National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 343 Poisoning Case

Song Jinyou suddenly realized that he had encountered a good opportunity.

There is no doubt about Jiang Yuan's strength, which can be seen from the fact that he has his own team and young people from the Changyang City Criminal Police Detachment are willing to join.

How difficult is it to pass the examination for the establishment of Changyang City? If you pass the examination for the establishment of Changyang City, and you are willing to follow Jiang Yuan to Ningtai County, when this kind of trust is based on ability, how strong must this ability be?

Song Jinyou never thought that he could use Jiang Yuan's strength. Song Jinyou also knew how high the price was when Jiang Yuan was sold to Changyang City.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Yuan now offered to do the case, rounding up the five and dividing it by two, which was equivalent to using the wishing bottle for free.

Why are you so polite? Song Jinyou first flashed a case in his mind and said: "In terms of the complexity and bizarreness of the case, there is really one in our hometown. Should we handle the poisoning case?"

As far as Song Jinyou's expectations were concerned, he was more like inviting someone to join him in a poisoning case.

Jiang Yuan nodded and said, "Let's take a look."

There will be no murder cases at the police station. In theory, larger cases will be handed over to the criminal police team. Therefore, the most common cases at the police station are fights and petty thefts. Of course, the cases handled by township police stations are more complicated, especially when the criminal police team is busy. Some cases are handled by the police stations themselves.

Song Jinyou coughed twice and said: "This case is a case in Lanzhu Village, and it has not been filed yet."

Calling the police but not filing a case is a pain point in the current conflict between the police and the public. The police have the pain points of the police, and the people have the pain points of the people.

Agencies at all levels have actually put in place multiple auxiliary means on this issue. Generally speaking, when ordinary people report a crime and encounter a situation where the police do not file a case, the simplest way is to ask the police officer involved to issue a notice of refusal to file the case.

When this request is made and persisted, the police officer involved will usually reconsider whether to file a case and give a solemn reply.

If you are in a big city, you can often get a relatively ideal answer unless you encounter situations that prohibit the filing of a case, such as certain civil disputes.

The Lanzhu Village that Song Jinyou was talking about obviously didn't know much about this technique.

Jiang Yuan said curiously: "There is no case filed. Do you still keep this case in your mind?"

There is no need to belittle oneself. A criminal police officer like Jiang Yuan, who has worked on more than a dozen murder cases, is considered top-notch nationwide. His reputation in Shannan Province has gradually risen. Song Jinyou handed him the case immediately, but he didn't Establishing a case is obviously a special situation.

Song Jinyou sighed and said: "The poisoning case in Lanzhu Village is a bit special. It can be said to be bizarre. The first time the case was reported was last year, it was said that it was livestock in their village, including chickens, ducks, geese, pigs, cattle and sheep. Recently, Over the past few years, there have always been deaths. This time when I reported the case, it was because the fish in the pond was dead, probably worth tens of thousands of dollars, that’s why I came to call the police.”

"That is to say, the poisoning lasted for several years?" Jiang Yuandao.

"It should be. The problem is that we haven't confirmed the poisoning yet." Song Jinyou said helplessly: "Lanzhu Village is the most remote village in our township. Within the mountains, there are many roads. No, it used to take more than ten hours to go there, and they were actually unwilling to come out to call the police. In the past two years, the roads have been better, and more people from their village came out to work, so some people were poisoned. consciousness."

Jiang Yuan nodded.

"The police were called at that time, and we also called the agricultural technology institute in the township to come with us to take a look, but it took too long. They didn't come out until the third day after the fish died, and they didn't call the police until the fourth day. When we went there, we were all gone. It’s been a week and no poison has been detected in the water brought back, so the matter is over.”

Song Jinyou scratched his head as he spoke, and added: "In the next few months, two more pigs died in their village. This time we went faster, but still the same, no poison was found. And this year, a donkey died. We arrived on the third day this time, and the same thing happened, and still no poison was detected.”

"This is not to say that they only happened three times in a year or two. There were still chickens, ducks and geese dying in the middle, but no one reported the crime."

"There is another question. The people in Lanzhu Village

Some villagers are not very supportive of our work in solving the case. They think it is evil, or they have offended the mountain god or something. In short, they are more willing to use magic to solve the problem. If a few young people in the village hadn't come out, they might not even be willing to report the crime. "

Next to her, Tang Jia listened to Song Jinyou's story and her impression of Song Jinyou changed greatly. She couldn't help but said: "Director Song, do you still think about them? This kind of case is really troublesome if the victim doesn't want to solve it."

"Not all victims are unwilling to report the crime." Song Jinyou said a little embarrassedly: "This year, it is the family where the pig died. Although their family has never had any larger animals die, chickens, ducks and geese still died. Yes, the son of this family came to our office to look for me several times. I also went to Lanzhu Village twice, but to be honest, I really have no clue about this case. "

Poisoning cases are inherently difficult to detect, especially poisoning cases that do not target a specific person. In a bad urban environment, they basically rely on surveillance.

Occasionally, crimes can be solved through the source of the poison, but this method is actually very difficult and requires accurate identification of the poison, which can only be done by a provincial-level laboratory.

In rural areas, these two methods are very limited.

Needless to say, surveillance is basically not available in rural areas, and if it is available, it will definitely not be used. As for relying on the source of poisons, unless it is a very special poison, otherwise, pesticides and insecticides in rural areas are themselves excellent sources of poisons, and they are often of similar varieties and batches, so there is no place to check them.

However, Jiang Yuan did not rely much on surveillance and physics to solve the case, so he directly asked Song Jinyou: "What evidence does Director Song currently have?"

"We took photos of dead fish, dead pigs and dead donkeys in the pond. I just asked people to pick them up. In addition, we also recorded some notes. In this case, I think it must be the villagers themselves. He committed a crime, but there are hundreds of people in the village." Song Jinyou shook his head.

"Is there still hundreds of people in this village so far away?"

"The locals rely on the mountains to earn a good income, and more than half of the people travel back and forth between the village and outside. It's the season when things are produced in the mountains, so they come back to do some work, such as digging bamboo shoots, catching bamboo rats, and collecting fungi. , there are those who dig up herbal medicine, and they also grow herbal medicine in their village. And this guy who raises pigs and chickens has stopped raising food in the past two years." Song Jinyou seemed to have really studied this case, and he spoke clearly and logically.

"What did you think about it before?" Jiang Yuan continued to ask. He had to know which roads were dead ends that his predecessors had walked.

Song Jinyou spoke openly and said without hesitation: "I initially made a list of the cases and thought about looking at the absence time, because the local people go out to work at a fixed time, and when they come back The time is also rhythmic, and I found nothing.”

"As for the victims, they are all over the village. I tried to find what the victims have in common, but I couldn't find any."

"The main thing is this poison. Originally, my idea was to wait for a while and see if there could be a breakthrough in the next case. But there was no chance in the case that killed the donkey last time."

Just as he was talking, the photos were brought over, and Jiang Yuan looked at them one by one.

Judging from the photos alone, Song Jinyou still put his heart into it. Thinking about it, he would raise this case immediately, and he must have thought about it seriously.

But it can also be seen from the photos that Song Jinyou's ability to solve crimes is really not strong. He just took as many pictures as he could.

Therefore, the photos included the bodies of dead fish and pigs, as well as photos of crime scenes, as well as photos of onlookers.


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