National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 318 The Beauty of Fingerprints

Put 7 grams of tea leaves in the tea vat, pour in 97-degree boiling water, and steam will rise immediately.

The tumbling tea leaves are like a bicycle wheel in a circus, spinning in the water.

A green radish plant was separated by three pillars of incense, and the rising smoke smelled faintly like the aroma of wheat.

Two chairs away, Wu Jun was holding a cigarette in his mouth, exhaling gray-white smoke while drawing talismans with cinnabar, and kept muttering: prolong life and have a successful career.

Jiang Yuan confidently straightened his chair, put down the mouse, adjusted his mood, and then seriously pulled out a fingerprint——

A fingerprint from a theft eight years ago.

Jiang Yuan only glanced at it twice and then started to mark the characteristic points.

When Wu Jun heard the sound of his mouse clicking, he came over and looked at it for half a minute, then said: "If this fingerprint is found in heaven, I probably never thought that someone would still take it from me after 8 years." Come out and compare.”

"The main reason is that the fingerprint is in a good location, on the inside of the door handle in the room. If the fingerprint is successful, the probability of locking the suspect will be relatively high." Jiang Yuan answered while sending the fingerprint marked with the characteristic points. Backstage.

His current fingerprint level is extremely high. With the Qingdao-style single-finger fingerprint analysis method at LV4, the Chongqing-style single-finger fingerprint analysis method at LV3, and the image Zeqiang at lv5, one person can surpass more than three experts.

Feedback from the intranet was also very fast, with a row of thirty fingerprints listed within minutes.

Jiang Yuan compared the fingerprints one by one, and it didn't take long before he picked the fingerprint at the 17th position.

"This fingerprint was taken too far away from the crotch, and the reflection is a bit serious. The fingerprint comparison itself is not difficult." Jiang Yuanyan explained smoothly while Wu Jun was watching.

Wu Jun nodded and said: "This thief probably didn't expect that a theft case would still be discovered after 8 years."

Jiang Yuandao: "Who asked him to be a thief?"

With that said, Jiang Yuan pulled up the suspect's information and found that he was indeed a habitual criminal who had been in prison three times.

Jiang Yuan shook his head, sorted out the information, and then started looking for a second fingerprint.

The difficulty level of the fingerprints he chooses now is basically stuck at around LV3, which means that Ningtai County's own trace inspection cannot be done, and Qinghe City's trace inspection is also difficult to do.

For fingerprints in such cases, different places have different practices. If you are not particularly busy, you will usually find an expert to do it after accumulating a batch.

Judging from the level of Shannan Province, not everyone among the experts 8 years ago could reach the level of LV3. Moreover, even if you have a level of LV3, there is a certain probability of success in doing fingerprints of LV3 difficulty. For a theft case that carries a sentence of three to five to seven years, we don't take it too seriously.

Jiang Yuan's previous strategies were similar, but this time, he was not picky.

He even kind of enjoys burglaries.

Theft cases are good. The perpetrators are usually professional or semi-professional players. Unlike robbers or murderers, they are often amateurs doing it for the first time. Therefore, the fingerprints of the perpetrators of theft cases are often recorded, which is a crucial step in the comparison.

For Jiang Yuan, he is not afraid of complicated fingerprints, but he is afraid that there are no corresponding fingerprints in the fingerprint database.

Jiang Yuan didn't want to do a murder today. He had uncovered all the murder cases in Ningtai County 20 years ago, and the rest could not be solved purely based on fingerprints.

In this case, the theft case became Jiang Yuan's target for swiping orders.

After comparing one fingerprint, I drank two sips of tea, and then compared the next one. In half an hour, the second fingerprint was also lucky.

This time it is simpler. The criminal is in public security custody and can be directly interrogated.

Snap, snap, snap.

Jiang Yuan clicked the mouse frantically.

His current fingerprint ability, in terms of comprehensive level, is also at the first-tier level in the country. With a little more experience, he is basically close to the top.

A fingerprint expert of this level is supposed to be locked up in a room and scan fingerprints for murder cases all day long. If you want to catch someone and do fingerprints for a robbery, it has to be a high-publicity case that even robs the dog.

I would never have thought that a theft case that occurred in an ordinary small county would be compared by a fingerprint expert of this level.

Some of the backlogged cases here may even be due to the fact that there were too many trace inspection cases back then and could not be completed. For example, Wang Zhong’s 8 trace inspection may be half smaller than the fingerprints in an ordinary theft case. Days of work, meetings, business trips, doing odd jobs for big bosses, etc. When I’m busy, I can’t do two cases in one day.

Jiang Yuan is different. He concentrates and can mark the feature points in one round. If he is not lucky, it takes two or three rounds, which is an hour.

Therefore, after one afternoon's work, Jiang Yuan had already matched 4 fingerprints.

The efficiency was not as good as when he was participating in the battle in the provincial department. At that time, he was concentrating on doing fingerprints. It was the time when he was in the best condition and his concentration was high.

Now that I am sitting in the office, my efficiency is slightly slower, which is normal.

Even so, when Jiang Yuan called Huang Qiangmin, the latter was still a little surprised.

"There are only four cases?" Huang Qiangmin held the phone, a little unfamiliar with expressing surprises.

"Four theft cases." Jiang Yuan emphasized.

"Backlogged cases of theft are also backlogged cases! You can solve cases that others can't solve. This is your strength. Okay, I'll tell them to arrest them." Huang Qiangmin casually slapped a few rainbow farts on him.

Huang Qiangmin even had a little regret. During this period, if Jiang Yuan had not been sold to the Changyang City Criminal Police Detachment, Ningtai County would have had to solve many more cases.

Huang Qiangmin looked up at the small building of the Criminal Police Team that was laying the foundation in front of him, and couldn't help but feel a little pity. If the level of the police station were higher and the funds were more sufficient, and Jiang Yuan could be left to work on the backlog of cases, it wouldn't take long, and hundreds of families would probably be separated.

Huang Qiangmin directly dispatched Wu Junhao's first squadron.

The workload of this push squadron has not been heavy recently, and there are few opportunities to arrest people. Small cases have been solved by themselves, but there have been no major cases.

Huang Qiangmin was also worried that they would be wasted, so he gave them the task as soon as possible.

Needless to say, these four thieves will face a purge of more than a dozen strong men.

Jiang Yuan got off work on time and went home to loosen the soil of the winter melon as usual.

At the same time, the Ningtai County Criminal Police Brigade became strangely busy.

Although mosquitoes are small, they are still meat. During this period of time, they had a good rest. The criminal policemen rushed around the county like wolves and tigers, and some were even sent to other places to pursue the case.

Jiang Yuan took fingerprints for two days and saw that the progress of his task was increasing.

1/x, 2/x, 3/x…

This shows that it is necessary to arrest someone before it is considered a case.

Jiang Yuan was not in a hurry to cash in. The criminal police from Ning County arrested the person and returned to Changyang City first.

The city bureau's year-end meeting is imminent.

On the day Jiang Yuan reported for duty, he was arrested and thrown into the rehearsal lineup.


1 second remember network:

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