National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 416 Big Thunder

"Li Feng, you are 35 this year. According to the calculation in our hometown, you are almost 38. You are a person who rushes for four cards. You don't want to retire directly in prison." Meng Chengbiao said in a caring tone.

Next to him, Zhang Qi, who was in charge of the black face, slapped the table in a very cooperative manner: "Hurry up, you are wasting your time. If you want to stay here for the rest of your life, I will help you!"

"Lao Zhang, don't be so fierce. We should fight for what we have to fight for." Meng Chengbiao turned around and said angrily: "Li Feng, this is a rare opportunity. If we hadn't wanted to arrest your boss, we would have changed the time and the occasion. , to be honest, I just need to take you to court, and your life will be really over. For robbery, serious injury, using vicious methods like spray guns, or being a repeat offender, the sentence will be severe, even to life!"

Li Feng lowered his head and murmured: "I didn't."

"Still saying no!" Zhang Qi shouted: "Your fingerprints were taken from the spray gun. The mark on the victim's face also matches the mark on the mouth of the spray gun. Can you deny this? I don't think you can drop the coffin without seeing it. tears!"

Meng Chengbiao pressed it with his hand and said slowly: "Li Feng, you burned the victim's face with a spray gun, and then pressed the head of the spray gun up, which is equivalent to putting a brand on him. The photo is here, and the trace identification report is also out. Take a look."

Zhang Qi chuckled: "When the time comes, the prosecutor asks the victim to take off his mask in court and show the judge the marks on his face. Who do you think the judge will sympathize with? Just based on his miserable appearance, you will have to sentence him to life, you know Bar!"

Li Feng covered his face with his hands, his painful expression difficult to hide.

He is someone who has been in prison and knows how difficult such a long sentence can be.

Meng Chengbiao and Zhang Qi sit firmly on Diaoyutai. Although they only used the most common tricks, one pretending to be a black face and the other a red face, it was enough for ordinary criminals.

The most important thing is that the current evidence is basically sufficient, and it may be a little short of going to court. After all, the spray guns are shared, and the marks left by the spray gun heads cannot mean that Li Feng did it.

However, there are traces of online gambling in Li Feng's mobile phone. If the people from the Internet Security Brigade can find relevant evidence and match the amount of money the victim charged that day with the order, the prototype of the evidence chain will be formed.

Of course, according to common sense, it is best to have Li Feng's confession. Li Feng didn't dare not give it.

Although he is still resisting, his will to resist is getting weaker and weaker. Moreover, the domestic interrogation mechanism is not like in American TV series, where you can call a lawyer and sit next to you. In reality, the criminal case handling process can completely shield the presence of lawyers. Some lawyers take a case and can't see their client for a month or two or even longer, but there are many people there.

In the case where the information is one-sided and transparent, Li Feng does not know whether the other party's evidence is sufficient. In fact, even if the evidence is a bit insufficient, it is still feasible to submit the case for prosecution, but it would be a bit embarrassing for the police. Therefore, in the final analysis, Li Feng has to explain. It is just a matter of the length of time and personal expectations.

Meng Chengbiao hung him up easily and said: "Li Feng, let me tell you the truth. We want Jia Chengfeng now, so that's why we are nagging you. But you are not the only one in your company, so don't do it then." If the people tell Jia Chengfeng, we will not talk to you. After all, with such a long sentence, you are not a big fish, but a small shrimp."

"What do you want to tell me? What do you want from Jia Chengfeng?" Li Feng was induced to speak. He is not a gambler in the first place. He is certainly not reserved and strong.

Even now, he is actually gambling. If Jia Chengfeng's case is big enough, he might be able to get a sentence of less than 10 years?

Meng Chengbiao did not give him this opportunity at all, and only said: "You just need to confess. I can tell you clearly that only if you confess all the information you know can your sentence be reduced. Otherwise, as long as you are found to have hidden something, the reduction will be gone." ,Understand."

What he said was actually incomplete, but the police could tell lies based on hot knowledge during interrogation. If the police lie, it will not affect the interrogation itself.

However, Li Feng was unable to distinguish.

In fact, whether Li Feng can get a reduced sentence depends on

It was Meng Chengbiao with a bald mouth. Li Feng's behavior, in which he used a spray gun to force the victim to transfer money to an online gambling platform after the robbery, would be a dead end if it were deemed to be a "particularly cruel method." In theory, it could even be punishable by death.

Even if Jia Chengfeng's company transforms into a dynamic group, if all the illegal cases it has done in recent years are added together, Li Feng will not be able to receive a prison sentence. It can be said that Li Feng chose a very low cost-effective mode even when committing crimes.

It can only be said that the brains of people who are addicted to gambling cannot function normally.

Meng Chengbiao and Zhang Qi chatted with Li Feng a few more times, and the man who once showed a fierce look sitting on the other side of the steel fence began to explain one after another as if he was shitting a sheep.

Meng Chengbiao, on behalf of Jiang Yuan, was actually interested in Liao Baoquan's situation, but he would not stop Li Feng from explaining more. What he says now will be ammunition against Jia Chengfeng in the future.

Under the intentional or unintentional guidance of Meng Chengbiao and Zhang Qi, Li Feng gradually sketched the prototype of a dynamic social group. Jia Chengfeng beat others, robbed finances, lent money at high interest rates, bullied the market, monopolized certain lines, and threatened and bullied people from other places. Drivers and merchants, forced buying and selling, and other behaviors were recorded one by one.

Li Feng kept talking for two hours. His mouth became dry and he started to repeat himself, without mentioning Liao Baoquan. At this time, Meng Chengbiao reminded Li Feng: "What is the relationship between Jia Chengfeng and Liao Baoquan?"

Li Feng was stunned for a moment. He now felt vaguely that he seemed to have said too much, but there was nothing he could do about it. Many old thieves have to enter the palace three or four times before they can learn the sense of propriety when being interrogated. Li Feng was inexperienced and did not like to study, so he could only be bullied by Meng Chengbiao.

"Liao Baoquan" Li Feng recalled for a while and said: "I don't know the specifics, but the two of them had sex. Twice, Liao Baoquan came to see Jia Chengfeng. The two had a fierce argument. The second time, Liao Baoquan came to Jia Chengfeng. The second time, Liao Baoquan Leaving a car behind, Jia Chengfeng found someone to deliver the white-striped pigs twice and made a lot of money."

"Does Jia Chengfeng use Liao Baoquan's car a lot?" Meng Chengbiao asked.

Li Feng said: "When the price is extremely high and the market is particularly good, he will use Liao Baoquan's car." "Wouldn't Liao Baoquan lose money?"

"Then we must lose tens of thousands of yuan at a time." "Is Liao Baoquan willing?"

"Jia Jia Chengfeng was able to lift the car anyway, so he was holding it down." Li Feng's brain was not easy to use, but the words came to this point, and he asked with some clarity: "Is Jia Chengfeng being raped by Liao?" Was it cut by security?"

Meng Chengbiao was noncommittal and asked, "Why do you think so?"

"The number of blackmails has increased, and Liao Baoquan can't stand it anymore. Liao Baoquan also bought his car with a loan. His business has not been good recently, so he must be under a lot of pressure." Li Feng's guess received a nod from Meng Chengbiao, and he hurriedly continued: "Liao Baoquan's refrigerated truck is considered a good one in Miaohe County. If he does it well, he can make a lot of money. Jia Chengfeng is just messing around. Liao Baoquan quarreled with him before, but then they stopped. Maybe it's because of "I'm so murderous"

Meng Chengbiao collected all the information he wanted and stuffed Li Feng back without hesitation.

At the same time, Meng Chengbiao took Zhang Qi to Miaohe County Central Hospital. Jia Chengfeng has been moved here and is recovering from his injuries in a special ward.

The two started filming and recording the moment they entered the door, and then continued the routine of Jia Chengfeng with one black face and one red face. In fact, Jia Chengfeng can't stand any routine or no routine.

The people under him are piling dirt on him. The embryonic and dynamic organization is placed in the official state. It has no protection, no prudence, and no anti-reconnaissance measures. It is developing with the help of violence, and it has little accumulation of funds and connections. Vibrant organization.

Meng Chengbiao didn't even bother to trick him, he just took out the information given by his subordinates, and Jia Chengfeng collapsed.

Men in bed are much more vulnerable than women in bed. Jia Chengfeng was lying on the hospital bed, letting Meng Chengbiao and Zhang Qi talk to each other. In addition, the company was over, and his life was basically over, and he became decadent.

Jia Chengfeng said: "If I tell you, can my sentence be reduced?"

"Then it depends on how big the case you are confessing is, and whether anyone has confessed it before.

. Meng Chengbiao tempted him and said: "The bigger the case you explain and the more cases you have, the greater the possibility of committing a crime." The standards for meritorious service and major meritorious service are all written down on paper. I won’t lie to you either.

"I don't believe you. I need a few more people to testify, a lawyer, and the leader of your criminal police team." Jia Chengfeng's only hope now is to have his sentence reduced.

Meng Chengbiao asked a few more questions to confirm that Jia Chengfeng really had something, so he decisively asked for instructions and called Jiang Yuan and Xu Xuewu over, as well as a lawyer from the county.

Jia Chengfeng finally felt at ease after receiving some slight protection. He took the initiative to wait for the camera to turn on, and without any hesitation, he said: "Liao Baoquan has killed someone before. He had a gun in his hand, and I stole it."

The technician who was holding the lens couldn't help shaking his little hand.

Meng Chengbiao expected it and asked first, "How do you know he has killed someone?"

Jia Chengfeng said: "When I stole the gun, there was a police officer's certificate next to it. The policeman's name is He Boyong. Do you know about this case?"

Everyone present had different expressions.

Xu Xuewu even learned to walk upright, walked a few steps, and silently recited "503 Gun Murder Case" several times in his mind before he felt relieved.

Xu Xuewu not only knew about this case, he heard the name more than once during meetings and trainings.

At that time, He Boyong, the police station chief in Anhai City, illegally brought a gun home and was attacked and killed. Immediately afterwards, four armed robberies occurred in Anhai City, and two other people were shot to death. It is a case that is handled by real ministries and commissions. Moreover, it is a serious case that has been handled for several years without any results.

Xu Xuewu never thought that such a big thunder would be hidden in his own territory.

"Where are the gun and police ID?" Meng Chengbiao continued to ask. At this time, finding the gun first is the most important thing. This is not only a safety consideration, but also the key to handling the next case.

"In my yard. I hid it in a jar." Jia Chengfeng said softly, and then gave the specific location.

Xu Xuewu immediately picked up his cell phone and called his subordinates to pick it up.

Then Meng Chengbiao asked from the beginning: "What does the gun look like? What model is it?" "***, there are 6 bullets." Jia Chengfeng said: "I checked it on the Internet."

"How did you steal it?"

Jia Chengfeng smiled imperceptibly and said: "It's mainly the refrigerated truck he drove. Where could such a good thing exist in Miaohe County before? He took the truck and moved to the county alone. I must let him People were watching. Later, one of my subordinates told me that he bought a safe. When I asked, it was just an ordinary safe. I happened to know an old thief, so I went to his house while he was driving a sports car and took the safe. The little safe was opened."

"What's the name of the old thief you're talking about?"

"The nickname is Gray Donkey. He knows the rules. He only opened the safe and didn't even look inside." Jia Chengfeng paused and said: "There are 60,000 yuan in it and two gold bars that he melted. A total of More than 20 grams, two Rolexes, a gun and a certificate, I gave Gray Donkey 30,000 yuan, and that was it."

Meng Chengbiao looked at the leaders behind him and asked about the time of the crime, communication tools, vehicles used and other details. Jia Chengfeng answered naturally.

It is difficult to fabricate so many details in a fabricated case, not to mention that there are guns and certificates as evidence. Before Meng Chengbiao's inquiry ended, Xu Xuewu went out to make a phone call.

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