National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 377: After all, surveillance took care of everything

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While Jiang Yuan was checking the screen, Mu Zhiyang felt inexplicably restless.

Don't even look at it, you just found one person on the screen. This was the only result that dozens of people watched for two days, and they had a direct breakthrough in love.

Mu Zhiyang felt that he had more or less contributed to the case.

In today's Jiangyuan Jiedu class, it is not easy to make a contribution, especially if you look at Mu Zhiyang's colleagues, every one of them is an elite member from a big city. It's not easy anymore.

In fact it is not too easy.

The No. 1 on the screen is somewhat different from the deceased No. 1 in the ice coffin. Not only is there missing body spots, but he also doesn't have any gold chains or watches. He just wears a somewhat similar shirt and has a slightly different hairstyle.

Mu Zhiyang was able to catch this moment from the crowd, which was considered to be quite discerning.

"It should be the same person." Jiang Yuan judged by gait. This method is also the mainstream in current identification technology. Large domestic airports, high-speed rail stations and other crowd checkpoints all use gait recognition. , rather than face recognition.

Liu Jinghui also came over to take a look, and wrote down the license plate number in his notebook, saying: "Find this car, bring the driver and owner back and ask. It is impossible for such a person to go to the bus station for no reason."

"Let's go." Gao Yuyan and Dong Bing silently formed a team.

There have been no arrest missions recently, and the two of them also need to find a new position in the special team.

Jiang Yuan nodded in agreement and said, "Bring the car back too and take a look."

"Yes." They both replied in unison.

"It seems that No. 1 is the owner of the cargo." Liu Jinghui got the information he wanted and began to analyze: "No. 1 probably sent the drugs through the passenger terminal in Ningtai County, and then No. 2 killed No. 1 The reason is, to make money or to seek people?"

Meng Chengbiao is experienced and said: "To make money, you should go for the goods. There should be no goods around No. 1."

"Yes, if they were trying to make money, the necklace and watch on No. 1 should also be taken away. So, Victim No. 2 was just trying to kill No. 1. What was the purpose?"

Meng Chengbiao said: "No. 2 is still taking drugs and cannot escape the scope of the drug circle. Therefore, most of the murders are related to drugs. Is it a fight among drug dealers?"

Liu Jinghui said: "It is indeed possible that the bartender in the bar is also a drug addict. Moreover, there is a high probability that the two of them know each other."

When Jiang Yuan heard this, he couldn't help but recall the scene of the crime scene and nodded slowly.

Tang Jia asked cooperatively: "Why do we know each other?"

"I didn't know they were drug dealers before. Think about it, at three o'clock in the morning, a drug dealer is sitting in a bar drinking. No matter where he is sitting for whatever reason, if a stranger comes in at this time, his defense and vigilance are very high. If he didn't get up immediately, how could he still be sitting at the bar slowly drinking." Liu Jinghui paused and said, "Of course, I don't rule out that he is a calm and tough guy who was stabbed to death when someone walked up to him."

"It's fun to pretend to death." Shen Yaowei felt the last scene and laughed.

"Judging from the autopsy, the possibility of being a calm and tough guy is not high." Jiang Yuan dissected the body himself, and this time it was a live autopsy. He got much more information than usual, and he said confidently: " Even if he is 007, his muscles will tighten when he sees other people coming in. In addition, he was stabbed to death on the spot, and the stab was in the heart... But judging from the state of his muscles, when he saw the other person, It should be relatively relaxed.”

With Jiang Yuan's autopsy endorsement, Liu Jinghui's reasoning became smoother.

Liu Jinghui thought for a while and whispered: "So, No. 1 and No. 2 knew each other. No. 1 was drinking in the bar, and the bartender opened the door. Then the bartender left and went home. No. 2 came to meet, and the two were very It may have been an appointment, but No. 2 unexpectedly stabbed No. 1 to death. There must be something going on here... The problem is that No. 2 committed suicide a little too decisively."

No one said anything. When it came to reasoning, Liu Jinghui's head was still top-notch.

Liu Jinghui thought for a moment and continued: "No. 2 stabbed and killed No. 1, and No. 2 committed suicide. From this point of view, No. 2 should be the active party, and No. 1 should be the passive party. It may just be normal transportation of drugs..."

Meng Chengbiao laughed silently. The description of normal transportation of drugs made him laugh a bit.

Liu Jinghui's brain was running wildly, and it was too late to correct his language.

On the other hand, he was unable to reason any further.

The newly obtained clues only confirmed that deceased No. 1 was indeed transporting poison. In fact, even this clue had to be confirmed by Gao Yuyan and others. It is obviously not enough to infer what happened between the two deceased people. of.

"Now we can only investigate along this drug transportation route." Liu Jinghui cut off more thoughts and gave a conclusion first.

Jiang Yuan nodded in agreement, and the people under his command got busy automatically.

The drug transportation method that separates people and goods is indeed advanced, but it is not Zenith star technology. It mainly protects the cargo owner. It is more of a legal value and cannot reduce the probability of discovery.

In other words, there is still a chance to investigate the drug transportation route.

Two hours later.

Gao Yuyan and Dong Bing hurriedly brought back the driver of the bus.

The driver was relatively calm and sat in the interrogation room, seeming to have a chat.

This is an era where even those who have never eaten pork have seen pigs running away. Drivers have actually heard of similar things in the group, and for now, even if the police find unowned drugs on the bus, there are few cases of punishing the driver and the passenger transport company.

This is "subjective ignorance" in the law. As long as the driver does not know about it and is not involved in it, he can only ask questions at most.

Of course, the Ningtai police were not prepared to send the driver in. Gao Yuyan and others only asked for details as carefully as possible.

Soon, relevant information was placed in front of Jiang Yuan.

Deceased No. 1 used the direct delivery method, that is, he temporarily brought his luggage to the station and asked the driver to put it into the station's luggage storage. The whole process did not require any involvement from himself.

"These guys have already figured out a way." Liu Jinghui was also the first to come into contact with this kind of news, and he frowned frequently.

Jiang Yuan frowned and said, "Let's continue checking the surveillance."

Checking surveillance when there is no decision to make, and checking surveillance when there is no evidence are originally a manifestation of the immediate combat effectiveness of today's criminal police.

Liu Jinghui was somewhat unable to accept this and bowed his head in silence.

"We now know the time when deceased No. 1 appeared at the station. I think we can lock him directly and use surveillance to check his whereabouts in the next few days to see who he has been in contact with..." Jiang Yuan told Ningtai The county's monitoring system is quite confident. The newly replaced systematic monitoring system can still play a great role in prosperous places such as bus stations and bar streets.

Liu Jinghui was a little hesitant: "This may not be able to determine the result."

"It doesn't matter if we can't find out. We'll think of a solution later." Jiang Yuanliu and Liu Jinghui didn't have much to say. He took out his cell phone and started giving orders.

He has made so many eucalyptus, and he has more or less realized the truth. Some eucalyptus, especially the more difficult ones, can only be made by wasting some resources.

The result of the desperate attempt to save resources was that the case was not solved, so everything was lost and all the resources were wasted.

Liu Jinghui works in the provincial department. He goes out to support various cities and counties on a daily basis. He requires the cooperation of the local police in everything he does. He always thinks about reducing costs and increasing efficiency. Naturally, he is not as free and generous as Jiang Yuan.

In fact, it is the same this time. The final decision must be made by the Ningtai County Bureau, that is, Jiang Yuan makes the final decision, and he also uses the resources of the Ningtai County Bureau.

So a new round of monitoring and investigation was started again.

Of course, this time is much simpler than the last time. First of all, the scale is much smaller. Only a dozen people are needed to gather in a conference room.

Furthermore, the hardware equipment is all complete. The computer monitors and TV screens that were brought over before are all large ones. The staff arrangements are also similar. Only Mu Zhiyang was pulled over in advance and sat in the middle of the conference room. , using the same computer as before.

The starting point of this surveillance investigation was the time and place where Mu Zhiyang discovered victim No. 1. Then, the surveillance cameras followed the progress of No. 1.

It sounds simple, but in fact, because the monitoring and shooting of cameras are discontinuous, even if No. 1 does not adopt counter-reconnaissance measures, there will continue to be gaps.

If you want to continuously track a person's progress like on TV, it is probably difficult to do it outside the main urban areas of Beijing and Shanghai.

At this time, several former elites in the imaging office played a certain role, constantly using techniques such as jumping to find and re-lock Number One.

The technology of jumping is very simple to say. Since the monitoring itself is discontinuous, why should we pursue step-by-step follow-up? You can jump directly to the front more clearly based on his direction of travel, time and other factors. Under the camera, search again to lock him.

Of course, it was much more complicated to do, but with the help of a large number of people, I persisted in doing it.

Finally, the day before No. 1 died, a surveillance camera captured the encounter between No. 1 and No. 2 at an intersection near Bar Street.

At that moment, the faces of No. 1 and No. 2 were slightly surprised and expressionless.

The clarity of the camera at the intersection was not enough to distinguish the mouth shapes of the two people, but it was enough to lead to many speculations.

"The historic meeting of two dead people." Liu Jinghui muttered this sentence unconsciously as he looked at the scene on the screen of No. 1 and No. 2 talking face to face and then walking away.

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