National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 381 Garage Survey

Newly renovated garage, bright and clean.

This side is the garage facing Jiangcun people. Not only is the floor height high, but each parking space is also large.

The cars that Jiangcun people like or the pits they have stepped on are all displayed in this garage in the form of physical objects.

"Besides Uncle Qi, is anyone else entering the garage?"

Jiang Yuan put on headgear and leg gloves, and then asked while putting on gloves and a mask. Although the case is small, if it is really going to be done, one step is indispensable.

Jiang Fuzhen thought for a while and said: "Only your third uncle, a few people from the village committee, and your uncle came to take a look. Your third uncle took his grandson for a walk, and he should have come here too. How many days ago?" A junior came over to help carry the wine and so on, and there were a few people passing by..."

Jiang Yuan was speechless and said, "Write a list for Mu Zhiyang..."

"Let the people in the monitoring room come over and write it for you." Jiang Fuzhen was impatient and was ordered by his son, and said: "They can see who comes in and out. Let them tell you, I am anxious to go back and stir up trouble today. I braised a big goose, and I also put some beef ribs in it, and cooked tofu and fat intestines. I will stir-fry a pot of hot pot ingredients and add more butter. You young people can boil the vegetables and eat them..."

Ordinary witnesses can't just leave if they want to. But Jiang Fuzhen said this, what could Jiang Yuan say, he could only say respectfully: "Dad, please go slowly, don't be in a hurry."

"I know." Jiang Fuzhen waved his hand and introduced the new old men and women: "The one wearing the mask is Jiang Yuan. He is here today to work on Lao Qi's case."

"Lao Qi is also dead?" The new old man was a little confused about the situation.

"No, it's okay. Didn't Lao Qi lose a few boxes of wine? I'll call Jiang Yuan and the others to come over and help look for it..."

"Old Seventh must have lost his mind. There are half a row of people here, how many boxes of wine can we pass them by?" The old man said, and stepped forward to watch the excitement with interest.

Most of them are just watching the fun.

The festival is approaching, and rust will suddenly appear in the bones of China, making people feel uncomfortable and reluctant to exercise.

Some villagers who heard that there were many police officers in the parking lot came downstairs one after another to watch the excitement.

Xiang Geng from the monitoring room quickly ran over and reported the situation to Jiang Yuan. Xiang Geng still looks thin and frail, and his fingers and teeth feel more yellow. He looks like his need for cigarettes has been completely satisfied, a bit like a post-modern man with longevity pills.

Jiang Yuan listened to him reporting the names of the people who had been in and out of the garage again, then gave up completely and said, "Just give Mu Zhiyang a copy of the list later, and record the time of entry and exit later."

"Okay." Xiang Geng was hanging out in the control room. From the beginning to now, he had accepted Jiang Yuan's guidance and was used to being bossed by Jiang Yuan.

"Have you brought the surveillance?" Jiang Yuan asked about the copied version.

"Bring it." Xiang Geng quickly unfolded his laptop, showed the process of the theft, and said: "When your seventh uncle came to look for it, I started to sort it out. I checked it backwards. This person probably Three days in a row, three days of stealing.”

"Stealing for three days in a row?"

"Yes. One box on the first day, two boxes on the second day, and two boxes on the third day. Uncle Qi only discovered it yesterday, and he didn't come this morning..." Xiang Geng spread his hands.

The person who was stolen from was very Buddhist, and the person who stole the thing was also very Buddhist.

Jiang Yuan looked at the theft process captured by the surveillance camera in his notebook. He used a flashlight to take pictures of the places where the other party might have left fingerprints and DNA. Then, while extracting fingerprints and DNA, he asked, "As for the decoration workers, someone should know them." .”

"Those who know him, call him Lao Lei. His real name may be Wang Lei, I'm not sure." Xiang Geng said helplessly: "The foreman caught this man from the decoration market, and he didn't ask for an ID card or anything."

In small counties like Ningtai County, there is still a considerable proportion of part-time workers in decoration or construction mode.

Workers who are willing to work, or workers who have no work to do today, will put up a sign at some fixed place agreed upon, or just wait with their legs crossed. The foreman who needs workers, or the retail shop owner who needs decoration, goes directly to call for someone, or asks about the price, and after mutual discussion, they go up.

Just work.

This method naturally does not require signing a contract or ID card. The foreman or household head may even ask for a last name, and then start work for a certain master.

The workers may or may not know each other. Whether they are familiar with each other or whether they know more specific information about each other is unclear.

Jiang Yuan nodded understandingly and said, "I'll take the fingerprints first and then take a look." If this was a murder case, Jiang Yuan would definitely send people to the decoration market and nearby small hotels to investigate.

Nowadays, there are many places where people need to use ID cards. Even when paying cards at the office, ID cards are required.

In addition, some more formal companies engaged in decoration and the like may also ask for ID cards and the like. All in all, a large-scale investigation can either determine Lao Lei's true identity, or he is a fugitive or ex-convict.

However, it was obvious that Jiang Yuan could not launch a large-scale investigation involving hundreds of people just to find a few boxes of wine for Uncle Qi. Although he has become somewhat accustomed to this mode of solving crimes.

He wasn't even prepared to send people to ask those contractors and the like.

A team of two police officers would need an average of two hours to find one person for questioning. To determine the identity of the suspect, it is not known how many people would be called upon. Jiang Yuan is ready to rely on fingerprints, DNA and images to solve the case.

The other policemen stood in front of them, seemingly unable to intervene. Surveying the scene is Jiang Yuan's specialty. People like Wang Chuanxing and others can only disturb Jiang Yuan's operations now that they enter the garage.

Not to mention Liu Jinghui. In this kind of case, the suspect's face is as big as 5 inches on a 15-inch screen. It would be unreasonable for him to take action. As a result, the police officers who came to help walked around the basement with their hands folded and behind their backs, as if they were on patrol.

In essence, they are similar to the people in Jiangcun at this time.

There were several uncles, aunts, nieces and nephews at the scene. They were tired of Jiang Yuan's unchanging operations, so they all picked up their mobile phones, some took pictures, and some took videos. Soon, everyone’s circle of friends began to compete with each other:

[The garage of Uncle Qi’s house was stolen, and the police came to investigate. 】

[A thief came to the village. I don’t know if it is involved in any case. 】

[After the garage was stolen, Uncle Qi never showed up again. I hope everything is okay. 】

[A lot of police came to the case of the garage renovation workers. 】

When Uncle Qi ran out of home, the circle of friends of Jiangcun people had already begun to spread.

"I'm just going to help cook some meat, what are you doing!" Uncle Qi went down to the garage and asked everyone to stop talking nonsense while he was dumbfounded, and at the same time he also wanted to disperse cigarette smoke for the police.

Smoke quickly filled the garage.

"Jiang Yuan, do you smoke?" Uncle Qi walked forward and was stopped at the door of the garage. "I won't twitch anymore." Jiang Yuan stretched his muscles and said, "The survey is almost over. Don't come in the garage. Don't use it for the next two days. We'll talk about it in a few days."

"The wine I put here is for the Chinese New Year...forget it, I'll buy a few more boxes." Uncle Qi was also a little embarrassed, and said: "Actually, there is no need to call you back, I can just call the police myself or something like that. , your dad is polite."


"Your dad also said recently that you have solved many cases and are very powerful. When you solve this case, I will give you a big red envelope."

"No, the total case value is more than 20,000. Besides, my status as a criminal police officer is not suitable for receiving big red envelopes." Jiang Yuan quickly declined. The big red envelopes mentioned by Jiangcun people are probably illegal.

Uncle Qi laughed and didn't respond, and shouted again: "Why don't you bring out a few boxes of wine from the garage, and we'll drink it tonight.

"My dad is preparing wine." Jiang Yuandao.

"Why are you so embarrassed... I'll have a drink with you later, why don't you stop working and let's go up and drink first!" Uncle Qi was very enthusiastic and chatted with Jiang Yuan, just like he did when doing farm work.

People in Jiangcun also gradually became rich, especially when the demolition first started, they didn’t have much cash. At that time, Ningtai County had

There was no ability to remove all the cash from Jiangcun at the foot of Mount Sining, so the village collective took a stake in the scenic spot.

With the construction and publicity of Mount Sining, Mount Sining and Taihe Scenic Area began to become nationally famous, and the assets of Jiangcun people expanded accordingly. Especially the annual ticket share is an exaggerated figure.

After that, the people of Jiangcun became slightly divided. People like Jiangfu Town who were afraid of poverty would use money to start a business, buy land, houses and build factories. After that, they encountered demolition again and again, and finally became so swollen that they had no intention of starting a business. degree.

For people like Uncle Qi, who had no ambition at the time, their final asset size was also at the average level of Jiangcun people. Those who were neither above nor below calmed their emotions after getting rich suddenly.

Jiang Yuan is also used to a similar way of chatting, just talking and doing things in a calm and harmonious way.


Tang Jia's cell phone rang.

She listened to a few words, and her face gradually became strange.

After the call ended, Tang Jia stepped forward and said softly: "Captain Jiang, I called you to inform you."

"What's going on?" Jiang Yuan's expression immediately became serious. Could there be another murder?

Tang Jiadao: "The criminal police team contacted by the police station here said that there was a man named Wang Lei who claimed to have stolen five boxes of wine, but other than that, he did not do any illegal activities, nor did he kill anyone, nor did he dismember the body. Things like that. The person has surrendered. I asked the other party to add me on WeChat and send me photos."

As she spoke, she went to check WeChat and showed the WeChat she just opened to Jiang Yuan.

The 5-inch mugshot on the 6-inch screen is the person who stole the wine from Uncle Qi's garage.

Jiang Yuan couldn't help but lower his head and look at the dozen evidence bags he had collected, feeling a little regretful for no reason.

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