National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 434 First Round

It took Jiang Yuan another day to complete the restoration of No. 2's skull.

Compared with male corpse No. 1, female corpse No. 2 is slightly more complex.

Of the two corpses that died after falling from high heights, the male landed on his feet first, while the female landed on her knees. Due to the height, the long bones basically penetrated above the pelvis and punctured the internal organs.

Therefore, the two of them should have died soon after landing, but the woman was more rotten. A little knowledge that many people know is that if men and women die at the same time, the woman usually decays faster.

This is because most scavenging bacteria prefer fat over muscle, and women are especially rich in fat. Not only that, when fat decays and decomposes, it expands more and faster than muscles. Therefore, female corpses become giants faster and smell and rot faster.

However, the main challenge for Jiang Yuan is the depiction of details. After all, he had just started to learn cranial reconstruction surgery, and he went very smoothly when encountering typical situations. However, it was more difficult when he encountered atypical situations. You can still do it, but it requires constant thinking and the use of other skills. From this point of view, LV3's skull restoration surgery is difficult, but it is still not strong enough.

I guess I have to reach LV4 level to be able to do it with ease.

"Shang Chuting. She is 23 years old. She graduated from high school in Kangzhou. Her other records are basically unfavorable. She should be related to Shang Feng. She is a distant cousin." Wang Chuanxing waited for Jiang Yuan to make a face and continued to use his mobile phone. Just take a photo, go to the police station, and get your ID card right away.

Taking pictures of faces created by cranial reconstruction is just like

Taking photos in person is almost the same. It is much clearer than photos taken by surveillance cameras such as highways, and the recognition rate is also high.

It has become increasingly difficult for modern people to conceal their identity if they do not make special costumes and preparations. In places where the flow of people is slightly denser, there will almost always be people with portraits, and facial recognition technology is becoming more and more advanced.

In this context, the value of cranial reconstruction has increased.

Forensic doctor Zhai looked at the photo on the ID card, and then looked at the photo of corpse No. 2 recovered by Jiang Yuan. It cannot be said that they are exactly the same, but the core characteristics are very close.

Marking feature points on the skull is a bit like marking feature points on a fingerprint. In fact, you don’t need to mark all of them, just a part of them.

It is impossible for the regression equation to be accurate. Therefore, it is impossible to pursue absolute accuracy for the face made by cranial reconstruction surgery. The key is to be within a certain range, so that it is accurate.

Forensic doctor Zhai was obviously relieved. The origin of the two corpses was determined, and his study life came to an end. Forensic Doctor Zhai also needs them to come to an end. He has become angry after drinking wolfberry water recently.

Forensic doctor Zhai said: "It seems there is still a connection. If relatives and brothers and sisters climb mountains together, the probability of suicide should be relatively low. Now we need to consider more the possibility of slipping and homicide. However, this is what the criminal police should be busy with. ”

"Why?" Shen Yaowei asked subconsciously as he sat in front of him.

Forensic doctor Zhai was stunned when asked: "What do you mean why? Double suicide is usually due to emotional problems. The two deceased are cousins, so naturally there is no such problem."

"Just because we are cousins, we have such problems.

Bar. "Shen Yaowei's expression began to become as academic as that of forensic doctor Zhai yesterday, and he seriously discussed: "The two are in love, but because of

Because they are cousins, they have both external pressure and inner suffering. Therefore, the two make an appointment to travel together.

They started climbing the mountain and felt happy. However, as the time to go home got closer, the two became anxious again. When they climbed the mountain for the last time and stood on the edge of the cliff, they suddenly decided to jump off hand in hand."

Forensic Doctor Zhai looked at Shen Yaowei with strange eyes, which made the latter feel a little embarrassed. Forensic Doctor Zhai said: "Are your young people today so feudal in their thinking?"

Shen Yaowei felt something was wrong and frowned slowly: "What do you mean?"

"When two people are in love, just go away and fly away. Today's young people

Young people, how many of you who stay in your hometown will die for your love? Forensic doctor Zhai shook his head: "However, if you have such feudal thoughts, it is necessary to consider committing suicide for love." "

"No, why am I a feudal!" Shen Yaowei cannot accept such an evaluation. He can be accused of being sentimental and a scumbag, but how can he accept the word "feudal"? Shen Yaowei said anxiously: "They are distant cousins. Even if they are a generation apart, they are still close relatives. This is not feudalism, this is ethics and morality, and it is also science!"

"Preventing close relatives from getting married is out of ethical needs, and more importantly out of reproductive considerations." Forensic Doctor Zhai said scientifically: "If you care, you can not have children. Not that young people nowadays don't have children." Giving birth to a baby?”

"What do you mean by us? There is no me in this!" Shen Yaowei almost shouted.

The Hou Le family quickly rushed up.

As the saying goes, first come first served. When Jiang Yuan and others used the CT machine he bought, the computer he bought, and the office he decorated to produce results in Longli County, he would naturally get wind of them immediately.

Hou Lejia also received a first-round selection.

However, sometimes, having too many choices is a pain.

The two deceased persons were both from Connecticut, and the investigation was likely to involve traveling to other places. Calculated based on the two low-end vehicles, it would first of all cost a lot of money.

The result of the investigation is also two points. If it is a murder case, even if the expenses are really high, the combat power rankings will reward the Longli County Criminal Police Team with points.

But what if it’s not a murder? If the two really committed suicide or slipped and fell, all the hard work of the investigation would be in vain.

"I'll do it." The Hou Le family gritted their teeth. Opportunities were presented to the door, and it was unreasonable not to accept them.

Jiang Yuan didn't care, he couldn't stop the Hou Le family from doing a certain case, but

Before Jiang Yuan could speak, Yu Wenshu called.

There was no way his Jiang Yuan backlogged case team could keep Yu Wenshu a secret.

"Has it been done?" Yu Wenshu's voice was very gentle.

"Yes, the source of the corpse has been determined." Jiang Yuandao.

"Well done, well done. This case is left there. It can't be carried out, and it can't be closed directly. The funeral home's expenses have been increased." Yu Wenshu muttered a few words, which was considered to have connected the relationship, and he hung up reluctantly. Lose.

Next to them, the Hou Le family frowned: "Does Changyang City want to investigate on its own?"

"It was originally their case." Jiang Yuan said casually.

"That's what I said, but the source of the corpses were all determined in our Longli County. Changyang City has such a large territory, but there are still three melons and two ounces missing.

Dates? It’s not grand, it’s not grand,” Hou Lejia thought in his mind.

The abacus beads were beating loudly all over the sky.

The source of the unknown corpse has been determined, and the case is usually not too complicated. But usually at some point, it’s the Hou Le family’s time to worry.

"It's rare to find a murder case that can be solved." Hou Lejia said this to strengthen his idea. After saying this, he took out his mobile phone and began to assign tasks to his men.

As Shen Yaowei watched this scene, a word came to his mind and he said it: "Welcome to Confrontation Road."

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