National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 423 Osmanthus fragrans

Songxiang Police Station.

Zhang Qi, the captain of the third squadron, showed Cai Yuan the newly found dog with a smile on his face: "Little girl, look, which dog is yours?"

Zhang Qi has a burly figure and a loud voice. From a child's perspective, he looks a bit huge.

Cai Yuan hid behind Cai Mian and looked around again.

In the courtyard of the police station, there is a row of fences in the corner against the wall, which contain large dogs such as huskies, golden retrievers, Labradors, and German shepherds. A row of fences connected horizontally contain a row of small dogs. Papillon, Teddy, Pekingese, etc., and in the middle cages, there are many puppies that have obviously been groomed.

Among them, the most numerous ones are pugs, the breed that Cai Yuan lost. Each one of them looked aggrieved or confused, with wrinkled skin, lazily looking at the people and dogs, sticking out their tongues from time to time, acting silly.

In the cage next to the pug, there is a groomed Teddy, a carefully groomed Pomeranian, a Bichon Frize after a haircut, a trimmed Yorkshire Terrier, a bathed Bull Terrier...

From the look on Zhang Qi's face, even if the little girl pointed at the terrier dog inside and said it was her Osmanthus fragrans, he would recognize it without hesitation.

In other words, this is what he wants.

Ten or twenty people were all used to find the dog. When I think about it, I feel that it is quite unreliable. It is better to use my own pocket and the team's pocket to get to Little Girl Lake.

Jiang Yuan looked behind him. There were several pet shop owners standing there smiling.

Among the dogs in the yard, there are indeed newly found lost dogs, as well as stray dogs that accidentally passed by. After being cleaned up by the pet shop, they look decent. In addition, of course there are also new dogs for sale. After all, the dogs sold in these pet stores are the cutest looking ones. Regardless of breed or age.

Jiang Yuan did not stop Zhang Qi from trying. Anyway, he had his own ideas and he also had his own thoughts. At worst, let the little girl Cai Yuan get a dog.

Cai Yuanxian was full of hope and rushed to the pug's cage with gleaming eyes.

There are a total of 7 pugs in the cage, and their appearances are slightly different, but people who don’t own dogs can only distinguish one level of cuteness at most.

Cai Yuanze looked at each one one by one, and finally shook his head in disappointment: "The osmanthus is not in it."

Zhang Qi's expression changed, then he smiled like a transgender wolf grandma and said, "Then look at the cage next to you. Are there any osmanthus flowers?"

"No, Guihua is a pug." The little girl shook her head firmly.

"How about you bring back another dog you like first, and then we will continue to help you find it. If you find it, you can decide whether to raise the two together or which one to raise." Of course, Zhang Qi didn't say search. However, as a delaying strategy, if it could be delayed for a while, it would be best to delay the team's time, and he would be satisfied.

As for the other squadrons, he not only doesn't care who becomes the Paw Squad in the end, but he also laughs the loudest.

The 7-year-old girl glanced around with critical eyes and finally said: "I don't want another dog, I want Osmanthus fragrans."

"Then let's find Osmanthus fragrans." At this point, Jiang Yuan stood up and stopped Zhang Qi's further attempts. ...Zhang Qi coughed twice and wanted to struggle again.

Jiang Yuandao: "Captain Zhang, in the next two days, please lead a team to visit the shops and merchants in Song Alley, distribute the photos of Osmanthus fragrans, and make notes if you encounter any suspicious situations."

He directly used a commanding tone, which was actually an order.

Zhang Qi was assigned to him. If everyone has the same views, it is good to have some subjective initiative. If the views are inconsistent or even contradictory, Jiang Yuan will not be so polite.

After doing so much work and organizing various investigations and work, Jiang Yuan has become very proficient, and dispatching a police officer at the level of a team leader does not require him to do any psychological training.

Zhang Qi was stunned for a moment. He was originally planning to have a thoughtful discussion with Jiang Yuan.

However, when Jiang Yuan gave the order, Zhang Qi suddenly found that he had no basis for disobeying the order.

Captain Xu Xuewu of his own team was studying 613 Eucalyptus excitedly. The third squadron was obviously sold, could it be possible that he turned around and ran away?

Thinking about it more carefully, the captain's beloved Passat, it took so many nights and so many broken pieces to finally get it back. The saved car was lent to Ningtai County as soon as it was borrowed.

Did the captain give up after all? That's definitely not the case. He just wants to detect a fatal case and get 100 more points on the combat power rankings.

The director of Songxiang Police Station gently pulled Zhang Qi back to prevent him from saying anything inappropriate because he saw Jiang Yuan was young.

Looking back, Jiang Yuan said to Wang Chuanxing: "Go back and sort out the report here. Is Da Zhuang here?"

"We'll be there in another hour." Wang Chuanxing said.

Turning around, Wang Chuanxing explained to Zhang Qi: "Da Zhuang is our police dog in Ningtai County."

There are few eucalyptus trees in Ningtai County, so police dogs are often useless. Nowadays, more time is borrowed and less time is brought back.

But in any case, the application of police dogs is relatively formal. This alone can explain Jiang Yuan's determination.

Zhang Qi smiled and took two decisive steps back.

The director of Songxiang Police Station was afraid that Zhang Qi would become angry, so he pulled him to the back of the crowd and whispered: "Old Zhang, we have known each other for many years. Let me advise you, let's ask ourselves, what if Xu Da exposed 613 Eucalyptus?" I leave it to you to take the main attack, can you do it?"

Zhang Qi gritted his teeth and said, "If it were left to us, we would have no choice but to work overtime and work hard to break it."

"Can it be broken?"

"It can't be broken." Zhang Qi looked serious and handsome.

The director smiled: "Xu Da probably knows that too."

Zhang Qi was helpless and curled his lips again: "The problem is, even if we look for the dog, we can't find it."

The director laughed.

The third squadron prepared and set off to carry out the mission.

Jiang Yuan took Mu Zhiyang for a walk back and forth in the alleys. They first went to the vicinity of Cai's house and walked to all the places where Cai Yuan often took his dogs to play. Then they walked to the nearby groves and other deserted areas, and finally to the nearby groves and other deserted areas. I chased the stray dogs...

The dog has been lost for too long. In fact, it is no longer a simple problem of losing the dog. In the past two days, Jiang Yuan also specially studied the problem of finding dogs, and found that ordinary people lost dogs, and the latter were basically within the scope of their living circle. ...In other words, if the dog is lost normally, it will wander near the home since it cannot be found. Therefore, the first few days are the best time to find a dog.

But Cai Yuan was too young and Cai Mian's mobility was insufficient, causing Guihua to lose the best time to return.

However, it is possible that Osmanthus fragrans was taken away at the very first moment.

In this regard, there are two possibilities. One is a pure dog thief who mainly steals dogs and sells them for meat. Another possibility is that someone took a fancy to the dog, or found that the dog was ownerless and simply took it home to raise.

Regarding the former, Jiang Yuan actually thinks that the possibility is unlikely. On the one hand, Osmanthus is a pug, small in size and not worth stealing. On the other hand, in Miaohe County and its surrounding areas, such incidents rarely occur, and the Song Lane area is not suitable for dog thieves to rush in and out quickly.

Despite this, Jiang Yuan still lost Wang Chuanxing and others and followed this clue to investigate. He himself was following the idea that there would be people around him to adopt him.

This way, the best way is... to hand out leaflets.

Distributing flyers until the adopters see it, or their conscience makes them feel uneasy and take the initiative to return their dogs, is the best solution.

During this period, Jiang Yuan began to catch thefts in the Song Lane area, especially burglaries, to detect them.

He didn't have a clear idea. Anyway, even if he was idle, he would be idle. He had no clue when looking for a dog. If he was looking for a thief... fingerprints, footprints, and tool marks were all set together, and the average number of hits was one per hour. It was not an exaggeration.

Soon, Xu Xuewu had to send out another squadron to arrest and bring back the theft suspects identified by Jiang Yuan.

In the office center of Miaohe County, habitual theft offenders were crammed in one after another.

Some suspects also pretended to be relaxed or indifferent.

On the contrary, the leaders of the Miaohe County Bureau were alarmed one after another. From time to time, people came to the office center to see how overcrowded it was.

For a whole day, Xu Xuewu seemed to be chained to the office center, being welcomed and dropped off.

"So many people."

Xu Xuewu: "Yes, our office is too small. If there are more suspects, it won't be able to accommodate it."

"There are so many thieves in Miaohe County?"

Xu Xuewu: "Some of them are old thieves. Some of them were found two or three years ago. Their fingerprints were picked up by Jiang Yuan, so they were pulled out. The main reason is that our office center is too small. If there are too many, we won’t be able to have a single room.”

"I heard that so many people were arrested just because of a dog?"

Xu Xuewu: "They were arrested for theft. However, if Jiang Yuan can find the dog, these people can stay at home for a few more days. Hey, the main reason is that our office center is too small, and there is no room for many people to lie down. lie……"

Shitori Village reminds you: remember to collect it after reading it

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