National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 332 Hell Level Combine Harvester

Before the murder case was over, a new case was opened, which immediately made the young criminal police officers in Jiang Yuan's backlog case team excited.

For middle-aged and elderly criminal police officers like Meng Chengbiao, the pressure of continuous operations is a bit high, especially when the paperwork for old cases is still as high as a mountain, and investigating another "gang" will make your hair fall off just thinking about it. .

But for the young detectives in Jiang Yuan's backlog case team, they are not afraid of too many cases. What they are afraid of is that the cases are piling up and cannot be solved.

And with murder cases being eaten up like bamboo shoots, no one has the slightest resistance to more cases.

The situation in front of me is actually more like a large player and an alt player trying to gain experience. Although the alt players are constantly busy running around and picking up equipment, who would object to the large player having too much experience?

The current situation is actually very clear. If anyone thinks that Jiang Yuan's backlogged case team is too hard and wants to be transferred out, he can change to a better position in minutes with just one sentence. But who would do that?

Zhang Xiang is still in the interrogation room and has not come out. On the desk of Jiang Yuan's special case team, the information of the security guards at the parking lot of Qingshui Jianyuan Pharmaceutical has been placed.

"Currently, it is confirmed that there are a total of 18 people on the register, and the leader is the security captain Takeshi Benmoto. There are probably twenty or thirty people who have done this job before. In addition, these 18 people are also accompanied by younger brothers, some One or two, sometimes two or three." Wang Chuanxing and Tang Jia quickly compiled the information.

The young detectives who can work in the detachment are all very intelligent, and they don't need any special arrangements from Jiang Yuan, so they each follow their own path to investigate.

In just two hours, they had a complete list.

Some people looked for off-site information and got the active list of 18 people and the retired list of many people. Some people checked Jianyuan's social security records, while others directly checked several people's WeChat groups and carefully picked out the members of the "Parking Lot Resource Sharing" group shared by them, and they happened to have 18 people. The list matched those found by others.

After listening to the general introduction of the two people, Jiang Yuan asked: Just in time, can any information be gleaned from their chat records? "

"Yes, and there are quite a few of them. We are already sorting them out," Tang Jiada said.

Wang Chuanxing said: "They had a lot of conflicts with resigned workers, and some conflicts were reported to the police. Most of them ended in reconciliation, but some also entered criminal proceedings. I took a quick look and found that there were relatively few cases of using instruments, and most of them involved When it comes to punching and kicking, a minor injury of level 2 is the limit.”

"They just raised a group of thugs." Tang Jia made a judgment.

Jiang Yuan couldn't help but look at Shen Yaoguo next to him.

Zhang Xiang's interrogation was not over, and Shen Yaoguo was still a little worried. Being burned by Jiang Yuan's gaze, Shen Yaoguo couldn't help but exclaimed: "Jianyuan is a factory with tens of thousands of people. It is constantly expanding in the first, second and third phases. There are many contradictions." It’s very, it would be abnormal not to fight.”

Shen Yaoguo gave Jiang Yuan a detailed explanation: "In factories like Jianyuan Pharmaceutical, workers are currently unemployed. This means that hundreds of people leave their jobs every day, and hundreds of people come to join the job. Sometimes the cost may be hundreds or more." Thousands of people, how can it be possible for so many people to leave and join the company without causing conflicts?"

"Their current factory area is as far away as the village. The village's land has been expropriated, and the villagers either work in the factory or do some small business nearby. Everyone wants to make money from the tens of thousands of workers. Money, how can we avoid conflicts?"

"Moreover, there are female workers at Jianyuan Pharmaceutical. There are quite a lot of them. They are all young people around 20 years old. Men and women mix together, get jealous and get into fights. Why are they called parking security guards? They are also parking the parking lot. There’s so much going on here, it’s a place where you could break your head if you park a car.”

"In addition, the delivery truck drivers are impatient and annoyed by road rage, unwilling to load and unload goods, and find the parking location bad. The materials delivered by the logistics are good and bad, with good and defective goods. The space is too big. , there are really many things

"Finally, the most important point is that Jianyuan is a company in Qinghe City. Although there are units in Changyang City, I basically have no control over them."

Shen Yaoguo explained for a while and then said: "Of course, I don't agree with their approach.

Jianyuan's behavior must be dealt with. "

"I'll go over to Qinghe to communicate." Yu Wenshu came out at the right time to brush off the presence.

Jiang Yuan nodded, feeling quite annoyed. After thinking about it, he comforted himself and said, "It's okay. If there are any questions, let's send them in first. After sending them in, we can ask them carefully."

Jiang Yuan is now prejudiced against Jianyuan Pharmaceutical. This is such a big factory, so many people have died, and now there is still this kind of systematic gang of thugs. Among the so-called parking lot security guards here, Jiang Yuan is ready to send anyone involved in criminal cases.

After sending them in, going back and forth for interrogation, finding evidence, and solving the backlog of cases, it might be faster than solving the cases directly.

This was originally one way, or even the main way, to break through the backlog of cases.

Especially in the criminal investigation department at the county level, there are not many criminal police officers with this ability like Jiang Yuan, not to mention how tiring it is to follow the evidence of a case step by step.

A hell-level combine harvester like Jiang Yuan has a variety of lv4, lv5 and even lv6 skills, as well as a large number of lv3 skills as auxiliary skills, so that he has the ability to smooth the harvest.

If it were anyone else, let alone a county bureau like Ningtai County, it would be Qinghe City. One of them would count as one. If a lv5 expert could have one, he would be considered a super soldier from the mountains. How is a combine harvest possible?

However, the county bureau also needs to clear up the backlog of cases. What should we do? Sometimes we just follow people to find cases.

For example, if someone commits petty theft or fights, especially those who come from out of town and have no local connections, they will definitely find ways to dig up old cases.

The most powerful era of pre-trial was the era before fingerprints and DNA became popular. Most of the backlog of cases was unearthed through pre-trial.

But with the advent of DNA, the value of pre-examination has been greatly reduced. Many prisoners can only know what they have done by running around in Curry.

Jiang Yuan was preparing to clear up the backlog of cases against Jianyuan's security guards. Yu Wenshu and others thought it was normal.

In fact, looking at the records, we can see that this group of people has been wandering on the edge of the law all year round. The possibility of crossing the line is very high, it just depends on how to fix the evidence.

Guys like this who have been in the mixed society for a long time are masters of adapting to the situation. Without sufficient evidence, they will not admit it easily.

Just like Zhang Xiang in the interrogation room, he will only explain things that cannot be escaped, and he will not say anything if he can escape. Even though he has confessed all the murders, he still doesn't know how to talk about small cases. He is considered a very difficult criminal.

It just depends on whether the rest are hard-core.

After the team members of the special case backlog team finished their reports, they each selected a clue or a case and went to work on their own without Jiang Yuan's arrangements. They can be said to be a model of working on their own.

Jiang Yuan felt comfortable, and so did the team members.

In fact, everyone hopes to have some room for autonomy. If Jiang Yuan can control the entire backlog team like an arm, there will be no problem. The team members will still be very cooperative, but Jiang Yuan will feel more difficult.

Not long after, the first smart guy showed up, bringing a bunch of fingerprints from the injury case. They are all fingerprints involved in injury cases close to Jianyuan Pharmaceutical.

Jiang Yuan got it and rolled his eyes. Come on, don't worry about the provincial treasury, municipal bureau treasury or national treasury. Just take the fingerprints of Jianyuan's parking lot security guards for comparison.

Jianyuan is a large company, and all security guards must register and leave fingerprints. Of course, these 18 heroes have basically been to the police station, and fingerprint records are everywhere.

However, the fingerprints collected by their horsemen and retired security guards were incomplete. Jiang Yuan didn't care so much. He first looked at the fingerprints he found, and then took the fingerprints from the case and looked at them one by one.

Occasionally, I feel a bit similar, so I go back and check the fingerprints again.

With this approach, even the labeling of feature points is omitted.

The matter of marking feature points is itself marked for the computer to see. People do not need this step when looking at fingerprints. The brain will naturally make a judgment whether the two fingerprints are similar or not.

Jiang Yuan read fingerprints much faster this way, and in just a moment, he screened out three cases.

"What a pity, only these three fingerprints can match." Jiang Yuan shook his head.

Yu Wenshu had just gone out and made a few phone calls. When he saw that Jiang Yuan had read all the fingerprints, he couldn't help but asked: "Did you win three fingerprints?"

"The fingerprints are directly compared with the suspect's fingerprints." Jiang Yuandao.

"It can be done." Yu Wenshu's eyes sharpened: "This at least shows one thing, this small gang is not clean. En Shenzhi, why don't we work together and arrest the parking lot security team together? ?”

18 people, including their cavalry, plus an unknown number of predecessors. To arrest such a group of people, it would normally take hundreds of people. Even the criminal police detachment would feel short of manpower. But if you add the security detachment, it will be almost the same.

Shen Yaoguo did not expect Yu Wenshu to be so decisive, and couldn't help but ask: "In what name? Normally, shouldn't we first investigate, then set up defenses, and then arrest people?"

"They are not targets, they are just a group of minions. Even if one or two escape, it doesn't matter. The focus is on how to deal with them after catching them."

"Without evidence, you won't be able to hold it for long. Jianyuan Pharmaceutical will definitely respond."

Yu Wenshu knew it well, but Shen Yaoguo still didn't understand Jiang Yuan's power. He pouted directly at Jiang Yuan and said: "How long does it take for Jiang Yuan to accumulate a murder case? These people are not so cautious, but if they are not arrested, Jiang Yuan will have obtained the evidence by then. People say He might have run away early."

Shen Yaoguo looked at Jiang Yuan.

The hell-level combine smiled, as if his body was on fire.

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