National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 366 Believe him

After assigning personnel to various counties and towns, the detachment leader left in a hurry to report to the leaders.

While everyone attending the meeting had not yet left, Liu Jinghui sighed and said that this case must be handled quickly.

Everyone looked at Liu Jinghui.

Liu Jinghui seemed to be talking to himself: If you are the murderer of a family massacre, running away is your first choice. Of course, they will most likely watch the safe being opened together, so they may stay for two more days. But if the safe is opened now, most of them will run away. Therefore, the faster the case is completed, the easier the subsequent pursuit will be.

Everyone's expressions changed slightly. What Liu Jinghui pointed out was a real problem. No policeman likes the pursuit and escape phase, let alone the fact that the investigation has not yet been completed.

Liu Chu was thinking very far. Yuan Bi smiled and restored the atmosphere.

Liu Jinghui smiled and said: The main reason is that the case is too big. Not to mention that all three people ran away, even if two of the three people ran away, this case would be considered an unfinished merit, and the second-class merit would be replaced by a third-class merit. Of course, this is our situation in Shannan

Everyone's expressions changed again.

Still, Comrade Liu Jinghui once again revealed a very real problem. The reason why the ugly oranges they eat every day are so sweet is because the director has extremely high expectations.

If the case is solved later, but not all the people are arrested...

There is no need to think about anything else. From now on, someone will have to guard and catch this guy every year during the Chinese New Year. You have to guard it for three to five years, thirteen years, and fifteen years...

The downgrading of merit is a trivial matter. After all, only a few people are qualified to be awarded third-class or even second-class personal merit in the end, and most people cannot count on this.

But overall, Liu Jinghui showed everyone a very burdensome future.

It doesn’t mean that you have to run away after committing a case. The captain of the second brigade stepped forward to stabilize the morale of the troops.

Liu Jinghui continued to put pressure: If we find clues about these three people when we search in the city, then they may not have run away, but if they are not in the city, it means that the three of them have certain counter-reconnaissance capabilities. In this case, the possibility of running away is greatly increased.

And this idea is definitely growing day by day.

Liu Jinghui's logic is so smooth that it is difficult to refute it.

As a policeman, the captain of the Second Brigade had to admit that Liu Jinghui's inference was indeed very possible.

A fool who becomes a criminal is still a fool, but a smarter fool will struggle more before and after committing a crime, wasting more manpower and material resources of the police.

As for chasing and escaping, obviously the shorter the interval, the easier it is to catch up.

Especially in recent years, it is best to pursue a fugitive when his footing is not stable.

As time goes by, when the fugitives buy new ID cards, or even apply for residence permits, it becomes more difficult to screen them out.

The captain of the second brigade asked Liu Chu if he had any suggestions.

Liu Jinghui said, mobilize the masses, do it with great fanfare, and ask special questions. Those who are familiar with the police station should also ask more questions, especially when we go to the county to investigate, first find the local police

There's no harm in asking around.

In this case, it would be a warning.

The snake has already run away. Liu Jinghui opened his mouth slightly and said, as he said before, if you search in the city with a little more caution, you might be able to catch the three of them by their pigtails.

Now it has been proven that they were not dividing safes in the city. There is no point in hiding their actions. The person should have run away. Now we need to get clues as soon as possible.

It was still a layer of logic, and the captain of the second brigade finally understood it.

He looked at the others and couldn't help but said: "When the detachment leader was here just now."

We will not interfere with the arrest. If we can confirm the identities of the three people, our mission will be completed. Liu Jinghui quickly evacuated.

Chasing and escaping is too hard. Although there are moments of wisdom during the pursuit, most of the time

, that is, comparing who is suffering and who is more cruel to oneself.

In reality, chasing and escaping is like one person running and another person chasing. If the person chasing him runs fast enough, he can catch the person in front of him in the shortest distance.

This is true in theory, but in reality, if the people behind you chase desperately, the people in front will only run as hard as they can. Even if the people behind stopped chasing, the people in front were still running as hard as they could.

In the end, a chase ends not because the people behind run too much, but more because the people in front get tired of running and give up.

Liu Jinghui claims to be a practitioner of basic deduction in China and the King of Shannan Reasoning. How could he be willing to chase and escape with the silly kids in Chiyong City all day long?

Several people at the scene understood and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Not many police officers are willing to chase someone away.

No matter how hard it is, at least I have to commute to get off work. It would be too hard to go out and chase and escape. It's okay for the younger ones, just live in a group and experience life. The middle-aged detectives in their thirties and forties feel weak at the thought of this.

Get a grip.

As soon as the several brigade captains discussed with each other, someone took out his mobile phone and reported the latest situation to the detachment captain.

The captain of the second brigade came over, shook hands with Liu Jinghui, and said with a smile: Anyway, thank you for your help. I hope that through this clue, the three of them can be identified.

After you determine the identity of the murderer and the final location, try to protect the scene. You can call me to be the on-site assistant investigator.

Jiang Yuan ignored the professional battles of several middle-aged people and showed off his own skills first.

He doesn't like pursuit and escape, and is actually not good at it, but pursuit and escape can also be turned into technical work.

Jiang Yuan doesn't have much experience in this area, but the application of crime scene investigation is really wide. Jiang Yuan believed that as long as there was a scene, more or less information could be uncovered.

Political Commissar Liu now somewhat understands Jiang Yuan's technical ability and thanked him profusely.

Everyone dispersed, each following the agreed-upon area to investigate.

The area around Jiang Yuan, Liu Jinghui and others immediately became empty.

Do you want to guess where the murderer opened the safe? Liu Jinghui suddenly became playful.

Jiang Yuan waved his hand: I'm going back to sleep.

Sleeping was so boring that Liu Jinghui was speechless.

I'm going to do an on-site inspection after I wake up. If they find a place.

Jiang Yuan glanced at Liu Jinghui helplessly.

Comrade Liu Jinghui suddenly felt a little irritated and said angrily: If they identify the person and the murderer escapes, I can also help with the analysis.

Jiang Yuan: Then let’s sleep together. Your brain will be clear only after you wake up.

Sleep, sleep, sleep 1 Liu Jinghui is too lazy to play guessing games.

The news came back faster than expected.

In just three hours, a special agent returned accurate news.

Half a month ago, someone from Chiyong City came over and asked where there was an unlicensed oxygen cutting machine, and later bought one.

Teqing is commonly known as an informant, and is also called Erwuzi on the street.

However, there are very few special cases that actually qualify for a file in the police station.

This person is a rare true love in Tonglin County, and the news he brought back is indeed the most timely.

Without saying a word, the police officers from the criminal police detachment went straight to the address provided by the special agent.

When you rush into a self-built rural house, you can see two dismantled cars.

When the two brothers who were busy dismantling the car saw this, they turned around and ran away, but they were both trapped before they even took a few steps.

Now the police force prepared for the murder case is on the scene. How can two car-breaking thieves have the qualifications to escape.

Half a month ago, what did the person who asked you to buy an oxygen cutting machine look like? Political Commissar Liu led the team, and at this time, he was also murderous.

The two brothers who were dismantling the car were both dumbfounded. Look.

He looked at the policemen in a courtyard and asked in a low voice: Are you arresting us because you are looking for these people?

"How many people! How could Political Commissar Liu answer his question?"

Three. The eldest of the two brothers who dismantled the car sighed: We don’t know him, he just happens to have an old cutting machine.

What do the three people look like?

A man is tall, strong, and young. The other two were in older grades, and one of them had an injured foot and the elder described it in a low voice.

Political Commissar Liu and others looked at each other and realized that they were basically right.

What's even more amazing is that Jiang Yuan actually guessed the height characteristics of the three people.

If you don’t know each other, how did they find you? Political Commissar Liu asked.

The boss glanced at the second child and said in a low voice: A friend introduced me.

What friend, what is his name?

Political Commissar Liu asked sternly,

The two men answered in low voices.

Political Commissar Liu asked about the location again, then left the two brothers who were dismantling the car to his colleagues to continue questioning, and then he took the others and set off.

At the same time as the car started, Political Commissar Liu called Jiang Yuan and asked him to come and assist.

The case has progressed to this stage. Political Commissar Liu believes in Jiang Yuan more than his wife!

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