National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 402 Too long

"Third person? This..."

Outside the barn, the sky was high and the breeze was caressing. The detachment leader Zheng Tianxin was sweating on the top of his head, as if he had eaten spicy Qingchong noodles.

At this moment, facing Liu Jinghui, Zheng Tianxin really wished he could be crushed to death by the hot Qingchong Xiaomian.

The sweat on his head was not only the surprise and surprise at the development of the case, but also a deep-seated feeling of guilt.

Most of the time, talking about keeping one party safe is a bit false and empty. However, as the captain of the Criminal Police Detachment of Luyang Municipal Bureau, Zheng Tianxin, who is past middle age, has neither hope of promotion nor desire for transfer. His life is the ups and downs in the police world. If we say, he Whatever career he has, what achievements he has, what glamorous aspects he has in his life, and what highlight moments he has, it all lies here. The term "protecting the environment and the people" almost covers all the bright parts of Zheng Tianxin's life.

The criminals of Case 805 smashed these realistic, illusory, real and imaginary lights again and again.

"These beasts!" Zheng Tianxin cursed through gritted teeth, then raised his head and asked Liu Jinghui: "What are you doing?"

He now sees clearly that in terms of criminal investigation and judgment, he is far inferior to Liu Jinghui's Luyang Municipal Bureau or Shannan Province. There are few people who can match Liu Jinghui. Otherwise, Liu Jinghui would not be wandering around Manchuria day after day. .

At this point, Zheng Tianxin didn't think about anything else. He just wanted to solve the 805 case and catch all the criminals, no matter how many there were.

Liu Jinghui pondered and said: "You can ask the technical detective to compile the call records of Zhang Hai and Chen Youdi. Anyone who has phone calls with them is the subject of major suspicion. You can also continue to investigate social software. In addition, Chen Youdi Can we get something from the review here?"

"The prosecutor is following up on the interrogation part, but there is no news yet." Zheng Tianxin replied, and then said: "I will contact the technical investigation again, and there should be news soon."

At first glance, Case 805 seems to be shrouded in hazy shadow, but once you get closer, it is not complicated. Especially the two people currently involved in the case do not actually have strong anti-reconnaissance capabilities and are not cautious in their actions...

Liu Jinghui's plan was similar to before, and it worked very smoothly before. Now that he continues to use it, Zheng Tianxin feels at ease.

Zheng Tianxin gave the order on the spot.

Liu Jinghui continued: "In Panyuan Village, I think we can send a team of people to investigate carefully. Check whether the neighbors here in Chen Youdi have heard any news. Also, if If a third criminal comes, you must pass by the entrance of the village every time you drive. You can look for surveillance cameras on the national highway and the village here. "Look for the surveillance cameras on the national highway and the village here."

"This is a good idea! They should also use cars to transport the victims." Zheng Tianxin nodded repeatedly. This criminal investigation idea was also in line with his thinking model.

Zheng Tianxin picked up his cell phone and started communicating with all parties.

Zhou Yuanqiang also rushed to the bureau non-stop. When it comes to technical investigation work, many need to fill in a large number of forms. Zheng Tianxin has to be in charge of the work.

He, the political commissar, had to run away.

Dozens of criminal policemen were also pulled up, and they came all over the village to take notes on the villagers.

The natural conditions in Panyuan Village are acceptable, but just like Jiang Village, after the demolition, most people moved to the demolition community provided by the government, and eventually they have to return to the village, and those who can return to the village, They are all old people in their 60s and 70s, and they are considered strong at the age of 50.

These people were able to do their best work and take care of their daily needs, but when the police took the interrogation notes, each one of them became confused and at a loss for words.

The police officer involved was not surprised, so he could only comfort him, and even if he asked detailed and repeated questions, he would often have to ask them two or three times before he could get an accurate answer.

The surveillance at the entrance of the village and the national highway also requires several pairs of people to check it separately. They have to run to the traffic police team and search carefully in the system... At the same time, the interrogation work is also intensifying.

Zheng Tianxin could see that Chen Youdi was not an experienced and perseverant criminal master. He was even a little cowardly, just like an ordinary old man.

Farmers only strengthened and strengthened desires such as greed, selfishness, and lust, and thus became an alien species among human beings.

But in the interrogation room, Chen Youdi could hold back his words. He looked timid and frightened, like a captured rat that wanted to curl up into a ball.

However, no matter what the interrogating police officers said, he turned a deaf ear and even muttered words that others could not understand, as if he were an aborigine from the virgin forest.

"This man seems to be scared out of his wits." The policeman in charge of the interrogation yelled.

After more than an hour, he couldn't yell anymore. He slammed the table and walked out of the interrogation room.

Zheng Tianxin saw him crumbling into a ball, scared to death, and then thinking about the scene in the barn, he couldn't help feeling sick: "This kind of thing is not human. We treat it the same way we treat human beings. He even pretended to be it."

"It feels like his spirit is a bit broken. The state of fear is real." The interrogating policeman sighed. He has seen this kind of person before. In fact, it is equivalent to being frightened. Normal thinking is gone. It's the same as not being able to hear it.

Or maybe he really knew the consequences.

If you commit such a case, both the person and the person will get the stolen goods, and there is no way to escape the immediate execution of the death penalty. What he fears may be the intimidated part.

The prosecutor who came over specifically to talk to Case 805 also had a serious expression on his face.

Therefore, it is difficult to have feelings for the suspect before the comparison.

Power of Heaven*

I've seen the photos, so it's hard to feel any sympathy for the suspect in front of me, but the case didn't go smoothly.

"We can't really let him have a mental breakdown. Let's take it a little longer if we can." The prosecutor had to say a few words of persuasion. No matter how cruel the murderer is, when he faces his own pain and death, his spirit is still fragile.

Zheng Tianxin gave an unhappy "Yes" and said: "The key now is to identify the third person. The third person may have a kidnapped woman in his hands. If you delay for a minute now, there will be a greater chance of murder and silence. Run away somewhere else.”

"Think of other ways." The prosecutor advised: "I am not on the suspect's side, but if the suspect dies, will this case be more difficult to handle?"

Zheng Tianxin thought about the sufferings of the previous two years and nodded helplessly.

This case has drained almost all the resources of the Luyang Municipal Bureau, and also drained his energy and energy in the past two years. If the murderer dies in the end, then the crimes of the past few years will really be in vain.

Whether or not the murderer is standing in the dock is quite important sometimes.

"How is the surveillance investigation going? Did you find the license plate?" The prosecutor asked slowly, seeing that Zheng Tianxin was in a bad mood.

"Deck car." Zheng Tianxin exhaled through his teeth.

You can also continue to search for deck cars, but it will take a lot of effort to search.

"Where's the technical investigation?" The prosecutor followed up in advance and understood all aspects involved in the case.

Zheng Tianxin sighed helplessly and said: "I bought a phone card, but I can't contact anyone anymore. The last time I accessed the base station was near Panyuan Village..."

Disposable phones, often seen in American TV series, are not popular in China, but some people still use them. Normally, when encountered by the police, this kind of person would be suspicious, but when it comes to investigation, it does have the effect of blocking the investigation.

The prosecutor thought for a while and asked: "In this case, there will be no news on social software?"

"No." Zheng Tianxin said a little bored: "Some of the villagers in Panyuan Village said that they had seen people looking for Chen Youdi, but they couldn't tell their appearance. The people in Panyuan Village were similar to Chen Youdi. He has very few interactions with him. He is an isolated person. He has had few friends since he was young. He is a loser in the village..."

As Zheng Tianxin talked, he felt bored.

The case has reached this stage, and so many clues were all broken in the end. Of course, if you follow any clue now, investigate carefully, and think of ways to expand the scope, you still have a chance of following it, but in terms of time...

Buzz...Zheng Tianxin's cell phone rang.

"I'll take it for granted," Zheng Tianxin told the prosecutor.

Feeling sorry for the news, Jiu pressed "phone". Zheng Daxin asked her and smiled meaningfully. He took out his cell phone and saw that it was Jiang Yuan's call.

This can only be a phone call related to the case.

Zheng Tianxin hesitated for a second, then connected the phone, clicked on the speakerphone, and said: "Forensic Doctor Jiang, I turned on the speakerphone, what's the matter?"

"I found a fingerprint in the barn." Jiang Yuan's voice came from the mobile phone and said calmly: "Now we have locked in an ex-con with a history of molestation. He is a native of Luyang and works in a property company. I will send you the specific situation on your mobile phone. Now I suspect that this person should be the third person."

Zheng Tianxin was stunned for a moment after hearing this: "Did you just find the fingerprints?"

Zheng Tianxin checked his phone. It had been at least four hours since the body was found in the barn.

Jiang Yuan said "En" and said: "It took more than three days to find it on the edge of the bedside table. Separating the fingerprints is also time-consuming. Zheng Zhi, I suggest arresting the person immediately..."

"Okay, okay." Zheng Tianxin responded, and while using gestures to ask the criminal policeman next to him to help make the call, he couldn't help but ask: "Is it difficult to find this fingerprint?"

The laughter of several people came from the other side of the phone, and Zheng Tianxin felt that it was his own trace inspection.

Jiang Yuandao: "There is a certain degree of difficulty. The murderer has the habit of dealing with fingerprints. However, he has stayed in this barn for too long."

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