National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 372 There is always a way that suits him

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Jiang Yuan did not dissect the body in the normal order, but first carefully picked up trace evidence from the wound on the chest.

When the murderer killed, he used a lot of strength and moved the dagger very fast. He pierced the victim's heart and slid in until the guard of the dagger hit the victim's chest.

At the same time, the front edge of the dagger also touched the victim's ribs. Judging from the cut open, there were indeed marks.

As a result, there is likely to be trace evidence of the murder weapon in the victim's wound. As for whether this physical evidence will help solve the case, it is not yet certain, but it will probably be helpful as evidence in court.

In fact, it is not that easy to nail a murderer. Courts often reduce sentences when there is insufficient evidence. Especially when it comes to the death penalty, the requirements for evidence and evidence chains are more than one level higher.

Therefore, sometimes the court would rather grant a suspended death sentence than directly impose the death penalty. Because if you give it, it may be rejected during the death penalty review, and you will still be the one embarrassed then.

Criminal investigators like Jiang Yuan are particularly popular in various places, also because he is a forensic doctor who speaks with physical evidence. The case is not only solved, but also comes with a full set of evidence, and the evidence chain is relatively complete. It's not like Liu Jinghui, who sounds rigorous and logical, but when it comes to court, it's all talk.

Wu Jun watched Jiang Yuan remove the skin lesion on his chest and handed him the rib clamps.

The rib forceps used in forensic medicine are the same thing as the rib forceps used in cardiothoracic surgery. They essentially use the principle of labor-saving levers to open bones. The difference is that the rib clamps used in cardiothoracic surgery are often small, delicate and expensive, while the rib clamps used in forensic medicine are not so sophisticated and are often large, rough, bulky and powerful.

Jiang Yuan clamped open the bones, took pictures, carefully took samples again, and then directly cut out a section of ribs that left traces.

There are many similarities between human ribs and pork ribs. If the corpse is freshly burned, it is said to have a smell similar to that of roasted pig.

The ribs that had just been cut looked a bit like pork chops. Wu Jun wrote a label with a pen and marked it.

In addition, the heart is also the focus of sampling.

Finally, a whole bucket of internal organs, including the heart, liver, lungs, spleen, kidneys and brain, as well as the pancreas, thyroid and adrenal glands, were soaked in formalin. Then each part was sampled, cut into small strips, and put into a dehydrator for dehydration.

After the dehydration was completed, Wu Jun had heated the paraffin.

Put the melted paraffin into a small grid, and then put the dehydrated test materials, that is, the organs cut into strips, into the wax. When the wax solidifies, you will get an amber-like wax block.

Then, the wax block is put on the slicer, cut into thin slices, and finally put into the spreader.

In the spreader, the slice opens due to the tension of the water, and the wax surrounding it melts, leaving only a thin slice of tissue.

This process is quite technical and will test the forensic skills.

Especially when the test materials are limited, if the forensic medicine fails several times, the test materials may be used up, and nothing can be obtained in the end.

These slices are not only used for archiving and evidence, but are also needed for future review inspections. Especially in a death penalty review, these key evidences must be examined.

In other words, if the prisoner is to be sentenced to death, the examination materials must be handled well.

Jiang Yuan was extremely serious in what he did.

Wu Jun stayed with him until the autopsy was completed. After pushing the bodies into the ice coffin, he said: "Don't forget, you promised Huang Bureau that you could break the eucalyptus."

"I remember." Jiang Yuan nodded.

"Can it be broken?" Wu Jun was full of doubts.

"It should be able to be broken."

"How to break it?"

"I don't know yet." Jiang Yuan replied, feeling that he was a bit nonsensical, and quickly said: "I still have the confidence, but I don't know exactly how to break it."

Wu Jun sighed: "So don't talk too much. Don't agree so quickly at that time. Isn't it easier now? Huang Bureau still has to express his expression when it is time to express it."

Jiang Yuan just responded with "En En". With his current skill set, he is too cautious and doesn't feel right about himself.

Although the autopsy of the eucalyptus in front of him showed no clues directly pointing to the murderer, from Jiang Yuan's point of view, there were still many options available.

Wu Jun just reminded Jiang Yuan a few words. Seeing that he didn't look worried, he felt relieved and lit a brazier in the room.

Jiang Yuan danced three times obediently without him having to say anything.

The two of them took the car back to the criminal police brigade.

In the conference room, information kept coming in, and several squadron leaders were discussing in low voices.

It is still in the early stages of the investigation, and the direction of the investigation has not yet been determined. Therefore, the main work is done by the people of the Criminal Division Squadron, which is to collect and analyze the evidence at the scene.

When Jiang Yuan entered, he was not polite. He first asked someone from the imaging office to check the surveillance.

"The murderer probably didn't take an unusual route. We have surveillance in the main directions, but no one was photographed. At least for now, the suspect has not been identified." Zhuang Wei, the first generation eye in the imaging office, now has a lot of trust in Jiang Yuan It was extremely high, and he even became a little nervous.

Ningtai County has spent so much money to upgrade surveillance equipment. If it doesn't work, it will not only be funny, but everyone in the imaging office will suffer.

Jiang Yuan was more confident than Zhuang Wei. While looking at the surveillance camera, he asked, "Didn't you find any trace of the suspect?"

"I'm not sure about the suspect's physical characteristics yet." Zhuang Wei is also a little helpless. Now he doesn't even bring photos with him when looking for someone, so he doesn't know which person he is looking for.

"Where did the police dog chase?" Jiang Yuan asked the police officer next to him.

He dispatched the police dogs not to get direct answers.

However, judging from the blood splattered at the scene, the murderer must have left with some of the blood. Through the sniffing of the police dogs, it was almost possible to determine the direction in which the murderer left.

The officer nearby pointed east.

Zhuang Wei also explained: "We have also extended the investigation scope to the east, but there are no obviously suspicious people."

"If the surveillance can't find clues, we have to change our thinking..." Liu Jinghui stood up and tried to help reorganize the case.

Jiang Yuan did not follow Liu Jinghui's baton and said first: "At three o'clock in the morning, it is suspicious for a person to appear on the street."

Liu Jinghui was stunned: "We can't check all the newcomers... Well, the murderer is most likely an outsider. From this point of view, the outsider who is still lingering on the street at three in the morning is very likely to be the murderer?"

"You can go through this idea first." Jiang Yuan still maintained a relatively relaxed attitude.

Detecting crimes through surveillance is only a relatively easy way, not the only way.

Zhuang Wei shook his head again and said: "Since 3:30 in the morning, not many people have been caught in the surveillance. We have been looking for people along the transportation. As of now, there is no one who looks like the murderer."

What he said was quite loose, but everyone present could understand it.

People who are still wandering outside in the early morning, even if they walk a certain distance, will still have to take transportation in the end. Based on the transportation, the identity of most people can basically be determined.

Of course, there will definitely be someone whose identity is difficult to determine, but the murderer will look like a murderer, he will be nervous, walk fast, and look around. In short, some murderers can pretend to be normal people, but some people At first glance, he doesn't look like a murderer.

After all, what the police were facing was not 007. From Zhuang Wei's point of view, although the person still wandering outside at three or four o'clock in the morning was quite strange, he did not look like the murderer after all.

Jiang Yuan picked a few surveillance cameras from that time period and looked at them for a while, but found no clues.

At this time, everyone's expressions became a little solemn.

Could it be that there will really be something wrong with this incident?

Jiang Yuan's expression did not change at all. He just asked people to mark the positions of the cameras near the bar, looked at them carefully for a while, and then said: "Captain Zhuang, please continue to watch the images, especially analyze the time until 3:30. Surveillance near the bar during four o'clock. I will go to the scene to take a look."

"Okay." Zhuang Wei agreed.

Mu Zhiyang, who was nearby, quickly got up and prepared to follow Jiang Yuan to the scene. At the same time, he asked, "Do you want to watch the scene again?"

"Well, the surveillance coverage on Bar Street is wide enough. If there are no traces of the murderer, we must consider that the murderer did not come in and out through normal means." Jiang Yuan curled his lips and said: "If this is the case, the murderer It will just leave more traces.”

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