National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 348 Searching old cases

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Searching for old eucalyptus is something Jiang Yuan has done before.

Of course, there is no need to seek newness or strangeness when making a trick. As long as it can break the trick, it is a good trick. Who cares whether it has been used before.

In fact, when a normal policeman performs tricks, he only uses the same tricks once before. Otherwise, if you use new, strange and strange tricks on big things, it will be cool if you succeed, but what about failure? The leaders of the criminal police cursed people, and some of them were really cruel, dirty and harsh.

Jiang Yuan's own skills are updated quickly, but his subordinates do not have such conditions.

People like Wang Chuanxing and others are very nervous even when searching for old news, for fear that they will make a mistake or omit something, which will lead to problems with this case that is listed and supervised by the ministry.

However, the first half of the night passed, and by the second half of the night, Wang Chuanxing and others were at peace. In other words, the chemicals of worry have been used up, leaving only numbness and persistence.

Jiang Yuan was also dumbfounded.

The most tiring part of being a prisoner is your hands, feet and eyes. You have to run endless miles, write endless reports, and read endless files.

Most of the tasks can be done step by step, making the criminal police look a bit like a company salesman who runs around doing business and writing things every day.

There are very few eucalyptus, and the eucalyptus that really requires the use of the brain is very painful.

For example, it is still very difficult to find a similar case of child abduction and trafficking.

What is the simplest, similar standard?

In fact, no one can give this definition. Because criminals are different, investigators can only make guesses if they are not familiar with the criminals.

Those who kidnap and traffic children in wet markets must be A-level alike. It's a pity that we don't have the same eucalyptus.

Those who abduct children in lively places and use non-violent means are probably Level C. Unfortunately, the few eucalyptus found were obviously different.

Those who abducted and trafficked multiple children in a short period of time and for many days should be considered Class B. Unfortunately, no similar cases were found.

"There's no more eucalyptus." By the time the sun shone dimly in the morning, I had finished reading the last file.

Gao Changjiang was also a little disappointed and sighed: "It seems that this road is not accessible either."

"Look for files from a few more provinces." Jiang Yuan had no intention of giving up.

Gao Changjiang frowned and said, "Is it necessary?"

"If you have other plans, you can do it. I will lead someone to search for old eucalyptus." Jiang Yuan's confidence comes from his comprehensive skills. Guqi City's Gu Zi has seen all the clues he can find. Whether it's fingerprints, traces or images, he can't break through basically.

Considering that Jiang Yuan has so many skills, including multiple LV3, LV4 and even LV6 skills, it would be unwise to continue to stick to the same clues.

From Jiang Yuan's own point of view, he believes that looking for old eucalyptus is a smarter approach rather than a stupid one.

In other words, in the absence of a smarter approach, the dumb approach at least has a chance of working.

Gao Changjiang does not have Jiang Yuan's technical ability, and he still has expectations for the experts - of course, experts in different fields may have other means of breakthrough, but this is also beyond Jiang Yuan's range.

With Jiang Yuan's ability and skill range, he believed that he had chosen the most appropriate method, and he was still far from hitting the wall.

Seeing this, Gao Changjiang could not forcefully command Jiang Yuan. Seeing that he brought 8 people with him, I just thought he was habitually doing things on his own.

Thinking about it this way, Gao Changjiang respected Jiang Yuan a little more. After all, they could be considered an experienced team.

"Okay, you can read the dossier yourself, what we say..." Gao Changjiang looked at the other experts.

"If that doesn't work, let's scan the images from the incident again." The suggestion made by the imaging expert was naturally based on images.

"You can break down the footprints a little more. Track the gait, but it's too messy..." The footprint expert also gave suggestions about footprints.

Jiang Yuan watched without saying a word. To be honest, he knew a little about images and footprints. Judging from the photos and the situation at the scene, he felt that there was no chance.

This criminal chose the simplest and most effective way, which is to leave all traces to children and the environment, and then find an environment that is not easy to trace and take away the children.

Such a mature criminal path requires not only criminals to be experienced, but also to adapt to the environment, and also to have a certain degree of proficiency. Therefore, Jiang Yuancai placed the time and place of reading the scroll in surrounding provinces and within two years.

Based on Jiang Yuan's current experience, these two judgments are quite different.

Jiang Yuan rubbed his head and went back to his room to continue reading the files.

This time, I didn't look at it for too long.

An old eucalyptus from a neighboring province caught Jiang Yuan's attention.

The incident occurred at a large rural market, which is similar in nature to a vegetable market, but that doesn’t explain much of the problem. The key lies in the way the children were taken away. The traffickers actually found the children who had escaped the control of their parents first, and then claimed to take them there. Mother.

As soon as the child heard that he was looking for his mother, he followed her. Then one in front and one behind walked out without even hugging or coaxing.

However, this time, because the child he was coaxing was a little older, the six-year-old child called his mother while walking, which attracted the attention of the people around him. But the kidnapper still ran away decisively.

Jiang Yuan couldn't help but recall the four incidents in Guqi City. Two cases mentioned children being out of control and out of sight, while the other two cases did not.

Jiang Yuan immediately found Gao Changjiang and said, "Call the victim's family and ask if they have anything to hide."

"You want them to admit that the children were first out of control and then lost? This is a bit difficult." Gao Changjiang found it difficult when he heard Jiang Yuan's request.

Jiang Yuandao: "This is a key factor that affects whether they can be reunited. Moreover, it is not out of control in the sense of criminal law. If you are not holding someone, you will be out of sight for a few seconds or more than ten seconds. It is considered out of control."

Gao Changjiang thought about it and couldn't help but sigh: "Okay, I'll go ask."

It has to be said that what Jiang Yuan brought out was quite fancy. Gao Changjiang stared at being scolded, and also beat two victims respectively, and successfully obtained the result.

"They are actually out of sight." After Gao Changjiang finished the call, he looked back and asked a little strangely: "Is this equivalent to human traffickers picking up children?"

"It is also to select the easiest ones." Jiang Yuan paused and then said: "In this case, we can destroy the eucalyptus first."

If you can't break the new eucalyptus, it's a normal idea to search the old eucalyptus.

The key is also to find the old eucalyptus and connect with the new eucalyptus.

Gao Changjiang was a little aware of Jiang Yuan's strength at this time, so he just followed Jiang Yuan's instructions without saying a word.

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