National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 397: Be careful to verify

"Team Liu, everyone is waiting." Gao Yuyan waited impatiently at the door for her new temporary partner.

She had previously followed Wang Chuanxing and others to investigate the interpersonal relationships of deceased No. 1. Most of them were girls who had lost their way, but no results were found. At this moment, Liu Wenkai came to support again and formed a team with her. Gao Yuyan actually felt that it was a bit unnecessary.

However, Gao Yuyan still had to give face to Liu Jinghui's arrangements. She came all the way from Guqi City in the neighboring province. She no longer felt like she had the background and care at home, and she gradually became more cautious in doing things.

On the other hand, Liu Jinghui's talent is real. This is the first time Gao Yuyan has seen a senior police chief who really relies on reasoning to solve crimes. Even if you look at it from the police's perspective, it's actually pretty cool.

As for the policemen from the Ningtai County Bureau coming over to make some meritorious deeds, Gao Yuyan didn't take it seriously.

In just a few days, the Luyang Municipal Bureau has long been conquered by the combination of Jiang Yuan, Xu Taining and Liu Jinghui. It is no big deal to bring a few people over to absorb some benefits or something.

"Here we come." Liu Wenkai walked out of the changing room.

Liu Wenkai, who had changed his clothes again, looked very refreshed after washing up, and he didn't look as tired as he had just got out of the car.

Gao Yuyan frowned and asked sensitively: "Did you put oil on your hair? Did you also put cream on your face?"

"I bought some cream and essence. I almost got varicose veins after riding here in the car." Liu Wenkai rubbed his face, opened his eyes wide, and said, "Do you look quite energetic now?"

"What do you want to do?" Gao Yuyan crossed her arms and looked defensive.

Liu Wenkai was also a good interrogator in Ningtai County. Seeing Gao Yuyan's expression, he couldn't help but laugh, and then explained: "Women who have made mistakes are not low on vigilance. They make themselves clean. This is the first way to gain favor." Steps, right?"

Gao Yuyan didn't believe it: "How dare they not say anything when asked by the police?"

"How about people forgetting about you?" Liu Wenkai knew that this was a relative of Guqi City High Bureau, and said patiently: "Our purpose is to get information, not to teach people how to behave, to persuade them to be good, and to be kind and gentle. It will be good for everyone if we come back with information."

Gao Yuyan had to admit that what Liu Wenkai said made sense.

Although the police can get information by putting pressure on women who have fallen off, but which woman should they put pressure on? Neither of them knew who knew the information.

Gao Yuyan didn't want to change her work style, but she was uncomfortable with Liu Wenkai's attitude, so she joked: "It's not normal for you to be so familiar with women who have lost their feet."

"I've been an undercover agent." Liu Wenkai smiled slightly.

"The county bureau needs undercover agents to solve the case?" Gao Yuyan was surprised.

"The silver-selling case often requires an undercover agent to obtain evidence. A short-term undercover, a few days at most." Liu Wenkai couldn't help but shake his head when he saw Gao Yuyan's uninformed look.

The two drove to Hongxiang Village, followed by several other cars.

There is an alley in Hongxiang Village, where wandering orioles often stand on the street. When there is business, they rent nearby rental houses for a short period of time. When the police come, they turn around and run away.

More than a dozen foreign criminal police officers, plus two teams of local troops, sealed the outside of Hong Village tightly, and only a few people, like Liu Wenkai, entered one after another to conduct undercover inquiries.

However, these dozen out-of-town detectives only had time to make one round of questioning. With a whistle outside, Liu Ying started running in panic.

Several drones buzzed up, almost man-to-man arrest, which must not fail.

Liu Wenkai came out of the rental house and shouted: "Don't be too violent, pay attention to your movements, enforce the law in a civilized manner, enforce the law in a civilized manner!" He actually couldn't see anything, but the several girls who had lost their feet when they heard his shouts felt that My heart feels a little warm.

When the last missing girl was arrested and put into the car, everyone quickly transferred to the nearby police station and began extensive interrogation and questioning.

In fact, when it comes to making interrogation notes for ordinary people, it is easiest to do it on the spot. It does not necessarily have to be taken back to the bureau or institute, but the condition of the wandering orioles is obvious.

Although it is not very stable, the trust between them and the police is also extremely fragile, and it is definitely impossible to say nice things to them.

Even in the interrogation room, the delinquent girls were not very well-behaved.

The delinquent girls who come to work in the red villages in the outer suburbs usually have rich experience, but they choose to come to the suburbs because they are not competitive enough in the urban areas.

They are afraid of the police, but they are not willing to obey orders.

Several criminal policemen in Luyang City who were involved in serious cases, although their voices of intimidation and inducement were very loud, the effect was really average.

As Liu Wenkai said, as long as people say "don't know", "don't remember", "didn't pay attention", they won't be able to ask about many things. This is different from interrogating a criminal. The criminal is brought back with evidence. If you don't confess and get leniency, you really can only resist being strict. The current level of criminal law is usually difficult for ordinary people to accept. For example, changing from suspended sentence to actual sentence, from six months to one year, from three years to five years, if it really falls on you, no matter how cruel the eldest brother is, he will have to weigh it.

Just asking is not necessary. Without sufficient evidence, being a wanderer does not necessarily mean you will be punished. The way of speaking that is half true and half false may have penetrated into the bones of some people.

Liu Wenkai coughed twice and stood up.

He first found the person he had asked and chatted with before, entered the interrogation room, and said in a depressed tone: "I'm sorry, it's such a mess."


Jiang Yuan, who was still busy in the anatomy room, received a conference call from Liu Jinghui. Opening it, I saw several people already sitting in the office.

"Jiang Yuan is still dissecting." Liu Jinghui saw Jiang Yuan's dirty protective clothing and said with a smile: "There are a lot of things found on the girl who lost her footing."

"Can you confirm the identity of the body?" Jiang Yuan raised his head.

The result of his dissection, which is to identify some special points, has to be compared with a certain range of lists.

Liu Jinghui said "Yes" and said: "I want to send it to you for a look, but there are some people who have left unusually recently. They can be regarded as missing."

"Didn't you call the police?" Jiang Yuan asked.

"Yes, hang on." Liu Jinghui looked at the people from the Luyang City Bureau next to him and said nothing more.

For the Luyang Municipal Bureau, which is overwhelmed by cases, it is instinctively comfortable to appropriately reduce the number of cases filed. And many cases, when the reporter is not too determined, can indeed be established or not.

Like a group of lost girls, the sudden departure may be interpreted as being in danger, but it is more likely that they followed the sponsor to sleep somewhere for a few more days. Or maybe someone just made money and decided to take a quick trip, or even go to the Potala Palace to cleanse their body and mind.

After doing a good job, suddenly decided to leave the workplace and disappear without a trace, so that no one can find it - this kind of willful thought cannot be said to be non-existent in the group of lost girls, it can only be said to be common. .

However, if the police pay attention to it and connect these people or things, the situation will be different.

Some people tried their best to contact us, but we were still able to contact them. If you use the same number, you can easily contact them, and your ID card is an indispensable item during travel. For some people who are not hiding on purpose, you can find them directly by opening the police account normally.

There are many people who have been found, and when we look at those who cannot be found, some of them become special. "How long is the missing list now?" Jiang Yuan asked.

"There are 26 people in total." These are certainly not all missing, but they are not the entire missing list either.

Jiang Yuan thought for a while and said: "No. 3 has hyperplasia on his ankle. Check the hospital records of these people to see if there are any X-rays or CT films of their feet."

If we didn't do this work before, there would be no list of suspects, and the search area would be too large. Now if there is only a list of 26 people, even if we visit a few more hospitals, the total number will still be small.

Liu Jinghui responded and said: "No. 3 died 15 months ago and is the latest victim. It is most appropriate to break through from her."

"You can also look for the missing people.

DNA, the DNA of No. 3 and No. 4 should have been made. "Jiang Yuan added. "Already collecting. "The speaker this time was Zheng Tianxin, the criminal police captain of Luyang.

Zheng Tianxin is somewhat helpless now.

From the perspective of hindsight, their request for help this time was an absolute overflow of firepower.

The national highway search does not require Xu Taining. Looking at it now, we only need to organize a few hundred people and get ten dogs, and then we don’t need to search 80 kilometers. We only need to expand the discovery sites of No. 1 and No. 2 to ten kilometers and twenty kilometers, and if the width is increased to 50 meters, there will be a high probability of finding corpses.

The same is true for Jiang Yuan's dedicated case team. Although Mei Fang cannot be as good as Jiang Yuan, Liu Jinghui's judgment seems to have really hit the mark, but if you can bear it for a while, if Case 805 can be solved by Lu Yang himself - of course, Zheng Tianxin could only think like this.

But in the following work, Zheng Tianxin became extremely positive.

Jiang Yuan didn't care. He could hear Zheng Tianxin's positivity, which wasn't a bad thing.

After listening to the speeches of other participants, Jiang Yuan thought about it and said: "Judging from the situation at the scene, the murderer was not very strong. The amount of each shovelful in the grave pit he dug to bury the body was not large, and the amount was divided. There were a lot of knives used when removing the body, and there were relatively few cases of head-on chopping. In this case, I think it is unlikely that he would use pure violence to kidnap women. It is more likely that he would be deceived, abducted, or stunned. "

"That is a man who is injured or older? He is not in good physical condition and frequently visits the nearby Hualiu Lane." Zheng Tianxin tried hard to summarize.

No one said a word. The presence of injuries is conjecture, not definite information. As for the others, they basically looked like most of the guests in Hualiu Lane, and there were not many people that could be screened out at all.

Liu Jinghui said: "In fact, starting from what Jiang Yuan just said, how did the criminal kidnap the victim, or to be more precise, how did the criminal take the victim away. If you are unable to use pure violence, how do you deceive and abduct?" "

"Calling the victim to come forward?" Liu Wenkai spoke softly.

Liu Jinghui nodded and said: "That's what I mean. However, for example, in Hongxiang Village and some of the Loufeng in front of me, they basically don't leave, and there is no announcement, unless it is a regular customer who says alone, a one-day guarantee or Two days’ worth of situations.”

"The victims are all dead, and we can't confirm the list of their regular customers."

"I don't think it's so complicated at this point." Liu Jinghui said: "We have analyzed before that the criminal's education level is not high, and his level of caution is actually average, otherwise he would not dispose of the body in this way. The criminal probably used a normal Invitations are made through communication methods, such as calling, sending text messages, or WeChat or anything else. We directly check the call records of these victims and the missing prostitutes, and check their Alipay, WeChat and bank transaction information. You can also check the chat information, and there are also people who send map locations, and people who take taxis on behalf of you. Bring over the overlapping ones, those who paid multiple times, and those who chatted multiple times, and ask them."

When he said this, everyone nodded. Unless it is a face-to-face appointment, it will leave traces.

Moreover, from a normal perspective, even if an appointment is made on the spot and a deposit is given, many people will still call or send messages to confirm before leaving. Some may also ask for location information, specific address, etc.

The offender can be cautious but cannot prevent the victim from communicating normally.

And judging from the fact that he didn't change his knife several times when he killed people, he probably wouldn't change his communication tools or mobile phone numbers frequently.

Liu Wenkai nodded unconsciously, clicked his tongue twice, and said, "The divorce rate in Luyang City will increase this year."

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