Huang Qiangmin was promoted to deputy director and concurrently served as captain of the criminal police brigade.

The news has actually been flying all over the sky for a long time, but it's just that over the years, people can't be sure whether it's true or not.

At this time, seeing Huang Qiangmin's reserved smile, Jiang Yuan immediately said: Huang Bureau, congratulations...

Huang Qiangmin laughed a few times, pulled Jiang Yuan over, patted his shoulder a few more times without saying a word, just showing his intimacy.

Director Zhang, who was in charge of criminal investigation before, looked at the two of them and was a little envious. Although it is not impossible for a business unit to rely on retreat to get by, it will still be much more comfortable to have such a god-level business king under your hands.

Jiang Yuan used to be his subordinate, so Bureau Zhang also got some benefits this time. However, with Huang Qiangmin's rise, Bureau Zhang had to give up the criminal investigation business. In the final analysis, it was Huang Qiangmin and Jiang Yuan who had established a relatively high degree of intimacy that made him the one to give in.

Of course, this matter itself is beneficial and harmless to Zhang Bureau. It's too tiring to do criminal investigation. Even if you are the deputy director, as long as there is a murder case, you have to get out of bed with a phone call.

Therefore, as long as you have done this position before, it will be enough. The longer you do it, the more you will suffer. On the contrary, someone like Zhang Ju, who has been working for a while and achieved outstanding results, is the best.

It's the end of the year. Is Jiang Yuan going to stay in the county for a while? Bureau Zhang asked Director Guan Xi.

Jiang Yuan looked at Huang Qiangmin and said, "I am planning to stay for a while. The case in Changyang City has actually come to an end."

If he didn't need to go out, Jiang Yuan would be willing to stay at home longer. He wanted to go to Changyang City before, which was to open up wasteland. Now he has been going back and forth for several months. The backlog of cases within the shooting range has almost been completed. The novelty is gone, and he is no longer so anxious and looking forward to it.

Now if we continue to work on the backlog of murder cases in Changyang City, if we don't handle it well, we will encounter cases that will take several months to solve.

This kind of case is the most frustrating. If you don't solve the case, the victim's family will be concerned about the case, and the victim will be worried in the underworld. But if you go to detect it, you have to spend a lot of time, energy and manpower. If it still gets stuck, it will be even worse.

For this kind of case, Jiang Yuan prefers to deal with it later after improving his skills. With the right skills and direction, it might only take a few days and 1% of the manpower and resources to complete some cases.

Here, Huang Qiangmin also said neatly: Just stay for two more days. Our buildings have been built. We can wait until next year to replace the police equipment.

The cases I worked on a while ago should all be concluded, right?

almost. The cases are basically closed. Huang Qiangmin breathed a sigh of relief as he spoke and said with a smile: The criminal police brigade is so busy that it’s time to take a break.

As he finished speaking, the system interface was displayed in front of Jiang Yuan.

Mission: Get them moving.

Task content: The workload of the Ningtai County Criminal Police Brigade is insufficient. Please handle a few cases to increase their workload.

Mission completed:18/18

Mission reward: Forensic Dentistry (LV4)

A slight smile appeared on Jiang Yuan's face.

Forensic odontology can also be called forensic odontology. Its identification content not only includes the identification of teeth, but also the identification of mandibles, bite marks, saliva, fillings on teeth, dentures, etc. Basically, it can do anything related to teeth. stand up.

In terms of level, LV4 dentistry may not be as good as LV5, but LV4 is also very useful. Moreover, dentistry is also a branch of forensic medicine. Everyone usually takes a little part in it. Under the circumstances, LV4 is already very capable.

Next to him, the director said with great concern: I think we can update a laboratory first. Jiang Yuan is a criminal science technician and has a laboratory to support him, so he can better utilize his strengths.

Huang Qiangmin was a little confused, but he still nodded and said: It’s okay to build a laboratory first.

Jiang Yuan, what kind of laboratory do you need most now? The director fully expressed his goodwill.

Jiang Yuan hesitated for a moment and said, "That's probably the forensic autopsy room and ice room."

In terms of skill level, trace inspection laboratories may be the most needed.

However, a general-level trace inspection laboratory actually costs less than a few dollars, and the current equipment in Ningtai County basically meets the needs.

As for the too high-end trace inspection laboratory, on the one hand, Jiang Yuan doesn't know how to use it, and on the other hand, the price is actually sky-high.

In comparison, the medical examiner's autopsy room could use a lot of updates. If nothing else, just getting a more comfortable bathroom would make a huge difference in the quality of work.

Director Guan Xi didn't even ask the reason, and said directly: "Then let's update the forensic autopsy room and ice room first."

Everyone's eyes fell on the director. Although I don’t know how much this set costs, the courage to buy it as soon as I say it is still very attractive.

It also fully demonstrated the power of the director.

Jiang Yuan couldn't help but be a little surprised, and thought to himself, seeing how cheerful the director was, maybe he could really build a negative pressure autopsy bed, build a better bathroom and toilet, and leave a room for his master Wu Jun. After casting the spell, the next issue to consider is how to scare people so that they will stop coming to the dissecting room to borrow the ground to poop.

Jiang Yuan was happy, and so was the director. He nodded to Huang Qiangmin and said, wait until next year. If Jiang Yuan doesn't want to, he can work in our county, and we can also set up a special class for backlogged cases.

The backlog of murder cases and the backlog of murder cases in our county have almost been cleared. Bureau Zhang followed. Although there are still many unsolved cases from 20 years ago, to be honest, it is too difficult to solve such long-standing cases and should not even be a goal.

The director smiled and said: We have set up a special team for backlogged cases, and it does not have to be limited to the county. If our brother units request it, we can help them do it.

Everyone looked at the director with doubtful eyes.

Criminal cases are all money-losing business. Even if the criminal is fined and his personal property is confiscated, the compensation will be paid to the person concerned or it will be paid into the national treasury.

The director said calmly: We can learn from Changyang City, but use our own people to train our own team. Moreover, as far as I know, Jiang Yuan solves many cases in the office, and his strategizing is better than those thousands of miles away?

Huang Qiangmin quickly said: Jiang Yuan is engaged in technology, and we usually don't let him go to the scene.

There was no intention of asking him to go to the scene. The director smiled and said, "I think since Jiang Yuan can solve the case in his office and laboratory, there is no need to go to Changyang."

What the director said makes sense! Huang Qiangmin immediately woke up and said loudly: The director is still the leader. In this case, the initiative is still in my hands.

Several people glanced at Jiang Yuan unconsciously.

In fact, the initiative is always in Jiang Yuan's hands, but the people in Jiangcun don't care about this, let alone fight for it.

This power is then transferred to Huang Qiangmin or the director, and the levers used are different.

But first of all, it is conceivable that if people in Changyang want to continue to use Jiangyuan's services, the price will definitely be higher. Not necessarily the cost but the total payment will definitely increase.

Not only that, the director's goal obviously goes beyond Changyang City.

Shannan Province is so big, and it is obviously not cost-effective to only target Changyang City. A lot of cases have been done in Changyang, and next year's case will definitely be more complicated, and the price Yu Wenshu is willing to give may even decrease.

Jiang Yuan, what do you think? The director still needs to seek Jiang Yuan's opinion.

Jiang Yuan thought for a while and said: The manpower allocated by the Changyang City Criminal Police Detachment is very useful. If possible, can they be seconded?

Even Director Guan Xi was stunned by Jiang Yuan for a moment.

Will the county bureau second the manpower from the criminal police detachment of the provincial capital?

In fact, it’s not impossible. Although traditionally, people from provincial capital city bureaus are seconded to prefectural bureaus, and prefecture-level city bureaus are seconded to county bureaus, this is just tradition.

Traditionally, the backlog of murder cases has been almost unsolvable.

Sometimes, in order to solve a case, the bureau has to break the rules. Jiang Yuan's idea has a basis for realization in the context of having solved more than a dozen murder cases.

The director nodded grandly and said: Anyway, they have to make demands, so I will make them.

Everyone nodded and Huang Qiangmin even said: In fact, earlier, I asked the Changyang City Criminal Police Detachment to lend us a few technicians, and Yu Zhi also agreed.

It is more appropriate to lend someone to Jiang Yuan than to the criminal police team. The director nodded to Huang Qiangmin and said: You talk to Yu Zhi first.

Huang Qiangmin could imagine how Yu Wenshu's mood would change, but Huang Bureau still responded without hesitation.

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