National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 421 Reliable

Kang Zhichao picked up the photo handed over by Jiang Yuan and read it carefully.

After watching for a while, he took out his laptop from under his seat, went on the intranet, and looked through the previous autopsy reports and photos.

Feng Qiong waited for him for almost ten minutes.

During this time, no one spoke in the conference room. The answer Jiang Yuan gave had too great an impact.

The identification of the time of death is not only extremely important in forensic medicine, but also in criminal investigation practice.

For example, half of the famous "Perfect Murder Case" in reasoning uses "alibi", that is, the use of the time of death. The murderer has a refrigerator, an air conditioner, a meter adjuster, and a shortcut.

Most of the murderers here encountered average forensic doctors who were too responsible. So much so that they always give an accurate time of death to facilitate police misjudgment.

In fact, it is basically impossible for a normal forensic doctor to accurately determine the time of death to the hour. For death within 24 hours, a figure of 8 to 10 hours, or 3 to 5 hours is already very reluctant. After all, it is supported by data such as liver temperature.

Once death exceeds 24 hours, it will be difficult to give a more accurate value. It's not completely impossible, but the technology used is beyond the capabilities of ordinary forensic scientists.

As for cases where the death lasts longer, the more precise the requirements, the higher the difficulty.

The information that forensic scientists can rely on is basically non-standard. Things such as liver temperature, insect species and intergenerational relationships, changes in the microbial community of rigor mortis and cadaveric plaques, the degree of ATP degradation in red blood cells, and even the infrared Fourier transform of postmortem skin can all be used to identify the time of death.

But look at this problem from another angle: If there is a technology that can simply and crudely identify the time of death of a corpse, are these scientists so brain-burned that they use various methods to identify it?

As the saying goes, good students have more stationery than bad students. The more technologies and methods developed to calculate a numerical value, it means that it is difficult to accurately calculate this numerical value.

As for the 503 case, if the first victim is a policeman with a gun, then the case is most likely that the two criminals stole the gun or grabbed the gun, then killed the victim and took the gun with them to try more and more efficiently of robbery.

At this time, if we want to detect the case positively, we must consider the first victim more. It can basically be determined that the criminal went for the gun.

Because if you want to murder someone, you can choose a time when the policeman is not holding a gun, and there is no need to carry out multiple subsequent robberies.

There are many similar cases, such as the famous gangster Bai Baoshan, who started his robbery by attacking a sentry to seize a gun.

Then, following the idea of ​​killing by gun and robbery as the direction of criminal investigation, it is natural to consider the disposal of property, the murderer’s familiarity with armed police officers, the planning of the robbery route, the planning of the robbery method, and the subsequent The planning of the robbery and so on.

However, if the first person the murderer kills is actually victim number two, the situation is instantly reversed.

Killing Victim No. 2 first and then Victim No. 1 means that the murderer's original target was probably Victim No. 2, and Victim No. 1, as a policeman armed with a gun returning home from get off work, is more likely to have bumped into him. The murderer was killed in a conflict.

As a result, the direction of criminal investigation based on the idea of ​​killing people is tantamount to a complete waste. The investigation of Victim No. 2 needs to be rethought from the perspective of seeking people or making money.

All kinds of emotions, all kinds of thoughts, all kinds of realities flowed in the conference room. Feng Qiong couldn't wait any longer and turned to ask Kang Zhichao: "How is it?"

"Are you asking me?" Kang Zhichao was still looking at the photos in his notebook carefully.

"That's right. What else?" Feng Qiong knew that his colleague was a bit stupid, but there was nothing he could do about it. Even in ministries, you can't expect your colleagues to have good skills, good character, stable emotions, good looks, indifferent and clear-minded, and to endure hardships. Hard work, the so-called impossible hexagon is also.

Kang Zhichao looked up and found that everyone was looking at him, so he said, "I'm also asking someone." "Who?"

"Old Tao.

Kang Zhichao paused and then said: "I'm a half-baked forensic doctor. I just learned it later. Let Lao Tao take a look." Feng Qiong had no choice but to let out a breath and asked, "What did Lao Tao say?" "

"Old Tao." Kang Zhichao glanced at the laptop and said, "I'll paraphrase his original words, just one sentence: So awesome? A question."

"Then what?" "No more."

The two spoke in front of everyone, and the content was not concealed. A group of county police officers looked at each other in shock. How dare the leaders from the ministries and commissions turn the blame around like this when the case cannot be carried out?

"Have a cigarette."

The director handed Feng Qiong a cigarette, and he was in a good mood.

If this case goes as planned by Jiang Yuan, then Feng Qiong and others should return to Anhai City and use the manpower of the Anhai City Bureau to investigate and collect evidence in Anhai.

For the Miaohe County Bureau, it is true that there is less opportunity to make meritorious service, but one thing is that for such an unsolved case, can the small Miaohe County Bureau grasp this kind of opportunity?

It's better to get out early.

Director Guan Xingfu unconsciously glanced at Jiang Yuan and thought to himself: In comparison, finding a dog for Jiang Yuan might be more reliable. Woo woo

Kang Zhichao's cell phone vibrated.

He picked it up, looked at it, and said, "Old Tao's."

"Let's turn on speakerphone." Feng Qiong rubbed his eyes and stopped pretending.

This case has now reached a fork in the road. If it is proven that Jiang Yuan is lying, then just take the photo back and continue the investigation in Miaohe County. If it is proven that Jiang Yuan is not lying, then they should leave Miaohe County. At this moment, there is no point in focusing on image, majesty and so on.

Kang Zhichao answered the phone and said: "Old Tao, turn on the speakerphone, we are having a meeting. Next to us is Feng Qiong, several leaders from the Miaohe County Bureau, and relevant police officers."

"There are a lot of people." Old Tao exclaimed and asked, "Um, is the medical examiner Jiang I just mentioned here?" "Next to me." Feng Qiong said directly: "Old Tao, just tell me the conclusion. No need. Scruples.”

Lao Tao said "Ah" and said: "I have no conclusion. You want to ask me whether I can see the time difference between two times. In the photo, I really can't be sure. But, you ask me to deny this judgment, I can’t do it either. I know I said something about the wheel, I’m just one, but what?”

Lao Tao paused for a moment and said: "Relatively speaking, I am more inclined to conclude that victim No. 2 died first. However, I think this specific judgment, especially the time of death, should be discussed with Medical Examiner Jiang. Forensic Doctor Jiang?”

"I'm here." Jiang Yuan responded and said: "From the photos, it seems that the death time of the two is indeed relatively close, only about an hour apart. I think the specific time can be compared through the cornea of ​​the eye. "

"I saw the two photos you sent. I don't see much difference in terms of corneas." Lao Tao was obviously looking at the photos on the other end of the phone, but his voice was uncertain.

Jiang Yuandao: "The condition of the cornea is close, which is actually the problem. If you look at other photos, the policeman with the gun had his eyes open after death, and the deceased No. 2 had his eyes closed after death. In addition, after the death of No. 2, his eyes were closed. It should have been put into the trunk. In a relatively anaerobic environment, excessive lactic acid produced by the corneal epithelium will cause swelling and turbidity of the corneal stroma. The environment in the trunk is airtight, and corneal turbidity will appear relatively quickly. In addition, when No. 1 keeps his eyes open, the water in the cornea will evaporate faster, and the corneal turbidity will appear slower. Here, the degree of corneal turbidity has changed, so you need to compare it."

He knew Lao Tao's pain points. Although forensic medicine is very practical, when it comes to such detail, it is still academic in the final analysis.

At this time, Jiang Yuan had the LV6 time-of-death appraisal skill, so he was naturally very aware of the difficulty of appraisal by lower-level forensic doctors. It's like a great teacher teaches and knows the students' pain points very well.

The old man on the other end of the phone suddenly said "oh" and then fell silent for a long time.

Feng Qiong waited for a few minutes and said helplessly: "You technical people, why are you talking and not saying anything?"

Voice? Lao Tao hissed, as if he had woken up, and said, "Lao Kang, what did you say?" "

Kang Zhichao, who was asked, didn't answer and said, "I'm doing the mark inspection, you have the final say."

Lao Tao did his duty, laughed twice, and said: "Then I will follow Feng Chu's request just now and give the conclusion first. Awesome!"

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