National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 312 Monitoring

Shen Yaowei took his new partner and called a familiar auxiliary policeman from the security detachment. Following the route set by Jiang Yuan, he swept up small hotels, B\u0026Bs, farmhouses and rental houses alley by alley.

After searching carefully, there were surprisingly many places to stay near a village. Staying in a hotel or B\u0026B in the city requires quite strict registration, but in rural towns, this kind of registration is very superficial.

Fortunately, for his own safety and to ensure that the house is not sold privately by the front desk, the boss is always actively installing various surveillance cameras, so it is not too difficult to find people.

Shen Yaowei mainly followed the borrowed auxiliary police Wang Zhibing to investigate.

Contrary to what ordinary people imagine, auxiliary police officers are an indispensable part of today's police activities. Especially in grassroots departments, the number of auxiliary police officers has become scarce. There is a quota of 300 people taking the exam for one auxiliary police officer position. It seemed like a story earlier, but later it became a normal thing.

As for the auxiliary police officers who have been working for a long time, there are also many who have been working for more than ten or twenty years. Nowadays, it seems that many people will most likely retire.

And after working in any position for a long time, experience and experience will naturally be accumulated. If you are a little smarter, you can master many unique skills.

For example, Wang Zhibing, who was hired by Shen Yaowei, knew all the rental houses and hotels in every street and place in the area he was responsible for.

This is also a skill. It's not just the familiarity of walking around the streets, but also a considerable affinity. Otherwise, just updating the news about those small hotels and rental houses will make his knowledge useless.

"Boss, have you seen this person?" The three of them entered a B\u0026B in plain clothes and called out the boss, which was just a verbal output.

The output was mainly completed by Comrade Wang Zhibing, the auxiliary police officer. He knew these bosses very well. Those who behaved themselves were well behaved, and those who did not followed the rules were also very unruly. So he asked for surveillance video and adjusted it to the time of the crime to watch.

The video surveillance time was too short, so I called out several waiters to inquire and left their business cards with them. It took almost half an hour to ask at a B\u0026B.

After leaving the door, Shen Yaowei said helplessly: "Our efficiency is too slow."

"Hold on, that one was a bit troublesome just now. If there is surveillance video, or a small ledger, or payment records, we can just check these and it will be done in ten minutes. This kind of B\u0026B will last all day. , and there are not many guests coming in or out." Wang Zhibing is very familiar with investigation and so on.

Shen Yaowei said with a sullen face: "There are so many B\u0026Bs, small hotels, and rental houses with second landlords, how many days will it take to see them."

"You don't want to finish the investigation alone, do you?" Wang Zhibing was a little funny. Seeing Shen Yaowei's serious expression, he stopped laughing immediately.

Shen Yaowei asked: "No." Wang Zhibing said: "It's really not possible."

"Then the three of us will investigate separately. At three times the speed, how many days will it take to complete the investigation?"

"Team Shen, if the three of us are separated, the things you find cannot be used as evidence in the first place, because the evidence chain is incomplete. At most, they can be used as clues to solve the case. But such an important clue is also a murder case. The prosecutor will definitely want it. If you ask carefully, you will be scolded if you don’t get the credit when the time comes.”

Shen Yaowei was stunned. He was not completely unreasonable: "I haven't thought of this yet."

"That's right. In fact, the investigation is the work of three people. For a normal murder case, if you investigate this kind of investigation, you have to send five or six groups of people. If there are important clues and the scope is large, dozens of people, hundreds of people, etc. will be sent. It’s only appropriate for the number one to come out.”

Auxiliary police officer Wang Zhibing still hasn't participated in many major cases. Judging from the cases he has participated in, the scale of hundreds of people is over.

Of course, this is also related to the region. For example, in the most benign places such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, if a murder case is encountered, thousands of people will be organized every minute.

Therefore, the geographical choice of killing is also very important. In ancient times, tough bandits liked to live at the junction of three counties, the junction of two prefectures, and the thoroughfare of nine provinces. These are all supported by criminology. Modern society has changed. Generally speaking, choosing yes is safer and less difficult.

Shen Yaowei also figured out the taste at this time.

He said: "Does this mean that the clue I followed is a line of investigation?"

"You don't know?" Wang Zhibing looked at Shen Yaowei.

Shen Yaowei said speechlessly: "I have never been involved in a murder case."

To be precise, he has never really entered the detection phase of the backlog of murder cases. In the past, once the task force of the backlog of murder cases really found clues, the entire detachment would be mobilized. Even if Yu Wenshu doesn't host it, he will take charge and pay attention.

In some cases where the backlog of murder cases is more important, the deputy director or even the director may take charge.

In a task force of this level, the little connections behind Shen Yaowei are of no use at all, and no one will allow him to track down a clue specifically. What should I do if I scare the snake?

It's better to have alerted the snake. Most of the backlog of murder cases often only have one clue. White shirt can't wait to sniff it in person, so it's Shen Yaowei's turn.

That is to say, among Jiang Yuan's special backlog class, one is that Jiang Yuan's level is too low and there are too few resources at his disposal - Yu Wenshu bought him because of this cost-effectiveness.

Another reason is that Jiang Yuan solved the case so quickly that the leaders above him did not even have time to hold a meeting to assign tasks. A backlog of murder cases may have been solved.

Later, Jiang Yuan solved the case much faster than the leaders could care about. In addition, the resources he uses are always at the detachment level, so there is no need to expand.

From this perspective, Shen Yaowei has been reused as never before.

"What do you say? Shall we continue the investigation?" Shen Yaowei rarely asked the police officer who was working with him.

The partner said: "Let's go back to Jiang Yuan now. Even if we send more people to check this line, can we two be able to take command?"

Shen Yaowei is still self-aware: "That will definitely not work. No one will listen to us even if we send him."

"That's okay. If you investigate hard, we will have a separate clue to follow. If you don't work hard, just go back and continue to sit in the office."

"Hey, keep checking." Shen Yaowei somewhat figured it out.

The police officer who was his partner was not surprised and said: "They are good, so they are not afraid that we will not work." Shen Yaowei said with the same hatred: "I didn't expect that people from the county would be so cruel."

"The most cruel thing is that Jiang Yuan threw the extra clues to us like bones. In other task forces with backlogged murder cases, no one can grab such bones."

"That's what you said." Shen Yaowei was unable to refute it. If he thought about it carefully, it was really true. On the contrary, auxiliary police officer Wang Zhibing was a little curious: "I was thinking before, what clues does he have?"

"Team Jiang, on the map detective side, all the surveillance cameras on the main roads have been searched, but the deceased has not been found."

Police officer Miao Liyuan, who volunteered to go to the surveillance detachment to conduct surveillance, sent Jiang Yuan the conclusion of the clue he was most looking forward to one day later.

But there was no result.

Jiang Yuan frowned slightly: "The deceased didn't go to the main road?"

"We have watched all the surveillance from April 17th to 22nd, especially the surveillance on April 17th. We have watched it several times, but the deceased was not found." Miao Liyuan was also a little disappointed.

In this case, if the deceased can be found, his co-passenger, even if he is not the murderer, will definitely be able to provide a lot of information.

"In this case, we can only expand the scope." Jiang Yuan pondered for a few seconds and made a decision. Miao Liyuan said: "I checked very carefully."

Jiang Yuan said firmly: "I didn't say that you didn't check carefully, but the fact that you didn't find the deceased means that they may have taken other routes, or happened to avoid surveillance. Let's expand the search area. If we can't find it, we won't say anything."

Tang Jia was in the office and heard the conversation between the two and interjected: "Why did you avoid the surveillance by chance, not deliberately?"

"In this case, judging from the condition of the body, I am more inclined to think that it was an accidental death caused by drunkenness. The deceased should have choked to death on vomit." Jiang Yuan said, and added: "There is no reason for the deceased to be murdered. .”

"Isn't the reason to be fucked by a cocky girl enough?"

"The deceased was physically strong and showed no signs of resistance. Moreover, there is no need to kill people by fencing. For a strong man, at most it is just an obscenity charge, and there is no need to kill people." Jiang Yuan paused and said: "The conclusion of the autopsy, I basically Agree, if the death was accidental, there is no need for the murderer to avoid surveillance when he first left."

Miao Liyuan was convinced and could only use his brain power to think. Jiang Yuan didn't rush him.

After a while, Miao Liyuan whispered: "Could it be that he was riding a motorcycle and walking on a small road?" Jiang Yuan looked at Miao Liyuan.

Miao Liyuan said: "Local people use motorcycles a lot, and they may also be wearing helmets. Not many locals wear helmets, but some motorcycles don't take the main road, but go through the small roads. Maybe they can catch the surveillance camera. It’s been crossed.”

Jiang Yuandao: "It's possible, but in this case, how to check?"

"Then we have to look at the scene one by one. Some of them may be found, and some may not be found."

"Okay, I'll report to Team Yu." Jiang Yuan said and took out his mobile phone.

Miao Liyuan suddenly lost confidence and said hurriedly: "This may not be able to find out anything."

"Search as completely as possible. Especially a few hours after the victim leaves home. In terms of resources, don't worry." Jiang Yuan said firmly.

Although the original task force spent a lot of manpower on the investigation, their investigation was mainly focused on the local area. The first imagined scene was also nearby, and the believed time of death was also the day the victim disappeared. Naturally, I won’t spend too much effort on the departure route and video.

Jiang Yuan's expectations for surveillance are still very high.

The surveillance system around Changyang City is relatively complete. If the victim or murderer does not deliberately avoid it, the probability of being photographed is very high.

Even if a lot of manpower and material resources are spent and no one is found, it can still prove something in reverse. Moreover, Shen Yaowei and Miao Liyuan's route is not the only one.

The trace evidence laboratory is also conducting a new round of tests at Jiang Yuan's request.

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