National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 443: Moving forward together

Xiao Wang. "

Wang Chuanxing went to the warehouse to move nails and was stopped by someone.

He turned around and saw that it was Pan Zhisheng, the trace inspection policeman in charge of the bullet trace inspection at the Changyang Criminal Division Center.

Speaking of which, even in a provincial capital city like Changyang City, Pan Zhisheng is the only technician who specializes in bullet mark inspection. In this case, Pan Zhisheng was obviously pushed to the forefront.

Wang Chuanxing smiled unconsciously and said, "Old Pan, what's the matter?"

"Hey" Pan Zhisheng sighed before saying anything, and then said: "I don't know what to say about this nail comparison that your team Jiang has done, is it okay?"

"Are you hoping it will work, or are you hoping it won't work?" Wang Chuanxing relaxed and waved with a smile, asking Pan Zhisheng to help him move the nails.

The packaging of nails purchased locally is generally smaller. After all, the criminal policeman responsible for purchasing does not want to carry more weight. But the same cannot be said for online shopping, especially when a store sells a variety of nails. If you buy a small amount of each, you can put it into a super large package. The weight of all metal is unknown to anyone who carries it.

Pan Zhisheng now arrived at the door. Wang Chuanxing quickly called him and first carried the large packages of nails onto the trolley.

Pan Zhisheng could only lend a hand to help, and said helplessly: "I don't hope it will work. To be honest, we do gun and bullet trace identification. Usually, we mainly identify either guns or bullets. There are no guns now, and there are no bullet casings." , it’s just a warhead, and the warhead is still two meters long, so I have a hard time with it.”

In the identification of gun bullet traces, the most commonly used method may be to determine the source of the gun bullet, such as whether two bullets were shot from the same gun. The most difficult skill is actually the impact trace. Based on the trace, you can determine the distance, direction, angle, entrance and exit, shooting sequence, etc. of the shot. No matter how powerful it is, do ballistic analysis, calculate the shooting angle, impact angle, changes in the kinetic energy of the warhead, etc. wait.

And all of the above have nothing to do with nails.

Pan Zhisheng needs at least one steel ball to use the ballistic trace. The ballistic traces of the nails now confirm that the shooting occurred within two meters, which is actually effective. ,

But Pan Zhisheng was still worried about receiving strange looks.

Wang Chuanxing could only say that he understood him a little bit, but more of it was funny, saying: "You usually do nail gun cases, right? When I was searching for information a few days ago, I saw that you averaged two months. , we need to identify a dozen cases of modified firearms."

"The main reason is that some places in the north have a tradition of modifying firearms." When Pan Zhisheng said this, he didn't know what to say. He simply leaned over and said, "Let me help you move the nails."

Wang Chuanxing laughed: "That's it, don't think so much. Since Captain Jiang said there is a way, there really is a way. There are many things that you don't understand."

"You are not a trace inspection, you don't understand." Pan Zhisheng said a little lost his voice: "What you are comparing are new nails. If you have two of these things, compare them with each other. That's easy. We have many ways. You can move them one by one now." Go up there and compare and judge a nail for a long time, all with the naked eye? Are you kidding me?"

Wang Chuanxing curled his lips and said: "If you want to talk about Xuan, Captain Jiang can only know Xuan by looking at his footprints. He can tell his age and height at a glance. Height can be accurate to centimeters."

Pan Zhisheng glanced sideways at Wang Chuanxing, looking at the hard toilet paper with his eyes, and said: "The earliest master of footprints in China is Ma Yulin. He is a member of NMG Zhaowuda. Back then, he directly judged the route of criminal activities from the scene. , followed the criminal to his doorstep. He brought out three apprentices, Miao Chunqing, Ge

You Zhong and Yu Xin are good. These people have been organizing footprint training since the early 1980s.

In the training class, there are many mysterious stories left behind, and it depends on the age and height. "

While Wang Chuanxing was working, he listened to Pan Zhisheng telling him about ancient times, and then asked, "How are you doing with your basic skills?"

"That's the master's basic skill." Pan Zhisheng said about himself, his expression collapsed, and he said: "You don't know, this case now

, not only Yu Zhi is anxious, but the director above is also anxious. If I stay like this for a few more days, I will probably be summoned. "

Wang Chuanxing looked at Pan Zhisheng sympathetically and expressed that he was helpless.

"Let's see, I hope we can come to a conclusion as soon as possible." That's what Pan Zhisheng said, but anyone knowledgeable knows that sifting through so many evidences cannot be completed in a day or two.

Even with the help of several people, after Jiang Yuan worked for a day, more express delivery arrived in the warehouse.

Although Jiang Yuanbi was faster at picking nails, the number of nails piled on the table without further judgment was also growing.

Several trace examiners from the Criminal Investigation Center wanted to help, but they didn't know how to start.

Jiang Yuan didn't expect them to be able to help.

The trace examiners at the Changyang Criminal Division Center generally wander between LV1 and LV2. Occasionally, someone is slightly better in a certain aspect, but there is a high probability that they will not reach LV3.

In terms of the difficulty and work intensity of the mark inspection, this level of mark inspection is already very sufficient. However, compared with the tool mark identification skills of LV6, the few mark inspections in front of me are not even close to those of Muggles. Not far.

The case seemed to have come to a standstill for a while.

In fact, other criminal police officers from the Changyang City Criminal Police Detachment were also searching for clues on their own, but no breakthrough was made.

Yu Wenshu waited for two days, but finally couldn't bear it anymore and came to inquire about the progress.

Entering the office, what Yu Wenshu saw was Jiang Yuan who was working hard, like an ordinary trace examiner.

"How is it?" Yu Wenshu asked expectantly.

Jiang Yuan raised his head, taking the opportunity to relieve the soreness in his shoulders and neck, and said: "At present, there will be no results within three or four days."

"Three or four days means the time it takes to go through all the nails?" Yu Wenshu asked.


Yu Wenshu frowned: "Would you be looking for it and suddenly find an identical nail? For example, after two hours, you will suddenly be sure which nail it is?"

"Impossible. Because I am also looking for similarities." Jiang Yuan said truthfully: "What I am looking for now is the most similar nail, which is a comparative level, because the standards of nails are similar, and it is impossible to determine if they are exactly the same."

"This" Yu Wenshu immediately despaired when he heard what he said: "That is to say, even if you find a nail, you can't be sure that the murderer's nail was produced by the same family."

"It can be understood that way." Jiang Yuandao.

"Then if we keep doing this, the case will be difficult to solve!" Yu Wenshu had rarely been so deeply involved in the investigation of cases before. He either gives direct command or just ignores it, leaving it to others to worry about. This is also because his superiors are forcing him to be too anxious.

Jiang Yuan put down the nail in his hand and said, "This is my current thinking. If there are other ideas, I think we can do it simultaneously."

"That's right." Yu Wenshu sighed.

And the Jiang Yuan's case-solving that he expected was a battle directed at a certain murderer's loopholes with determination, just like what he had done before.

However, Yu Wenshu also understood in his heart that this is how a policeman with a technical background like Jiang Yuan solved crimes. It sounded a bit cumbersome and a bit desperate, but at least it would not affect each other if he used other routes.

In a normal case, if it proceeds according to Jiang Yuan's ideas, Yu Wenshu won't say anything.

Now it was difficult for him to wait any longer. After thinking about it, Yu Wen wrote: "Then I will think of a way and then look for other clues. Let's take several routes and go hand in hand."

"I have no objection." Jiang Yuan nodded.

Yu Wenshu also nodded, went out, took out his mobile phone, found the phone number of "Xu Taining", hesitated for a few seconds, and dialed it resolutely.

He knew that spending money would not necessarily make him stronger, but if he didn't spend money, he would feel uneasy!




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