National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 458 Beneficiaries

Qu'an County spent a lot of money on surveillance, equipment, and systems. It started eight years ago. In other words, it is not too late to make up for the lost situation.

In other words, when the station exploded eight years ago, they had very little monitoring.

It’s not that it’s not installed, maybe it’s not used much.

The surveillance inside the station is barely usable, but outside the bus station, 30 meters away from the exit is a pure blind spot. In contrast, monitoring in places such as small shops and supermarkets is more useful. But it's also relative.

Qiu Yue and the others had also counted on the surveillance video, but they had lost hope, so they turned to other directions.

Liu Jinghui found a computer alone and asked the technician to play the videos he had compiled before, but naturally there was no result.

After struggling for more than an hour, Liu Jinghui was tired of watching, Qiu Yue was tired of standing, and only Jiang Yuan was still looking at the footprints.

Not only were there many footprints on site, but they were also of poor quality.

Even if it was a special team, the actual footprints that were collected that day were those stained with electrostatic methods, and they were only a few dozen.

The remaining footprints are all in a state of being photographed and evidence collected. This kind of footprints will not be looked at carefully by ordinary trace inspections - if you have to analyze it, then take the time, otherwise, everyone should choose a more comfortable way of working...

Jiang Yuan wanted to screen, but he had to identify as many footprints as possible. This process was very difficult and cumbersome.

That is to say, Jiang Yuan had just obtained the lv5 footprint analysis, and he was very excited about doing the footprints.

Liu Jinghui's eyes were focused, thinking and worrying at the same time.

Jiang Yuan finally provided a new clue, which could not be confirmed or ruled out, which made Liu Jinghui feel uncomfortable.

It doesn't matter if you follow a clue to its end and it turns out to be a dead end, or you can't find the murderer. But the interruption of clues is the most difficult thing for the criminal police to bear.

Liu Jinghui walked to the other end of the conference room and flipped through his notebook aimlessly.

Qiu Yue sat in front of him and soon felt bored. Looking at Liu Jinghui's expression again, he said, "May I say something?"

"You said it." Liu Jinghui quickly sat up straight. In the police force, people still pay more attention to respecting their elders, especially the previous generation of policemen, who were basically brought up through the master-apprentice system.

"You don't have to be so polite." Qiu Yue sighed and said, "I think you want to follow the footprint information found by Jiang Yuan. Which direction do you want to check? In fact, we made some lists back then, but we didn't put them on the list. Go in the files, especially the less formal ones.”

Liu Jinghui's eyes lit up when he heard this. Indeed, he would not compile various lists of information as if he were making a report.

The final dossier is naturally the same as the report and must withstand scrutiny, but the process of solving the case does not need to be so rigorous. And if Eucalyptus couldn't detect it, naturally the final thing submitted wouldn't be meticulous.

"Have you made a list from the perspective of the beneficiaries?" Liu Jinghui did not ask Qiu Yue how many lists they had, but directly asked what he wanted.

Qiu Yue nodded first, and then thought about it: "The benefit theory, I must have considered it at the time, but what I considered at the time was the explosive eucalyptus for unspecified groups of people... You should keep all the hard drives from back then, and you can search SYZ's folder, see if the information in it is still there?"

"Okay." Liu Jinghui called immediately. The Qu'an Station explosion was a big deal, and it was not settled smoothly that year. The files submitted were files, the report was a report, and the remaining hard drives and notes were sealed.

The county bureau can usually retain such projects that the provincial department has participated in for a longer period of time.

Soon, the hard drive containing the "SYZ" folder was delivered with the hard drive box.

Liu Jinghui asked an IT person to come over and help him copy and organize it into his computer, then open it and read it carefully.

The so-called benefit theory is nothing new. To use the popular saying, whoever benefits the most is the murderer.

But if it is an anti-social incident, such as an explosion targeting an unspecified number of people, the benefit theory is a bit untenable.

Although the special team at that time also discussed and demonstrated the possibility of murder, this was not the main direction of the investigation after all, and the list of beneficiaries was very rough.

Despite this, the special team eight years ago still compiled a list of over a hundred people.

Among them, there are private bus owners, shop owners and operators at the side entrance of the station, competitors of motorcycle shops, and station managers who have risen to positions because of this...

The list is very rough and not sorted, and it is unclear who has benefited the most. Fortunately, the relevant information of the relevant persons has been recorded very thoroughly. Names, ID numbers, workplaces, reasons, etc. are all clearly visible.

Liu Jinghui looked at it for a while, and stopped looking at the information behind it. He screened it by age first, and based on the information Jiang Yuan provided later, he took out the people who were 34 years old at the time and about 42 years old now.

After this selection, there were only two people on the entire list. Liu Jinghui called them separately and found that their heights did not match.

Frowning, Liu Jinghui waved over two more detectives and said, "Call the people on this list. The women will ask about the height of their husbands and ex-husbands. The young ones will ask about their fathers, and the old ones will ask Men ask about the height of their sons, and they ask about their fathers, brothers, and sons’ heights. Those who do business ask about the heights of their partners, and make a list of men who are about 1.6 meters tall.”

Liu Jinghui wanted to compare this watch with the footprints provided by Jiang Yuan, so he simply asked about his height. No matter how your weight, age, and appearance change, your height will never change.

The two detectives didn't ask any questions and started busy operating.

Qiu Yue looked at the increasingly heated atmosphere, feeling stable and nostalgic. He just looked at Jiang Yuan's back, as if he was looking at the emperor's new clothes.

At this moment, Qiu Yue felt that he felt his true self: a simple young man who had not changed his original intention after many years of turmoil and still had the kindest ideals...

"Chu Liu, there's one over here." The detective sent a note,

"Hou Tianlong." Liu Jinghui glanced at Qiu Yue and said, "Do you have any impression?"

"No, who is he?"

"I opened an auto repair shop 8 years ago, with the front and back of the shop. My wife is in charge of the front and my husband is in charge of the mechanical repair part..." Liu Jinghui looked a little more serious. If you know how to repair machines, you already have the basics of making bombs.

Qiu Yue has really recalled too many details about this case in the past few years. He frowned and thought for a while, and said: "I remember that his auto repair shop is on the other side of the city, and the business itself is different from the victim. Conflict. Why was he on the list?"

"His wife is on the list. His wife is a strong woman. She and the victim's motorcycle repair shop are agents of the same company's engine oil. They both want to be agents of Qu'an County. The two of them even met in front of someone from the engine oil manufacturer. We had an argument in person." Liu Jinghui paused, looked at the computer screen, and said: "He is 1.6 meters tall. He was 34 years old eight years ago. He and his wife divorced four years ago. Now he is a relatively large engine oil agent in the county. Already..."

As Liu Jinghui read, he shouted: "Old Han, come and see this person, please come and ask me."

"It's possible." Captain Han responded first. After reading the person's information, he felt that his brain nerves were suddenly connected: "This person matches the relevant information of the suspect... I think we can do a side investigation first. "

"Okay, I agree." Liu Jinghui said.

Eight years ago, all evidence was no longer valid. At this time, the biggest advantage of the police lies in the fact that the enemy is overt and we are covert.

The murderer must have relaxed after such a long period of inactivity. Someone who has been nervous for 8 consecutive years should have been admitted to a mental hospital for anxiety.

Therefore, side investigation is most beneficial at this time.

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