National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 315: Old Case

"Captain Jiang, wait a moment when you get off work. I have something to do. When Tang Jia walked past Jiang Yuan, he said something in a small voice, brushed him with his hair, and left quickly.

"What..." Jiang Yuan was only halfway out of his words when everyone walked away.

12 o'clock noon.

The policemen who had nothing to do said hello one after another and went home.

After working on a big case, everyone will consciously ask for leave and leave work early, and they will feel at ease. Although this major case did not take much time, energy, and late nights and overtime work, the inertia is still the same.

Jiang Yuan also got up to get off work. Tang Jia would naturally send a message if something happened, and Jiang Yuan couldn't really wait for her to get off work.

When I got to the underground parking lot and in front of the car, I heard a shout of "Wow!"

Tang Jia jumped out very lively, dancing and stretching, showing off her figure.

"I learned wrestling." Jiang Yuan stopped a few steps away.

"I've learned it too, and I've also learned classical style. Do you want to practice together?" Tang Jia was not afraid of provocation.

Classical wrestling involves holding each other's crotches. If men and women practiced together, the gymnasium would be closed easily.

"I am Yebang Shi." Jiang Yuan gave up decisively and suspected that Tang Jia was showing off her tea skills, so she asked, "You are not looking for me to show off your skills, are you?"

"Captain Jiang, if you chat like this, you won't have a girlfriend in the future. Forget it, I brought you something, help me get it." Tang Jia said, pointing in the direction of the elevator on the other side.

Jiang Yuan followed and saw Wang Chuanxing, Shen Yaowei and Miao Liyuan each pushing a flatbed truck. There are several cardboard boxes piled on the flatbed truck.

"They are gift packs sent by some units for police-civilian cooperation, as well as some small gifts and so on. Team Yu personally ordered them and specially selected them for you." Tang Jia introduced them and explained at the same time: "They are not expensive. We give out all the things during the holidays, and the rest of the team said they would make up for this year’s."

"What I have here is from the Public Security Detachment." Shen Yaowei said.

"The same goes for Captain Sun of the Picture Detective. He also wants to ask you to come over and guide the work when you are free." Miao Liyuan said.

"How am I qualified to guide the work of other detachments? Don't look for trouble for me all day long." Jiang Yuan showed a little bit of the eldest brother Jiangcun's momentum and blocked Miao Liyuan's words of persuasion.

Tang Jia hurriedly said: "What I bring here is with Team Yu's heart, and it does not violate the rules. The main reason is that Team Yu considers that you have not been home for such a long time, so you are not allowed to bring anything to your relatives and friends to warm and warm friendship. .”

She opened the boxes above and said, "Look, there are just some nuts, Wangwang, candies and chocolates, as well as masks, gloves, towels..."

Others opened their boxes and said similar things.

Jiang Yuan: "There are too many... I'll just take a box."

"Captain Jiang, at least one box per person." Shen Yaowei said hurriedly: "It's just a small thought. I want you to take it home and show it to your family. We don't care about it here. There is no other meaning."

Jiang Yuan didn't listen. He checked the top box of things in the box sent by Team Yu, picked it up and left.

"What to do with the rest?" Tang Jia asked quickly.

"Return all the money, I'll call Yu Zhi later."

"Remember to call Yu Zhi. Yu Zhi said the phone is on 24 hours a day." Tang Jiada said.

Jiang Yuan said "Yes" and suddenly felt like the daughter of a wealthy family in ancient times. She had been sold, but the scholar still cared about her and sent a few small gifts through the back garden from time to time.

However, Tang Jia's suggestion of a small gift was quite good.

Jiang Yuan didn't feel guilty when he took Yu Wenshu's gift. When I returned to Jiangcun Community, I started at the canteen, handing out a bag of candy or something to the children when I saw them.

As for whose children don't eat sweets, Jiangcun people can't control that much.

There is delicious food, and the children are still very happy. Jiang Yuan soon gathered a group of Sandai people, who divided up the whole box of snacks and various objects at extremely fast speeds, and then disappeared without a trace.

For Jiang Yuan, this was the completion of the exchange of feelings. In less than half an hour, the entire community had to know that he was back and had brought gifts.

In fact, it didn't even take ten minutes before the community's surveillance system put the scene of Jiang Yuan's return on several large screens in the community.

Jiang Yuan entered the community and discovered that there were four 100-inch large screens erected around the open space at the entrance of the property management room, which were broadcasting multiple monitoring points at the entrance of the community, including the gate. The top of the wall, as well as several key streets.

In the middle of the open space, the old men and women in the village were exercising while looking at the big screens around them. They gave pointers from time to time to check whether the people under surveillance were inappropriate.

Jiang Yuan looked a little dizzy. Facing Xiang Geng who came out to greet him, he couldn't help but ask, "Is this legal?"

"It's legal. We took pictures of the surveillance of the gate, and this location on the street, which are also the fire escapes of our community." Xiang Geng said in a low voice: "This is what the third uncle said to give to It’s installed, otherwise, everyone would have to go to the monitoring room to see it every day.”

"Don't watch it now?" Jiang Yuan didn't believe it. He grew up eating the food of hundreds of families in Jiangcun and was very familiar with these uncles and aunts.

Xiang Geng chuckled and said: "Now I just come in and compare the synchronization of the two screens. The more times I come here, the more ordinary people will be too lazy to come again."

Jiang Yuan said "Huh" and said nothing more, preparing to go back and persuade his third uncle again. Xiang Geng is just doing things, so there is no need to talk to him.

I happened to come over and walked around the control room. After seeing that the work inside was basically normal, Jiang Yuan went home.

Naturally, there were various greetings along the way. The atmosphere in Jiangcun now is different from before.

When Jiang Yuan was a child, he followed his father to eat at home and at home in the west. From time to time, he would actually receive some looks. However, after three demolitions, the harmony within Jiangcun has improved unprecedentedly. In addition, Jiang Yuan and his son have jumped up the chain of contempt. When they meet the villagers, most of them smile.

Jiang Yuan can still recall the expressions of some villagers back then, but he rarely does that. The Jiangcun people gathered here are just ordinary villagers. Many of them are nothing more than the background wall.

Comrade Jiang Fuzhen was busy in the kitchen as always. What was different from usual was that there were many relatives gathered in the kitchen, always as many as a dozen people.

"Dad." Jiang Yuan called as he entered, drawing Jiang Fuzhen's attention back.

"Oh, you're back now? I thought it would be a few more hours, but you didn't go to work in the afternoon?" Jiang Fuzhen ignored the others, wiped his hands and came out.

Jiang Yuan said "grace" and said: "After finishing a case, the leader also got some things. I left a bag of pine nuts and gave the others to others..."

As Jiang Yuan spoke, he took out a can of pine nuts and handed it to his father.

"Very good, very good." Jiang Fuzhen accepted it happily, opened the lid and tasted one, nodded again, and said, "It tastes good. The people your third uncle called are here for a meeting, and there will be an election in a few days." Now, we all need to discuss what to do."

At this time, the third uncle waved and shouted: "Jiang Yuan is back, we just want to discuss it together. You are old enough, it's time to participate in the election."

The third uncle has been eating and drinking with Jiangfu Town all year round. The main reason is that the food cooked by the third aunt is not delicious, which prompts the third uncle to find another way.

The third uncle used to be the relative who most often delivered meals to Jiang Fuzhen and Jiang Yuan, and he had a good relationship with Jiang Fuzhen.

Jiang Yuan responded, entered the kitchen, and took the initiative: "What do you want me to do?"

"You are a young man, please help us find out which of these two mobile phones is more suitable as a gift." The third uncle took out two shiny mobile phones, both of which were top-of-the-line flagship phones.

Jiang Yuan's eyelids jumped when he saw it, and he said: "Third uncle, you are breaking the law like this."

"Uncle gives some small gifts to people in the village. Is there anything illegal?" The third uncle said and laughed, then said more seriously: "What if the other party gives them to me?"

"For such a large amount, you will go to jail." Jiang Yuan also became more serious.

"Yes, Jiang Yuan said the same, right!" The third uncle's voice suddenly became louder: "Just tell him what Jiang Yuan said. If he wants to go to jail, just go. Our Jiang Yuan Are there too many sent to prison?"

Several people in the kitchen suddenly became excited.

Jiang Yuan silently exited the kitchen area, and his third uncle's Butterfly also crawled out from under the feet of a group of people. The atmosphere in the kitchen was so lively that both humans and dogs couldn't bear it.

The next day.

Jiang Yuan squatted on the balcony, loosening the soil and watering the winter melon. LV3 winter melon planting is a very strong skill, so even if the season is not right, with some high technology, the winter melons will still grow well.

When the doorbell rang, Jiang Yuan was still immersed in the balcony, working hard at farming.

"Jiang Yuan, do you still know how to farm?" It was Shen Yaoguo and Shen Yaowei who came to visit.

Shen Yaowei still looks quite dandy, but his little face smiles very cutely.

Shen Yaoguo, who was older, smiled steadily.

"Shen Zhi." Jiang Yuan stood up a little surprised.

"Well, it's about the case. I want to talk to you." Shen Yaoguo walked directly into the balcony and found a stool to sit down.

Jiang Yuan hesitated for a moment, then sat down and asked, "What case?"

"Hey... this... let me tell you straight, there is a case that I have handled before, but it has never been solved. I thought, if you have no idea about the next case, you might as well choose this case to do it." Shen Yaoguoyue Say it more smoothly.

"Well...why?" Jiang Yuan didn't ask about the case first, but the reason first.

In his opinion, it was obviously abnormal for Shen Yaoguo to come directly to his home in Ningtai County and make demands when he found him at this time.

"Jiang Yuan is quite keen." Shen Yaoguo forcibly praised, and then said: "I broke the case back then, but now that I think about it, I'm afraid of the sequelae. It would be best if it could be solved. .”

I haven't been in good shape these past two days. I'm feeling sleepy, meow~

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