National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 414: Tracing (asking for monthly votes)

"Continue searching." Jiang Yuan finished collecting the evidence in the warehouse and came out to find Li Li and Da Zhuang.

This aimless search now is a bit like hunting in the mountains. You don’t know where the prey is, or even in which direction, so instead of wandering around on your own, it’s better to let the dog lead the way.

Li Li responded and asked with concern: "Is there any problem with the case just now? Do you need to pursue it?"

"It's basically broken. Both participants probably have their records. If they win in the competition, we can just arrest them and send them for examination." Jiang Yuan shook his head slightly and said: "It's not difficult to find a suspect in this case. Instead, it's a It’s interesting to ambush another person, it’s a relatively rare situation, but if it weren’t for the huge difference in body size between the two people and their strong fighting ability when ambushed, this case would have become a murder case.”

"People are so violent now." Li Li shook her head and said, "Then I don't care, I will take Da Zhuang to find the dog. To be honest, it is more comfortable to find the dog than to find the suspect. Some people let the dog bite him. I I have to brush Da Zhuang’s teeth when I get back.”

Jiang Yuan smiled and comforted him.

Li Li went out in the field more frequently during this period, and the cases she encountered actually exceeded the standards of Ningtai County. As a result, she saw too many ugly sides.

Even a criminal police officer has a tolerance for ugliness. Some vicious crimes will really make you sick if you watch them too much. For a female detective like Li Li, her initial intention to join the job was actually because she liked dogs, not because she wanted to support justice or pursue social fairness.

Jiang Yuan patted Rowena on the head and said, "I'm going on vacation after my business trip here. I'm going to rest for ten days and a half. When I come back, I'll want to bite people again."

"The Yellow Bureau didn't give me even half a month's leave when I was the Yellow Team." Li Li curled her lips.

"You come out to count on our team this time. Every time we finish a big case, we have enough time during the holidays, so we can give you a little more." Jiang Yuan said easily. His Jiang Yuan case backlog team is a semi-independent team. For things like holidays, Jiang Yuan will approve them as soon as they report them, and no one will say anything.

After all, he is now on a business trip every moment, and his workload is actually beyond the standard.

Li Li's mood suddenly rose, her strong chest straightened out, and she squatted down again and began to press the cloth of the Osmanthus dog cage for Rottweiler.

Da Zhuang doesn’t know why the trainer is happy, but as a dog, you don’t have to think so much. If the owner is happy, you can be happy too. Thinking more about values, responsibilities, responsibilities, lofty ideals and the meaning of life is asking for trouble. .

Zhang Qi left a few people behind and continued to carry out the search mission with the Ningtai County Police Dog Squadron. He took most of the people directly to the nearby logistics center.

Serious injury cases are definitely not comparable to homicide cases, and there is no comparison with the backlog of homicide cases. But from another perspective, serious injury cases can be regarded as one of the eight serious cases. On weekdays, it is worthwhile for the whole team to work on such a case for a week or two. Today I directly skipped the previous steps of investigation and evidence collection and rushed to arrest and record a confession, which saved a lot of time. Not to mention, this kind of salted egg only eats the yolk, the watermelon only eats the heart, and the hairy crab only eats the crab roe. The feeling itself Also an excellent experience.

Three hours later.

Zhang Qi, who first recorded a confession as a thief, easily targeted the nearby Zhu Yinglong Hospital through a special situation developed by himself, and caught Jia Chengfeng who was recovering from his injuries.

Zhu Yinglong Hospital, as the name suggests, is opened by Dr. Zhu Yinglong. Zhu Yinglong used to be a doctor in a county hospital, but later he jumped out and opened a hospital on his own. Initially, he mainly focused on abortions, but gradually he began to accept all medical cases.

This was not the first time that Jia Chengfeng lived here. He was eating grapes and watching TV in peace, but he turned his head inadvertently and saw that the ward was already filled with police officers.

"Jia Chengfeng, do you still remember me?" Zhang Qi had arrested Jia Chengfeng before, and his impression of him was that he was a strong and fat Sanda athlete.

But this time, Jia Chengfeng looked particularly miserable. His head was wrapped in a bandage, his arms and legs were wrapped in bandages, and his chest and abdomen were also wrapped in bandages. He looked like a big baby.

"You should look at each other." Seeing Zhang Qi's expression of sympathy, Jia Chengfeng muttered disdainfully, using the same words as in the movie.

Zhang Qi smiled: "Who is the other party?"

Jia Chengfeng asked first, "How did you find me?"

Zhang Qi waved to his subordinates to turn on the camera, and explained: "If you look like this, I will collect evidence for you on the spot. You will be more comfortable, and I will be more relaxed. Let's have a good communication, okay."

There was no trace of a smile on Jia Chengfeng's face, and he asked, "When did you target me?"

From his point of view, unless someone called the police, or the police kept watching him, Zhang Qi had no reason to come to his door in such a formal way, even if both people were bleeding a lot.

Naturally, Zhang Qi would not explain to him, but just smiled and said: "The injuries on your body are evidence. If you tell me honestly, we can still take care of you. Besides, you don't want to handle this case alone, right?"

Jia Chengfeng hesitated again and again and said: "I am the victim, it is not my turn to take the case."

"Then you should talk to us more, right?"

"The other party is holding a knife. If I don't resist, I will die. I am a pure victim. I am just afraid that you will rely on me... I know that I have a criminal record, but the last thing I deserve is to die if I have a criminal record." Jia Chengfeng said. He made a hissing sound and said, "I can't do it anymore, I'm so dizzy."

He just pretended to be a deadbeat, leaving Zhang Qi helpless.

However, what Jia Chengfeng said also makes sense. He was ambushed by someone, who was holding a sharp knife and clearly wanted to kill him. If there weren't someone behind him to help, Jia Chengfeng might have really died.

On the other hand, although he resisted fiercely, Jia Chengfeng, who weighed more than 200 kilograms, probably couldn't outrun the 130 kilogram ambusher. There was really nothing he could do except resist.

From these perspectives, Jia Chengfeng is really acting in legitimate defense.

It was even said that Jia Chengfeng could push the blood stains of the ambushers on the scene onto the backers.

Under such circumstances, even if Jia Chengfeng is taken back for interrogation, he probably won't be able to get through. Of course, given Jia Chengfeng's current state, the case handling center will never let him in.

If he died in the interrogation room, no one would know who would be blamed.

Zhang Qi was not in a hurry, just pretending to be pulling a crab shell. The protagonist of this case was supposed to be the ambusher. He originally wanted Jia Chengfeng to name him, but he didn't stop him, so he didn't ask to avoid showing his cowardice.

After warning Jia Chengfeng and arranging for two people to take a look here, Zhang Qi led the team out again and contacted the DNA laboratory at the same time.

Sure enough, the identity of the ambusher had been revealed through blood tests.

The technology of DNA identification has developed to modern times and has become very mature. At the beginning, DNA could actually identify only a small part of human tissue. For example, hair requires hair follicles. It was not easy to identify body fluids other than rice green liquid. The cost and time of identification were even more frustrating.

Nowadays, there are many tricks, and blood is the best part for identification. Using reagents specifically for blood, it can be done in three hours. Muscle tissue also runs very fast, and cigarette butts and sheets can take a day.

"Liao Baoquan also runs a logistics company. He has three vehicles and two refrigerated trucks under his name. He is also a veteran. He is about the same age and height. He has a criminal record and he also hurt people." Zhang Qi got the name and found himself in the police When I checked the Wutong backend, all kinds of information popped up.

Zhang Qi casually told the team members, and then asked: "Does anyone know this Liao Baoquan?"

Miaohe County is a small county, and dangerous elements like this will more or less attract the attention of some police officers.

Someone raised his hand and said, "I know this guy. He used to be a transporter of frozen goods. He is quite capable of fighting."

Zhang Qi didn't ask why he knew him, and said directly: "Arrest him."

If Jia Chengfeng still has the victim's coat, this Liao Baoquan carried a dagger, ambushed Jia Chengfeng, and caused multiple injuries. The crime of serious injury cannot be escaped.

Zhang Qi had no burden at all in arresting him, and there was no need to be as polite as he was to Jia Chengfeng.

Two hours later.

Liao Baoquan sat in the case handling center of the Miaohe County Bureau.

The chairs are warm.

Zhang Qi personally interrogated Crab Roe Liao Baoquan, and under full firepower, he quickly completed the transcript.

Looking at Liao Baoquan's signature and writing "I have read the above transcript and it is consistent with what I said", I couldn't help but smile widely.

After leaving the case handling center and completing all the formalities, Zhang Qi went straight to the team leader's office before it was time to get off work.

In the office, Jiang Yuan was also discussing the next employment issues with Xu Xuewu.

Zhang Qi deliberately showed off and reported the case to Xu Xuewu in front of Jiang Yuan, saying: "Liao Baoquan claimed that he was bullied by Jia Chengfeng, which is true. His refrigerated truck often helped Jia Chengfeng carry things, and was even Jia Chengfeng drove it for a while and suffered considerable losses..."

"There should be other inside information." Jiang Yuan also understood the inside and outside of the case, and shattered Zhang Qi's excitement with just one sentence.

Zhang Qi was stunned for a moment, not daring to fight with Jiang Yuan, so he asked in a low voice: "Why?"

"Jia Chengfeng's logistics company only has a few people in total, and it has not yet formed a dynamic group. At most, they have a tough style, and they have not yet bullied the market. Jia Chengfeng has not done similar things to other people, right? , why did you bully Liao Baoquan alone?"

Zhang Qi's brain was growing rapidly as he thought: "Liao Baoquan is a veteran. Could it be that he offended Jia Chengfeng and was targeted by him?"

"It is true that he was targeted, but whether the reason is to offend Jia Chengfeng... we can investigate." After Jiang Yuan finished speaking, he added: "Judging from the situation at the scene, Liao Baoquan was bent on killing people. He drove a refrigerated truck. Yes, you don’t necessarily have to make a living in Miaohe County.”

Miaohe County is not big in size, and it is not a place where logistics is flourishing. Liao Baoquan can just walk away.

Captain Xu Xuewu heard this. How dare he underestimate Jiang Yuan now, so he asked: "Is there a case under investigation?"

"It's not necessarily a criminal case. Liao Baoquan may have something that Jia Chengfeng got hold of, I guess." Jiang Yuan had considered the corresponding issue before, and now that he said it, it was a very smooth criminal investigation idea. .

Xu Xuewu also felt that there was nothing wrong, so he said to Zhang Qi: "Then continue to investigate in depth. Also, has the dog been found?"

Zhang Qi shook his head blankly.

"About looking for dogs." Jiang Yuan sat up a little straighter and said again: "I checked the cases of dog thefts in recent times and found that Dongyan Machinery Factory has been losing dogs intensively for a period of time."

"Dongyan is quite far away from Songxiang, where did Osmanthus go?" Xu Xuewu was a little surprised.

"It has nothing to do with Osmanthus fragrans. However, during the time when Dongyan lost his dog, their warehouse was also frequently robbed. I investigated and found that it was probably thefts committed by the guards. Several times of violent unlocking, in fact, they were all fake after the fact. They used the key first. The iron chain was opened and then cut with hydraulic pliers..." Jiang Yuan gave a brief introduction and then said: "I asked Wang Chuanxing to write a report and give it to you later."

"So, Dongyan's warehouse theft case has been solved?"

"Absolutely. If we arrest the warehouse manager and question him, we should be able to bring out the other criminals." Jiang Yuan said very relaxedly.

Dongyan Company is a state-owned enterprise, and they also sent people to Xu Xuewu at the beginning and asked him for help.

Xu Xuewu's hands were itchy, and he couldn't wait to show off his strength.

Zhang Qi was beside him, but he smelled something familiar and felt something was wrong.

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