National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 346 Expert Group

Dong Bing sent Jiang Yuan and others to the guest house of the municipal bureau, arranged the room, and immediately went to find Wu Xia, an expert from the province.

Wu Xia is 50 years old, has a square face and a somewhat dignified image. He is also a long-established fingerprint expert in Anping Province.

Dong Bing had dealt with Wu Xia before. He knocked on the door, but without closing it, he went inside and said, "Military team, I have brought over the fingerprint experts and trace inspection experts from Shannan Province."

"The one you picked up is Jiang Yuan, right? Jiang Yuan from Ningtai County?" Wu Xia asked.

"Yes, do you know him?"

"I don't know him. I've never seen him before."

"Then I think you have to pay attention." Dong Bing curled his lips and said: "He is quite grand, he is young, and he brought seven or eight people here in one go. It feels like he is bringing people here for a vacation. Listen. When he spoke, he didn’t sound too confident..."

Wu Xia interrupted Dong Bing and said, "He has broken more than 20 fatal cases this year."

Dong Bing was stunned: "What do you mean?"

Wu Xia looked at Dong Bing, smiled, and said: "He is a great person. This Jiang Yuan participated in the fingerprint competition in their province, and in a little over a month, he won 10 fatal cases."

Everyone who heard Dong Bing was a little stupid: "10 fatal cases? How is that possible? Didn't all the fingerprint experts in their province do anything before?"

"It depends on what you said. That's a fatal case. How could anyone miss it?" Wu Xia's tone became a little more severe, then softened and said, "If you don't say it, you can't take it lightly. As for the heroes of the world, you look at them because they are young. Do the math, how many murders can a criminal police brigade in your city bureau detect in a year? How many murders can it detect in a year? "

Dong Bing's expression stiffened. This is incomparable. Guqi City is not a big city either. There are not many fatalities and there are not many accumulated fatalities. A criminal police brigade can only do three to four fatalities throughout the year. Yes, I usually have other jobs. When it comes to fortune telling, it's even less so. Most of the brigades don't get this job.

"Does that mean he's pretty awesome?" Dong Bing whispered.

"He's better than me anyway." Wu Xia said directly.

Dong Bing quickly smiled and said: "Then you are too humble..."

"There's nothing to be modest about. I heard that the ministry invited Jiang Yuan, so I immediately looked for his fingerprints. There's nothing to say... Well, you can take a look, too." Wu Xia said , and opened the previously organized folder on the computer.

Dong Bing had no choice but to go over and take a look, saying, "I can't read fingerprints either..."

"You can understand this at a glance."

Dong Bing turned around the laptop and saw a black lump on the screen.

Dong Bing looked at Wu Xia in confusion.

"This is the fingerprint of one of the eucalyptus. Is it an exaggeration?" Wu Xia said, shaking his head with emotion.

Dong Bing hissed: "If you didn't say it was a fingerprint, I thought it was the ash at the bottom of the pot."

"It's almost the same thing, but people are surprised that they can use image software like Photoshop to scrape out the bottom of this black pot." Wu Xia sighed twice, looked at the computer screen again, then shook his head and said: "Actually, I don't either. If you study too carefully, there will be nothing to study. This is what the ancestors rewarded you with, and I can’t even learn it, and I can’t learn it.”

"You are too humble..." Dong Bing quickly comforted him, but in terms of his inner feelings, Dong Bing actually agreed with Wu Xia's words. A fingerprint expert like Wu Xia, who is capable of making mistakes, is not as normal as Wu Xia. The level of provincial experts is still very different.

"Experts hired by the ministry, no joke... By the way, have the conference rooms been arranged? You can go back and ask Expert Jiang if there is anything special you need. I estimate that a fingerprint and trace inspection expert of this level is suitable for There are still requirements for the working environment, at least there must be a computer for image processing." Wu Xia was knowledgeable, and as he spoke, he indirectly guided Dong Bing's work.

Dong Bing nodded repeatedly and said hurriedly: "Then I will prepare things first. We may organize an expert discussion meeting in the evening. The latest news and progress will be updated then. Please remember to attend."

Even if the experts came from all over and worked very hard, it was impossible to get enough rest in this kind of torture.

The timeliness requirements for criminal cases are too high. No matter how good the expert is, he has to give in when faced with the golden 24 hours or the golden 72 hours.

Jiang Yuan and others basically only got twice the time to wash up and change clothes. After packing up, they only took a short rest before being informed to go to the conference room.

Soon, five experts coordinated by the ministry and three experts from Anping Province gathered together.

Gao Changjiang, director of the Guqi Municipal Bureau, entered the conference room with a serious expression.

"Expert Jiang is here?" Gao Changjiang recognized Jiang Yuan at a glance, or in other words, he noticed a few more people.

"Yes, we just arrived." Jiang Yuan sat up straighter.

Gao Changjiang said "En" and said: "Then you should familiarize yourself with the situation as soon as possible and keep up with the progress. Well, is Professor Shi Hao here?"

Jiang Yuan raised his eyebrows. Shi Hao was a well-known trace expert in the country, and he had heard of his name.

Dong Bing stood up and said: "Professor Shi Hao's work is not over yet, so we won't be able to arrive tonight."

"Then let's have a meeting first. Let me report the situation first. According to our expanded investigation today and the release and collection of information, the number of missing children has increased to 4. In just half a month, 4 children were taken away Children, the case is so bad and shocking!" Gao Changjiang first commented, then looked both sides, and then said: "After today's day of tracking and follow-up, there are no existing clues that can continue to advance the case. I am now considering whether it is necessary to re-examine the evidence..."

When Jiang Yuan was on the plane, he read some pieces of information. He just reviewed today's progress and it was easy to understand Gao Changjiang's words.

No clues are the current progress.

Missing cases are originally extremely difficult to solve.

It's not like a murder case. There will be at least one body as a clue for the police to follow. In addition, there is often no strong causal relationship between the missing criminal and the victim.

Especially for missing children, the criminals usually abduct or kidnap for the purpose of buying and selling. In other words, the criminals are committing crimes against a specific group of people. He does not necessarily arrest any child, but has a certain randomness. Sexual action. This increases the difficulty of detection in disguised form.

Finally, missing prisoners tend to flee. It is most common to shoot and change places. For case detection, this adds another level of difficulty.

Therefore, the police do not like to deal with missing persons. Not only are the missing people worried about coming back on their own, but the difficulty of the case itself is also very high.

At this point, missing eucalyptus and poisoned eucalyptus are similar in that they both rely heavily on surveillance or witnesses.

This article lacks the support of these clues.

"The vegetable market on Erma Lane is currently the place where the most children are lost. However, there are no clues yet in the investigation of the hotels, restaurant service industry, and rental market near Erma Lane."

"The good news is there are no reports of bodies at this time."

"But there is no information on human trafficking of children either."

"The search of transportation vehicles and surveillance during the outbreak found nothing."

"We plan to focus on searching the Erma Lane area starting tomorrow morning, and have also deployed police dogs."

Gao Changjiang's anxiety was palpable. As he said, this situation is too bad, but there is no progress at all.

For now, he does not need to hold a press conference, but he must report the situation to the leadership. As for the situation of the case, he could only report being raped.

Jiang Yuan slowly flipped through the files.

The only missing person he ever did was eventually transformed into a girl imprisoned in Changyang City.

Although the case has been detected, in retrospect, Jiang Yuan can still recall all the difficulties he encountered that day.

Speaking of which, there was at least one bicycle available for analysis in that case of disappearance. The missing persons in Guqi City this time did not leave anything behind.

"Searching Erma Bridge may not necessarily be useful. The prisoners have made careful preparations here, so they should not be stumped by the problem of residence." An expert put forward an opinion: "Can we keep Erma Bridge and select some Manpower, disguised to enter the market..."

Gao Changjiang shook his head: "We have waited long enough. The criminals must have known about our intervention. Now... it's time to show our swords and guns clearly."

"Are these just the pieces?" Jiang Yuan looked down and asked, "Have there been any similar pieces before?"

"We checked the records in the past two years and found no similar cases." Gao Changjiang shook his head slightly.

"Judging from the traces at the scene, the criminal knew what he was doing and left very few traces. This was definitely not the work of a novice." Jiang Yuan raised his voice slightly, causing everyone to frown.

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