National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 310 Self-distribution

The personnel affairs in provincial capital cities are much more complicated than those in county towns.

Speaking of which, Huang Qiangmin is actually a big shot in Ningtai County. Although his mother-in-law is in charge and there are brothers beside him, he is considered the eldest brother in terms of qualifications and work content.

Yu Wenshu, the captain of the criminal police detachment, was not so happy. Next to him are the economic investigation detachment, the public security detachment, the anti-narcotics detachment, cyber security, prison and internal security, as well as the traffic police detachment and the special police detachment, which have the largest number of people. In addition, the parallel departments can also produce double digits. What kind of legal system Office, Household Administration Office, Science and Technology Communications Office, etc.

Above him, the number of bosses is several times that of the county bureau.

At the same time, the districts and counties under Changyang City also have their own district bureaus and county bureaus, which may have more authority than Yu Wenshu.

In addition, the provincial minister, the grandma, also shows her presence from time to time.

And this is why Yu Wenshu particularly needs Jiang Yuan.

In a provincial capital city, competition is fierce and it is not easy to get ahead. Whether Yu Wenshu, the criminal police detachment leader, is doing well or slightly better cannot be reflected.

However, four backlogged murder cases have been detected in a row, and the current case has a 100% completion rate. This can be considered a remarkable achievement.

If this momentum can be maintained next year, Yu Wenshu feels that his life may be more open.

Jiang Yuan roughly knew the complicated situation in some provincial capitals. But since he was sold here, he doesn't have to worry about so many human relations. The dignified third-level superintendent has a lower police rank than Wang Chuanxinghe and Tang Jia, so he can just do his job.

"427 Drunk Death Case, the specific facts of the case, Wang Chuanxing, show it to everyone on the projector." Jiang Yuan started giving orders without even taking out a USB flash drive.

Fortunately, Wang Chuanxing really knows how to use these office equipment and software. He immediately connected his computer to the projector in the new office and quickly found out the details of the 427 drunken death case.

During this period, Jiang Yuan was not idle, and said to himself: "The deceased Wang Jun, 41 years old, died on April 27 last year, many days after... The file said it was 8 to 10 days. This time is wrong, it should be There are only 6 days at most, and probably only more than 5 days.”

"In short, Wang Jun's body was found in a house on the hillside outside the village many days after his death. There were signs of being moved. At the same time, the deceased had feces incontinence and anal sphincter relaxation. Perianal swabs and vaginal swabs were taken. *The preliminary anti-human semen test of the inner shallow and deep swabs was positive, and the DNA test detected the DNA type of a male other than the deceased himself."

Jiang Yuan described the general facts of the case, Wang Chuanxing's projector was also set up, and more content was displayed on the screen.

Some people are studying and reading by themselves, and some people can't help but start discussing: "Does this mean that this is a murder case?"

"The deceased was 41 years old, and he looked like...a good middle-aged man, but it wouldn't lead to crime. Is the deceased gay?"

"The deceased had a junior high school education and lived in rural areas all year round. Are the rural areas so open now?"

Jiang Yuan waited for everyone to watch and discuss for a while, then motioned to Wang Chuanxing to turn the page.

Looking at a picture of a corpse, Jiang Yuandao said: "The photos here are all very clear. You can clearly see the 3rd instar larvae of the stable rot fly here, as well as the larvae and pupae of the maggot fly. . Judging based on the temperature at the site and using the stable rot fly as an indicator species, the death time is 5 and a half to 6 days, which is more accurate."

Using forensic entomology to determine the time of death of a corpse is a very useful method when the death time is long.

Moreover, forensic entomology has been fully developed. It can not only judge the time of death based on the growth and development patterns of necrophilic insects, but also progress to the community succession of insects, the growth and development of individuals, including the seasonal characteristics of insects. and various other biological properties.

Of course, there are many complications here. Just the classification of insect types, etc., is a specialized knowledge.

"The forensic doctor on the current case judged it to be 8 days. Is there a difference of two days?" Wan Baoming, the deputy director of the Criminal Division Center, had to ask for his help.

"About 3 days. The difference mainly lies in the time it takes for necrophilic insects to reach the corpse. The arrival time of stable rot flies will be delayed when the temperature is low. In addition, the corpse has been moved, and the corpse was covered at the first scene. Maybe it's bigger." Jiang Yuan gave a rough explanation, and then said: "This leads to a question."

Everyone naturally looked at Jiang Yuan, and no one discussed the content of forensic entomology with Jiang Yuan. This thing is as difficult as forensic anthropology, and most people present only have a superficial understanding of forensics.

Jiang Yuan flipped through the file and said: "The person in charge of the case at the time, based on the time of death of the victim, mainly set the time of the crime before April 21st, focusing on the three days of 17th, 18th and 19th. Judging from the new time of death, the victim is not dead yet.”

"The victim disappeared on April 17. This is also a very important point when determining the time of death." Wan Baoming seemed to be explaining to the previous generation of forensic doctors. In fact, he was endorsing Jiang Yuan.

The judgment of the victim's time of death may be more based on the disappearance, and the judgment is not entirely based on the scientific judgment of forensic science.

If you think this way, everyone will be more willing to accept Jiang Yuan.

Jiang Yuan did not hesitate and said directly: "I prefer the victim, who died on April 22."

"She disappeared on April 17 and died on April 22. Where did the deceased go in the five days in between?" Wan Baoming scratched his head.

Many detectives present were scratching their heads.

"I think we can look in this direction." Jiang Yuandao: "The deceased must have a place to stay. Moreover, he only took a small amount of money with him when he went out. He said he went out to buy cigarettes. In this case, someone should have brought him Now that he's gone, he's probably an acquaintance."

"The original investigation direction of the task force was that strangers committed crimes, which is similar to raping women to kill people. These are two ideas." Yu Wenshu frowned and relaxed again.

If the investigation direction of the current case team is indeed wrong, then the probability of this backlog of cases being solved will be greatly increased.

Jiang Yuan nodded and said: "The original investigation direction was to assume that the deceased was raped and then killed. The crime location is close to the place where the body was dumped, so the deceased naturally does not need money, accommodation, etc."

"However, if the time of death is changed, the deceased cannot stay outside the village for five days without going home. The reason that prompted him to leave was probably the appearance of an acquaintance."

Everyone nodded after listening to Jiang Yuan's words, and their mood became slightly cheered up.

There are at least a limited number of acquaintances, so if you check your interpersonal relationships again, you might be able to gain something.

"The deceased did not leave any accommodation record, so he either lived in an acquaintance's house or in a small hotel. In this regard, I think we can ask people from the public security detachment about nearby small hotels." A newly joined specialist The police officers on duty actively raised their hands to sign up.

"Okay." Jiang Yuan agreed.

"Now that we have left the village, we can check the surveillance records for the time before and after we left. I'll ask someone from the graphic reconnaissance team."


"Do we also need to re-examine our interpersonal relationships?"


The members of the special class assigned tasks to each other just by talking to each other.

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