National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 441 Nail Gun

The case that Huang Qiangmin introduced was not that thick among the files, that is, it was at an above-average level.

Jiang Yuan just smiled and took it over. When he opened it and took a look, he was a little surprised: "Is this a case in Changyang City?"

"Oh, you happened to take Changyang's case." Huang Qiangmin said: "Then you see if it's suitable. It's a coincidence that the cases in other counties are not that urgent. It's not that we don't talk about brotherhood. Changyang City Since it is the provincial capital, it will be of great help to us. Although the Chai Bureau really wants to help our brother counties."

When Huang Qiangmin finished speaking, he glanced at Jiang Yuan.

Jiang Yuan smiled and opened the file.

It's not surprising that a local like Huang Qiangmin couldn't urinate in the same pot as Chai Ju. As for Jiang Yuan, his identity in Ningtai County is not easy to change.

"In Changyang City, it's Yu Zhi's case," Jiang Yuan said as he opened it and saw that the first photo in the file was a bloody spike. It is specially marked below that it is a straight nail for a nail gun.

"Nail gun." Jiang Yuan immediately became energetic.

Domestic firearms management is becoming more and more strict, but nail guns are very easy to obtain. On the other hand, the power of nail guns is also very powerful. Many nail guns can shoot through thin steel plates, which are more powerful than the small smashing cannons used by the police. If they are modified, they will be more powerful and convenient. Yes.

Jiang Yuan had read relevant reports before. A better modified nail gun, after adding a steel pipe and a sight, can shoot birds, hunt, and naturally also people. In recent years, the number of people imprisoned for such gun-related cases has exceeded three digits, and the sentences are not light.

The police take these types of cases very seriously. The level of attention is even higher than the ordinary eight categories of cases. In the consumer field, it can be understood as a luxury configuration.

Even with luxurious configurations, cases that still become backlogged will not be simple cases.

Jiang Yuan read through it from the beginning and noticed a series of collections of elements.

Three old mountain climbers were shot to death with a nail gun to the head on different hills. No belongings were lost. The three old men were unrelated. The words "random crimes in the wilderness" were clearly marked.

Coupled with gun involvement and serial crimes

Jiang Yuan couldn't help but said: "Is this a serial killer? Why hasn't any news spread?"

"The case was originally solved. The person arrested was an electronics factory worker, and a modified nail gun was also found at home. During the interrogation, the third case occurred." Huang Qiangmin paused and said : "Yu Zhi called because this case is relatively complicated, and I hope to solve the case before it gets further fermented."

Domestic serial murders are mostly violent crimes in the form of wanderings, which are similar to the nature of two kings. This kind of serial killer who kills in one place and does not dispose of the body is still rare.

Of course, for the police, provocation is also extremely strong. If necessary, this kind of case must be solved at all costs.

Judging from Yu Wenshu's direct call to Huang Qiangmin, he paid the price, and Jiang Yuan also paid the price.

"There are no clues or evidence." Jiang Yuan flipped through the photocopied file and said, "To solve this case, we can only look at the situation at the scene and the condition of the body."

It may also be necessary to wait until the fourth case occurs to solve it. Jiang Yuan didn't need to explain it so clearly.

Huang Qiangmin said "yes" and said: "Yu Zhi is still quite urgent. If you are confident, you can still do it."

"Then go and have a look."

As soon as Jiang Yuan finished speaking, the system's voice came in his mind: Mission: nail gun homicide.

Mission content: The deaths of three consecutive victims made Yu Wenshu anxious. In order to solve the case, he was asked to do anything and seize the opportunity!

There is nothing much to say about this case and two rewards.

Jiang Yuan took the file and took the photo

Pull out all the pieces and look at them carefully.

Huang Qiangmin received Jiang Yuan's promise and immediately called Yu Wenshu and others to start arranging matters for going to Changyang City.

There are so many people in Jiangyuan's backlog class, so a business trip to Changyang City naturally needs to be properly arranged. As for Wang Chuanxing and others being mostly members of the Changyang City Criminal Police Detachment, that is another matter.

Yu Wenshu, on his side, agrees to all such trivial matters. Three people died in a row, and it is still unclear whether the suspect arrested in the middle was wrongly arrested or was involved in the crime, and he cannot be released immediately. As a result, Yu Wenshu's pressure is also increasing.

After chatting with Huang Qiangmin, Yu Wenshu called Jiang Yuan specifically.

"I have reached an agreement with Lao Huang. You should know the situation." Yu Wenshu's voice was steady even though he was in a state of distress. He had been quarreling with his wife over the years, and every time he became emotionally unstable, he would be taught a lesson, so he easily became indifferent to honor and disgrace. Mrs. Yu deserves a share of the credit for being able to secure a top position in the provincial capital's criminal police detachment, which is under great pressure.

Jiang Yuan responded and asked, "Is the scene still there?"

"The first and second sites have been opened. They are both rest areas in the scenic area, so there are no more warning tapes. However, there should not be many people going there. The third site is protected." Yu Wenshu He was looking forward to it and asked, "When can you arrive?"

"If you're in a hurry, I'll go there now." Jiang Yuandao.

"Worry. If you weren't in a hurry, I wouldn't have promised your Huang Bureau another laboratory." Yu Wenshu snorted twice and said, "I only agreed because he said he was preparing it for you."

He just sells two for one expense.

Jiang Yuan took it in, looked at Huang Qiangmin opposite him, and said with a smile: "Bureau Huang is quite considerate of others sometimes."

"A bit humane. Not much." Yu Wenshu gave a fair evaluation.

Four hours later, Jiang Yuan arrived in Changyang City.

All members of Jiang Yuan's backlog team followed, looking at the city in different directions, and then

All the people were dragged to Yuanbeishan on the outskirts of the city.

The scene of the third case was at a resting place on a trail halfway up the mountain.

The trail is very wide, paved with red bricks, winding and quite beautiful. At regular intervals, there will be larger platforms with benches for resting.

Some of these benches face the trail, and some face away from the trail, allowing you to overlook the distant mountains and city. The design is very user-friendly.

The murderer borrowed this design and shot an old man to death with a nail gun while he was sitting on a bench, facing the city and with his back to the trail.

Jiang Yuan stood on the trail. He didn't need skills such as blood stain analysis to easily see that the murderer was walking up or down the trail. When he saw the lone old man with his back turned to him, he took out a nail gun and approached the long chair, shot the old man in the back of the head, and walked down the mountain without looking back.

Jiang Yuan lowered his head and looked around again.

It normally takes more than twenty minutes to walk from the starting section of the trail, and it takes about the same amount of time to reach the top of the mountain.

On weekdays, there are many people coming to the trail for leisure or exercise, but it is not uncommon to see no one for several minutes in a row. Moreover, there are many people in the early morning, and there are fewer people as it gets later.

There were too many footprints left on the ground, and it was impossible to determine which ones might be those of the murderer.

Jiang Yuan went to the back of the bench to take a look. There were no usable footprints on the red brick floor.

"It was really a random crime." Jiang Yuan waved and looked at the photos in Mu Zhiyang's bag. It was easy to see that the victim's head and neck were in a very natural drooping posture, which meant , the murderer didn’t even call him out, he just pointed the trigger at the back of his head.

When the police arrest someone, they have to ask "What's their name?" to confirm the suspect's identity. But judging from the murderer's posture, he really doesn't care who he kills.

"Are the three victims not in contact?" Jiang Yuan asked an additional question.

The person who came to pick up the car and entertain him was Wan Baoming, the deputy director of the Criminal Investigation Center. He was very familiar with Jiang Yuan and nodded: "The official statement is that there is no contact."

"What about unofficial?"

"I don't know if it counts. The three victims are all retired cadres, in their sixties or seventies. Judging from their appearance, the three people were all wearing shirts and trousers when they died. They also wore jackets or vests. ." Wan Baoming paused and then said: "This analysis is a private analysis and is not certain."

If it is confirmed that it is a serial murder case targeting retired veteran cadres, the pressure from above will be even tighter, and it may also arouse very bad public opinion.

Jiang Yuan said "yes" to express his knowledge, and added: "If the murderer knew the true identity of the victim, the steps would be complicated, and he had to confirm it before shooting. It doesn't feel like it, the target is wearing a shirt Elderly people, it’s possible.”

He didn't dwell on the topic for long. Judging from the scene, this is a typical random crime, neither seeking money nor sex. It is more like killing for the sake of killing, which is anti-social behavior. However, this kind of case is the most difficult to detect, so the police are unwilling to admit that such a case is ongoing unless they have to.

As far as the information Jiang Yuan currently knows, it is not enough to determine the murderer's motives or target range. If Liu Jinghui is asked to do this case, he may guess an answer, or use so-called profiling to guess an answer, but Jiang Yuan will not do that.

After carefully investigating the scene, Jiang Yuan followed Wan Baoming back to the criminal police detachment to check the only evidence, which was a long nail for a nail gun.


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