National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 427: Unknown Corpse 122


The sun was shining brightly, and the golden sunlight was showing its power to the best of its ability.

In a pot as big as three sweet-scented osmanthus flowers, the fat intestine, pork belly, and chicken are steaming hot, with a shiny surface, super high in fat, super high in protein, super high in purine, super unhealthy and super delicious.

"Come, come, come, move your chopsticks. The last time we ate this fat intestine, pork belly and chicken together was the case of an old man scavenging. Looking back now, it really feels like a long time has passed." Hou Lejia was filled with emotion.

For him, there are indeed too many changes in Ningtai County next door. His old rival Huang Qiangmin was promoted to deputy director, which is actually nothing unusual. Nowadays, the criminal police captains in many cities have been promoted to deputy directors by Teague. It is nothing more than a change in position. In the end, the things they do are not the same. , in addition, such as Jiang Yuan’s special backlog class and the arrival of Bureau Chai and others

In the past, it felt like a normal month or two, but because of Ningtai County, the Hou Le family felt that time had sped up.

In the past, people in the Hou Le family were very economical. It was impossible to treat a big meal like pork belly and chicken to a meeting. They would definitely have a light meal first, save a little bit, and then have a big meal later, and then have a free meal. If you save money once and for all, you can at least save money on three meals.

Not this time. The municipal bureau wants to engage in a "year of overcoming backlogged cases". According to Hou Lejia's understanding, it means asking all county bureaus to go to Huang Qiangmin and Jiang Yuan to get them right.

Otherwise, it would be too high to ask every county and every district to solve a backlog of murder cases!

From the Hou Le family's perspective, the only feasible way is to ask Jiang Yuan to take action. Jiang Yuan and his special case backlog team have solved a backlog of 20 or 30 murder cases at the end of the year. If they allocate a little time and energy, they can complete the city-wide tasks of Qinghe City.

Don't think too much, the leaders of the Qinghe Municipal Bureau definitely have this idea, but they are very democratic when assigning tasks.

If you have the ability and luck, you can solve a murder case on your own. If you have no ability or no luck, just ask Huang Qiangmin and Jiang Yuan.

Hou Lejia understood this and did so, with silky movements and calm thoughts.

His Longli County ranks at the bottom every year in terms of criminal investigation, but being at the bottom is one thing and being at the bottom is another.


The backlog of murder cases is 1 if it is completed, and 0 if it is not completed. The most fearful thing is that everyone else has gone to Jiang Yuan, and in the end there is only one duck egg left in Longli County - the Hou Le family is very doubtful that if it comes to the second half of the year , everyone started to get nervous, Huang Qiangmin would really rank himself last.

"Captain Jiang, let me toast you." Hou Lejia raised his glass with an almost pious attitude.

Jiang Yuan drank with him. Today is the weekend, so it can be regarded as a rest day. Although half of Jiang Yuan's backlogged case team came.

More people came from the Longli County Criminal Police Detachment, and they were all gearing up and preparing for a big fight.

The Hou Le family has already let the word out. This time, no matter who directs or orders the murder case, the trumpets will not stop and the charges will not stop.

The police are actually very motivated. When it comes to solving crimes, being unable to attack for a long time is the worst thing for morale. However, if you continuously win the battle against a city, no material rewards are needed. Spiritual factors such as a sense of honor are enough to sustain everyone's suffering for a long time.

The reputation of Jiang Yuan's dedicated case backlog team is enough to pay the departure fees for the young men of the Criminal Police Brigade.

"Captain Jiang, let me make a circle and toast you first." Hou Xiaoyong and other leaders in front raised their glasses and started drinking in a circle.

"Okay." Jiang Yuan drank happily.

His mentality is extremely relaxed. On the one hand, work in Miaohe County is a bit too stressful. Not to mention that the 503 case is a major case of the Ministry of Supervision, even finding Guihua is a race against time, for fear that if it is delayed for a long time, something unexpected will happen to Guihua.

However, Jiang Yuan's mood eased somewhat when he came to Longli County to work on the backlog of cases.

After all, there is a backlog of cases, especially before the case officially starts. These cases have been suspended for three to five years, one to two years, and there is no rush to start them within a few days.

On the other hand, Jiang Yuan also had to wait for the equipment to be in place.

cranial reconstruction

The biggest need for original surgery is a CT machine. If not, X-ray machines can also be used to carry out the work, but it is best to have a CT machine.

The current price of a domestic CT machine, which is a small six-digit number, including installation and subsequent maintenance costs, is not much different from the price of a Passat. It is also the difference between high and low configurations. This part must be settled in Longli. The captain of the county marquis is on his body.

Of course, this would only be possible if Longli County had corpses suitable for cranial reconstruction.

Among them, the most promising one is the case of the unknown corpse in Longli County. Looking back, if it is appropriate, we can ask Bureau Huang to chat with Brigade Hou. I hope Brigade Hou will not be in a bad mood by then.

The pork belly chicken with fat intestine is still delicious.

The soup with a lot of pepper tastes hot, spicy and salty, tender and chewy. After drinking a little wine, the whole body will be radiating hot air, like a corpse just taken out of the ice coffin. All the same, it seemed as if white air was rising.


When the rotting corpse is taken out of the ice coffin, not only will white gas float up, but also a stench will rise.

It's not very volatile, but it's very rich. It's like taking out a piece of stinky meat from the refrigerator. When you hold it in your hand, you can barely smell the smell at the end of your nose. But when you want to identify it, you get close to the piece of meat. Take a hard sniff and the concentrated odor will make you regret it instantly.

"Unknown corpse 122. It was discovered on January 22 last year. It was a little more than a year ago. The time of death may be two months longer." Lao Ye, the forensic doctor of Longli County, pulled the body out of the ice coffin and inspected it. Check the label to make sure.

In fact, he also knows that he is very easy to make mistakes, so he forces himself to pay attention to certain details, but the effect is average.

Jiang Yuan put on a disposable jumpsuit, a 3M mask, and two layers of rubber gloves. He directed Wang Zhong to push the corpse to the autopsy room and then placed it there.

Although Wang Zhong will always have endless work to do as a trace inspector, Jiang Yuan still brought him out. On the one hand, cranial reconstruction surgery uses scar examination as an assistant, and the convenience can be improved by 1. On the other hand, Wang Zhong’s level is too poor, only his 9 level. If he doesn’t improve a little while he is young, he will be the same when he is old. An old Yan.

Lao Yan is about to retire, and he is still a high-level LV1 trace inspector. There is no room for improvement, and he himself has no motivation to improve. Taking advantage of the small workload in Ningtai County, he can act as a tool. suitable.

With the help of Wang Zhong, Lao Ye quickly checked and said: "The body was found in a river bend south of Lishou River. It was in a reed field. The river was frozen. Several young people ran in to play. As a result, the body was found face up in the reeds, half-frozen on the river."

"Half-frozen?" Jiang Yuan asked.

"The water in the reeds is not deep enough. It will thaw at noon during the day and freeze again at night. Therefore, the degree of decomposition of the upper and lower parts of the body is different. People from the provincial department came to see it and thought it was relatively rare, so they prepared Take it as a case." After Lao Ye finished speaking, he continued: "The body should have floated down from the upper reaches and been stranded in the reeds.

Yes, when I got here, it was already 70% disfigured, and a lot of the meat was rotten into the bag. My face couldn’t be seen, and my fingerprints couldn’t be picked up.”

Lao Ye shook his head while recalling, and showed the rotten parts of the body to Jiang Yuan and Wang Zhong.

Both of them had expressionless faces. The corpse was actually in a very bad state. The eyeballs were bulging and bulging, and the face was almost unrecognizable. This kind of corpse that has been carefully preserved and continues to decay after decay is still relatively rare to see outside the forensic field. It is somewhat disgustingly different from the corpses that are occasionally encountered in rural areas and continue to decay.

Jiang Yuan took action, turned over the head of the corpse, and carefully judged the integrity of the skull.

This corpse has been dissected by Lao Ye, and the perishable internal organs and other parts have been removed and waxed. Now it is still very difficult to dissect again and find new clues from the muscles and other tissues. of.

"No belongings were found, right?" Jiang Yuan confirmed. Some things may not be written in the report if they are not particularly clear, but if you ask directly, you may still gain something.


Lao Ye shook his head and said: "When I found it, there were no clothes left. The most intact thing was the socks on the feet, which were also faded. There are photos in the report, you should have seen them."

"It's a little clue." Jiang Yuan sighed, recalled the report, and said: "The woman was covered to death and abandoned into the river. It is most likely that an acquaintance committed the crime. Okay, let's cook it."

Jiang Yuan made a decision.

When the body was found, its face was already rotten. Without fingerprints and DNA matching, the source of the body could only be determined through forensic anthropology.

Lao Ye was not surprised. He turned around and called Wang Zhong. He took out a large steel pot from the wall cabinet and put it on the stove. He then took out the electric pressure cooker, added water and plugged it in. Then he took out two casseroles and placed them on the induction cooker.

Wang Zhong looked at the casserole and felt a little familiar. He turned around and saw a line of red letters written on it: Fat Intestine, Pork Belly and Chicken.

Wang Zhong silently added water to the casserole, then turned around and moved the words to the back.

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