National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 323 Warmth

A dozen people's script killing, no, meeting, only needs three or four rounds, and an afternoon has almost passed.

Jiang Fuzhen and his chefs started the evening catering service again, and the first thing they served was tripe soup according to Jiang Yuan's request.

The spicy and sour tripe soup is piping hot, appetizing and stomach-warming, and is most suitable for those who eat a little too much at noon.

If some colleagues vomit because of this, it will be considered as emptying the stomach.

Jiang Yuan also gave everyone a tablet at this time. If you want to read a certain photo carefully, you can look for it yourself.

Jiang Yuan himself was in the same situation. He drank belly soup and looked at the burnt corpse for a long time.

Other police officers also began to discuss in twos and threes. After finishing the soup, Meng Chengbiao saw that everyone was a little lazy, so he suggested: "Captain Jiang, can we change the way of discussion."

"Oh, you said."

"Let's change the order. Let's assume that we are a gangster who wants to set fire or kill people. Under what circumstances will we choose the situation we see?" With Meng Chengbiao's age and seniority, if he was not in the criminal police detachment, he would be in other places. In the local area, at least they are small leaders who lead the team, and they also have their own management philosophy and methods of solving crimes.

Seeing that Jiang Yuan had no objection, Shen Yaowei, who was most familiar with the case, immediately said: "If I were the murderer, if my target was this female victim, then I would definitely have to determine her location first, or guard her, and then kill her." In the arson, the male warehouse manager was shaken and burned to death together. So I am an acquaintance who committed the crime? "

He actually followed his cousin's previous thinking and changed it because he already knew that male warehouse managers were not the target.

Meng Chengbiao was not very satisfied with Shen Yaowei's answer, but he still modified it for him: "It's hard to say whether an acquaintance committed the crime, but the female victim was indeed killed first and then set on fire. The male warehouse manager was directly burned to death. "

This order can actually be explained in any way. According to the previous investigation direction of Shen Yaoguo and others, they believed that the murderer was He Guan's cousin. During the process of entering the He Guan to steal, he was bumped into by the female victim and had to kill her. Later, in order to cover up the crime, he set fire to the warehouse, and then accidentally burned the male warehouse manager to death.

The stories all make sense, so the key is actually the direction of the evidence.

Then it was Wang Chuanxing's turn. He thought for a while and said: "If I were asked to kill people, I might not kill the warehouse. Because it magnified the case. In the warehouse over there, there were originally only two people: the female boss and the warehouse manager. , since they are all killed, I can dismember the bodies in such a big warehouse, take them away and dump them, there is no need to burn the bodies."

"Burning corpses is simpler. Burning corpses may be more effective in interfering with investigations than corpses and dumping corpses." Meng Chengbiao said cooperatively.

Wang Chuanxing said: "The time of death of the two people was probably at night. There is definitely enough space in the warehouse at night, and I don't have to worry about using machinery. Then I can cut the bodies into pieces first, bag them, and make them easy to operate by myself, and then take them with me. Go outside to dump and bury the body. I can even get a gasoline barrel and slowly burn the body in the warehouse. Isn’t it more efficient than burning it directly?”

Miao Liyuan said: "You are all starting from the perspective of interfering with the investigation. This is an afterthought. Moreover, how long does it take to burn, bag, and even burn the bodies of two people? During this time, the murderer can They are all exposed without protection. As long as they are discovered, all the preparations you have made will be in vain."

Shen Yaowei also said: "Moreover, in the warehouse area at night, cars actually come and go. Things from many units have to be transported at night. The warehouse over there was built for Jianyuan Pharmaceutical, so there might be some at night. The truck is here to pick up the goods."

Miao Liyuan said: "The key is preparation. It means that the preparation work of the area hand may not be so perfect. Therefore, either the murderer did not make a particularly complete plan, or there is a certain element of passion for killing? "

In the discussion between several criminal police officers, some obvious premises were not brought up by anyone. For example, if someone kills someone in a place like a warehouse, if it is a premeditated murder, then there must be transportation.

If you have transportation, you can carry a larger amount of more specialized equipment. Such as gasoline barrels, such as those used for dismembering corpses

Saws or electric saws or wire saws, such as iron bars for burying corpses, etc.

All in all, if a murderer with normal thinking planned to murder someone in a place like a warehouse, he would actually have many choices. This is one of the reasons why Meng Chengbiao organized everyone to play "I am a murderer".

Meng Chengbiao also controlled the program of "Script Killing" and said: "Let me summarize, Shen Yaowei proposed that acquaintances committed the crime, Wang Chuanxing proposed more effective ways to interfere with the investigation, and Miao Liyuan proposed the risk issue during the murderer's crime. , suggesting that the murderer’s degree of premeditation was not high and it was possible that the murder was caused by passion.”

Meng Chengbiao paused and said: "Miao Liyuan's killing method actually conflicts with Shen Yaowei's killing method. As Shen Yaowei said, it is precisely because it is a premeditated crime and he wants to determine the whereabouts of the female boss that he prefers acquaintances to commit the crime. . And Miao Liyuan’s conclusion means that the murderer’s motives are unreliable.”

Everyone was slightly silent. Today's script killing, because there was no script, spread out very quickly.

On the other hand, everyone must also consider Jiang Yuan's perception and must "play" very seriously.

In just ten minutes, the brains of 30 idiots were burned.

Tang Jia put away the fumes of tea and said: "I agree with Wang Chuanxing's idea, but Qian Chuanxing's idea is purely a young man's idea. I think the murderer is probably like me. Physically and physically. , the weak in terms of mobility, such as women, minors or the elderly. "

Several people looked over.

Tang Jiadao: "The murderer is likely to be afraid of or resistant to conflict. After borrowing the identity of an acquaintance to kill the female boss, she may not have the physical strength to complete the task of dismembering and dumping the body. He may not even have planned to kill Cang Cang. No matter what. So, if it is convenient to dismember the body in the warehouse, this condition probably does not exist."

"Do you think the warehouse manager was completely affected?" Meng Chengbiao said.

"It's possible. The murderer may not be able to rely on his body to complete the task of killing the warehouse manager, dismembering the body and dumping it. It's already very difficult for me to pick up the chainsaw, and I have to cut the two bodies into pieces that can be lifted by one person. The weight of movement…"

Tang Jia gestured with his arms and said: "Then I have to divide the body into bags of twenty or thirty kilograms. For two people, it is more than two hundred kilograms. I have to divide it into at least seven or eight bags.

Police officers still have a certain understanding of dismemberment. The most difficult thing to dispose of when dismembering the body is actually the four big stick bones.

It is very difficult to cut fresh ones with an ordinary electric saw, and it is easy to scatter bone chips and other materials, which are easy to find at the scene.

And if the femoral head of the thigh bone cannot be cut off, even the stick will be left with meat. It's more difficult to deal with. For example, if it is packed in a plastic bag, the broken bones will easily puncture the bag. What should I do if the calculated bag is not enough?

In fact, anyone who has decorated will have a similar experience. The carpenter bought various materials according to the design drawings, including small nails, big screws and the like. Don’t make more than two trips to buy things.

The same goes for killing people and dismembering or burning corpses. The question is, if you find that the chain of the chain saw is broken halfway through dismembering the body, should you go buy it at night with your blood-stained clothes?

Or maybe the flying bone fragments hurt your face, or the dripping blood stained the floor. My dear, did you bring any towels or bandages, or did you bring any cleaning supplies?

"Tang Jia's analysis makes sense." Meng Chengbiao affirmed and said, "Then from your own perspective, how do you kill someone?"

Tang Jia took a sip of water and said: "I will first buy some cosmetics that I don't usually use, take a shower and put on makeup, then wrap my head in a quick-drying towel, buy a new set of clothes that are easy to move, and buy a pair of useful gloves, and wear them A scarf or hat that covers the features of your head.”

Meng Chengbiao was stunned after hearing this. Has the legal channel switched to TV shopping?

Tang Jia continued: "My first concern is how to kill the female boss smoothly. Assuming that the murderer is relatively weak in physical fitness and strength, the first choice should be poisoning. If poisoning is not possible, it should be controlled by acquaintances or controlled by acquaintances. Kill."

"After killing the other party, my biggest problem will be solved

Decided, next, you may need a lighter, or prepare more matches, and maybe a little combustion accelerant for burning. Dodging cameras, walking and carrying heavy loads for a long time from where you parked. "

What Tang Jia said next was relatively ordinary.

After Meng Chengbiao once again gave Tang Jia a high evaluation and shouted to others to continue "I kill people", Meng Chengbiao looked at Jiang Yuan and asked: "Captain Jiang, would you like to say a few words?"

"Okay." Jiang Yuan put down the meat skewers in his hand, wiped his mouth, and said with a smile: "This case is quite complicated and confusing, and it is backlogged. There are many things that we may not be able to figure out. I understand, we will never figure it out. However, There are some things that can be traced."

Jiang Yuan did not follow the idea of ​​"I kill people", but said directly: "I prefer to look at the evidence directly. The stable evidence that can be found so far is here..."

What he released was the physical and chemical analysis of the male warehouse manager's blood. The carbon monoxide content was 6%.

Jiang Yuandao: "This content is consistent with the lethal amount of carbon monoxide that would cause death during death. However, considering that this warehouse manager is actually a long-term smoker. And for a long-term smoker, the CO concentration in his body It itself is 5% to 15%, so the 6% figure is lower than the lethal dose."

Jiang Yuan then released a photo of the warehouse manager's corpse and continued: "The male deceased's head had impact injuries. This is actually consistent with the injuries caused by the impact when escaping from the fire. However, this shows that the male deceased was able to move freely when he died. of."

"So you agree that the warehouse manager did not run away and was burned to death?" Shen Yaowei asked.

Jiang Yuan nodded and said: "So the warehouse manager can put it aside for the time being. As for the female deceased, judging from the autopsy photos, she was pierced through the heart with a sharp blade from the front. She died very quickly, and the murderer was very decisive. , cannot be explained by simple passion killing or premeditated murder."

"Then..." Meng Chengbiao thought to himself, it must be one kind.

"What I want to describe here is that the murderer stabbed the heart cleanly and neatly. He was probably a trained professional. Instead, it was very powerful, at least with the strength of an ordinary adult male." Jiang Yuan because of the thought in his mind I thought of the fourth daughter of Jianyuan Pharmaceutical, so I used this description.

Tang Jia heard it immediately and asked: "Do you think a strong woman, a professional with traces of training, killed the female boss with one blow?"

"It's possible to be female or male." Jiang Yuan didn't stick to the gender, and said: "The task force on the current case should have had similar considerations at the beginning, but the main direction was the male warehouse manager. Let's first Look for the female boss here.

This investigation direction was different from before, and it was very likely that everyone's emotions were heightened. They picked up roasted mutton, cooked steak, etc., and while eating, they discussed over Shaojia's body.

Meng Chengbiao suddenly felt that this scene was so warm, just like when he first joined the criminal police team. The whole team was full of energy. Every day's life was to discuss the case enthusiastically and then arrest it passionately.


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