National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 454: Hang a bell around the cat’s neck

"How many explosive eucalyptus accumulations are there in our Qinghe City?"

Jiang Yuan looked at the file photos on the table and suddenly asked something.

Perhaps because the provincial department sent personnel to supervise the case, there are many photos left behind by the explosion at Qu'an Station, and the files are neat and detailed. However, they can provide few clues to solve the problem.

Jiang Yuan read it from beginning to end, but could not filter out any useful information. The first thing that came to his mind was to use the exchange opportunity obtained by the second-class skill to get an explosive skill.

Since it is an exchange, it is natural to hope that the skills exchanged can be used in a wider range of applications. Jiang Yuan asked this question.

The conference room was filled with police officers from Jiang Yuan's special team. Everyone was performing their duties and looking for clues.

Wang Chuanxing and Tang Jia worked part-time as Jiang Yuan's assistants, and they investigated after hearing this.

"No more. Just this eucalyptus." Huang Qiangmin was sitting at the other end of the conference table, just under the sun. He was drowsy when he heard Jiang Yuan's question and answered it without thinking.

Jiang Yuan was a little surprised: "Just one?"

"Do you think it was a serial explosion?" Huang Qiangmin suddenly became alert. Jiang Yuan had discovered serial murders like this before.

Jiang Yuan shook his head: "That's not the case, I'm thinking about something else."

One skill is exchanged for another tool. If it is like the last kidnapping, and the situation is forced, it will be changed. There is no need to hesitate too much. After all, there are too many skills but not too much pressure. But for now, whether the murderer dies sooner or later is not within the scope of Jiang Yuan's consideration at all, and using skills such as explosion trace detection may not be able to solve this problem.

If it is found, there may be a greater chance. It is an old accumulation from 8 years ago. Whether it is redeemed for a LV4 major skill or a LV5 minor skill, the help it can provide is limited.

In comparison…

"Call Liu Chu." Jiang Yuan's voice was low, and Huang Qiangmin was shocked.

"Are you going to call me Liu Jinghui?" Huang Qiangmin was more surprised: "Don't you usually just look at the photos and get the idea?"

"Huang Bureau, how can it be so easy to break the case?" Jiang Yuan looked at Huang Qiangmin strangely, and the policeman on the special shift also looked over with some confusion.

Huang Qiangmin avoided Jiang Yuan's eyes in embarrassment and couldn't help but think to himself: Could it be that I have been boasting about Jiang Yuan too much recently, and I believed it first?

Speaking of which, if you want to sell people from the government to the government and get a fair price, you must have some words. Huang Qiangmin has experienced many times over the past few days. The best selling point is the 100% breaking rate, ultra-fast breaking speed, and ultra-low breaking cost - Jiang Yuan has been blown away by this, Huang Qiangmin himself Just believe it.

Thinking of this, Huang Qiangmin's expression became more solemn. As a criminal police officer, it's not okay to lose objectivity. Then he said: "I just think that you are more powerful than the experts from the provincial department combined. With Liu Jinghui... it is not impossible to give him a chance."

"It's better to invite Liu Chu to come. There are few clues in Guzi and there is a lot of evidence. Liu Chu will take a look and maybe he can pull out a few clues."

Too much useless information and too little useful information are the characteristics of this incident and the characteristics of most explosions.

Liu Jinghui is obviously suitable for such application scenarios. In comparison, it was quite time-consuming for Jiang Yuan to scan through the evidence one by one.

Seeing this, Huang Qiangmin nodded: "Okay, this is a case that the provincial department has been involved in, so it is appropriate for them to take action."

After he finished speaking, he went out to communicate.

Jiang Yuan continued to look down at the photos, pondering each one.

Similar to previous accumulations, the key problem with this type of accumulation is that most of the clues have been tracked and investigated during the discovery period. If they were not discovered then, how can they be investigated now?

On the other hand, the information involved in the case is actually very large, and most of it is useless. Eight years ago, hundreds of criminal police officers were deployed here to conduct various investigations, and the investigation was carried out three times.

This failed to break the eucalyptus. From this, it can be inferred that the big eucalyptus wasted no time and had an impact on the people who handled the eucalyptus. At least, Jiang Yuan had never heard of the name Qiu Yue.

Liu Jinghui arrived early the next morning.

He came by car wearing a police uniform, with a famous driver by his side. Similar to Jiang Yuan, since he encountered danger, he rarely walked alone.

When he arrived at the place, he didn't waste any time. During the bus ride, he read a lot of files. When he arrived at Qu'an Branch, he looked at the photos for a while and said, "It's just as I thought. This eucalyptus is an explosive." The remnants are the biggest piece of evidence and the hardest to find information about."

"Are we going to search the source of the remnants? The special team investigated very carefully back then, and I didn't see any obvious flaws." Jiang Yuan looked at the pictures and read the files. Today, it is almost impossible to directly trace the source of explosive remnants. The most important thing is whether we checked back then. If we don’t have new ideas now, we will have to go through the same old path again, but we hope that It would be unrealistic to reach a different ending.

Liu Jinghui shook his head: "I have no idea now. However, the remnants of this explosive are actually quite interesting."

"Oh, how do you say it?"

"For most explosions, the detonators are usually detonators or fuses. There are many industrial and mining enterprises in our province. These two things...Normally speaking, if these things cannot be easily obtained, there will be no explosions. Yes." Liu Jinghui had his own logic.

Jiang Yuan nodded slightly.

Liu Jinghui said: "But from another perspective, this eucalyptus is quite powerful. The explosive uses black powder and the battery detonates. It can be said that they are all relatively easy to buy, but the power is not bad. After a long time, It has been eight years, and it is rare to see an explosion of this level."

"Similarly, after eight years, the murderer has not done any similar explosions again. This fact is worthy of further investigation."

"The murderer's original purpose was not achieved. The victim detonated the explosives in advance. If so, why was the bomb not resettled? Or was the explosion carried out somewhere else, or did the murderer's purpose change? Or? The murderer? Did you encounter any unexpected situation?"

Jiang Yuan was stunned when he heard this. He was not familiar with explosives. As for the types of explosives, he was not very clear either. But what Liu Jinghui said makes sense. The murderer was not caught. So as the explosion was a quasi-terrorist attack, why didn't the murderer continue to commit crimes?

This was originally what the special team was most worried about. The provincial department immediately intervened in order to avoid this situation.

In fact, since the murderer is not directly involved in the explosions, the probability of them happening continuously is already very high. For example, there was a certain Hu who made three explosions in a row to gain attention because his girlfriend broke up with him and took away 20,000 yuan. He had nowhere to ask for it...

What was the purpose of the murderer who exploded at Qu'an Station in creating such a big explosion? Did he achieve his goal?

"Time is our biggest disadvantage and biggest advantage compared to the professional team." Liu Jinghui has a slicked back hair, clean collars on his shirts, a standard image and good temperament, and a very confident expression.

"If no one has an idea, I suggest that we start from the outside and do some investigation work first." Liu Jinghui said that he had no idea, but in fact he did have an idea. However, his idea was a bit scratchy.

After all, you want to blindly guess the murderer's intentions, but thinking is sometimes really difficult to guess. Still using the example of Mr. Hu, the main messenger of the three explosions, his real purpose may be that he has a bad temper and wants to vent, or he just wants to find an explanation from his ex-girlfriend, but these are all unique to him. In the inner drama, the truth that the police could trace was that he caused three explosions because his ex-girlfriend took away 20,000 yuan.

Who can guess this answer?

Several people looked at each other and felt that it was quite difficult.

Huang Qiangmin couldn't help but sigh and said: "The mouse hangs a bell on the cat."

This was his evaluation of Liu Jinghui's reasoning. The reasoning was good, but what about the execution?

Liu Jinghui chuckled and didn't care about Huang Qiangmin's evaluation. What kind of reasoning do these Muggles know? Reasoning also requires information. It is reasoning step by step, advancing step by step, obtaining information step by step, and then reasoning again, forming a positive feedback loop. , and finally get the correct result.

Even if it is really necessary to let the mouse hang a bell on the cat, it is not an impossible task. There is always a way. Breaking down this task, it can be a preset trap, a multi-rat attack, night operations, etc...

Of course, if some mice are particularly good, they just put bells on cats...

Liu Jinghui looked at Jiang Yuan expectantly and said, "I'm going to do some reasoning, and you can see where is a suitable breakthrough point?"

"It's best to have something tangible." Jiang Yuandao.

Liu Jinghui smiled, thought for a while, and said: "Let me talk about a few possibilities first. The first one is about the murderer. The murderer suddenly stops committing crimes. The most common situations are that one is that freedom is restricted, the other is that the environment is restricted, and the other is that life and The mood changed."

"If it's the first point, we can check the list of people arrested and detained 8 years ago. Secondly, we can check the list of people who died and were seriously injured, including people who were seriously ill during this period, people who had traffic accidents, especially Those who died accidentally, especially those from industrial and mining enterprises and those with corresponding backgrounds and abilities..."

"Second, environmental issues. The murderer may have gone abroad and left the local area. It is also possible that he was discovered by people around him - this cannot be confirmed, but I think that if this is the case, more measures should be taken. Look for more passive factors. For example, enrolling in a higher education, studying abroad, being sent on a business trip to other places, or taking the public examination and teaching, and applying for a position in a company in another place."

"Third, in terms of life, have you fallen in love during this period? Married? Have children? Or divorced, broken up, children or family members are sick, you have a sudden illness...Also, you have been promoted and received a salary increase. , won the lottery, made a sudden fortune..."

Huang Qiangmin and others looked good at first, as if they were criminals who had been sentenced for other crimes but escaped screening or investigation. It happened from time to time. I don’t know how many police reports I have seen. This is also the case. It is relatively easy to check, the time and name are very certain, it is nothing more than taking the time to sift through it.

But to the ears of Huang Qiangmin and others, Liu Jinghui had a tendency to go too far. If you have to check things like studying abroad, even if Qu'an is a small place, it will be a huge workload.

In the end, promotions and salary increases count, but how much does the salary increase count? Does fifty bucks count?

The scope expanded so much that Huang Qiangmin felt as if Liu Jinghui wanted to touch everyone in Qu'an County.

If this is the case, it would be better to go to Xu Taining than to Liu Jinghui.

Liu Jinghui also felt that there were too many bells tied around the cat's neck. He touched his own neck and pondered: "Then let's check from two directions first. One is the list of criminals. The time can be extended a little longer to find out what the murderer is. All crimes committed within 2 years are counted. On the other hand, let’s compare the explosions in other places, including similar ones, attempted ones, and unfinished ones.”

Huang Qiangmin nodded slowly after hearing this.

The criminal police captain of Qu'an County also agreed: "Liu Chu is still capable."

These two points were parts that the special team at that time was unable to investigate.

Although the provincial department dispatched personnel with great urgency, after three or four months of investigation, the large-scale investigation almost came to a standstill. On the one hand, this is because the clues have been searched to no avail, on the other hand, it is also because the risk of serial explosions has been reduced.

However, reduced does not mean absent. Some murderers who commit bombings have a different concept of time than those who commit murders in ordinary crimes. He may spend several months, or even a year or two, improving the explosives, revising and perfecting his plan.

Therefore, anyone who accidentally lost the ability to operate during this period of time is considered suspicious and has not been investigated by the special team.

The explosions or attempted explosions in other provinces may also be carried out by the same murderer, which can also explain why he did not continue to commit crimes.

Compared with other random speculations, the two directions proposed by Liu Jinghui are within a limited and controllable scope, and the cost of investigation will not be too high. They are exactly the type that the criminal police captains like.

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