discolored. It should be He was hanged with a piece of rope. He was hanged from the front, with a single soft ditch, and the width was consistent with the rope used for hanging. The murderer was quite well prepared."

"Front position hanging" is also called typical hanging, which is a method of hanging in which the force point is in front of the neck, which is consistent with death by hanging. In addition, there are also side hanging and rear hanging.

The hanging groove refers to the traces formed by the hanging rope, and the soft hanging ditch refers to the slight peeling of the skin surface, which can usually be used to judge the softness and hardness of the hanging rope.

In addition, the number of hanging trenches can also be used to judge

Is the hanging hanging sleeve fixed or sliding?

For forensic doctors, hanging is a well-researched field, so in just one sentence, a large amount of information can be communicated through professional terms.

From this point on, the suspect's professionalism has declined again. In this day and age, it is too naive to still try to fake suicide by hanging.

"Have the stomach contents been removed?" Jiang Yuan mainly wanted to determine the time of death. After all, this is the first time to use this skill, so I need other information to assist.

"Took it. It has been sent for examination. The time of death is consistent with the judgment of around 10 o'clock." Ye Tianhe actually did this examination carefully. However, even the gastric content examination is not that accurate. It can be said that it fits the period.

In fact, it has always been very difficult to identify the time of death, and it is even more difficult to be accurate.

Ye Tianhe's judgment was not as accurate as Jiang Yuan's, which was normal.

Jiang Yuan only said: "The murderer must have carefully planned it. He probably wanted to fake the scene first and make it look like he committed suicide by hanging. If that didn't work, he would put the blame on the husband... The design is too complicated and prone to errors."

This sentence was recognized by everyone.

There are too many investigative methods nowadays. I am not afraid that you will mislead everyone. There is always professional evidence from all aspects to correct clues and evidence.

On the contrary, the more the murderer does, the greater the possibility of being exposed.

Jiang Yuan also re-examined the neck of the deceased, and then together with Ye Tianhe took out the uterus for examination.

During this period, a light blue dumpling also rolled into Jiang Yuan's hand.

Liu Meiyan’s legacy: cosy (lv2) - When she reaches the 40-year-old mark, Liu Meiyan can no longer pretend that she is not middle-aged. Cosy was a little hobby she had tried before, but now it has become her A life-saving straw that saves lives and retains youth. Compared with younger cosplayers, Liu Meiyan can wear makeup for longer, expose more flesh, and assume more gorgeous poses. Occasionally, Liu Meiyan can also select some young people who catch her eye and teach them some fresh knowledge.

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