National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 446 Bitterness

A wave of well-built police officers rushed over and lined up; followed by a group of police officers who maintained their figure, trotted into the car and rushed out of the parking lot. Finally, a group of middle-aged police officers came, quickly. The steps are hurried, and the ejection starts.

Li Ting raised the microphone and put it down, put the microphone down and raised it again. She saw that dozens of cars had driven out and the parking lot was mostly empty. Then she looked at Yu Wenshu, motioned for the camera to turn on, and said: "Detachment Yu, I just counted, we have 67 vehicles driven out, this is a big operation."

"Of course." Yu Wenshu's expression was solemn.

"Can you describe it to us? If there are 67 vehicles, what level does it rank among our previous operations?" Li Ting handed over the microphone.

"This is definitely the biggest operation this year." Yu Wenshu thought to himself. If he hadn't been preparing for tomorrow's operation, how could there be so many idle cars and people? He estimated that the main criminal police planned to be dispatched tomorrow would I have to go out halfway now.

Including the criminal police who followed Xu Taining in the field, most of the criminal police detachment was looking for this serial killer. Some people really went to arrest them, and some people thought they would only start arresting them tomorrow.

It's like some people have already started the college entrance examination, and another group of people think the exam will only start tomorrow.

Yu Wenshu didn't know how to explain it to his detectives later.

As a leader, it is okay to let your subordinates work, even if they are exhausted, there is a reason. But if you make people run away and waste time and energy, that is a lack of leadership, and it is most likely to cause everyone's dissatisfaction.

Yu Wenshu's inner anxiety could not be seen clearly on the surface.

The reporter just thought he was anxious about the operation and asked quickly: "We will have various arrangements for such a big operation. Are there any preparations for today's operation?"

"From an operational perspective, the first thing is to assign tasks, such as the main arrest team, the long-term investigation team, we originally invited technical investigators to participate, as well as the graphic reconnaissance detachment and the network security detachment, all of them* We have also invited experts from the traffic police detachment, the local police station, and the provincial department to assist us in our work." Yu Wenshu read through the list of thanks and couldn't continue talking.

It seems that people are about to be arrested, but Xu Taining is still investigating in the suburbs. He is an expert from the provincial department, and I don’t know if anyone tipped him off.

Yu Wenshu sighed secretly, then raised his head and smiled at the reporter, saying, "Sorry, I have to make two phone calls. Let's record it later."

Li Ting didn't need to say anything. The photographer obediently turned off the camera.

Yu Wenshu motioned to his men to keep an eye on the person, took two steps outside, took out his cell phone, and called Xu Taining.

Some news, coming out of his mouth, is better than Xu Taining hearing about it.

When the call was connected, I heard Xu Taining's voice flying in the wind: "Yuzhi, I was about to call you, but the follow-up support person has not arrived. My progress here is about to be stuck. It's time to get off work soon. , if you delay any longer, it will be too late.”

Yu Wenshu's ears and face felt hot as he listened, and he hurriedly said: "Xu Chu, we just locked in a criminal suspect."

Before Xu Taining could speak again, Yu Wenshu first introduced the situation of the BUFF-filled criminal suspect, and then said: "Jiang Yuan locked the suspect based on the spike at the crime scene. I didn't expect it either."

"Did you really use nails to lock the suspect?" Xu Taining's side only paused for a moment, and then Xu Taining's tone gradually returned to normal. ,

Compared with stopping the investigation halfway through because of lack of money, Xu Taining is completely acceptable to stop the investigation after catching the suspect.

Yu Wenshu was a little surprised, and felt the pressure suddenly reduce, and said hurriedly: "That's true. Although it is an ordinary long nail, it is said that the long nail is made of steel wire, and the steel wire is processed by the factory's roller. The diameter There are subtle differences. The cutter heads used in nail making machines are also different, as well as the machines for pressing nail caps, coatings, etc..."

Xu Taining laughed unconsciously while listening to Yu Wenshu talking about technology.

He was originally a senior police sergeant sent by the provincial department to support various places. He neither opened a company nor had performance requirements. He continued to work hard. It can be said that he was doing it to realize his personal value and realize his personal ambitions and ideals.

Therefore, if the investigation in Changyang City is not done, it will not be done. Of course, it would be better if it could be done two days in advance, preferably three or four days in advance, so as to save him the trouble of running around these days.

Yu Wenshu said a few more words and some extravagant remarks, and felt that everyone's emotions had been relieved to a certain extent before ending the call.

Putting his phone back, Yu Wenshu sighed, feeling pressure all over his body.

Returning to the reporter, Li Ting smiled and said: "Yuzhi, can you disclose some details of our operation? It is best to have some typical people who do typical things. In this case, if it is allowed to be broadcast later, the plot will be better. .After all, the public likes to see specific people and stories.”

"Well, let me take you to meet our great hero." Yu Wenshu thought of Jiang Yuan at this time.

He had just focused on appeasing Xu Taining, but looking back, Jiang Yuan had saved himself too much money.

According to Xu Taining's investigation method, as long as this wave is started, one Huang Qiangmin will be burned every day. If it is investigated all the way to the end, it will take more than a week. Even if you are lucky and find the murderer within three or four days of investigation, the money spent on food subsidies will still be painful for half a year.

Moreover, this is all thinking from a good place. Even Xu Taining does not have a 100% victory record. If the murderer is missed, Yu Wenshu will not dare to think about where his career will go in the future. There is a high probability that it will be like the silver case, looking for clues all year round, not letting go of every bit of information, and finally waiting for technological progress...

From this perspective, Jiang Yuan itself represents technological progress.

Several people were talking while heading to the Criminal Division Center.

The police officers who accompanied him confirmed their whereabouts and immediately started sending messages wildly.

Unlike the poor county bureau, which wants to give a six-person room to 18 people, the office area of ​​the Changyang Criminal Division Center is quite sufficient. Only when we arrived at Jiang Yuan's temporary office did we have to worry about the boxes of nails. It started to become difficult to move.

"So many nails!" Li Ting didn't know what she was thinking of, and quickly asked the photographer to record it.

Yu Wenshu was also amazed by what he saw. He had been busy cooperating with Xu Taining in the past two days, allocating various resources, and making various phone calls. He didn't have time to come over and see Jiang Yuan. He didn't expect that there were so many "physical evidences" in the corridor.

Thinking of Jiang Yuan sitting at his desk checking one nail after another, he was afraid that his eyes would go blind, but he was actually worried because he didn't spend any money and was afraid of offending Xu Taining...

Yu Wenshu felt a trace of sadness in his heart. I had previously thought that Jiang Yuan's method was too stupid and too slow. Who would have thought that the clues brought by the clever method kept falling apart, and spending money failed to speed up the progress of the case. On the contrary, Jiang Yuan's stupid method, one step at a time I don’t even know how many nails I compared...

Yu Wenshu's eyelids were slightly moist.

At this time, Li Ting asked from behind: "Yu Zhi, these are the evidences you found, right? Can you tell me the story inside?"

Yu Wenshu: "Well... it can be said to be a very inspiring story. By the way, you know about fingerprint comparison, right... Our policeman Comrade Jiang Yuan creatively came up with the idea of ​​comparing long nails... ...This process is very laborious. You can see that the corridors are piled with nails, and the rooms are also filled with nails. How big is a nail? Although there are some duplications, the amount of duplications is actually not that big. "

Li Ting nodded frequently as she listened, and the photographer kept zooming in and out to take pictures.

With full cooperation, Yu Wenshu passed through the nail wall that was only wide enough for one person, and said emotionally: "This is our Comrade Jiang Yuan's workshop. Oh, there are still nails here, be careful..."

Several people walked through the nailed wall in the room that was as tall as one person, turned around, and saw Jiang Yuan's desk and dining table.

The dining table should be a round table that is lifted up from the bottom. It is very simply connected with a power strip and an induction cooker on top.

There is a frying pan on the induction cooker. The frying pan looks very solid. Next to it is a pot of meat and a pot of lettuce. In front of it is a bowl filled with dry ingredients. On the left side are tongs and garlic.

Jiang Yuan just sat there, grilling meat and eating meat by himself, looking very hard.


1 second remember network:

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