National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 326 Freedom.

Jianyuan Pharmaceutical.

The factory was still working normally, but the white-collar workers in the office area saw chaos.

Yuan family members from all levels gathered together, some of them were rentiers who didn't visit once in eight hundred years. The atmosphere was already weird enough, but with the criminal police from Changyang City questioning them one by one, the atmosphere in the office area could not be better. .

Some members of the Yuan family, whom I hardly see in normal times, can only chat awkwardly when they meet. However, most of the distant relatives are happy to see the misfortune of Yuan Jiansheng's family.

After all, in addition to getting a job at Jianyuan Pharmaceutical, some of them have not yet gotten a job. They can only do business around Jianyuan Pharmaceutical, and the money they earn in a year is less than one percent of Yuan Jiansheng's. They are exhausted. It's tiring work, and it's really unpleasant to see Yuan Jiansheng's family spending extravagantly.

If Yuan Jiansheng's family were all killed, and everyone was allowed to divide the assets of Jianyuan's profession, this would be a happy thing.

Meng Chengbiao, who led the team, was a little worried.

He himself is engaged in pre-examination, and he can tell whether the other party's words are true or false, and can distinguish many emotions. But this round of questioning really made him feel depressed.

Just like the Yuan family of Jianyuan Pharmaceutical, they are as depressed.

Many people acted as if they had no idea what was going on.

As for Yuan Jiansheng, as the person who had the closest relationship with the deceased woman, he had almost forgotten about the mistress.

"Yin Fei. That was 8 years ago. I should have been good to her back then." When Yuan Jiansheng said this, he sighed deeply, his face full of nostalgia and emotion.

Meng Chengbiao frowned: "Yin Fei has been with you for seven or eight years, and you can't remember clearly?"

"It's not that long. It should be three or four years. Usually after three or four years with me, I will be released." Yuan Jiansheng said it naturally.

If Meng Chengbiao only listened to the content, he would think he was telling lies, but looking at Yuan Jiansheng's expression, Meng Chengbiao couldn't help but become serious: "What does letting him out mean?"

"I gave that warehouse to her, with a long-term agreement with the company, and the personnel have been arranged. If she doesn't want to worry about it, she can maintain a pretty good life with the annual profits."

Meng Chengbiao was considered knowledgeable, but he still frowned and asked: "In other words, you supported her for three or four years and then stopped contacting her?"

"How is that possible?" Yuan Jiansheng laughed out loud and said: "After that, I thought of her and asked her to come back. But the times are very few, just a few times a year."

Meng Chengbiao: "What should I do if she doesn't want to?"

This is a core inquiry. In murder cases, the relationship between men and women is already the most common motive for murder.

Yuan Jiansheng is old, but his IQ is still online. He glanced at Meng Chengbiao sharply, but said with a half-smile: "This is all agreed upon. If she doesn't want to, or wants to get married, she can return the warehouse. That’s it.”

"What if she doesn't want to and doesn't return it to the warehouse?"

"Then I will take back Changxie." Yuan Jiansheng said calmly: "The location of that warehouse can make so much money just because it delivers goods and stores goods to Jianyuan. Without Changxie, the warehouse can't make money. How much is it? Moreover, the warehouse still has a deposit, and fines can be imposed according to the agreement. There are many ways."

"After all, the agreement has been signed." Meng Chengbiao understood and couldn't help but said: "You are not just giving money, so why bother with it."

Yuan Jiansheng smiled and said nothing.

Meng Chengbiao looked at him seriously and said: "Chairman Yuan, this is a very serious question. It involves the motive of the murder. If you can't explain it clearly here, then follow me back to Changyang to explain it clearly."

Of course Yuan Jiansheng will not be taken away so easily. He still has a political identity. However, he would not conflict with the criminal policeman opposite him.

After thinking about it, Yuan Jiansheng said: "First of all, after girls have worked in my company for a few years, they are generally unwilling to continue working. The relationship between colleagues and superiors is complicated, and their minds have wandered, so they are unwilling to go to work. , as for me personally, I don’t want them to interfere with the company’s normal production and operation order.”

"Secondly, it's good for their future to go out and have a career. Many girls lack a platform. Give them a platform and let them go around in the business world and make money based on their own abilities. So you don’t care about my three-thirds of an acre of land.”

Yuan Jiansheng said it in a vague way, but Meng Chengbiao still roughly understood it.

After asking a few more questions, Meng Chengbiao went out in a depressed manner. He had seen the life of rich people, but the life of a big bourgeois and the way of doing things by a guy who had mastered the means of production still made him confused. He had trouble adapting.

"Captain Meng." An office staff member came out and called Meng Chengbiao.

Meng Chengbiao's mood suddenly rose, he looked both ways alertly, and said, "What's going on?"

"Explain a few words." The staff member smiled and said, "Most of the girls who follow Director Yuan will actually leave on their own initiative."

"What's the meaning?"

"Just like Ms. Yin, her warehouse can not only store Jianyuan Pharmaceutical's goods, but also find business by herself and store goods from other companies. In our office, we occasionally have some supply agreements and the like, and we will introduce them to them. of."


"So, after working for a period of time, people like Miss Yin will become familiar with this way of doing business and know how to do it, and then they will propose to leave Jianyuan Pharmaceutical. Although they will make less money, they will also be less constrained. Young master, there is no hidden danger. Furthermore, there is no need to listen to Yuan Dong’s orders."

"Then are you, Mr. Yuan, willing?"

"Of course." The staff member smiled and winked, and said, "Only grown-up, mature ladies will want to enter the business world independently, and Director Yuan will only be happy to see it happen."

Meng Chengbiao understood completely and couldn't help but said: "Is this how he broke up?"

"If the woman doesn't break up, Director Yuan is willing to wait." The staff member said calmly: "The company will pay for it anyway."

The more Meng Chengbiao thought about it, the more he felt that this old guy was annoying, and then he frowned and asked, "Is this what Director Yuan asked you to say?"

"I'm just going to explain it to you. Miss Yin has basically left Jianyuan Pharmaceutical. Moreover, she plans to buy the warehouse, and Director Yuan also agreed that she should pay it off in three years. In fact, even if she can't pay it off, there is a high probability that The bill will also be waived. However, the bill for Jianyuan Pharmaceutical will definitely be gone. For this reason, Miss Yin must have met a lot of people back then and needed to sign a new contract."

Meng Chengbiao said unhappily: "Why didn't you, Mr. Yuan, say anything just now?"

The staff member smiled and said, "You know it now anyway."

Meng Chengbiao asked: "Do you know what contracts she signed?"

"I probably know a few companies." The staff here handed out a piece of paper and said, "The criminal police back then also asked questions in this regard, but nothing came up."

Meng Chengbiao looked at the A4 paper. There were a total of 7 companies on it, including two logistics companies.

Meng Chengbiao's brows furrowed more and more. After a rough calculation, there were Yuan family members, related businessmen, and inevitably some employees and self-employed people. In addition, what about Yuan Jiansheng's other mistresses? What were they like? Attitude?

Meng Chengbiao felt dizzy when he thought of these people and things.

No wonder Shen Yaoguo chose the warehouse management line to investigate. Yin Fei at this end was like being rolled up in a ball of yarn, surrounded by complicated relationships.

If he really wanted to ask how she died, Meng Chengbiao could think of three to five possibilities in an instant. But each is difficult to prove.

Meng Chengbiao stayed at Jianyuan Company until 10 o'clock in the evening before returning to the hotel.

Early the next morning, Meng Chengbiao asked some more people and was disappointed to find that no one sent letters to him, so he reluctantly returned to Changyang City.

In the office of Jiang Yuan's backlog class, the atmosphere is generally quite depressing.

The basis for the secret investigation no longer exists, and anyone who wants to know can basically know it easily. However, the case has fallen into a quagmire, and the direction of a breakthrough is not known.

Jiang Yuan was still looking through those photos.

With LV6's tool mark identification skills, almost every photo can provide him with a lot of information.

However, it is still very difficult to find the murderer from this information.

Meng Chengbiao had already informed Jiang Yuan of the intelligence he had collected and inquired about. Looking at his frowning expression, he said, "The backlog of cases is a mess to begin with. We have sorted it out slowly. If we really can't do it anymore, let's forget it." Let’s do another case. We can’t say that the detection rate of the backlog of murder cases should be 100%.”

"That's not the case." Jiang Yuan then shook his head and asked Tang Jia next to him, "Have you found the information I asked you to find?"

"I looked for it. But there is none." Tang Jia spread his hands.

"What about the minor record?"


Meng Chengbiao said suspiciously: "What kind of riddle are you playing?"

"I'm a little suspicious of Yuan Jiansheng's fourth daughter, Yuan Yubin, and asked Tang Jia to investigate the criminal record." Jiang Yuan didn't hide it either. In TV dramas, the police officer who hides key information from his teammates and investigates alone will probably die if he is not the protagonist.

Meng Chengbiao didn't even have Yuan Yushan in his mind, so he couldn't help but ask: "Why are you checking her? What's the problem?"

"During the last case, I felt that she was not normal." Jiang Yuandao.

Meng Chengbiao didn't ask any more questions. When an old detective looks at people, he often notices something "off". Jiang Yuan is not old, but he has already done enough cases.

"Now..." Jiang Yuan looked at the somewhat tired detectives in the office. Most of the criminal police officers in the special case backlog class are young people, and they become depressed when they are temporarily frustrated.

Jiang Yuan shook his head: "Now that things have happened, let's try a stupid way."

Tang Jia immediately became energetic: "It's better to have a way than no way."

"Well, it's just a little cumbersome." Jiang Yuan paused and said, "Look at the thefts and break-ins on the day of the incident and the months before and after, especially the cases in the previous few months involving hooked marbles to unlock the door. Call it out, sort out all the photos inside the lock cylinder and send them to me."

Jiang Yuan paused for a moment and then said: "If there is no photo of the lock cylinder, send a photo of the lock. Or if there is a knife involved, find a photo of the knife and the knife mark. If you can still find evidence, just Go look through the evidence..."

Tool marks can also be identified in the same way. But the trouble with this is that there are very few libraries for tool traces. Normally, the criminal police find the weapon and bring it to the Criminal Division Center for comparison to see if it was used in a certain case.

Of course, you can also do what Jiang Yuan said and find a batch of photos to see if the traces are the same.

If so, the two cases can be connected in series and parallel.

Of course, when Jiang Yuan did this, he was a bit ungrateful. With his LV6 tool mark identification skill, he can tell at a glance whether two marks were caused by the same tool, and this method is difficult to replicate by other mark inspection techniques.

Meng Chengbiao also thought it was good, thinking that Jiang Yuan just wanted to consume everyone's energy and passion, so as not to sit in the office and become depressed.

Meng Chengbiao then shouted out to everyone, gave a few words of encouragement, and then expanded the scope to the nine months before and after the incident.

"Take the photos carefully and take as many photos as possible." Meng Chengbiao assigned tasks to the criminal police officers, and those who should use computers used computers, and those who should run away ran away.

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